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Cyber attacks difficult to be eliminated: Experts
Feb 11, 2014

Cyber attacks difficult to be eliminated: Experts

Cyber attacks are not a security challenge that can easily be eliminated. No kind of infrastructure is absolutely impregnable and the adverse impacts can at best be minimised by emphasising on risk containments, according to experts.

Cyber debate in India: Finding a middle way
Nov 14, 2013

Cyber debate in India: Finding a middle way

The India Conference on Cyber Governance and Cyber Security, organised recently by ORF and FICCI, is the beginning of a strong forum that can debate India's policies, help mould its strategy and simultaneously address global challenges.

Cyber diplomacy: India's march
Sep 05, 2013

Cyber diplomacy: India's march

The Ministry of External Affairs, backed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, will have to further streamline the efforts to address India's cyber concerns and also factor in India's impending interests in the global ICT trade.

Cyber insurance: A poignant aid for MSMEs
Apr 19, 2024

Cyber insurance: A poignant aid for MSMEs

The increased reliance on digital platforms have heightened the risk of cybercrime in the MSME sector. Cyber insurance can serve as a support system f

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad
Sep 20, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad

This paper investigates, in the context of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, the burgeoning threats posed by cyber mercenaries acting as proxies for revisionist states bent on destabilising the institutions and societies of adversary nations. The paper offers essential definitions of what comprises cybersecurity threats, including cyber mercenaries, and delineates current trends. Drawing on open-source intelligence and insights from cy

Cyber Security & Internet Governance
Jul 16, 2013

Cyber Security & Internet Governance

With both the goods FTA and services FTA in place, India is well set on the path of a comprehensive economic partnership with ASEAN. India, whose services sector contributes about 55% to the country's GDP, has been keen to sign the services FTA with ASEAN as it will help the Indian companies tap the ASEAN markets easily.

Cyber Sovereignty: In Search of Definitions, Exploring Implications
Aug 17, 2023

Cyber Sovereignty: In Search of Definitions, Exploring Implications

The increasing dependence on the internet across the spectrum is pushing some states to adopt measures to exert their sovereignty over cyberspace. Certain global events have also acted as a catalyst for states to pursue cyber sovereignty. The involvement of multiple stakeholders and the borderless character of the virtual world have made sovereignty a complex affair in this domain. This brief seeks to illuminate the concept of ‘cyber so

Cyber Space governance: Moscow and Beijing's efforts at the UN
Sep 05, 2013

Cyber Space governance: Moscow and Beijing's efforts at the UN

While the initiatives taken at the UN, including the draft code, could be viewed as a step forward, the clear differences in what the American and Russian sides seek to address through such a mechanism will remain a stumbling block.

Cybernorms for a democratic internet
Oct 26, 2022

Cybernorms for a democratic internet

It is a mistake to frame the internet as a ‘Wild West’; it is time to demystify and de-obfuscate the role of nation states in the governance of th

Cybersecurity for inclusive digital transformation in Africa
Oct 26, 2022

Cybersecurity for inclusive digital transformation in Africa

Bridging the digital divide in Africa will not be possible without adequate people-centred cybersecurity measures

Cybersecurity Threats in Online Gaming: Learnings for India
Jan 10, 2024

Cybersecurity Threats in Online Gaming: Learnings for India

This brief examines the rapid growth of the global online gaming industry and the consequent increase in cyber threats. Issues such as microtransactions, money laundering, and predatory practices by developers can stymie the industry’s growth potential if not addressed. Many countries’ current gaming-focused regulatory frameworks do not cover these challenges and will need to be revised. India—a significant gaming market—must also conside

CyberSpace governance: The American approach
Oct 04, 2013

CyberSpace governance: The American approach

The US has become more proactive in engaging with the international community to address cyberSpace challenges ever since the policy shift in 2009. However, it still maintains its opposition to the need for an international treaty to govern cyberSpace.

Cyclone Amphan: Storming Bengal’s economy
May 28, 2020

Cyclone Amphan: Storming Bengal’s economy

The coronavirus pandemic coupled with this devastating cyclone will continue to wreck havoc on the West Bengal economy.

CyFy 2019: Chair’s note
Oct 15, 2019

CyFy 2019: Chair’s note

The real world is now complemented and implicated by the virtual world. This is a new domain altogether, and its governance is not bound by traditiona

Dams as displacers: A heavy social cost to incur
Jul 04, 2022

Dams as displacers: A heavy social cost to incur

The hydropower projects in Myanmar are riddled with challenges, therefore, a more holistic approach needs to be adopted, making sure all the stakehold

Danger in Wuhan
Apr 26, 2018

Danger in Wuhan

Even while seeking to improve ties with China, New Delhi should be careful not to limit its own strategic choices.

Dangerous optimism on Doklam
Aug 16, 2017

Dangerous optimism on Doklam

Military confrontation between India and China on Doklam is showing little sign of abating — China is not in any mood to moderate its words.

Dangerous reds
Feb 19, 2005

Dangerous reds

Although it would not be entirely false to suggest that Maoists have managed to capture the imagination of a large section of Nepalese society because of the widespread poverty and continued neglect by successive monarchs and political leadership, there are quite a few other, equally valid, reasons why Maoists have had a run of the Nepalese countryside.

Dangerous Straits: What’s driving tensions between Beijing and Taipei
Oct 25, 2021

Dangerous Straits: What’s driving tensions between Beijing and Taipei

A growing concern has been expressed at the heightened bellicosity projected by China towards Taiwan. Will China resort to a military takeover after a

Dangers of Pak-TTP talks success
Feb 20, 2014

Dangers of Pak-TTP talks success

If the Pakistan-TTP talks succeed Pakistan may actually metamorphose from a hybrid theocracy to a complete theocracy, as Ayesha Siddiqa argues, because the Taliban, good or bad, want implementation of the Sharia. Thus all would depend on how far Pakistan's military and civilian leadership want to go to accommodate Taliban demands or prefer to wage war against TTP.

Dangers of the ISIS push in Iraq
Jun 17, 2014

Dangers of the ISIS push in Iraq

To arrest the spread of brutal Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the US must go in with a limited military mission, thus aiding the process of bringing stability in Iraq and the region at large. However, it should not look at staying in Iraq for a long haul.

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges
Apr 17, 2023

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges

Fifty years after the first LNG tanker sailed from Mississippi to UK in 1959 natural gas has finally matured into a global commodity. Gas is no longer limited to being a regional resource or a continental resource.

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges
May 10, 2023

Dash for Gas: Opportunities & Challenges

Fifty years after the first LNG tanker sailed from Mississippi to UK in 1959 natural gas has finally matured into a global commodity. Gas is no longer limited to being a regional resource or a continental resource.

Data divide: The new face of digital inequality
May 17, 2024

Data divide: The new face of digital inequality

The data divide can drastically impact the progress of the 2030 Agenda, thus bridging this divide is imperative to ensure that no one is left behind

Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture: Concept and Assessment
Aug 12, 2021

Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture: Concept and Assessment

Free flow in data can unlock huge social and economic value in user data that is usually locked in silos. With this motivation, Data Empowerment and Protection Architecture (DEPA), a public-private endeavour, is being developed in India as a template for users to access and share their data on their terms. Not only does this form of data sharing promote competition, but it fosters innovation as well. This brief dissects the conceptual layers of D

Data free flow with trust: Is there a solution in sight?
Jan 28, 2023

Data free flow with trust: Is there a solution in sight?

2023 could be a monumental year for facilitating DFFT as more and more countries are moving away from the concept of blanket data localisation

Data localisation is no solution
Aug 03, 2018

Data localisation is no solution

The data protection bill is an opportunity for India to be a partner under the CLOUD Act

Data localisation: The regulatory sledgehammer
Sep 24, 2018

Data localisation: The regulatory sledgehammer

The requirement of retaining one “serving copy” of all personal data collected within India is shrouded in mystery.

Dawood's ISI links could trouble Musharraf
Oct 15, 2003

Dawood's ISI links could trouble Musharraf

The US Treasury Department's decision to designate the gangster based in Pakistan, Dawood Ibrahim, as a terrorist on October 16, 2003, was undoubtedly belated but could still prove to be a milestone in the War on Terrorism if Washington could arm-twist President General Pervez Musharraf to hand over the criminal to the interrogators for questioning about his links with al Qaida and other terrorist groups.

Daydreaming in Afghanistan
Aug 26, 2011

Daydreaming in Afghanistan

The recent attack on the British Council in Kabul by the Taliban shows that, apart from military tactics, there is an urgent requirement in the West to reconsider the political objectives in Afghanistan.

De-dollarisation: Is it a gateway to rupeefication?
Aug 17, 2023

De-dollarisation: Is it a gateway to rupeefication?

In India, although a complete overhaul of the trade invoicing system is not feasible, de-dollarisation can be complemented with the internationalisati

De-institutionalise urban planning
Jun 09, 2011

De-institutionalise urban planning

Mumbai today has a plethora of institutions - BMC, MMRDA, MSRDC, MVRC, etc. At last count, there were 23 institutions directly or indirectly 'planning' for Mumbaikars. There is an urgent need to 'de-institutionalise' urban planning.

De-politicising Sri Lanka policy
Feb 16, 2013

De-politicising Sri Lanka policy

There is a need for Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans to acknowledge that the Indian vote in Geneva owed mainly to the un-kept promises from the war years, and less to do with the 'Tamil Nadu factor'.

De-Radicalisation Programme in Swat: An assessment
Jul 27, 2011

De-Radicalisation Programme in Swat: An assessment

Despite the positive connotations of a de-radicalisation initiative in Pakistan's Swat, lead by Pakistan's army, the relationship between the military and terrorist groups still remains unclear.

Dealing with Coercive Bargaining
May 05, 2004

Dealing with Coercive Bargaining

History is all set to repeat itself in the subcontinent. As usual, the search for a permanent thaw in the India-Pakistan relationship seems to be hitting a big bump in the days ahead that might possibly derail the bilateral negotiation process initiated during the Islamabad SAARC Summit in January this year.

Dealing with the next Uri — or Mumbai
Sep 21, 2016

Dealing with the next Uri — or Mumbai

Even if India is unable to respond to the Uri attack, there is still time for the Modi government to recover.

Dealing with vector borne diseases better: Learning from Sri Lanka's success with Malaria
Sep 30, 2016

Dealing with vector borne diseases better: Learning from Sri Lanka's success with Malaria

It is not the best picture that we, as one of the fastest growing economies, present to the world — where people are still dying of vector borne dis

Death of a liberal leader
Jan 18, 2011

Death of a liberal leader

The killing of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer on January 4 in Islamabad and the wide-spread adulation of his killer, a Punjab Police commando, has raised a whole litany of fears and dilemma in, and about, Pakistan.

Death of Ayman Al Zawahiri and the end of Al Qaeda 'legacy'
Aug 02, 2022

Death of Ayman Al Zawahiri and the end of Al Qaeda 'legacy'

With the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the primary question that looms over Al Qaeda is who will replace him as the next chief.