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645 results found

Sino-Indian relations: Wuhan spirit under growing strain
Aug 20, 2019

Sino-Indian relations: Wuhan spirit under growing strain

The already tenuous effort by both sides to manage their ties has been further complicated by contemporary developments.

Some things are best left secret
Jun 23, 2015

Some things are best left secret

As signaled by the Myanmar operations against militants, the policy shift in New Delhi must be taken seriously. One can hope that it does have a salutary effect on the extremist elements within the Pakistani establishment and the jihadi organisations located in the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir also.

Splitting Jihad to Control it or End it?
Jul 30, 2004

Splitting Jihad to Control it or End it?

Ever since the start of the insurgency in Kashmir, the Pakistani intelligence agencies have constantly raised, mutated, emasculated and even extirpated the so-called jihadi groups active in Kashmir. The dependence of the Jihadis active in Kashmir on Pakistan for training, logistics, arms and ammunition and most of all sanctuaries, has been exploited to the hilt by the Pakistani establishment.

Srinagar - Muzzafarabad Bus: A Security Nightmare
Apr 06, 2005

Srinagar - Muzzafarabad Bus: A Security Nightmare

Indian security agencies will be keeping their fingers crossed as, for the first time in 57 years, passenger buses start plying on April 7,2005, between Srinagar, the capital of Jammu & Kashmir (J) and Muzzafarabad, the capital of what Pakistan calls Azad Kashmir (Free Kashmir) and what we in India call Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK).

Srinagar killing sets cat among pigeons
Jan 04, 2021

Srinagar killing sets cat among pigeons

Nishcal’s killing has drawn a spotlight on the much-criticised domicile law, which has faced opposition from a cross-section of the society in Jammu

Stabilising Indo-Pakistan Relations
May 19, 2004

Stabilising Indo-Pakistan Relations

Several high-priority issues will need the new government¿s immediate attention as it assumes office. The Kashmir issue and its impact on the ongoing Indo-Pak entente should be one of them.

State of Jihadi Terrorism
Jun 30, 2005

State of Jihadi Terrorism

Since April, 2005, there has been a co-ordinated escalation of acts of jihadi terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Jammu and Kashmir (J) State of India. It is my assessment that the coming months will see more and not less incidents of jihadi terrorism in these three areas.

Step towards stability
Nov 29, 2004

Step towards stability

Two sets of people are upset with the way India is pursuing the peace process with Pakistan. In the first group are those in Kashmir who are, quite abruptly, faced with the reality of being irrelevant in the entire process. The second group is in Islamabad which is not quite sure about the direction the process is taking and is therefore discomfited.

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia
Jun 24, 2017

Surgical Strikes and Deterrence-Stability in South Asia

Indian announcement of having conducted surgical strikes across the de-facto border with Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir has major implications for deterrence-stability in South Asia. New Delhi has sought to devise a military strategy to respond to Pakistan’s sub-conventional war that does not lead to escalation of conflict to nuclear levels and collapse of nuclear deterrence. This paper analyses India’s surgical strikes of September 2016, thei

Take it along
Mar 06, 2006

Take it along

The decision of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Government to involve the representatives of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) as part of the dialogue process on Kashmir is strategic in principle. Though it may not be entirely wrong to question the extent of public support the Hurriyat leaders enjoy in Kashmir, it would be equally short-sighted to exclude them from any dialogue concerning Kashmir.

Testing time for Modi?
Apr 11, 2014

Testing time for Modi?

There is hope among the politicians of various political groups in Kashmir as well as the people of Kashmir that Narendra Modi as Prime Minister would take some decisive action in keeping with their expectations. Modi himself has moderated his stand to that there should be a discussion on Article 370.

The Army's law can be harsh but going soft can make things worse
May 30, 2018

The Army's law can be harsh but going soft can make things worse

Major Leetul Gogoi was commended when he broke the law by taking a Kashmiri civilian hostage. Now, the army is holding a second court of inquiry for another alleged act of indiscipline or worse.

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity
Oct 15, 2005

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity

Fifty-six years after the ceasefire line was drawn between the Indian and Pakistan occupied Kashmir, the underlying seismic fault lines have made a mockery of this line. This map delineation, which was renamed as Line of Control after the 1971 Indo Pak war, has gone out of control, at least temporarily, by the fury of the nature when the earthquake struck this area on 8 October.

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border
Aug 26, 2020

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border

On top of the violence and upheaval of Partition, the integration of more than 550 princely states, and a war with Pakistan over Kashmir, the British

The F-16s and India-Pakistan-USA Relations
Apr 01, 2005

The F-16s and India-Pakistan-USA Relations

Fifteen years ago, the USA had promised to sell F-16s to Pakistan. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, the company manufacturing the aircraft, took the necessary advance for it. Then there were sudden changes in the global and regional strategic environment. The Jehadi war in Afghanistan got over and Pakistan started diverting Jehadism into Jammu and Kashmir. The Cold war also was over.

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process
May 01, 2006

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process

The India-Pakistan peace process, punctuated with -uctuating waves of optimism and anxiety, has completed three years, and it is appropriate, and timely, to review whether the primary On April 22, 2003 the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, told the Indian Parliament that India was unilaterally opening “the doors for talks” with Pakistan. The offer was based on two simple premises: one, that Pakistan would stop cross-border in

The looming Haqqani Network threat to India
May 11, 2012

The looming Haqqani Network threat to India

The Haqqani Network, operating out of Pakistan's North Waziristan, with vast training and material resources at its disposal, is likely to step in as a 'service provider' to the groups re-launching terrorist activities in Kashmir.

The not so curious case of Riyaz Naikoo
May 09, 2020

The not so curious case of Riyaz Naikoo

The most pertinent question after Naikoo’s death is whether Hizbul Mujahideen as an outfit matters anymore.

The Pathos of Pakistan: With Article 370 gone, Pakistan loses its 'jugular vein' and its face
Aug 12, 2019

The Pathos of Pakistan: With Article 370 gone, Pakistan loses its 'jugular vein' and its face

Pakistan is cornered after India revoked Article 370. But it is still a time of great caution for India. We must watch the neighbour's moves, his begging bowl in one hand, dagger in the other.

The Process is Unwinding
Jul 12, 2005

The Process is Unwinding

It is time to conduct a reality check on the India-Pakistan peace process. In fact, there is a particular urgency for it. For, the peace process seems to have got hijacked by secessionist elements in Kashmir and Pakistan who never had any stakes in it.

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally
Dec 16, 2014

The real intention of Hafiz Sayeed's rally

By organising the two-day Lahore convention through Hafiz Sayeed and his Jihadi organizations of LeT and JuD, Pakistan wants to demonstrate that the people of Pakistan are not happy with the way the events have taken place in Kashmir.

The Return of the Taliban
Jul 16, 2021

The Return of the Taliban

In the 1990s, Taliban fighters aggravated the situation in Kashmir. Will they do it again? It depends on the extent of ISI control

The strategic importance of Gilgit Baltistan
Aug 24, 2016

The strategic importance of Gilgit Baltistan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reference to Balochistan, POK and Gilgit in his Independence Day speech has caused a considerable flutter in Pakistan and India.

The Uri fiasco and ensuring accountability
Sep 28, 2016

The Uri fiasco and ensuring accountability

There were serious lapses in following Standard Operating Procedures over the Uri fiasco.

The world's last colony
Nov 09, 2002

The world's last colony

In our dealings with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue, we have often appeared defensive, occasionally apologetic, leading to a bleeding heart syndrome among some of us. This approach ignores that Pakistan has cynically used violence, and the world has allowed it to do so, as an instrument of foreign policy. This attitude also mixes sympathy and concern for the innocent with that for the terrorist.

They were mirages. And they were real
Feb 27, 2019

They were mirages. And they were real

What has happened in Balakot is a punitive strike against known camps of terrorists — especially Jaish-e-Mohammed.

Time for Dr. Singh to Step in
Aug 09, 2010

Time for Dr. Singh to Step in

As Chief Minister Omar Abdullah dithers in finding amicable solutions to the ongoing violence in Kashmir, the nation is desperately awaiting an intervention by the Prime Minister to find an amicable solution to the festering row.

To Islamabad and After
Dec 23, 2003

To Islamabad and After

Call it a game of good-cop-and-bad-cop being played out by President Musharaff and Prime Minister Jamali, yet Pakistan¿s willingness to ¿keep aside¿ the UN resolution on plebiscite in Kashmir should come as a welcome turn, if not relief, for India, and all those hoping for permanent peace in South Asia.

Under the Taliban bonnet: Al Qaeda—ISKP rivalry and its security implications for India
Oct 16, 2021

Under the Taliban bonnet: Al Qaeda—ISKP rivalry and its security implications for India

The victory of Taliban in Afghanistan is altering the Islamist jihad landscape, making it more complex as various actors engage in regional and strate

Understanding India’s response to the Syrian civil war
Oct 13, 2017

Understanding India’s response to the Syrian civil war

The popular uprising against the Assad regime in 2011, which gradually evolved into a civil conflict, has been one of contemporary history’s greatest tragedies. The conflict has claimed more than 400,000 lives; over six million Syrians have been internally displaced. India has not joined the call for an end to the Assad-led Baath Party rule over Syria. While this position may not hold much weight on its own, it strengthens with the consolidated

Understanding India’s silence on the political crisis in Pakistan
Jun 16, 2023

Understanding India’s silence on the political crisis in Pakistan

Despite being the immediate neighbour, India has chosen to follow a no-reaction policy towards the ongoing turmoil in Pakistan

Unfamiliar territory
Jul 24, 2013

Unfamiliar territory

BSF's firing incident near Ramban has caused widespread protest in Kashmir and once again brought into focus the atrocious record of the BSF in Kashmir, for which the responsibility must rest with the Union Home Ministry. The BSF were never raised as a counterinsurgency force, yet, in 1990, they were pitched into Kashmir.

Uri attack: There are no military options that will give India the outcome it wants
Sep 19, 2016

Uri attack: There are no military options that will give India the outcome it wants

In Pathankot and again in Uri, we have seen the perimeter breached too easily.

US and the Diamer-Bhasha dam in PoK
Sep 07, 2011

US and the Diamer-Bhasha dam in PoK

The US is in a dilemma over the funding of the Diamer-Bhasha dam in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. While China and Saudi Arabia have made big inroads in public perception by taking up developmental projects, the US, despite lots of assistance, is perceived not to be doing enough in this area.

US-India-Pakistan: The eternal triangle
Dec 27, 2012

US-India-Pakistan: The eternal triangle

The US needs Pakistan to withdraw from Afghanistan and Pakistan needs all the money it can get. Pakistan also dreads that if the US leaves without helping Pakistan get what it wants from the Indians now, which is a concession on Kashmir, they will never have another chance.

Wang visit: Beijing is not reassessing its India policy
Mar 31, 2022

Wang visit: Beijing is not reassessing its India policy

Some two years into the military standoff along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi paid a short visit to India last week.

Warning from Volgograd
Jan 10, 2014

Warning from Volgograd

The bombings in Russia bring into notice the challenges which India also faces in tackling Islamic militancy. In fact, the Chechen insurgency has in the past been compared to the insurgency in Kashmir.

What about low voter turnout in Lok Sabha elections in the Valley?
Jul 17, 2018

What about low voter turnout in Lok Sabha elections in the Valley?

It goes without saying that Kashmir’s political candidates do not bear primary responsibility for this electoral legitimacy crisis.

When calamity shows the way
Oct 13, 2005

When calamity shows the way

In the earthquake tragedy, India and Pakistan have a rare opportunity to forget past differences and bitterness, at least some of it to begin with, and forge a partnership of peace and development. Both the countries should shed past inhibitions and acrimony, and look for fresh opportunities to work together for a common cause: to rebuild Kashmir.

Who governs the high seas?
Jun 26, 2012

Who governs the high seas?

Kerala is trying in a civilian court two Italian military men for actions they took in defence of their territories. Imagine trying a serving Indian soldier in a civil court for an incident resulting from discharge of duty in naxal-infested areas, the northeast or Kashmir.

Why Amit Shah’s checkmate to the PDP could prove disastrous
Jun 20, 2018

Why Amit Shah’s checkmate to the PDP could prove disastrous

The BJP has tried to play smart politics with its insulting break with Mehbooba Mufti. The fallout of the move could envelope Kashmir in distress — and hurt the BJP too.