Search: For - Central Asia

121 results found

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan
Sep 09, 2021

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan

With the Taliban taking over in Afghanistan, India must engage more closely with Central Asia for both strategic security concerns and trade

Central Asia is back in the “game”
Sep 14, 2022

Central Asia is back in the “game”

With the threat of instability looming over Central Asia, the need for regional cooperation has increased significantly.

Central Asia: A region gaining more from Beijing than Washington D.C.
Nov 02, 2020

Central Asia: A region gaining more from Beijing than Washington D.C.

The absence of a comprehensive Central Asian policy under Trump has paved the way for China and Russia to more clearly project their interests in the

Central Asia: Modi trying to catch up with Xi?
Jul 08, 2015

Central Asia: Modi trying to catch up with Xi?

In two sets of visits to the Central Asian region in 2013 and 2014, Xi Jinping set a scorching pace for Modi to follow. Unfortunately for India, even a super-star Prime Minister cannot do the impossible. He lacks the vast investible resources that China has already deployed and is deploying in the region.

2003 : Jihadi Terrorism in Central Asia
Jan 27, 2004

2003 : Jihadi Terrorism in Central Asia

While the year 2003 saw many acts of terrorism in South, South-East and West Asia, as well as in Chechnya in Russia, very few major acts of terrorism were reported from Central Asia. In fact, ever since the US-led coalition went into action against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Central Asian Republics (CARs) have remained largely free of major acts of terrorism

A European-Central Asian strategy to counter Russia and China’s influence
Mar 15, 2024

A European-Central Asian strategy to counter Russia and China’s influence

By guaranteeing significant investments in new supply chains and tackling poverty in the Central Asian nations, the EU can forge a coherent and mutual

A tough road ahead for Central Asia
Mar 17, 2022

A tough road ahead for Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics face economic challenges because of the unceasing sanctions imposed on Russia coupled with its own social-economic prob

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia
Nov 23, 2023

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics (CARs) have, in recent years, implemented multifaceted foreign policies to achieve strategic autonomy and limit China’s influence and Russia's traditional sway. But domestic uprisings in the CARs, the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict have given China new opportunities to strengthen its presence in Central Asia. This brief investigates China's increased engagement with the CARs

Building up connections in Central Asia
Jan 27, 2022

Building up connections in Central Asia

Since 1991, New Delhi's ties with the Central Asian countries have developed slowly despite a shared culture and trade links via the ancient Silk Road

C+C5 Summit: Beijing’s increasing shadow over Central Asia
May 29, 2023

C+C5 Summit: Beijing’s increasing shadow over Central Asia

Amidst rising anti-China protests in Central Asian countries, Xi attempts to project Beijing as a partner and not a hegemon during the recent China-Ce

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव
Jul 26, 2023

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव

मध्य एशिया पर बढ़ते नियंत्रण के साथ-साथ दुनिया में चीन का

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव
Nov 17, 2022

Chinese influence over Central Asia: मध्य एशिया पर चीन का बढ़ता प्रभाव

मध्य एशिया पर बढ़ते नियंत्रण के साथ-साथ दुनिया में चीन का

Continuity in India’s ties with Central Asia
Feb 09, 2021

Continuity in India’s ties with Central Asia

As New Delhi cements its position as one of the fastest-growing major economies of the world, its increased engagement with the Central Asian region c

EU’s expanding engagement in Central Asia to counter Russia and China
Jul 14, 2023

EU’s expanding engagement in Central Asia to counter Russia and China

The geopolitical and security crisis has forced the CARs and the EU to rethink their foreign policy regarding the region's sovereignty, safety, and st

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia
Jul 23, 2007

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia

The May 2007 summit at Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan between Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan has once again brought the Central Asian Republics (CARs), especially Turkmenistan, in the limelight of international energy politics.

GCC and Central Asia Summit amidst great power competition
Aug 03, 2023

GCC and Central Asia Summit amidst great power competition

Amidst the fragile world order and great power competition, the recent GCC-CAR summit aims to strengthen political and strategic relations

Growing Chinese influence over Central Asia
Nov 10, 2022

Growing Chinese influence over Central Asia

Xi’s aspirations of Chinese hegemony are accelerating as his control over Central Asia expands

India and Central Asia need more coherence on Afghanistan
Dec 28, 2021

India and Central Asia need more coherence on Afghanistan

Both the players would have to cooperate to address the common concerns emerging from a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia
Feb 17, 2020

India and China in Central Asia: Understanding the new rivalry in the heart of Eurasia

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, India established official ties with the five former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan; so did China. In recent years, both India and China have come up with different strategies to strengthen their respective ties with these resource-rich economies, collectively called the Central Asian Republics (CARs). China’s strategy is the ambitious Belt and Roa

India and Russia in Central Asia: Opening the doors of perception
May 18, 2024

India and Russia in Central Asia: Opening the doors of perception

Russia views India’s burgeoning role in Eurasia with optimism, both politically and economically and recognises its potential to fortify its trade a

India is not the only country wanting more influence in the Central Asian region
Jun 09, 2017

India is not the only country wanting more influence in the Central Asian region

India’s growing interests in Central Asia are well recognised.

India on the right track to bolster relations with Central Asia
Dec 13, 2021

India on the right track to bolster relations with Central Asia

With Afghanistan proving to be an important point of convergence, India must enhance its relation with Central Asia and its economy

India should hit the snooze button on Afghanistan and Central Asia, focus on oceanic region
Jun 24, 2019

India should hit the snooze button on Afghanistan and Central Asia, focus on oceanic region

India should put its Eurasian ambitions on hold for a while and focus on its immediate neighbourhood.

India's Central Asian diplomacy can find common ground with China
Jan 09, 2014

India's Central Asian diplomacy can find common ground with China

Central Asia, which is seen by India as a potential region to explore its wider energy options in the form of hydrocarbons, hydro-electric power and uranium reserves, is apparently slipping out of its hands largely due to the energy stance of other countries.

India's energy diplomacy in Central Asia could challenge China's monopoly
Sep 22, 2016

India's energy diplomacy in Central Asia could challenge China's monopoly

There is a chance of breaking China's hegemony in Central Asia, particularly with respect to its energy harvest, which it has consolidated.

India, Russia need to think strategically about Central Asia
Mar 04, 2013

India, Russia need to think strategically about Central Asia

Both India and Russia need to start thinking strategically about the Central Asian region, not letting emotions guide their foreign policy decisions. This was the consensus reached at a conference organised recently in Delhi.

India-Central Asia relations: Growing convergence brings relations to strategic heights
Jan 11, 2022

India-Central Asia relations: Growing convergence brings relations to strategic heights

The recently concluded India-Central Asia dialogue saw an upswing in areas of mutual cooperation  

India-Central Asia Summit: Shaping geopolitics in the extended neighbourhood
Feb 18, 2022

India-Central Asia Summit: Shaping geopolitics in the extended neighbourhood

The strategic convergence of India-Central Asian countries and the growing cooperation between the two is distinctly perceptible in the recent India-C

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade
May 03, 2019

India-Central Asia: Important to facilitate North-South trade

There have been several changes in the political landscape in the geography of Central Asia — with the entry of China as a major player in funding infrastructure projects in the region, and the weakening influence of USA in the markets, along with the independence from Soviet Union.

India’s Central Asian outreach
Oct 25, 2021

India’s Central Asian outreach

Afghanistan’s situation has thrown up challenges for New Delhi

ISKP’s recruiting strategies and vulnerabilities in Central Asia
Mar 26, 2024

ISKP’s recruiting strategies and vulnerabilities in Central Asia

The ISKP has capitalised on increasing vulnerabilities and utilised various recruitment tactics in Central Asia, drawing numerous Central Asian citize

PM Abe's new thrust to Japan's Central Asian strategy
Nov 02, 2015

PM Abe's new thrust to Japan's Central Asian strategy

PM Abe has activated Japan's Central Asian diplomacy like no other leader did before. However, he is realistic enough to understand the enormous Chinese influence in the region. Rather than seeking to supplant that influence, Abe only wants to project Japan as an important and useful partner in the Central Asian scene.

PM Modi's well-timed visit to Central Asia
Jul 06, 2015

PM Modi's well-timed visit to Central Asia

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun yet another important foreign visit, this time to all the five Central Asian republics. It is a well-timed visit. India cannot possibly replace or compete with China and Russia, but it can definitely improve its visibility in the region and provide much needed room for strategic manoeuvrability.

Taliban’s Afghanistan: An Emerging Security Challenge for India and Central Asia
Aug 16, 2023

Taliban’s Afghanistan: An Emerging Security Challenge for India and Central Asia

Relations between India and the Central Asia Republics (CARs) have matured over the past three decades, primarily in the areas of military technology, defence, counterterrorism, and economy, and culture. Following the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan and the resultant security, geostrategic, and geoeconomic challenges, India and the CARs must aim to strengthen their ties. This brief assesses the evolving situation in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Factor in India’s Approach to Central Asia
Oct 13, 2014

The Afghanistan Factor in India’s Approach to Central Asia

This issue brief examines how Afghanistan facilitates India's objectives vis-a-vis Central Asia and explores how engagement with Central Asia, in turn, could play a major role in furthering India's interests in Afghanistan.

The Central Asian countries’ response to anti-Russian sanctions
May 26, 2022

The Central Asian countries’ response to anti-Russian sanctions

How are the Central Asian countries affected by the West’s sanctions on Russia?

The growing narcotrafficking in Central Asia
Jul 20, 2022

The growing narcotrafficking in Central Asia

A crackdown on narcotrafficking in Central Asia seems imperative as the recent Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the Ukraine crisis has worsened the

The overlooked heartland — Recognising the strategic relevance of Central Asia in the US-China rivalry
Dec 28, 2020

The overlooked heartland — Recognising the strategic relevance of Central Asia in the US-China rivalry

The US proclaims its main goal in the region is to expand security cooperation with Central Asian states and improve their ability to respond to the c