Search: For - India

12492 results found

The Japanese imperial visit to India
Jan 08, 2014

The Japanese imperial visit to India

Despite all the developments, there is still a feeling that the potential of the bilateral partnership has not been fully tapped. For instance, the total annual volume of the bilateral trade is still about $18 billion.

The Japanese plan for strategic investment in India
Aug 31, 2020

The Japanese plan for strategic investment in India

What has happened in the interregnum to see an uncharacteristic rapid change in attitude?

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process
May 01, 2006

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process

The India-Pakistan peace process, punctuated with -uctuating waves of optimism and anxiety, has completed three years, and it is appropriate, and timely, to review whether the primary On April 22, 2003 the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, told the Indian Parliament that India was unilaterally opening “the doors for talks” with Pakistan. The offer was based on two simple premises: one, that Pakistan would stop cross-border in

The Karzai 'Kaper': What India Must Do With Afghanistan
Dec 16, 2013

The Karzai 'Kaper': What India Must Do With Afghanistan

Irrespective of an Afghan- US security pact, India should prepare itself for a scenario where it may have to look after its interests by itself. Kabul and New Delhi should also be looking at developing an understanding through which India can directly and independently engage with Pashtun tribal elders, provincial governors and even regional warlords to protect its investments.

The Kashmir that India Lost: A Historical Analysis of India’s Miscalculations on Gilgit Baltistan
Oct 20, 2021

The Kashmir that India Lost: A Historical Analysis of India’s Miscalculations on Gilgit Baltistan

Since 1947, parts of Jammu and Kashmir have been under Pakistan’s illegal occupation, with India referring to the area as ‘Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK)’. The stolen region comprises two ethnically and linguistically different regions: what Pakistan calls, ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’ or AJK, which includes parts of Kashmir and Jammu; and Gilgit Baltistan, which is the northern most tip of Kashmir and covers parts of Ladakh. While Gilgit

The Kashmir that India Lost: An Analysis of India’s Post-1980s Policy on Gilgit Baltistan
Jul 21, 2023

The Kashmir that India Lost: An Analysis of India’s Post-1980s Policy on Gilgit Baltistan

This paper dissects the history and politics of Gilgit-Baltistan, a part of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), from the 1980s to the present day. It analyses the policies implemented by Pakistani leaders in the region and how successive political parties have attempted to justify Pakistan’s administrative control of it while disregarding any democratic, secular or moral principles in the ruling of its supposed subjects. The pap

The Latin American conundrum and India’s play
Sep 17, 2016

The Latin American conundrum and India’s play

With India expanding its economic and strategic footprint, Venezuela might serve a possible route to earn substantial goodwill in the Latin American r

The learning epidemic: A case for focused protection in India
Aug 03, 2023

The learning epidemic: A case for focused protection in India

By implementing focused protection instead of lockdowns, learning epidemics as seen during the COVID-19 period could be avoided in the future

The legitimacy of India’s grievance with the international rating triumvirate
Jul 27, 2023

The legitimacy of India’s grievance with the international rating triumvirate

While it might be tempting to dismiss the importance of international rating agencies based on periods of robust inflows of foreign investment, the im

The limitations of India-Japan partnership
Feb 04, 2014

The limitations of India-Japan partnership

While it might be politically palatable to consider a purely Asia-Pacific strategic partnership to maintain stability in the region, this will be strategically short-sighted because no such partnership will have the military muscle or diplomatic heft to achieve its objectives.

The logic of India’s response to China
Aug 16, 2017

The logic of India’s response to China

For India, there is only one option regarding the Doklam standoff: standing up to China resolutely to protect its core interests.

The Long Shadow of NATO-Russia Contestation on India
Apr 07, 2023

The Long Shadow of NATO-Russia Contestation on India

There are fundamental structural changes shaping the security landscape in Europe and they are also casting their shadow on Indian foreign policy and national security.

The looming Haqqani Network threat to India
May 11, 2012

The looming Haqqani Network threat to India

The Haqqani Network, operating out of Pakistan's North Waziristan, with vast training and material resources at its disposal, is likely to step in as a 'service provider' to the groups re-launching terrorist activities in Kashmir.

The LTTE in 2003 - Aspects of Concern to India
Feb 16, 2004

The LTTE in 2003 - Aspects of Concern to India

The various incidents involving the LTTE during 2003, its continued confrontationist attitude and the demand for the recognition of its ¿Sea Tigers¿ wing as a de facto navy showed that the LTTE continued to attach importance to maintaining its military capability unimpaired and was unwilling to renounce its military option while continuing to adhere to the cease-fire.

The Maldives poll results are an opportunity for India to gain lost ground
Sep 27, 2018

The Maldives poll results are an opportunity for India to gain lost ground

China is likely to mount a major effort to protect its strategic investments and ongoing projects in Maldives

The Many Unanswered Questions About India’s Missile Accident
Mar 25, 2022

The Many Unanswered Questions About India’s Missile Accident

Thankfully the accidental firing of an Indian missile into Pakistani territory did not lead to escalation, but many questions remain unanswered about what happened.

The Market for Energy Efficiency in India - No PATS on the Back Yet
Jul 23, 2011

The Market for Energy Efficiency in India - No PATS on the Back Yet

Under the PAT scheme, the market based mechanism created for achieving energy efficiency seems to be inherently flawed. While the market for energy efficiency is about 74,000 crores, it is unlikely that this potential can be tapped by the mechanism envisioned.

The menace of building collapses in urban India
Oct 05, 2020

The menace of building collapses in urban India

Solutions to the problem are pretty obvious. The first step is to set the policy right. Governments have to begin by scrapping the rent laws as they s

The menace of street dogs in Indian cities
Dec 23, 2022

The menace of street dogs in Indian cities

Caring for street dogs is misplaced kindness that comes at the cost of citizen safety

The Merits and Demerits of Skyscrapers: Learnings for India
May 05, 2023

The Merits and Demerits of Skyscrapers: Learnings for India

Skyscrapers are typically constructed to meet the housing needs arising from increased urbanisation, but they may also fulfil national ambitions to display economic might. This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of building skyscrapers to establish key learnings for India.

The Middle Corridor and opportunities for India
Jan 15, 2024

The Middle Corridor and opportunities for India

The Middle Corridor is an essential route for Central Asian countries which are keen to expand their trade with Europe to reduce their reliance on Chi

The MIRV leap that fires up India’s nuclear deterrence
Mar 19, 2024

The MIRV leap that fires up India’s nuclear deterrence

As a China-specific missile, the successful test of the Agni-5 MIRV missile enables India to reach a milestone

The Modi factor in Indian foreign policy
Mar 08, 2019

The Modi factor in Indian foreign policy

Modi has redefined strategic autonomy as an objective that is attainable through strengthened partnerships.

The mystery behind claims of India-China clash at Naku La, Sikkim
Jan 27, 2021

The mystery behind claims of India-China clash at Naku La, Sikkim

There is a mystery of sorts over the claim that India and China clashed at Naku La in northern Sikkim on 20 January.

The Nathu La Pass in India-China Ties
Jun 01, 2015

The Nathu La Pass in India-China Ties

The growing interdependency of India and China through border trade may lead to de-securitization and demilitarization in the border areas with significant implications in these areas.

The Natural Gas Sector in India: Cost of price controls
May 24, 2022

The Natural Gas Sector in India: Cost of price controls

The increment in the price of domestic gas in India and its impact on the production and consumption of the same.

The need for integrated SOPs to combat human trafficking along India–Nepal border
Mar 23, 2021

The need for integrated SOPs to combat human trafficking along India–Nepal border

It becomes imperative that both India and Nepal urgently address the existing gaps in cross-border management by formulating integrated SOPs that targ

The need to rethink skilling India
Dec 07, 2017

The need to rethink skilling India

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) must account for the possibility of interstate migration, rapid urbanisation and possible changes in the social fabric as populations react to new job opportunities.

The NEST: A pragmatic addition to India’s external affairs ministry
Mar 30, 2020

The NEST: A pragmatic addition to India’s external affairs ministry

The NEST division is a significant development and underscores the importance of emerging technologies to India’s expanding digital landscape and do

The New India Accelerator proposal: Playing to India’s strengths
Nov 02, 2021

The New India Accelerator proposal: Playing to India’s strengths

As part of the decarbonisation experiment, India can offer to lead a globally supported, incremental climate-action plan for the world

The New Suez Moment? India’s G20 and the Tectonic Transition
Sep 23, 2023

The New Suez Moment? India’s G20 and the Tectonic Transition

The world moulded by the Delhi Summit will be one of people-focused principles, and agile, trust-based partnerships