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Remembering A Crisis As Pak Sinks Into Another
Dec 26, 2011

Remembering A Crisis As Pak Sinks Into Another

President Bill Clinton's five-day visit to India in 2000 followed by a five-hour stopover in Islamabad convinced New Delhi that the world order had changed. Relationships were to be shaped by the new post cold war realities, not old loyalties.

Remembering Vajpayee at Manmohan's Moment in Mohali
Apr 02, 2011

Remembering Vajpayee at Manmohan's Moment in Mohali

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must take a leaf from the Atal Behari Vajpayee book. Remember how he was stung at Kargil by Pervez Musharraf after his bus journey to Lahore. But he persisted. He was willing to go some distance even at Agra, the hardliners in his own party pulled him back.

Renewable energy in India: 2030 and beyond
Jan 14, 2010

Renewable energy in India: 2030 and beyond

India has over thirty years of experience in developing biogas, biomass and solar energy and this expertise needs to be leveraged better

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India
Nov 12, 2013

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India

This Paper outlines the potential of renewable energy in addressing India's energy supply and access; it identifies challenges and provide a discursive overview of the various market and policy instruments developed to scale up renewable energy generation. India’s significant economic growth over the last decade has led to an inexorable rise in energy demand. Currently, India faces a Ichallenging energy shortage. To grow at 9 per cent over t

Repeat of Madrid in London
Jul 08, 2005

Repeat of Madrid in London

The synchronised explosions in London on July 7, 2005, seem to be the handiwork of the Al Qaeda and the International Islamic Front (IIF) formed by it in February, 1998.

Report on Maritime Counter Terrorism
Nov 29, 2004

Report on Maritime Counter Terrorism

Maritime terrorism directed at international trade and energy supplies is not just within the realm of possibility but a distinct threat that confronts the international community. Acts of maritime terrorism of a noticeable scale began with the Palestinian Liberation Front hijacking an Italian cruise ship in 1985.

Repositioning for the 21st century, the DMK experience
Jan 06, 2010

Repositioning for the 21st century, the DMK experience

The DMK's current resurgence had its beginning in the 2004 Lok Sabha polls that the ruling AIDMK-BJP combine lost completely after the negative fallout of the economic and fiscal reforms hit the common man

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations
Aug 05, 2014

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations

The new Indian approach to Nepal, and to the South Asian region, form a core of the Modi government's foreign and security policy. The goal is to bind them closer to India through a web of economic relationships. To implement this vision, Modi also needs to untangle political issues that have bedevilled relations between India and them.

Resettle Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley
Apr 15, 2015

Resettle Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley

In the Kashmir Valley, violence has receded. But the situation is not normal, as evidenced by recent incidents of attacks. Normality will not come till the Union government addresses the sentiment that is exploited routinely by the Hurriyat. Normality will also be judged by the return of the exiled Pandit community to the Valley.

Reshaping geopolitics: The middle powers’ response to the Ukraine crisis
Jan 16, 2023

Reshaping geopolitics: The middle powers’ response to the Ukraine crisis

With shifting poles of power, the near future will force states to be more innovative to push their interests

Resolving the India-China Boundary Dispute: Incentivising Cooperation, Enlarging Bargaining Space and Promoting Constructive Strategies
May 25, 2012

Resolving the India-China Boundary Dispute: Incentivising Cooperation, Enlarging Bargaining Space and Promoting Constructive Strategies

Pessimism towards a foreseeable settlement of the India-China border dispute is not unfounded. At the political level, there is a "trust deficit" which impedes cooperation. Despite the existence of multi-tiered mechanisms to facilitate resolution, there has hardly been any progress on the issue in recent years. This paper identifies the obstacles and explores how a peaceful settlement of the India-China border dispute could be arrived at in the f

Responding to China’s rise: Japan and India as champions for the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 24, 2017

Responding to China’s rise: Japan and India as champions for the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region is experiencing profound geo-strategic re-alignments. Post-war norms are being challenged by a rising China that is unconstrained by the established legal, economic and diplomatic order. These changes come at a time of growing uncertainty over US commitments to both its regional allies and a liberal international trade regime. In the absence of American leadership, the only formidable and practical alternative is the emerg

Restoration of 4G no favour to J&K; People demand reparations
Feb 08, 2021

Restoration of 4G no favour to J&K; People demand reparations

After 550 days of restrictions, 4G has been restored in Jammu and Kashmir — now at par with rest of the country.

Restructure the forces before buying hardware
Mar 03, 2015

Restructure the forces before buying hardware

Before the Government plunges into the physical modernisation of the armed forces, it needs to put in place the much needed modernisation of the way we think about, plan and manage our national security system. Buying or making shiny new hardware for the sake of looking modern neither enhances our security, nor helps our economy.

Restructuring Sri Lanka’s debt talks
Oct 19, 2022

Restructuring Sri Lanka’s debt talks

There is no doubt that International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans often come with a set of conditionalities that most countries find unfavourable to implement. With its ongoing economic crisis and complex multilateral debt negotiations between creditor nations, Sri Lanka is no exception.

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown
Jul 10, 2015

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown

An examination of the prospects for al-Qaeda following the US drawdown in Afghanistan and the likely threats which the region, and India in particular, might face in the future. A supplementary scrutiny of ISIS, and the group's possible expansion in the region, is also proffered.

Rethinking China’s non-market economy status beyond 2016
Jul 24, 2023

Rethinking China’s non-market economy status beyond 2016

The effect of the 15th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the expiry of several provisions of its WTO Accession Protocol was the object of heated debate between major trading partners in 2016. Yet the question of China’s graduation to the market-economy status, and its implications on the anti-dumping investigations in the importing countries, remains. This paper explores the divergent legal interpretat

Rethinking the Kabul engagement
Apr 07, 2011

Rethinking the Kabul engagement

India now has an easier relationship with Kabul and Washington. An India-Pakistan-Afghanistan trialogue this year to try and dispel some of the suspicions Pakistan has over India's ambitions in Afghanistan may be the way forward.

Rethinking the relevance of existing credit rating agencies to BRICS
May 24, 2017

Rethinking the relevance of existing credit rating agencies to BRICS

Global growth is expected to experience an uptick this year due to renewed economic activity in the emerging and developing market economies. These economies have large investment requirements for infrastructure development and maintaining a sustainable level of economic growth—for which they are dependent on international credit markets. With the growing need of economies to borrow capital abroad, the role of credit rating agencies—most of t

Rethinking US counter-terrorism policy
May 28, 2013

Rethinking US counter-terrorism policy

President Obama recently outlined a re-oriented counter terrorism strategy that aimed at trimming down the predominance that counter-terrorism had occupied in US policymaking. The speech also made public Obama's intention to scale down the drone campaign, subject it to tighter scrutiny and oversight.

Retooling for a new Asia
Jan 23, 2014

Retooling for a new Asia

Two broad principles outlined by Jawaharlal Nehru must guide Delhi's current approach to the Asian power rivalry. One is to seek good relations with both China and Japan; and other is Nehru's insistence that postwar Japan should not be isolated or punished because of its imperial past.

Return of 'hartal' politics  in Bangladesh
Jun 14, 2011

Return of 'hartal' politics in Bangladesh

The June 5 hartal, or shut down, brought back fears of the return of hartal politics which had been a bane of Bangladesh politics in the recent. Such shut downs often followed or preceded bouts of violence across the country, bringing the economy, and every thing else, to a grinding halt.

Return of a new non-alignment?
Jun 25, 2020

Return of a new non-alignment?

The middle powers are taking the middle path to dealing with the US and China, which may lead to significant challenges if New Delhi chooses to build

Return of Richard Holbrooke
Jul 26, 2010

Return of Richard Holbrooke

The Donors conference this week attended by 60 Foreign Ministers and other leaders, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was, among other things, a demonstration by NATO and US led forces that they have the military muscle to host such a meet in Kabul.

Revamping Water Governance in India: The Pathway to a New National Water Policy
Feb 12, 2024

Revamping Water Governance in India: The Pathway to a New National Water Policy

Despite the call for a global paradigm shift in water governance—from the traditional reductionist engineering approach to the more holistic integrated river basin governance framework—a change is not yet perceptible in India’s water governance architecture. The hesitation to change has led to ecological problems and conflicts at various levels. This paper identifies the knowledge gaps that inhibit the paradigm shift and explores the lacuna

Review of the Economy
Sep 28, 2004

Review of the Economy

There have been few significant changes in the basic parameters of the Indian economy in the last three months and in general, the economy is still on a relatively high annual growth path of around 7 per cent. The impact of drought that affected some parts of India during the last monsoons is yet to be severely felt on industry because it always

Reviewing Reforms, the US Way
Oct 26, 2004

Reviewing Reforms, the US Way

The current focus on ¿domestic issues¿ in the US presidential poll campaign may have a lesson or two for India, where economic reforms, and introducing a ¿human face¿ to the process have been drawing as much attention. In a way, Senator John Kerry, the Democratic challenger to Republican President George Bush,

Revisiting AFSPA - Don't blame it for Kashmir problems
Sep 20, 2010

Revisiting AFSPA - Don't blame it for Kashmir problems

In Jammu and Kashmir, AFSPA has enabled us to create conditions wherein we could hold free and fair elections and allow the state to be run by its elected representatives. And what if such military operations had not been possible or successful?

Revisiting Damascus
Jul 24, 2012

Revisiting Damascus

India's old formulaic discourse is no longer capable of dealing with the multiple tragedies and manifold transformations playing out in the Middle East. India will have to approach the Middle East on the basis of its own internal dynamics rather than preconceived ideas and preferences.

Revisiting the 'R' in 'BRICS'
Jan 24, 2013

Revisiting the 'R' in 'BRICS'

Even as Russia explores new vistas of growth and opportunity via the OECD, she must not loose sight of her leadership and moral responsibility at BRICS, of which she is not just a founding member but the foremost proponent.

Revival of BIMSTEC: A step forward for the Bay of Bengal community
Sep 09, 2018

Revival of BIMSTEC: A step forward for the Bay of Bengal community

Often the success of a summit is weighed from the number of deals signed during it, and in the present summit, only a Memorandum of Understanding on BIMSTEC Grid Interconnection was signed, giving reason to doubt the jubilation about the summit. A closer view of the summit suggests more than one reason to be optimistic.

Revival of India-US ICT Working Group: Significance for India
Mar 16, 2015

Revival of India-US ICT Working Group: Significance for India

India will have to diligently craft its strategy when engaging with the U.S. on ICT matters. Any such strategy will have to be in sync with its economic interests (the outsourcing sector as well as the other domestic sectors) and national security interests.

Reviving Assam silk industry: Few suggestions
Apr 03, 2013

Reviving Assam silk industry: Few suggestions

The government should establish a price regulation mechanism for the Assam silk weavers so that the small traders are not exploited. This can be done by setting up a Silk Auction Board on the lines of the Tea Auction Board. This will also make Assam silk a large global brand like the tea industry and transform it into a modern industry ensuing competition at the global level.

Reviving Dabhol
Jul 08, 2004

Reviving Dabhol

Enron Corp's Dabhol Power Station project, worth over-$3 billion, has, arguably, been India's most talked about project since the beginning of the "economic reforms" in the early 1990s. The 2,184 MW power project was acclaimed as the flagship project of the LPG regime that was ushered-in in 1991,

Reviving India-Egypt defence cooperation
Mar 20, 2013

Reviving India-Egypt defence cooperation

Although both India and Egypt are distracted by domestic political concerns, establishing a strong institutional links between the two military establishments will benefit both countries.

Reviving South-Western Silk Road
Jun 23, 2014

Reviving South-Western Silk Road

The revival of South Western Silk Road would promote connectivity as well as enhance economic ties between India, Nepal and China, according to experts who participated in a discussion at ORF.

Revolt of the free-riding Netizens
Apr 21, 2015

Revolt of the free-riding Netizens

The mantra of Net Neutrality would require the user to pay for new capacity since telcos then become mere managers of "dumb pipes" conveying data as it comes and recovering costs from users. No one, least of all Netizens, can stomach an increase in Net usage charges.

Revolution and Crime: Illegitimate violence
Feb 05, 2005

Revolution and Crime: Illegitimate violence

The Communist Party of India (Maoist), or CPI-Maoist, is the most lethal Naxalite group in the country. On September 21, 2004, the People's War (PW), popularly known as the PWG, and the Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI) merged to form the CPI-Maoist.