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795 results found

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia
Aug 06, 2010

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia

Outlining the need for a concerted effort to deal with water challenges in South Asia, experts at a roundtable suggested that there was a strong reason to create collaborative rather than competitive frameworks.

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective
Nov 06, 2014

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective

US President Obama's top priority now is the crisis in West Asia, ISIS and Ebola, and India-US relations though, not inconsequential, is not on Washington's top priority now, according to Michael Kugelman of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC.

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia
Jan 08, 2013

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia

India's smaller neighbours are not as concerned about the reach, if any, of outside powers in the region. In this sense, the neighbourhood?s concerns about India are distinct from India's own concerns.

From hedging states to trump cards: China isn’t backing down in South Asia
Dec 28, 2020

From hedging states to trump cards: China isn’t backing down in South Asia

China isn’t going away any time soon from South Asia. India will have to work overtime — and in concert with like-minded partners.

Gender Gap in Agriculture and the ‘South Asian Enigma’
Oct 11, 2021

Gender Gap in Agriculture and the ‘South Asian Enigma’

Current data suggests that the global community is far from achieving the 2030 agenda of ending hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. By the end of 2019, 650 million people suffered from chronic hunger and 135 million experienced acute food-insecurity. Not all regions are equal: the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2020 found that some are experiencing less severe incidence of hunger on the GHI scale, compared to others. The most serious levels of

How India can lead South Asia's war on terror
Oct 20, 2016

How India can lead South Asia's war on terror

India can lead South Asia's war on terror by strengthening counterterrorism efforts but also lead the regional counterterrorism superstructure

India losing its clout in South Asia
Jan 08, 2014

India losing its clout in South Asia

Beyond personalities and politics, there is one basic question we need to ask ourselves: Why even 66 years after independence, is New Delhi's influence in its region shrinking instead of expanding?

India under strain across South Asia
Aug 08, 2020

India under strain across South Asia

India’s regional relations are almost all in states of distress. That’s a big problem for New Delhi.

India's trade diplomacy in South Asia
Mar 30, 2013

India's trade diplomacy in South Asia

India's exports would go down if economic sanctions are imposed on Sri Lanka as sought by some people in Tamil Nadu, affecting farmers, manufacturers and suppliers in the State, says former President of the India-ASEAN-Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce.

India-Bangladesh Relations: Forging a model for South Asian relations
Sep 05, 2011

India-Bangladesh Relations: Forging a model for South Asian relations

Considering the great improvement in India's relations with Bangladesh, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, during his visit to Dhaka, should unilaterally offer to convert half of the $1 billion soft loan given to Bangladesh earlier into a grant and make the rest interest-free as a gesture of goodwill and friendship.

India’s foreign aid to South Asia
Nov 11, 2016

India’s foreign aid to South Asia

Many developing countries have transformed themselves from recipients into aid donors. Foreign aid donor tag is no longer exclusive to developed economies.

Integration good for not only Bangladesh but for all of South Asia
Dec 17, 2013

Integration good for not only Bangladesh but for all of South Asia

At a roundtable on "Understanding Contemporary Bangladesh", attended by vice-chancellors from nine universities of Bangladesh, the consensus view was that regional integration is not only beneficial for Bangladesh but for all of South Asia.

Iran, Afghanistan and US's South Asia dilemma
Jun 07, 2012

Iran, Afghanistan and US's South Asia dilemma

The SCO has so far not been a major factor in discussions about Afghanistan's stabilization. But there is a good possibility that Afghanistan will obtain observer status in the SCO. Given the differing agendas of the SCO and the US/NATO, Afghanistan's embrace of the SCO could greatly complicate reconstruction efforts.

Iran’s ‘resistance front’ and its bridge with South Asia
Dec 07, 2023

Iran’s ‘resistance front’ and its bridge with South Asia

The ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis adds to the wider Israel-Iran rivalry, with Tehran’s vocal promotion of an “Axis of Resistance” that is draw

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security
Dec 15, 2020

IS Khorasan, the US–Taliban Deal, and the Future of South Asian Security

The Taliban today undoubtedly has a stronger hold over how the US militarily plans to withdraw from the conflict in Afghanistan. This raises questions about the continuing challenges to security in South Asia—in particular, the influence of IS Khorasan (IS-K), the group’s Afghanistan avatar, and its rise both as an ISIS-aligned entity and a big-tent brand for various jihadist groups in the country. As the ‘Khorasan’ project of ISIS gets m

ISIS’s new target: South Asia
May 03, 2019

ISIS’s new target: South Asia

The Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka have brought the island nation to the forefront of the global terrorism discourse. The attacks further demonstrate the change in the Islamic State from a territorial group to a sponsor of terrorism worldwide.

MDGs: India should take the lead in South Asia
Oct 24, 2015

MDGs: India should take the lead in South Asia

The South Asian region lacks a common plan of action to deal with the impact of climate change despite possessing common ecological habitat. Africa and Latin America fare a tad better on this front. India should take the lead to create elaborate policies for joint management of common resources and ecological preservation.

Minilateral momentum in South Asia
Mar 13, 2024

Minilateral momentum in South Asia

The Nepal-India-Sri Lanka initiative could be used to pursue better people-to-people relations.

Need for a new regional arrangement in South Asia to tap water
Jan 23, 2014

Need for a new regional arrangement in South Asia to tap water

There is a need for a new regional arrangement in South Asia to tap water as it is a regional common issue that should be handled collectively rather than dividing it.

Need for fresh initiative to improve connectivity in South Asia
Jul 24, 2017

Need for fresh initiative to improve connectivity in South Asia

Because of the lack of political will among leaders in the region, regional bodies have not proven effective in facilitating intra-regional connectivi

Nepal: An emerging power centre in South Asia
Jul 03, 2023

Nepal: An emerging power centre in South Asia

India has played a vital role in Nepal’s quest to develop its power sector. The national forces of Nepal should take necessary steps to ensure that

New challenges, flexible partnerships—election season commences in South Asia
Sep 05, 2023

New challenges, flexible partnerships—election season commences in South Asia

As the Maldives, Bhutan, and Bangladesh head toward elections, they continue to commit to democracy

No tolerance for terror — Biden on South Asia
Nov 10, 2020

No tolerance for terror — Biden on South Asia

Even as Biden backs the Afghan peace process, he favours a more gradual and ‘responsible’ withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Nuclear race comes to South Asia
Jun 17, 2014

Nuclear race comes to South Asia

There is a definite need for India to reconsider its doctrine or a strategy to counter and/or deter use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons weapons by Pakistan for non-strategic (say battlefield) purposes.

Pak Army's positive attidue changing scene in South Asia
May 05, 2012

Pak Army's positive attidue changing scene in South Asia

India has expressed its willingness to extend technical assistance for improving infrastructure in Pakistan. Pakistan is bound to realise that holding on to terrorism as an instrument of State policy would not be in its interests as Pakistan would be the real sufferers in the long run.

Pakistan isolated in South Asia but China’s still got its back
Dec 05, 2016

Pakistan isolated in South Asia but China’s still got its back

Although in Heart of Asia Pakistan was isolated but to wean Pakistan away from China, with their interests converging in containing India in the region

Pakistan’s marginalisation in South Asia
Sep 30, 2016

Pakistan’s marginalisation in South Asia

India is wise to emphasise the costs to Islamabad of its obstructionism. Pakistan cannot hold the future of South Asia hostage to its India paranoia.

People of South Asia want change?
Dec 31, 2013

People of South Asia want change?

The governments of the South Asian countries can cooperate to solve many of their problems, especially poverty alleviation and fighting corruption. It will bring about stability and good governance. Otherwise, when are people dissatisfied with their lives, they will demand change.

Political Salafism in South Asia
Dec 12, 2022

Political Salafism in South Asia

Salafist politics varies in different nations based on the broader political context