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The Indian formula
May 30, 2024

The Indian formula

India is also looking to share its own developmental experience with other nations placed at different levels of the developmental trajectory but facing common challenges

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF): An Asean perspective
Jun 25, 2022

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF): An Asean perspective

The article has been authored by Premesha Saha, an associate fellow, Strategic Studies Programme, Observer Research Foundation.

The Indo-Pak stand-off gets a new twist
Aug 19, 2014

The Indo-Pak stand-off gets a new twist

New Delhi, having sent a tough message, will hopefully, be working along a coherent policy perspective. Relations with Pakistan are too important to be left hostage to knee-jerk reactions.

The insane logic of violence
Dec 17, 2014

The insane logic of violence

Pakistan's offensive against terrorists may have come just too late. Because today, violent Islamic extremism has spread across the country, and is not something that can be tackled by the army alone. But the tragedy of the killing of school children could be the opportunity for Pakistan to make that strategic shift away from using violent Islamic extremists against its neighbours.

The Intriguing Silence of Osama
Sep 13, 2004

The Intriguing Silence of Osama

Since the terrorist strikes of September 11, 2001, in the USA, at least ten taped messages attributed to Osama bin Laden have been telecast by the Al Jazeera TV channel.

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?
Jul 31, 2015

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?

As the US Congress scrutinises the Iran accord, partisanship on Capitol Hill might reach new heights and it will capture headlines. Whether Congress passes the Iran deal or not, it will loom large in the election debates because of its connection to American and Israeli national security, though it is unlikely to be a real game changer in the elections.

The Iran vote and after
Feb 17, 2006

The Iran vote and after

The excitement of the Board of Governor's meeting is over and the participants have not been slow to express their views at the outcome. The Iranians are defiant, the Americans triumphant, the Russians cautious, the Europeans smug, the Chinese inscrutable, the Arabs joyous at directing a new argument at Israel, the latter pleased over Iran's predicament yet angry over a dent in their nuclear ambiguity, and the Indians self-righteous.

The Iraq Crisis and PM Nouri al-Maliki
Aug 08, 2014

The Iraq Crisis and PM Nouri al-Maliki

Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki faces challenges to his power not only from receding American support but also from political rivals like the Sadrists and the al-Iraqiyya bloc, and the rise of Sunni insurgent groups like the Islamic State.

The IS threat: India is not on the frontline
Aug 04, 2015

The IS threat: India is not on the frontline

India need not be concerned over the Islamic narrative in the country which, in any case, has produced a remarkable quiescent Muslim community in an era of turmoil in the Islamic world. What the Union Home Ministry needs to worry about are the growing instances of communal violence in the country in the past year.

The ISIS phenomenon
Apr 13, 2015

The ISIS phenomenon

The sudden and spectacular rise of the ISIS as a rival to the Al Qaeda, their brutal efficiency and zeal have led to some analysts seeking more answers about their rise and generous financial and material support beyond that which has come from the Saudis, Qataris and Turks.

The Jakarta Blast--in Perspective
Sep 14, 2004

The Jakarta Blast--in Perspective

One must avoid an over-interpretation and an over-assessment of the suspected car bomb explosion outside the Australian Embassy at Jakarta on September 9,2004, which caused the death of nine persons and injuries to over a hundred others, most of them innocent civilians.

The Japanese imperial visit to India
Jan 08, 2014

The Japanese imperial visit to India

Despite all the developments, there is still a feeling that the potential of the bilateral partnership has not been fully tapped. For instance, the total annual volume of the bilateral trade is still about $18 billion.

The Japanese PM's predicament for survival
Feb 13, 2012

The Japanese PM's predicament for survival

In the run-up to the crucial Diet session, Japanese Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko has effected a cabinet reshuffle, bringing in key changes. But will it produce the desired results as the government needs the support of the LDP-New Komeito combination for parliamentary approval of its reforms?

The Karzai 'Kaper': What India Must Do With Afghanistan
Dec 16, 2013

The Karzai 'Kaper': What India Must Do With Afghanistan

Irrespective of an Afghan- US security pact, India should prepare itself for a scenario where it may have to look after its interests by itself. Kabul and New Delhi should also be looking at developing an understanding through which India can directly and independently engage with Pashtun tribal elders, provincial governors and even regional warlords to protect its investments.

The Key to Iraqi Peace: Zarqawi or Saddam?
May 26, 2005

The Key to Iraqi Peace: Zarqawi or Saddam?

There has been speculation galore regarding Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head of the Al Qaeda in Iraq, ever since the US Marines carried out a flushing-out operation to smoke out foreign terrorists allegedly operating from the Sunni stronghold of Qaim, which is located in a desert area where the Euphrates river crosses from Syria into Iraq.

The Killing fields of Karachi
Aug 19, 2011

The Killing fields of Karachi

Karachi, on an average, witnesses close to 800 killings per year, mainly the result of ethnic/political violence. This year, the city has been extremely violent. More than 800 people have lost their lives till the first week of August.

The King and the Maoists
Feb 03, 2005

The King and the Maoists

The King strikes,' headlined the New Indian Express" of Chennai its story on the coup staged by King Gyanendra of Nepal after sacking his own hand-picked stooge Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba on February 1, 2005.

The King of a Jungle
Feb 03, 2005

The King of a Jungle

King Gyanendra of Nepal has dismissed the Sher Bahadur Deuba government and taken power into his own hands. This was not an altogether unexpected development, however unwelcome it might be to the democratic forces in Nepal or to the well-wishers of Nepali people in the rest of the world. By whatever name one may call it, it was a royal coup.

The King takes the cakewalk
Jan 14, 2004

The King takes the cakewalk

King Gyanedra¿s decision to give audience to the various political parties in early January 2004 preferred the ray of hope that the continuing political deadlock in Nepal might end soon.

The king, princesses, uncles and the crown prince
Dec 16, 2014

The king, princesses, uncles and the crown prince

Thailand appears to be heading for a royal change of guard at the very top. The widely revered and ailing 87-year-old king, Bhumibol Adulyadej or Rama IX of the Chakri dynasty, has not been seen in public for quite some time. Bhumibol is the world's longest serving monarch, having ascended the throne in 1946.

The Kurdish question and regional stability
Dec 13, 2013

The Kurdish question and regional stability

In West Asia, regional powers increasingly fear that the external dynamics of the regional political landscape coupled with the restive internal dynamics of Turkey, Syria and Iraq could potentially unify fractured Kurdish movements and destabilise the region at large.

The land acquisition debate: A review
Aug 16, 2012

The land acquisition debate: A review

Land acquisition remains at the centre of many controversies and public policy paralysis in India. There are very few public policy issues in India that rival land acquisition in terms of its complexity, challenges and significance to country's growth and transition to more urbanised and industrialised status.

The Leak: A Sinking Feeling
Aug 02, 2010

The Leak: A Sinking Feeling

Of all the arguments for the US to continue in Afghanistan, despite an embarrassing catalogue of reverses, one most often advanced even by such distinguished strategic thinkers as Henry Kissinger is that American withdrawal,

The legacy of Vajpayee and Singh
May 16, 2014

The legacy of Vajpayee and Singh

Narendra Modi's emphasis on Vajpayee's foreign policy legacy is politically significant for a number of reasons. It has offered much-needed reassurance all around that India will not abandon its traditional nuclear restraint, continue to seek peace with neighbours and promote regional prosperity through the economic integration of the subcontinent.

The lesson from Bihar
Nov 10, 2015

The lesson from Bihar

The electorate in Bihar has very clearly told the BJP that they had elected the Modi government not to bring some version of Hindutva Raj, but to bring economic and governance changes that would enhance the quality of their economic and personal lives.

The limitations of India-Japan partnership
Feb 04, 2014

The limitations of India-Japan partnership

While it might be politically palatable to consider a purely Asia-Pacific strategic partnership to maintain stability in the region, this will be strategically short-sighted because no such partnership will have the military muscle or diplomatic heft to achieve its objectives.

The limits of Moditva
Dec 28, 2012

The limits of Moditva

The interesting thing is that almost all the current crop of leaders who enjoy connect with their people at the regional level are prime ministerial aspirants in 2014. Everyone is positioning himself or herself in subtle ways already.

The LoC Fence is bad Strategy
Dec 28, 2004

The LoC Fence is bad Strategy

In the Robert Frost poem the narrator¿s neighbour tells him ¿good fences make good neighbours,¿ but he asks, ¿Before I built a wall I'd ask to know/What I was walling in or walling out.¿ However, in the case of the barbed wire fence that has been constructed on the Line of Control (LoC) by the Indian army, no one appears to have asked this question.

The looming Haqqani Network threat to India
May 11, 2012

The looming Haqqani Network threat to India

The Haqqani Network, operating out of Pakistan's North Waziristan, with vast training and material resources at its disposal, is likely to step in as a 'service provider' to the groups re-launching terrorist activities in Kashmir.

The LTTE in 2003 - Aspects of Concern to India
Feb 16, 2004

The LTTE in 2003 - Aspects of Concern to India

The various incidents involving the LTTE during 2003, its continued confrontationist attitude and the demand for the recognition of its ¿Sea Tigers¿ wing as a de facto navy showed that the LTTE continued to attach importance to maintaining its military capability unimpaired and was unwilling to renounce its military option while continuing to adhere to the cease-fire.

The Madrid Cell
Mar 08, 2004

The Madrid Cell

The Madrid Bombings is a clear indication of how horribly skewed and wrong the War on Terrorism has been. It would be convenient to accuse the United States for the manner in which the War was planned and executed as a personal agenda of an American President whose sole footnote in history has been to sow the seeds of a global religious divide.

The Makkah Declaration: rhetoric and reality
Dec 15, 2005

The Makkah Declaration: rhetoric and reality

King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia is to be complimented for his vision and initiative. The vision that something was seriously amiss within the comity of Muslim nations, and the initiative to call them together in an extraordinary summit of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Conference) to cogitate on the seriousness of the situation and to come forth with meaningful remedies.

The Maldives says it will never allow China to use its land for military purposes
Sep 06, 2015

The Maldives says it will never allow China to use its land for military purposes

During an interaction at ORF, Maldives' delegation of senior officials reassured the audience that the Maldivian Constitution continues to restrict establishment of foreign military facilities and that Male will never compromise the security balance of the Indian Ocean.

The Manmohan Doctrine and Narendra Modi's Foreign Policy
Jun 04, 2014

The Manmohan Doctrine and Narendra Modi's Foreign Policy

Mr Narendra Modi's decision to invite the Head of Governments of India's neighbouring countries for his swearing-in was appreciated by Dr Sanjaya Baru, former Media Advisor of Dr Manmohan Singh. Modi's emphasis on the economy was also noted.

The Market for Energy Efficiency in India - No PATS on the Back Yet
Jul 23, 2011

The Market for Energy Efficiency in India - No PATS on the Back Yet

Under the PAT scheme, the market based mechanism created for achieving energy efficiency seems to be inherently flawed. While the market for energy efficiency is about 74,000 crores, it is unlikely that this potential can be tapped by the mechanism envisioned.

The meaning of the US verdict
Nov 12, 2012

The meaning of the US verdict

US President Obama's first term record gives ample indication to what his second term will bring forth. But, only time will tell what four more years of President Obama mean for America and the world.

The Media's Hall of Fame.
Dec 04, 2010

The Media's Hall of Fame.

In earlier days, the journalist had to seek a professionally fruitful and ethical equation only with the governmental establishment. Today, the TV journalist /star is also entrepreneur, worried as much about news as about TRPs, Ads, Corporates, whose money is often keeping the channel buoyant.

The Middle East Initiative claptrap
Sep 30, 2004

The Middle East Initiative claptrap

In 1991, President George H.W. Bush proclaimed that the victory in the Gulf war presented an extraordinary opportunity to settle the Middle East conflict. This led to the Madrid conference, secret parleys between Israeli and PLO negotiators in Norway and then to signing of what came to be known as the Oslo accords in a grand ceremony at the White House in 1993.