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Corporate funding of elections: A scrutiny of some recent developments
Apr 12, 2012

Corporate funding of elections: A scrutiny of some recent developments

The pending Companies Bill provides for in an increase in the corporate funding to political parties from 5% to 7.5% of the average net profits. This increase is despite the fact that the presence of strong corporate funding laws has not hindered companies to squeeze out crores in bribes.

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws
Aug 23, 2023

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws

This Issue Brief seeks to outline the history of corporate funding in India, legislation governing corporate funding, institutional innovations in corporate funding like electoral trusts, and international experiences and their relevance in the Indian context. Given the increasing clamour for transparent and accountable corporate funding of political parties, the Brief also explores the perils of over-reliance on corporate funding.

Corrective justice: Can China be held responsible for COVID-19?
May 13, 2020

Corrective justice: Can China be held responsible for COVID-19?

It may be more useful to discern the outstanding issues with global health governance, and revamp WHO’s powers to improve surveillance and complianc

Corruption And Eleven Day Test Matches
Nov 22, 2010

Corruption And Eleven Day Test Matches

There had always been a nexus between the Congress party and big business. After all, Mahatma Gandhi?s Ashram at Sevagram was financed by Jamnalal Bajaj; Gandhiji was assassinated in Birla House, New Delhi.

Corruption! What's that?
Aug 16, 2010

Corruption! What's that?

There is nothing more anti poetic than the image of Suresh Kalmadi and his alleged shananegans. Yet the mind, that strange instrument, moved mysteriously to Josh Malihabadi one of the greatest poets of the 20th century.

Cosmetic changes in Myanmar might lead to unintended consequences as in Soviet Union
Feb 19, 2013

Cosmetic changes in Myanmar might lead to unintended consequences as in Soviet Union

Though Myanmar's reforms are mostly'cosmetic' now, the changes can have unintended consequences, as witnessed in the case of Mikhail Gorbachev's Glasnost & Perestroika in the erstwhile Soviet Union, says Bertil Lintner, author of many books on Myanmar.

Could India's bold nuclear war plan survive a clash with Pakistan?
Dec 06, 2016

Could India's bold nuclear war plan survive a clash with Pakistan?

If massive retaliation is retained in the nuclear doctrine, it will be not because of its efficacy as a strategy of deterrence.

Could Iran be Obama's legacy?
Mar 12, 2013

Could Iran be Obama's legacy?

If Richard Nixon sought a breakthrough in China after failure in Vietnam, George Bush had a breakthrough with India after failure in Iraq, Barack Obama could work on a legacy that is a breakthrough with Iran after failure in Afghanistan.

Could we have saved him?
May 03, 2006

Could we have saved him?

Young Suryanarayana is a life that has been cut in its prime. He was the vic- tim of a bigoted doctrine taught in Pakistan for nearly three decades; for the Taliban are only another manifestation of the Islamist drive of General Zia-ul-Haq. The Indian died in a terrorist act after his abduc- tors demanded that all 2,500 Indians in Afghanistan vacate immediately. It was an absurd demand and no government would ever have agreed to it.

Counter-terrorism in South Asia: New Threats Call for Deeper Cooperation
Sep 14, 2023

Counter-terrorism in South Asia: New Threats Call for Deeper Cooperation

With the foreign forces drawing down in Afghanistan, there is an inevitable loss offocus on the threat of terrorism in the highly vulnerable region of South Asia. But almost everycountry in the region, barring Bhutan, continues to confront the challenges of terrorism andinsurgency. Yet there appears little sense of the danger posed by terrorism, and its 'new' formsthat ride the wave of technology and the collapse of traditional state structures.

Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia
May 24, 2017

Countering China’s submarine operations in South Asia

The expansion of PLA Navy submarine activity in South Asia is quite in keeping with a powerful navy’s need to familiarise itself with alien operating conditions.

Countering Disinformation and Hate Speech Online: Regulation and User Behavioural Change
Jan 25, 2021

Countering Disinformation and Hate Speech Online: Regulation and User Behavioural Change

Social media platforms facilitate the sharing of information and enhance connectivity and civic engagement. At the same time, however, they are vulnerable to abuse by malicious actors who use the channels to spread misinformation and hateful and divisive content. Regulatory reforms must seek to align the utility of social media platforms with the welfare of citizens, while safeguarding the right to free speech. This paper explores the regulatory

Countering insurgency in Kashmir: The cyber dimension
Jan 10, 2017

Countering insurgency in Kashmir: The cyber dimension

Countering the militancy in Kashmir has become a highly challenging task due to the exploitation of new information and communication technology by insurgent groups. The battlefield is now a multidimensional one, encompassing both physical territory and cyberspace. The overall capabilities of insurgents have been enhanced by tools in cyberspace that are inexpensive, ever more sophisticated, rapidly proliferating, and easy to use. Militants are sy

Countering Maoist Insurgency: Has Chhattisgarh turned the corner?
May 10, 2024

Countering Maoist Insurgency: Has Chhattisgarh turned the corner?

Despite the recent series of successful operations against the Maoists, the state and its security forces have to entrench themselves in the state whi

Countering terrorism in today’s world
Jul 11, 2023

Countering terrorism in today’s world

Global terrorism can only be countered through cooperation, mutual collaboration, and confidence building amongst the international community

Countering violent extremism in Cyberspace
Apr 04, 2015

Countering violent extremism in Cyberspace

There is a need for governments to engage the private sector in counter-terrorism and counter-propaganda initiatives. Counter-terrorism doctrines and strategies have been framed in the last decade with a focus on religious extremism and have failed to encompass other ideas, feel cyber expers.

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19
May 13, 2020

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19

In coming weeks, the battleground in all probability, could be the LoC and the villages dotting the vicinity.

Coups are making a comeback in Africa, but what’s driving them?
Nov 01, 2021

Coups are making a comeback in Africa, but what’s driving them?

Successive coups in Africa will only further destabilise the region; African regional groupings need to resort to active intervention to curtail it.

Coups in khaki and other colours
Sep 25, 2017

Coups in khaki and other colours

Prolonged periods of military rule in Pakistan have enabled the military to penetrate all structures of the Pakistani state. Political parties, the judiciary, bureaucracy, and the media — today all have their share of pro-khaki elements. Therefore, a military coup d’etat is no longer the only way to unseat a democratically elected political leader who may have differences with the Army. Indeed, if former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had compl

Court giving PPM to Yameen, Gayoom’s options narrow down
Oct 27, 2016

Court giving PPM to Yameen, Gayoom’s options narrow down

Yameen needs to keep up the momentum of his unilateral approaches to politics and political administration, including legal, judicial and electoral ma

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19 and cooperative federalism in India: So far, so good

More states are beginning to relax lockdown restrictions to restore normalcy with preventive measures. How did a country of 1.3 billion, with large sl

COVID-19 and Indian defence planning
May 14, 2020

COVID-19 and Indian defence planning

The Ministry of Defence has fixated on process rather than outcomes for decades with little effort to remedy this, stymying timely modernisation of th

COVID-19 and Indian Muslims
Jul 09, 2020

COVID-19 and Indian Muslims

While the community needed to address the elephant in the room and could not be absolved of its responsibility for wrongful acts by the Tablighi Jama

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy
Apr 27, 2020

COVID-19 and migrant workers in India: Reinstating ethics of care as state policy

Migrant workers have perennially remained at the socio-economic margins of our society silently serving as the instrumental labour force of the urban

COVID-19 and the likely economic impact
Mar 27, 2020

COVID-19 and the likely economic impact

The crisis today is no longer bilateral, as it was when it had affected China alone.

COVID-19 and ‘The New World Disorder’: An opportunity in disguise?
May 07, 2020

COVID-19 and ‘The New World Disorder’: An opportunity in disguise?

This discussion drew heavily from Shashi Tharoor and Samir Saran’s new book — ‘The New World Disorder and the Indian Imperative.’

COVID-19 Compounds Global Challenges to Food Security
Aug 04, 2021

COVID-19 Compounds Global Challenges to Food Security

Across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on food and nutrition security. Efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 on Zero Hunger have been stalled, and it is estimated that an additional 137 million people faced acute food insecurity as 2020 ended. The reasons are many: interrupted food supply chains, high levels of unemployment, loss of incomes, and rising food cost. Climate change and the resultant extreme we

COVID-19 further tightens Lebanon’s fiscal and political quagmire
May 19, 2020

COVID-19 further tightens Lebanon’s fiscal and political quagmire

The COVID-19 pandemic is acting as a catalyst for deepening anti-Shia prejudice whose geopolitical dimensions are rooted in regional Sunni-Shia rivalr

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World
May 02, 2022

Covid-19 Global Vaccination Drive: The Goal of Equity in an Unequal World

The Covid-19 vaccination rollout has been slow in many parts of the world, and it might not be inaccurate to say that the newer, more transmissible variants have done a better job at immunising populations than the vaccine. More than 16 months since the global vaccination drive was started, wealthier countries have inoculated vastly higher proportions of their populations compared to the poorer ones. For example, as of late April 2022, the United

COVID-19, Blue Economy, and the Climate Change Agenda: The case of Seychelles
May 18, 2020

COVID-19, Blue Economy, and the Climate Change Agenda: The case of Seychelles

The human toll of the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating. At the same time, measures to tackle the crisis have affected national economies and grounded global trade to a halt. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as the Seychelles are amongst the countries that have suffered some of the worst economic impacts of the outbreak. The current situation illustrates the global state of unpreparedness for a pandemic and points to similar inadeq

Covid-19: An opportunity to redesign India’s formal-informal economy dynamics
Oct 15, 2020

Covid-19: An opportunity to redesign India’s formal-informal economy dynamics

The pandemic will bring in more of the unorganised sector in the formal fold by means of the economic stimulus announced, and increase the government�

COVID-19: Export bans, trade rules and international cooperation
May 23, 2020

COVID-19: Export bans, trade rules and international cooperation

World Trade Organisation rules are not pandemic proof, and have fallen short of addressing the ongoing disruption to global trade and commerce.

COVID-19: FDI dynamism in South and Southeast Asia
Jul 27, 2020

COVID-19: FDI dynamism in South and Southeast Asia

The pandemic will cause global FDI is to fall under the $1 trillion mark for the first time.

COVID-19: India could play a crucial role in combating West Asia’s brewing food security crisis
May 22, 2020

COVID-19: India could play a crucial role in combating West Asia’s brewing food security crisis

India stands a good chance to benefit from the shift in global trade triggered by the pandemic, and could fill in the vacuum by supplying West Asian c

COVID-19: Is WHO fit to lead in times of pandemics?
Apr 30, 2020

COVID-19: Is WHO fit to lead in times of pandemics?

Absence of leadership is not the only problem — the pandemic shows how the WHO failed to address deeper and chronic issues.

COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘Spanish lifestyle’ terminator
Sep 28, 2020

COVID-19: Lessons from the ‘Spanish lifestyle’ terminator

The impact of COVID-19 has shown that Spain, like many other countries, must work hard on improving its internal capability to manage pandemics.

COVID-19: Need for an overarching gender agenda in the SDGs
Jul 21, 2020

COVID-19: Need for an overarching gender agenda in the SDGs

Despite having a dedicated goal towards achieving Gender Equality — SDG 5 — disadvantageous positions for women and girls get flagged in each real

COVID-19: Rethinking human development
May 20, 2020

COVID-19: Rethinking human development

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted one of the core foundations of the concept of human development — a healthy and long life.

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate
May 01, 2020

COVID-19’s impact on EU solidarity and US healthcare debate

Even as the coronavirus pandemic strains European solidarity, its ideas on social protection experience a fillip — but this time on the other side o

COVID-19’s origins maybe in Asia but its breaking point has been in the West
May 28, 2020

COVID-19’s origins maybe in Asia but its breaking point has been in the West

The juxtaposition between the death toll in Asia and the West as well as government response teams has been stark.

COVID19 and Pakistan: The Economic Fallout
Jun 04, 2020

COVID19 and Pakistan: The Economic Fallout

Pakistan has been one of the countries worst affected by COVID-19, with the economic disruption caused by the pandemic exacerbating an already existing crisis. This paper discusses how the public health crisis has affected some of the most critical sectors of the Pakistani economy. While the government has implemented some mitigation measures, they are inadequate to counter the impact of the pandemic. The paper analyses the likely fallout of a ne

COVID19 and the Changing Geopolitical Order: Challenges to BIMSTEC
Feb 05, 2021

COVID19 and the Changing Geopolitical Order: Challenges to BIMSTEC

This brief explores the post-COVID-19 geopolitical order and the challenges facing BIMSTEC in meeting the most pressing needs of its member countries. It argues that strengthening regional organisations such as BIMSTEC will add weight to the counterbalancing of China that is underway. The brief calls on BIMSTEC to shift its priority to sectors like Connectivity, Counterterrorism and Transnational Crimes, as well as upgrading Human Resource, for b

Covid19 से उत्पन्न नए ग़रीब: लचीलापन लाने के लिए रणनीति
Dec 06, 2021

Covid19 से उत्पन्न नए ग़रीब: लचीलापन लाने के लिए रणनीति

सरकार को शिक्षा और रोज़गार जैसे उपायों में निवेश करने की �

COVID19: An opportunity and challenge for ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy
Apr 18, 2020

COVID19: An opportunity and challenge for ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy

India has done well with its neighbours by not giving up on them in their own hour of crisis. Even while the nation was faced with exigencies of every

COVID19: Shivraj Singh Chouhan initiates Reforms 2.0 in Madhya Pradesh
May 08, 2020

COVID19: Shivraj Singh Chouhan initiates Reforms 2.0 in Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh has demonstrated that it has the political will and the intent to deliver concrete measures to revive a sagging economy due to COVID19.