Search: For - Bihar

55 results found

Bihar elections: A red flag
Nov 09, 2015

Bihar elections: A red flag

Nitish Kumar is already playing with one hand tied behind his back, by the RJD. Till very recently Kumar and the BJP developed Bihar in collaboration. They are, in fact, conjoined brothers in development. Modi must rise above his personal feelings and go all out to support Kumar.

Bihar Elections: Another turning point in country's political history
Nov 29, 2010

Bihar Elections: Another turning point in country's political history

That the Muslims in Bihar turned to Nitish Kumar of Janata Dal (United) despite his alliance with the BJP could well be another turning point in the country's political history. This confirms the extent of Muslim exasperation with the Congress. Nitish Kumar harnessed this disgust deftly.

Bihar prohibition: An unmitigated disaster
Nov 15, 2022

Bihar prohibition: An unmitigated disaster

Prohibition in Bihar is making the state lose excise revenues while spending heavily on the liquor ban’s implementation

Bihar: The abandoned state in deep crisis
Jun 24, 2019

Bihar: The abandoned state in deep crisis

The killer outbreak of encephalitis has exposed the widened fault lines in India’s most backward state.

Bihar’s bizarre case of a clash between judge, cops, and lawyers
Dec 16, 2021

Bihar’s bizarre case of a clash between judge, cops, and lawyers

Do the frequent clashes between the police and prosecutors reflect the growing decay from within?

Changing Face of Bihar
Jan 24, 2011

Changing Face of Bihar

Though the recent Assembly polls in Bihar witnessed developmental agenda replacing caste and related equations, the power structure is yet to change at the societal level. There only the rich and influential mattered, with caste playing a dominant role, based on individual regions.

Dissecting the Bihar Assembly elections
Nov 18, 2020

Dissecting the Bihar Assembly elections

Apart from emotive issues and caste loyalties, the narrative of governance played a major role in this election.

Reforms: Post Bihar, the days of waiting over for Modi Govt
Nov 16, 2015

Reforms: Post Bihar, the days of waiting over for Modi Govt

After the loss in Bihar, now it is incumbent on Modi and his team to start rolling out reform, iron out the wrinkles and implement his promises, otherwise, 2019 will be a distant dream. The days of waiting are over.

Speeding up Bihar’s urbanisation
Jul 19, 2022

Speeding up Bihar’s urbanisation

Both the state government and the Central government would need to adopt more concrete measures to rectify the downtrend witnessed in Bihar’s urbani

The foreign policy legacy of Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Aug 20, 2018

The foreign policy legacy of Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Atal Bihari Vajpayee emerges as a figure in the classical tradition of the 19th century European strategists like Metternich and Castlereagh—a realist committed to restraint and balance

The lesson from Bihar
Nov 10, 2015

The lesson from Bihar

The electorate in Bihar has very clearly told the BJP that they had elected the Modi government not to bring some version of Hindutva Raj, but to bring economic and governance changes that would enhance the quality of their economic and personal lives.

Whoever wins, Bihar wins again
Nov 05, 2015

Whoever wins, Bihar wins again

There is an element of Shakespeare in Bihar politics. It has over the last 40 years seen so many historical developments impacting national politics that the ongoing election will once again throw up a surprise.

Why Bihar’s prohibition law failed and what policymakers can learn from it
Jul 18, 2018

Why Bihar’s prohibition law failed and what policymakers can learn from it

Bihar’s policy foundations were erroneous, and in an effort to cover up its rudimentary faults, advocates of this policy have been resorting to othe

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy
Sep 23, 2013

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy

Now that BJP PM candidate Narendra Modi is approaching what could possibly be the pinnacle of his career, the last thing he wants is to box himself in by his own rhetoric. It is for this reason that in his Haryana speech, he also invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee's policy, which used the Kargil crisis to get the world community to pin down Pakistan on avoiding the use of violence in relation to Kashmir.

Farakka row: Time to shelve colonial reductionist engineering, explore Chinese model
Sep 09, 2016

Farakka row: Time to shelve colonial reductionist engineering, explore Chinese model

The sole reliance on the traditional British engine while constructing Farakka Barrage has created problems at a minimum of two levels.

Five-point someone
May 26, 2014

Five-point someone

For Modi, Nawaz Sharif's willingness to show up at the launch of his government is a political bonus. If Modi is luckier than Manmohan Singh and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, he might make some sustainable progress with Pakistan.

Focus on industrialisation to tackle rural poverty
Apr 04, 2012

Focus on industrialisation to tackle rural poverty

Why have the north-eastern States remained poor? This has to be looked into carefully. It has to do with inadequacy or inefficacy of development programmes for income generation. Why have some states like Bihar, UP and Chhattisgarh also not done well?

Guided Democracy, by Whom?
May 02, 2004

Guided Democracy, by Whom?

If it is any yardstick for a vibrant democracy, India today has six former Prime Ministers around. Only two of them, namely, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and P V Narasimha Rao completed a full term, and thus became mascots of political stability in their time. Yet, subsequent elections proved that stability was not the only concern of the Indian voter. To him, political stability is a vehicle for his deliverance and in ways he understands.

India has only been 'managing' Kashmir, says former Vajpayee advisor
Aug 13, 2015

India has only been 'managing' Kashmir, says former Vajpayee advisor

Taking part in the discussion on his new book "Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years", Mr A.S. Daulat, a former Advisor to Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said there have been troubling signs in the Kashmir Valley, such as a number of disappearances and the radicalisation and training of certain sections of youth.

India-Iran and the Easing of Sanctions
May 14, 2015

India-Iran and the Easing of Sanctions

India's deepening engagement with the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council as well as Israel could also moderate New Delhi's diplomatic ties with Tehran. India-Iran relations were at their peak during then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's visit to Tehran in 2001 and then Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's visit to India in 2003.

India: Challenges in conducting elections during Covid-19
Oct 14, 2020

India: Challenges in conducting elections during Covid-19

Elections in a demographically large democracy like India demands vibrant — at times chaotic — political interaction, and mass mobilisation on a l

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers
May 07, 2020

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers

The plight of the Nepali migrant labourers stuck in foreign countries like India advertently questions the interest of these labourers to travel abroa

Jehanabad raid: A higher stage of Maoists' militarisation
Nov 19, 2005

Jehanabad raid: A higher stage of Maoists' militarisation

The Jehanabad raid by Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), or CPI-Maoist, in south Bihar, on November 13 which is also being termed as Operation Jailbreak, is important for many reasons. The attack loudly states the level of ¿militarisation¿ that the largest and most lethal Naxalite outfit in the country has reached.

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism
Apr 08, 2005

Kargil of India's 'War' on terrorism

The Kargil military conflict of 1999 between India and Pakistan came in the wake of the "bhai-bhai" ("we are brothers") euphoria generated by the bus ride of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister, to Lahore and his high-profile meeting with Mr.Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan's then Prime Minister. In the euphoria, we let ourselves be caught napping by the Pakistan Army in the heights of Kargil.

Modi's world
Apr 09, 2014

Modi's world

If elected to power, Narendra Modi's success on the diplomatic front will depend on an emulation of the last BJP prime minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who successfully carved out foreign policy autonomy from his party's antediluvian world view.

Need for stronger role of States in ties with neighbours
Feb 28, 2012

Need for stronger role of States in ties with neighbours

Nepal Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai, by choosing to go to Bihar, has reinforced the point that States like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are vital for maintaining a cordial Indo-Nepal relation.

Not just Looking East but Acting East
Jun 11, 2015

Not just Looking East but Acting East

The entire region from Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Bihar and West Bengal to Arunachal Pradesh will benefit through improved connectivity. India should now look and Act East in Myanmar seriously as the country has a long border with our northeast and sustained friendly relations are important for India.

ORF recommends $1 billion SAARC Fund
Jan 22, 2004

ORF recommends $1 billion SAARC Fund

The SAARC should plan a billion dollar Infrastructure Fund for developing water and energy projects in areas with high unemployment and poverty rates, a ORF Policy Brief issued on the eve of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee¿s visit to Islamabad to attend the 12th SAARC Conference.

Sleeping with terrorists
Oct 30, 2004

Sleeping with terrorists

A collusive relationship between politicians and Naxalites or the People's War (PW) and Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI), which have merged on September 21, 2004, to form the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), is clearly visible in Bihar, as in several other parts of the country.

Tap nature to cure water woes
Jul 22, 2019

Tap nature to cure water woes

The apparent hydrological paradox is natural, but its impact is man-made.

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process
May 01, 2006

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process

The India-Pakistan peace process, punctuated with -uctuating waves of optimism and anxiety, has completed three years, and it is appropriate, and timely, to review whether the primary On April 22, 2003 the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, told the Indian Parliament that India was unilaterally opening “the doors for talks” with Pakistan. The offer was based on two simple premises: one, that Pakistan would stop cross-border in

The Modi govt's real test is yet to come
May 27, 2015

The Modi govt's real test is yet to come

The real test for any government is elections - both state and central. The Narendra Modi government faces one later this year when elections will take place to the Bihar.

Tipple tips the odds against Nitish Kumar
Aug 22, 2016

Tipple tips the odds against Nitish Kumar

Fines and presumption of guilt in case an individual is found drinking is a feature of Nitish Kumar government’s prohibition regime.

Understanding the Unique Nature of Political Violence in Bengal
Jul 21, 2023

Understanding the Unique Nature of Political Violence in Bengal

In many countries across the world, democracy and political violence can be inseparable. Even the most advanced western democracies have not escaped this pitfall. For the young republic that is India, political violence is commonly linked to electoral politics and in many instances, is episodic. States such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Kerala, for example, have had a long history of violent incidents erupting during elections. West Bengal

Vajpayee's foreign policy may be his most enduring legacy
Aug 20, 2018

Vajpayee's foreign policy may be his most enduring legacy

From testing nuclear weapons to pursuing peace with Pakistan and China, Atal Bihari Vajpayee was clear-headed about his about his security and foreign policies from the outset.

Vajpayee's Kashmir policy was more than a slogan
Aug 20, 2018

Vajpayee's Kashmir policy was more than a slogan

Among the indicators of the success of Vajpayee’s Kashmir policy is that even two decades later, the politicians, the civil society, the intelligent

कोरोनाकाळात बिहार निवडणुका कशासाठी?
Sep 10, 2020

कोरोनाकाळात बिहार निवडणुका कशासाठी?

कोरोनामुळे सुमारे ८० टक्के देशांत निवडणुका पुढे ढकलल्या आहेत. भारतातही स्थानिक निवडणुका पुढे ढकलल्या आहेत. मग या काळात बिहार निवडणुकांसाठी अट्टाहास का?

क्यों विफल रहा बिहार का मद्य निषेध कानून
Aug 10, 2018

क्यों विफल रहा बिहार का मद्य निषेध कानून

बिहार की मद्यनिषेध नीति की नींव गलत थी और शुरूआती गलतियो�

बिहार के शहरीकरण की प्रक्रिया में कैसे तेज़ी लायी जाये?
Sep 03, 2022

बिहार के शहरीकरण की प्रक्रिया में कैसे तेज़ी लायी जाये?

बिहार के शहरीकरण में दर्ज होती गिरावट को सुधारने के लिए क�

बिहार के शहरीकरण की प्रक्रिया में कैसे तेज़ी लायी जाये?
Sep 03, 2022

बिहार के शहरीकरण की प्रक्रिया में कैसे तेज़ी लायी जाये?

बिहार के शहरीकरण में दर्ज होती गिरावट को सुधारने के लिए क�

बिहार में शराबबंदी: एक अनसुलझी ‘आपदा’
Dec 26, 2022

बिहार में शराबबंदी: एक अनसुलझी ‘आपदा’

शराब पर प्रतिबंध के अमलिकरण पर होने वाले भारी खर्चे की वज�

बिहारच्या शहरीकरणासाठी ठोस उपाययोजना आवश्यक
Apr 26, 2023

बिहारच्या शहरीकरणासाठी ठोस उपाययोजना आवश्यक

बिहारच्या नागरीकरणात दिसून आलेला घसरलेला कल सुधारण्यासाठी राज्य सरकार आणि केंद्र सरकार या दोघांनीही अधिक ठोस उपाययोजना करणे आवश्यक आहे.