Search: For - Bhutan

203 results found

Bhutan buffer
Jun 28, 2012

Bhutan buffer

Bhutan's reported decision to establish diplomatic relations with China marks an end to the system of buffer states that the British Raj had created in the 19th century to secure the subcontinent against encroachments from external powers.

Bhutan elections: What is at stake for India?
Jan 22, 2024

Bhutan elections: What is at stake for India?

While the new administration will make little difference in Bhutan’s border negotiations with China, it will promote deeper economic cooperation and

Bhutan PM’s visit: Special ties to be nurtured
Dec 27, 2018

Bhutan PM’s visit: Special ties to be nurtured

Bhutan is of great importance to India for its location as a landlocked country between India and China.

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India
Jul 11, 2013

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India

Noted author of a book on Bhutan, Omair Ahmad, argued that the way forward for India was to acknowledge that it could no longer insulate Bhutan. In the past, India engaged the monarchy and the elite, and the time has come to broaden the relationship, he said.

Bhutan-China: Settling border issues
Nov 17, 2023

Bhutan-China: Settling border issues

Bhutan’s attempts to smoothen border issues with its northern neighbour mark a significant shift in its geopolitical perspective

Bhutan: 'Himalayan dilemma' on the China front
Jul 13, 2012

Bhutan: 'Himalayan dilemma' on the China front

The announcement on the side-lines of the Rio+20 Summit that Bhutan and China have decided to establish diplomatic relations is not only a reflection on the evolving foreign policy of the Kingdom but it also carries with it broader implications for the political dynamics of Asia.

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours
Nov 08, 2012

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours

The landlocked Kingdom of Bhutan, which borders two Asian giants--China in the north and India to the south-- is some sort of a misfit in this tightly enclosed geographic space. Its two neighbours when compared to Bhutan are a world apart,

Bhutan: Diversifying renewable energy sources
Oct 14, 2020

Bhutan: Diversifying renewable energy sources

By floating a tender for setting up the country’s first ground-mounted solar plant, Bhutan has made a maiden attempt at deploying renewables other t

Bhutan: Education hub and beyond
Feb 28, 2014

Bhutan: Education hub and beyond

The Bhutan cabinet's scrapping of the allotment of some 1,000 acres of land proposed for the proposed education city has put the ambitious project based on public-private partnership (PPP) in a limbo.

Bhutan: Education in India
Mar 13, 2015

Bhutan: Education in India

Popularity of India as an education destination for Bhutanese students is a reference-point for close bilateral ties. Today, as many as one third of Bhutan's student population are pursuing higher education in India,

Bhutan: From New Delhi to Tokyo
Jul 04, 2014

Bhutan: From New Delhi to Tokyo

Bhutan has announced its support for Japan's bid for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. This was announced by Bhutan's Prime Minister, Tshering Tobgay, who completed his official visit to Japan on July 2.

Bhutan: Lessons in tackling corruption for India?
Aug 21, 2015

Bhutan: Lessons in tackling corruption for India?

A parliamentary delegation from the tiny Himalayan kingdom witnessed the log-jam in Indian Parliament on 10 August. The combined Opposition's Rajya Sabha tirade against the government over allegations of corruption involving ruling BJP's ministers was the main reason for the log-jam in the Indian Parliament.

Bhutan: New leadership has its task cut out
Aug 23, 2013

Bhutan: New leadership has its task cut out

A new leadership has assumed office in Bhutan defying all pre-poll surveys that were predicting an adverse result for the country's opposition party. The People's Democratic Party (PDP), led by Tshering Tobgay won the elections by winning 32 seats out of 47.

Bhutan: Nurturing the entrepreneurship ecosystem
May 20, 2020

Bhutan: Nurturing the entrepreneurship ecosystem

The launching of the Nu. 1.2 billion CSI and startup flagship has been a major initiative undertaken by the present government that has professed the motto of “Narrowing the Gap.”

Bhutan: Pandemic and economic resilience
Apr 20, 2020

Bhutan: Pandemic and economic resilience

Tourism is the worst hit sector in Bhutan. The livelihood of 50,000 citizens depends on this or allied sectors.

Bhutan: Politics without political-divide yet
Jan 18, 2013

Bhutan: Politics without political-divide yet

As Bhutan prepares for its second general elections this year, the political landscape of the nation has yet to undergo significant change from the first one. While being active, democracy in the Himalayan Kingdom is still State-centric,

Bhutan: Prospects of powering the sub-region
Oct 25, 2013

Bhutan: Prospects of powering the sub-region

Bhutan, the tiny South Asian country, is a power-house literally. Power constitutes the country's single largest export item. The Himalayan kingdom is located in one of the fastest growing regions of the world.

Bhutan: Refugees from the 'Dragon Kingdom'
Sep 14, 2012

Bhutan: Refugees from the 'Dragon Kingdom'

Since time immemorial, the land that is now Bhutan has been a nation that has limited its interaction with the outside world and discouraged immigrants. This to some extend could be attributed to the nation's tie and linkages with Tibet.

Bhutan: Regional grouping a must for economic revival
Jan 13, 2021

Bhutan: Regional grouping a must for economic revival

Bhutan must create reliable relationships with other countries that can offer the framework of an international community. One such community can be t

Bhutan: Role of tourism in post-pandemic economic revival
Dec 16, 2020

Bhutan: Role of tourism in post-pandemic economic revival

Compared to other tourist destinations in the world, Bhutan is likely to be safer and more flexible.

Bhutan: Sub-regional connectivity on cards
Jun 12, 2015

Bhutan: Sub-regional connectivity on cards

Ties of the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan with Nepal, Bangladesh and India stand to be boosted. Trade ties with Bangladesh are expected to be intensified with India allowing transit to Bangladesh for trade with Bhutan.

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming
Mar 22, 2013

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming

The small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, surrounded by two giant regional superpowers, India and China, is showing the world that simple resolve and strong political will can pave way for a huge change.

Bhutan: The new hub for regional cooperation
May 24, 2013

Bhutan: The new hub for regional cooperation

The little Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, owing to its strategic geographic location, is turning out to be the new hub for regional cooperation in South Asia. Bhutan's hydro-power prospects are no secret.

Bhutan: Time to deliver
Dec 27, 2013

Bhutan: Time to deliver

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck's address to the nation on the 106th National Day function held on 17 December 2013 came as a ready-reckoner for the new government at the helm of the Bhutan's affairs, when the king heavily criticised the poor implementation of policies.

Bhutan: Twenty-five years of energy cooperation with India
May 02, 2014

Bhutan: Twenty-five years of energy cooperation with India

The tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan has completed 25 years of energy cooperation with India. The idea was/is for Bhutan to facilitate Indian funding for setting up hydro-power projects in the country,

Bhutan: Where from here, 'all the king's men' ?
Nov 16, 2012

Bhutan: Where from here, 'all the king's men' ?

'Election fever' has descended on the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, but it is not inspired by the political class and the masses but by the State. The notification of the Election Commission on limiting the role of religion.

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role
May 24, 2023

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role

Neighbours India and Bhutan have shared five decades of friendly ties. Using as a backdrop Bhutan’s transition from a monarchy to democracy beginning in 1998, this brief makes an assessment of India’s role in Bhutan’s economic development in the past 20 years.  It looks at India’s contribution to Bhutan in terms of trade, hydropower enrichment, and development cooperation. The brief argues that India and Bhutan’s relations have endured

Bhutan’s border conundrum: Nowhere near the finish line
Nov 10, 2022

Bhutan’s border conundrum: Nowhere near the finish line

Despite the urgency shown by all three parties—Bhutan, India, and China—to end the border disputes, divergent interests continue to pose a signifi

Bhutan’s border dispute: चीन-भूटान सीमा विवाद की पहेली आख़िर कब सुलझेगी?
Jul 27, 2023

Bhutan’s border dispute: चीन-भूटान सीमा विवाद की पहेली आख़िर कब सुलझेगी?

तीनों देशों- भूटान, भारत और चीन, की ओर से तात्कालिकता दिखा�

Bhutan’s border dispute: चीन-भूटान सीमा विवाद की पहेली आख़िर कब सुलझेगी?
Nov 23, 2022

Bhutan’s border dispute: चीन-भूटान सीमा विवाद की पहेली आख़िर कब सुलझेगी?

तीनों देशों- भूटान, भारत और चीन, की ओर से तात्कालिकता दिखा�

Bhutan’s crypto mining bets: Decoding economic and foreign policy implications
May 28, 2024

Bhutan’s crypto mining bets: Decoding economic and foreign policy implications

The growth of crypto mining in Bhutan has brought its fair share of benefits and challenges

Bhutan’s embankment to the new world order
Nov 16, 2023

Bhutan’s embankment to the new world order

Bhutan realises that it can no longer afford to ignore its northern neighbour and aims to swiftly resolve its border issues through diplomatic negotia

Bhutan’s goal of a green city: Pathways for a syncretic Indo-Bhutan development
Jan 18, 2024

Bhutan’s goal of a green city: Pathways for a syncretic Indo-Bhutan development

Bhutan’s forthcoming urban expansion will be a great opportunity for Indian urban planners to closely observe an urbanism model rooted in the ethos

Bhutan’s imperatives and India’s dilemmas
Apr 12, 2023

Bhutan’s imperatives and India’s dilemmas

While India-China competition and Chinese assertiveness have triggered some changes in Bhutan’s foreign policy, recent developments suggest that continuity still looms large in Bhutan-India relations

Analysing Bhutan’s fourth National Assembly elections
Feb 08, 2024

Analysing Bhutan’s fourth National Assembly elections

Unlike elections in many parts of the world, Bhutan experienced a seamless transfer of power during its most recent elections

Assessing Bhutan’s migration trends and policies
Mar 31, 2023

Assessing Bhutan’s migration trends and policies

The Bhutanese government has brought about reforms to upskill the youth, bridge the demand-supply mismatch in the job market and prevent further brain

Brand Bhutan and tourism in BIMSTEC
Jan 15, 2021

Brand Bhutan and tourism in BIMSTEC

The ‘high-value, low volume’ tourism policy ensures that the number of tourists arriving is consistent with the absorptive carrying capacity of th

Chinese reactions to Bhutan PM’s interview
Apr 14, 2023

Chinese reactions to Bhutan PM’s interview

The Bhutanese PM’s recent interview is being lauded by the Chinese as an attempt by Bhutan to move closer to China at the expense of India

Doklam — The Sino Indian standoff in Bhutan
Jul 10, 2017

Doklam — The Sino Indian standoff in Bhutan

This is the first time Indian forces have challenged Chinese claims on Bhutanese territory.

Driving Across the South Asian Borders: The Motor Vehicle Agreement Between Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal
Sep 04, 2015

Driving Across the South Asian Borders: The Motor Vehicle Agreement Between Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal

The benefits of strengthening physical connectivity in a geographically contiguous region are increasingly being recognised. These links are expected to increase economic activity and people-to-people interaction, leading in turn to regional and sub-regional integration. In this backdrop, the Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) signed among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal is expected to facilitate cross-border movement of vehicles, thereby reducing

EAM Jaishankar’s visit to Bhutan and its political connotations
Jun 12, 2019

EAM Jaishankar’s visit to Bhutan and its political connotations

S. Jaishankar's visit to Bhutan is timely and hopes to check China’s growing influence in the region.

Harrying the Himalayas: China’s land borders law and its implications for Nepal and Bhutan
Dec 07, 2021

Harrying the Himalayas: China’s land borders law and its implications for Nepal and Bhutan

Both Nepal and Bhutan find themselves increasingly cornered by China’s new land border laws