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Death of Osama bin Laden: The lessons for India
May 10, 2011

Death of Osama bin Laden: The lessons for India

The most important lesson for India from the US operation on Osama bin Laden safehouse is that it should have a clear policy as to how to deal with the principal accused in the concerned case; how to deal with him or them.

Death penalty - for what and when?
Sep 01, 2011

Death penalty - for what and when?

To confuse the delay in executing the death penalty in the Rajiv Gandhi Assassination case to politically imply that the convicts were not involved in the heinous crime would not pass legal or judicial muster. It could complicate matters, but things would remain where they would.

Death sentence for Kulbhushan Jadhav: A Pakistani provocation
Apr 11, 2017

Death sentence for Kulbhushan Jadhav: A Pakistani provocation

In the 21st century, civilised countries do not sentence spies to death except in war time.

Debating India's nuclear doctrine
Aug 05, 2014

Debating India's nuclear doctrine

The nature of nuclear threat that India faces is not "binary" as India's concerns related with Pakistan and China are intertwined. The history behind China-Pakistan nuclear collusion makes it important to look into the "interlink".

Debt ad Infinitum: Pakistan’s Macroeconomic Catastrophe
May 31, 2023

Debt ad Infinitum: Pakistan’s Macroeconomic Catastrophe

This paper dissects the causes behind Pakistan’s ongoing economic crisis. The causes include dwindling forex reserves, the phenomenon of ‘galloping inflation’, a falling Pakistani Rupee, uncompetitive and undiversified export basket, burgeoning external debt, lack of fiscal prudence, debt distress, and a worsening business environment—all cascading to a balance of payment crisis. While austerity measures, appeals for loan rollover to debt

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China's Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Debt restructuring of vulnerable countries
Jun 21, 2023

Debt restructuring of vulnerable countries

Debt for climate swap has the capacity to promote climate action and potentially contribute to macroeconomic stability

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy
Apr 14, 2021

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy

As a primarily economic discipline, the circular economy must empower business and industry.

Decade-long detention: Rohingyas in Myanmar camps
Jul 01, 2022

Decade-long detention: Rohingyas in Myanmar camps

The international rules-based order has failed the Rohingyas who now have spent 10 years in Myanmar detention camps.

Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift
May 04, 2023

Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift

Deeper professionalisation of the decision-making apparatus, with assured continuity of leadership, will prove helpful in mitigating climate change in

Decarbonising road transport in India: More wheels needed
Apr 12, 2023

Decarbonising road transport in India: More wheels needed

A policy of carrot and sticks would need to be adopted with affluent and low-income families to decarbonise transport in India

Decentralising Decentralisation
May 23, 2005

Decentralising Decentralisation

Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil¿s none-too-recent hint that the Centre was considering the setting up of a new commission to review Centre-State relations is a welcome move. While it may be yet another effort at decentralization of administrative power between the Centre and the States, care should be taken in formulating the terms of reference and in the choice of the commission¿s members that the process percolates down to the panchayat-lev

Deciphering grey-zone operations in maritime-Asia
Aug 03, 2018

Deciphering grey-zone operations in maritime-Asia

Recent grey-zone activity in maritime-Asia suggests an increase in hybrid warfare, even as the lines between military, economic, diplomatic, intelligence and criminal means of aggression become increasingly blurred. By replacing overt military aggression with soft provocations – kept well below the threshold of open warfare – aggressors attempt to leverage asymmetry, ambiguity and incrementalism for strategic effects. These tactics are highly

Deciphering RBI’s monetary policy stance
Jun 20, 2023

Deciphering RBI’s monetary policy stance

A normal monsoon and the consequently softer inflation in food prices could force RBI’s hand on both its policy stance as well as on the policy rate

Deciphering the colours of India’s economic growth
Sep 11, 2020

Deciphering the colours of India’s economic growth

Can a system — where social security has traditionally been a failure — at all opt for the normative ethical principles of degrowth for the cause

Deciphering the world: International Relations and history in India
Aug 21, 2023

Deciphering the world: International Relations and history in India

The disciplines of International Relations (IR) and History could be natural allies as both have much to gain from engaging with each other. A historically informed IR could provide a deeper understanding of the motivations of world politics, while ‘international history’ could offer a much needed comparative perspective to the manner in which history is approached. Focusing on what students of IR can learn about and from the study of history

Declining defence budget
Mar 03, 2006

Declining defence budget

In the Finance Bill introduced in Parliament on February 28, the budget estimates (BE) for defence have increased marginally from Rs 83,000 crore in 2005-06 to Rs 89,000 crore for 2006-07 ¿ a rise of about 7 per cent. With inflation ruling at 4 to 5 per cent, the real increase in current rupees is only of the order about 2 per cent.

Declining number of farmers: The alarming trend must be reversed
May 08, 2013

Declining number of farmers: The alarming trend must be reversed

The reason why there has been a decline in marginal farmers is because of the overall low agricultural growth. It has been less than 2 per cent per annum in the decade of mid-1990s to mid-2000s.

Decoding AI in emerging economies
Jan 31, 2024

Decoding AI in emerging economies

AI in emerging markets has seen significant growth. Instead of steering its growth in the Global South, the Global North should forge closer partnersh

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote
Aug 10, 2015

Decoding India's Abstention on UNHRC Vote

In what is being touted as a major shift in Indian policy towards Israel, New Delhi abstained from a vote against Israel at the UN Human Rights Commission. The UN human rights body called for Israel's accountability in alleged war crimes committed by its officials during the conflict in Gaza in July 2014.

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions
Dec 17, 2014

Decoding India's stand on international sanctions

The Modi government's policy of engagement, rather than isolation of sanctioned countries, is very much in line with its predecessor, United Progressive Alliance, led by Manmohan Singh. However, like Singh, Modi too has refrained from speaking on the issue of sanctions.

Decoding India’s latest diplomatic push in the West Asian theatre
Dec 09, 2020

Decoding India’s latest diplomatic push in the West Asian theatre

While successfully balancing relations between Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia power blocks, New Delhi’s affinity for this Gulf outreach is rooted in geopolitical and geo-economic realities

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan
Aug 09, 2023

Decoding India’s Priorities at the SCO: Connectivity, Counterterrorism, and Afghanistan

As an emerging power in the current multipolar global order, India can use the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to protect, promote, and project its geostrategic and geoeconomic interests. The SCO is also a platform for India to reaffirm its commitment to revive and deepen its centuries-old civilisational, spiritual, and cultural ties with other member countries. This paper explores India's priorities at the SCO, chiefly connectivity, coun

Decoding motives behind the Kudankulam intrusion
Nov 25, 2019

Decoding motives behind the Kudankulam intrusion

Was the cyber espionage an effort to access nuclear technology? Was it engineered by strategic rivals?

Decoding O-RAN: A blueprint for digital connectivity beyond 5G
Apr 24, 2024

Decoding O-RAN: A blueprint for digital connectivity beyond 5G

O-RAN's ability to decouple hardware and software components of traditional systems fosters flexibility and interoperability, potentially countering C

Decoding Romney's worldview
Aug 17, 2012

Decoding Romney's worldview

At this juncture of the US Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney's worldview seems to be defined, more than anything else, by the desire to sound different from President Obama. But foreign policy is still very much President Obama's turf, and Romney's recent foreign trip did nothing to change that.

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority
Aug 16, 2023

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority

As the world grapples with uncertainty in the post-COVID-19 era, China appears to be focusing on bolstering its rural economy. China claims to have brought nearly 100 million people out of poverty since 2012, but the regime feels that unbalanced development can jeopardise the gains of poverty alleviation. The widening economic gap could also foment unrest in the rural areas. Additionally, the government believes that the reliance on grain

Decoding the Afghan elections
Nov 16, 2013

Decoding the Afghan elections

We need to look beyond the Presidential vote in Afghanistan, scheduled for next April. These elections would not only test equations of military and political power as the NATO forces pull out but also the strength and possibility of deeper enduring facts of the Afghan reality.

Decoding the Atlantic Declaration
Jun 22, 2023

Decoding the Atlantic Declaration

The Atlantic Declaration is a symbolic representation of the political will in UK and US to work together on critical areas and make this alliance rea

Decoding the ban on irrational fixed-dose combination drugs in India
Nov 29, 2018

Decoding the ban on irrational fixed-dose combination drugs in India

In September this year, the Government of India banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of 328 Fixed-Dose Combination drugs (FDCs) after a protracted legal battle with manufacturers. The ban followed a report by a Supreme Court-mandated experts’ panel that not only was there no therapeutic justification for the ingredients in these drugs, but they can in fact pose health risks. This paper argues that the move against “irrational” and

Decoding the digital euro: What lies ahead?
Oct 05, 2023

Decoding the digital euro: What lies ahead?

The digital euro can revolutionise digital payments but its future remains uncertain as it grapples with widespread political scepticism about its pur

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS
Jun 21, 2014

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS

Extremists' groups like the ISIS have capitalised on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's ethno-sectarian politics. And, the resurgence of ethnic animosities has long-standing implications for Iraq and the West Asian region as a whole.

Decoding the protests in Russia
Jul 16, 2019

Decoding the protests in Russia

Since Vladimir Putin came to power, there has been a tacit social contract — non-engagement in political activity by citizens in return for economic

Decoding Union Budget 2022-23: Empty promises or solid deliverables?
Feb 02, 2022

Decoding Union Budget 2022-23: Empty promises or solid deliverables?

While Budget 2022 has made allocations to address the challenges faced by the economy, effective implementation of the Budget will be key to its succe

Decoding Wagner’s challenge to Putin
Jul 12, 2023

Decoding Wagner’s challenge to Putin

The Wagner mutiny raises some uncomfortable questions about the President’s control

Decoding what lies behind the terrorist attack in Punjab
Jul 28, 2015

Decoding what lies behind the terrorist attack in Punjab

Monday's terrorist attack on Dinanagar police station in Gurdaspur district, the first major terror attack in Punjab since 2002, and that took the lives of 11 persons, is a puzzle. This could be a routine warning from the LeT to both the Indian and Pakistani governments against getting too close to each other.

Decoding what U.S. wants from India
Jan 20, 2015

Decoding what U.S. wants from India

Narendra Modi is viewing Obama's New Delhi visit on a longer perspective where he seeks to leverage the U.S. connection to attract technology and investment from the western world, as well as build ties to balance China.

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement
May 28, 2024

Deconstructing China’s Interest in the Niger-Benin Rapprochement

Beijing’s motivations concerning the conflict resolution in Niger include a mix of economic, political and reputational drivers.

Deconstructing Pakistan's Command and Control ? Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Oct 13, 2014

Deconstructing Pakistan's Command and Control ? Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Development and production of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) by Pakistan has increased the level of tensions in South Asia, though it has, in an attempt to ease global concerns over its development of TNWs, has assured that its top leadership will continue to have complete control over its TNWs if deployed.

Decriminalisation विधेयक यानी आधे-अधूरे सुधार की कोशिश; ज़रूरत है भरपूर सुधारों की!
Jan 06, 2023

Decriminalisation विधेयक यानी आधे-अधूरे सुधार की कोशिश; ज़रूरत है भरपूर सुधारों की!

आर्थिक सुधारों की प्रयोगशाला में जन विश्वास विधेयक एक प्

Deep sea fishing seems working to ease off issues with Sri Lanka
May 17, 2017

Deep sea fishing seems working to ease off issues with Sri Lanka

By encouraging deep sea fishing in the Rameswaram area, authorities in India hope to reduce the pressure on the Indian and Sri Lankan seas.

Deepen ties with Myanmar
Nov 16, 2012

Deepen ties with Myanmar

For both Myanmar and India, Suu Kyi's visit needs to be viewed as yet another important step towards strengthening relationship between the two neighbours. It will serve nobody's interest if the visit were to be seen as a political gain for a party at the cost of others in Myanmar.

Deepening crisis in US
Jan 06, 2021

Deepening crisis in US

The political health of the US is important not just for the country itself, but the world, given its outsize influence as the foremost economic and military power.

Deepening economic crisis in Nepal
Jan 23, 2024

Deepening economic crisis in Nepal

Despite the growing political instability in Nepal, the government needs to take bold steps to revamp the economy

Deepening governance crisis in Indian cities
Jun 27, 2024

Deepening governance crisis in Indian cities

The recent tragic incidents in India have highlighted a common issue: local governance lacks effective functioning, accountability, and transparency.

Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020: Imperatives for Further Reforms
Feb 04, 2021

Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020: Imperatives for Further Reforms

The Ministry of Defence released the Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020 (DAP 2020) in September last year, in a move to further streamline the procurement process and provide a boost to indigenous arms manufacturing. This brief argues that measures articulated in the DAP—highly anticipated as it was—need to be complemented by additional reforms to create a robust procurement machinery that supports faster and cheaper acquisition as well as hi

Defence as offence: India's struggle with COVID-19
May 03, 2020

Defence as offence: India's struggle with COVID-19

With a very high population density, India has to prevent the virus from reaching vulnerable populations through a systematic approach.

Defence budget 2022-23: Securing India, pursuing self-reliance
Feb 01, 2022

Defence budget 2022-23: Securing India, pursuing self-reliance

Keeping in line with the security needs of India, the defence budget saw a significant increase. Will this be enough to boost defence research and dev