Search: For - CPEC

126 results found

CPEC and its (de)stabilising effect on Pakistan
Feb 24, 2022

CPEC and its (de)stabilising effect on Pakistan

Islamabad’s inability to control elements in both Afghanistan and Pakistan is proving to be a major hurdle in the execution of the CPEC project.

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK
May 12, 2017

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK

Not only would CPEC run roughshod over the sacred Panchsheel principle of "mutual respect", it would also destroy any chance of a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?
Sep 28, 2018

CPEC debts: China concerned after change in government?

The best bet for China is to keep the Pakistan army happy.

CPEC: Here comes the pushback
Oct 03, 2018

CPEC: Here comes the pushback

It was New Delhi which first pointed out the drawbacks of the Chinese model.

China’s terror dilemma in CPEC: A Xinjiang strategy?
Aug 17, 2023

China’s terror dilemma in CPEC: A Xinjiang strategy?

This brief aims to examine one of China’s possible responses to the various extremist and terrorist activities that plague the internal security of Pakistan, given the necessity of securing its USD 62 billion investment in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Given that Pakistan is failing to control this problem, China will have to take measures of its own to secure CPEC. The response of China could possibly be inspired by its strateg

New Delhi’s CPEC conundrum
Mar 23, 2017

New Delhi’s CPEC conundrum

Joining the CPEC, as proposed by Mehbooba Mufti, cannot be done without weighing India’s long-term interests

Pakistan: Why has China halted CPEC projects
Nov 25, 2020

Pakistan: Why has China halted CPEC projects

Political fragility, increased interference of security agencies and the army establishment in the matters of civilian administration and even CPEC pr

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects
Sep 06, 2023

Reading the Tea Leaves: China’s Perspective on Ties with Pakistan and the CPEC’s Prospects

This year marks a decade since the announcement of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This brief analyses Chinese-language literature to understand the country’s current stance on Pakistan and the CPEC. Two trends emerge. First, China appears to be facing a dilemma over Pakistan. While the Chinese government wants the CPEC to be successful, China’s strategic community now shows little optimism on the initiative. Second, contrary to

What CPEC means for South Asia: It fundamentally alters Pakistan’s alignment, sundering its link to the subcontinent
Nov 16, 2016

What CPEC means for South Asia: It fundamentally alters Pakistan’s alignment, sundering its link to the subcontinent

CPEC has two ends: Gwadar, where Chinese are building a maritime presence, and PoK where Pakistani and Chinese territorial & military frontiers are merging

Why CPEC could be the end of China-Pakistan relationship
Apr 27, 2018

Why CPEC could be the end of China-Pakistan relationship

While CPEC might actually be a game-changer for Pakistan, nobody seems quite sure what the game really is.

A new China military base in Pakistan?
Feb 09, 2018

A new China military base in Pakistan?

It will be its second foreign military base, after Djibouti, which was set up in August 2017. China clearly is looking at the longer term.

A reset of Gilgit-Baltistan’s relationship with Islamabad
Feb 15, 2019

A reset of Gilgit-Baltistan’s relationship with Islamabad

The political-intellectual discourse of the region had over the years evolved a historical disconnect with Kashmir — somewhat inherent, some enginee

A shadow over Chabahar’s fate
Jan 23, 2018

A shadow over Chabahar’s fate

Afghanistan’s willingness to accept China’s offer to join its ambitious China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the possibility of Russian support to Chabahar lends a new nuance to the contestation brewing between India, China and Pakistan.

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan
Oct 12, 2021

After Savouring Moment of Triumph, Pakistan Will Now Face Moment of Truth in Afghanistan

Cut this any which way you like, the US still holds all the aces and can influence different outcomes in AfPak region depending on how it defines its interests.

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command
Jun 24, 2024

Azm-e-Istehkam: China’s wish is Pakistan’s command

The new operation Azm-e-Istehkaam is designed to curb Islamist terror networks and is clearly undertaken to allay the fears of China.

Betting on connectivity: Afghanistan’s China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ambitions
Jun 07, 2023

Betting on connectivity: Afghanistan’s China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ambitions

Kabul’s possible induction into CPEC raises sovereignty and strategic concerns for New Delhi

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar

The imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran jeopardises the Chabahar project. Not only do sanctions deter countries and companies from doing business wi

Can the OBOR project be made to work for countries other than China?
May 23, 2017

Can the OBOR project be made to work for countries other than China?

Given the quantity of investments, China can’t afford to have the OBOR initiative fail. Sceptics like India can use that to persuade China to make modifications.

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!
Jul 30, 2023

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान और पाकिस्तान में सक्रिय संगठनों को क़ाबू �

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!
Mar 05, 2022

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान और पाकिस्तान में सक्रिय संगठनों को क़ाबू �

China brings Afghanistan and Pakistan together to discuss regional issues, but divergences remain
Dec 29, 2017

China brings Afghanistan and Pakistan together to discuss regional issues, but divergences remain

It is unlikely that the trust deficit between Afghanistan and Pakistan will reduce in the near future despite Chinese mediation.

China in South Asia: New Delhi countering Beijing in unipolar Asia
Oct 13, 2017

China in South Asia: New Delhi countering Beijing in unipolar Asia

India needs to cement its position as a geopolitical actor of consequence versus China.

China inks a strategic gambit with Iran in West Asia
Apr 01, 2021

China inks a strategic gambit with Iran in West Asia

While China’s push into Iran is impressive on paper, how Beijing puts this into practice will be the major point to follow.

China's fading perception management in Xinjiang
Jan 17, 2023

China's fading perception management in Xinjiang

China’s perception management through the guided tours in Xinjiang has received backlash from several Islamic quarters

Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia
May 24, 2017

Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia

The expansion of PLA Navy submarine activity in South Asia is quite in keeping with a powerful navy’s need to familiarise itself with alien operating conditions.

Debt ad Infinitum: Pakistan’s Macroeconomic Catastrophe
May 31, 2023

Debt ad Infinitum: Pakistan’s Macroeconomic Catastrophe

This paper dissects the causes behind Pakistan’s ongoing economic crisis. The causes include dwindling forex reserves, the phenomenon of ‘galloping inflation’, a falling Pakistani Rupee, uncompetitive and undiversified export basket, burgeoning external debt, lack of fiscal prudence, debt distress, and a worsening business environment—all cascading to a balance of payment crisis. While austerity measures, appeals for loan rollover to debt

Delhi⎯Beijing aligning can work to Kabul's advantage
May 07, 2018

Delhi⎯Beijing aligning can work to Kabul's advantage

The idea of partnering with China, which would like to see a stable and economically⎯viable Afghanistan, is attractive for India.

Entering the SCO will test India's equation with both Pak and China
Jun 12, 2017

Entering the SCO will test India's equation with both Pak and China

The SCO is not another SAARC, and its member states will most likely not sit by and watch their agenda hijacked by a bilateral dispute.

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India
Nov 12, 2018

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India

India will not politically prefer Russia to the US — rather it must learn to work with both. In the Indo-Pacific, India’s equities lie with Washin

For Pakistan, China is the new America
Feb 20, 2019

For Pakistan, China is the new America

Pakistan is now deeply in hock to China. From weapon systems to economic bailouts, to diplomatic support in various international fora, China is Pakis

Forgotten promises: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Jun 15, 2023

Forgotten promises: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Pakistan's involvement in CPEC has led to impractical projects heavily reliant on foreign loans, worsening the country's economic difficulties

Fresh overtures hint at a thaw in India-China relations
Mar 12, 2018

Fresh overtures hint at a thaw in India-China relations

India’s relations with China involve the four C’s — conflict, competition, cooperation and containment. The areas of conflict are well known — the border, and China’s relationship with Pakistan.

Friends with (risky) benefits
May 24, 2017

Friends with (risky) benefits

While CPEC will flush billions into the struggling Pakistan economy and rapidly speed up its development infrastructure, it is also one part of China'

How can India wean away other states in face of Chinese hegemony designs?
May 15, 2017

How can India wean away other states in face of Chinese hegemony designs?

Sooner or later, other countries are going to see through China's plan, and India should cooperate with likeminded countries to help build infrastructure of littoral states