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5189 results found

Casting the Asian dice on a West Asia board
Mar 13, 2021

Casting the Asian dice on a West Asia board

As the complicated nature of security across this geography changes, the Asian footprint is expected to only grow

A strange duality casts a shadow over elections
May 07, 2019

A strange duality casts a shadow over elections

Despite one-fourth of people living away from where they were born, no arrangements exist for domestic work migrants to vote from where they work. But enthusiasm abounds for facilitating NRIs to do so.

Beijing’s imperialism casts a shadow from South China Sea to the Pamirs
Aug 12, 2020

Beijing’s imperialism casts a shadow from South China Sea to the Pamirs

While the undercurrents of China’s aggression in the South China Sea are still gathering storm, Beijing has made a similar “historical” claim on

Broadcasting standards and TV channels
Feb 25, 2014

Broadcasting standards and TV channels

The NBSA process needs to keep pace with the fists of fury that politicians are unleashing on each other. Particularly so as the level of unsubtantiated allegations is getting worse as we're getting closer to the General Elections 2014.

Can urbanisation be the panacea for India’s caste issues?
Apr 11, 2019

Can urbanisation be the panacea for India’s caste issues?

The process of urbanisation — if carried out in a planned, sustainable and inclusive manner — can potentially help India mitigate the impact of th

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism
Jul 10, 2013

Dravidian 'social justice' has no answers yet to casteism

The 'Elavarasan episode' in Tamil Nadu is a product of an electoral malady for which the political class would only offer words, not pro-active solutions. With greater educational opportunities and industrialisation nearer home rewriting the face of caste equations, the problem has worsened.

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?
Mar 16, 2024

Forecasts for oil demand growth in India: Hope or reality?

Trends in consumption growth in the last two decades suggest that IEA’s expectation of a decline in demand for petrol in India on account of growth

Li's India visit: The die has already been cast
May 21, 2013

Li's India visit: The die has already been cast

Can China be meaningfully engaged on issues like the border or the boundary? The answer is a resounding 'no'. The Chinese leadership structure is in flux. All the meaningful rapprochements and border resolutions were carried out either in the Mao or the Deng era. Since then, China's leaders have been too weak and fearful of internal coups to move forward in a meaningful way.

Need to review and recast the relevance and role of the NSA
May 13, 2014

Need to review and recast the relevance and role of the NSA

It may be useful if the post-poll political dispensation in New Delhi reviews the relevance of the office of the National Security Advisor in contemporary Indian context, and recasts the role, if its continued need was found to be justified.

Obama: Lessons on Caste and Babur
Nov 06, 2010

Obama: Lessons on Caste and Babur

It might be an interesting detail for a US President who has come up the Civil Rights ladder. The role caste politics in India has played in boosting Indo-US ties in recent years.

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks
Sep 30, 2020

Pakistan: Growing influence on Taliban may cast shadow on Afghan peace talks

Calls for immediate ceasefire for a comprehensive political solution have fallen flat. Seemingly because Pakistan has used the Taliban as a lever to k

Surprises in the socio-economic caste census
Jul 13, 2015

Surprises in the socio-economic caste census

The statistics in the socio economic caste census is a stark reminder that most rural poor in India do not belong to the 'middle class' at all. It is important to face up to the stark reality. Emphasis and implementation of Digital India, Make in India, Smart cities' programmes ought to take into account the problems faced by the poor.

UP is home to people with dangerously wide gaps in skills, income and caste
Nov 18, 2011

UP is home to people with dangerously wide gaps in skills, income and caste

If Uttar Pradesh was to be declared a separate country, it would be the sixth-largest nation. With a population at par with Brazil and per-capita income similar to Kenya's,

West Casts Qaddafi in Saddam Image
Mar 07, 2011

West Casts Qaddafi in Saddam Image

Unlike mere Arab dictators, Qaddafi is a maverick megalomaniac draped in spectacle and pageantry - never obsequious, but consistent and unpredictable. But no Islamic fundamentalist which some of the West's closest allies are.

#2022 उत्तर प्रदेश चुनाव: क्या जातीय राजनीति पर लोक कल्याणवाद की जीत होगी?
Jul 30, 2023

#2022 उत्तर प्रदेश चुनाव: क्या जातीय राजनीति पर लोक कल्याणवाद की जीत होगी?

उत्तर प्रदेश के हालिया चुनाव में हमने ‘नए लोक कल्याणवाद’

'AAP experiment' and the staying power
Dec 16, 2013

'AAP experiment' and the staying power

The indecision of the AAP since the announcement of the Delhi poll results has the potential for the national voter to prefer national parties or alliances, rendering regional parties minimal players with maximalist muscle-flexing.

'Act East' for better connectivity
Jun 25, 2015

'Act East' for better connectivity

The motor vehicles agreement between BBIN nations is a welcome development and marks a good beginning. But now what is needed is a sustainable approach to infrastructure development in the region.

'Administration of Justice' and Judicial Administration
Aug 25, 2010

'Administration of Justice' and Judicial Administration

The solution is simple in concept but difficult to implement. Judicial administration will have to be separated from the administration of justice. A separate class of court administrators, reporting to the presiding officer but not having to take orders from him, may have to be formed.

'Agreed Line of Administrative Control' can help take India-China border talks forward: former govt official
Jan 25, 2008

'Agreed Line of Administrative Control' can help take India-China border talks forward: former govt official

An 'Agreed Line of Administrative Control' in the place of the existing Line of Actual Control (LAC) could free India and China from some of current problems at the bilateral border talks, feels Mr R Swaminathan, former Secretary and Director-General (Security), Government of India.

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices
Jan 22, 2014

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices

Experts at a conference on "Internet Governance and India: The Way Forward" have unanimously agreed that "anonymity" in cyber world is important for protection of dissenting voices. They also accepted that internet stands on three basic tenets of openness, freedom, universality.

'Blue Revolution' must follow the 'Green Revolution'
Jun 08, 2012

'Blue Revolution' must follow the 'Green Revolution'

Experts at a discussion on Indus Water unanimously agreed that a 'blue revolution' must follow the 'green revolution' so that the human possibilities for development are not compromised in the basin.

'Brand Maldives' caught in radicalisation?
Jan 16, 2015

'Brand Maldives' caught in radicalisation?

Reported jihadi threats forcing the down-grading of a New Year Eve entertainment programme and those regarding seven more Maldivians joining the civil war in Syria have revived the on-again-off-again national discourse on religious radicalism in Maldives.

'Chinese dream' will haunt the new world
Mar 18, 2013

'Chinese dream' will haunt the new world

By ratcheting up tension, China is causing alarm in other countries that use the busy South China Sea as the shortest and most convenient link between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Chinese could well end up the losers as the countries affected could band together to offset Chinese aggressiveness. Worse, it could well trigger off Japanese nationalism and rearmament.

'Dinakaran Case' and the Politics of Alienation
Aug 18, 2010

'Dinakaran Case' and the Politics of Alienation

What was not acceptable to Karnataka have been made acceptable to Sikkim now. Naturally, advocates in Sikkim too would not want to have a judge, allegedly tainted by misdemeanour, to be their Chief Justice.

'Disaffection', criminal acts & democracy
Nov 29, 2011

'Disaffection', criminal acts & democracy

The attack on Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar at a function in New Delhi, where a kirpan-wielding individual popped up to hit him, should be viewed not as a stand-alone case.

'Externalising' the national agenda ?
Oct 04, 2004

'Externalising' the national agenda ?

There is a lot to feel hopeful about the maiden meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Pervez Musharaff in distant New York. If the two nations needed to move ahead with the peace process, set in motion by predecessor Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, Manmohan Singh needed the personal chemistry working with Musharaff. At the end of the day, both said it did work.

'Genocide' and 'equivalent'
Feb 04, 2014

'Genocide' and 'equivalent'

At this rate, the TNA can become 'untouchable' in national politics, as they were earlier. It does not serve the Tamil cause - and certainly not the moderates' cause. It is the hardliners alone, many of whom are outside the country forever that will be happy.

'Green taxes'  for  cleaner  India?
Oct 06, 2016

'Green taxes' for cleaner India?

Is green tax an answer for a cleaner India? The author contemplates if taxation is an answer

'Honeymoon over' for Hasina Government
Feb 11, 2011

'Honeymoon over' for Hasina Government

In Bangladesh, the municipal elections held last month (January 2011) provided an opportunity to assess the trends in the country's politics. The results showed that the ruling Awami League is on a declining graph as far as its popularity is concerned.

'How China sees its role in the world'
Apr 16, 2014

'How China sees its role in the world'

Chinese foreign policy statements may seem sloganistic, ritualistic and without content but one has to realise it need not be articulated in the Euro-American way, says Prof. Geremie Barme of Australian National University College of Asia and Pacific.

'India was our friend'
Sep 29, 2005

'India was our friend'

Tehran has responded in a carefully structured, calibrated fashion to the resolution passed by the IAEA Board of Governors last Saturday regarding Iran's nuclear programme. We may not have heard the last word yet, but are quite close to it.