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12491 results found

India should stand behind Afghanistan
Dec 27, 2007

India should stand behind Afghanistan

India should invest more and invest it where it matters in Afghanistan to strengthen its presence and influence in a country which is struggling valiantly to initiate a process of nation-building against extreme odds.

India should steward digital health - globally
May 16, 2019

India should steward digital health - globally

India must use digital health for diplomacy through south-south collaboration.

India should strike right balance in Saudi, Iran ties: Expert
May 02, 2019

India should strike right balance in Saudi, Iran ties: Expert

The political tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran can be better understood through the lens of ‘regimes.’

India should take a leaf out of China’s playbook
Jun 14, 2022

India should take a leaf out of China’s playbook

China’s domestic debates throw light on issues behind the LAC crisis and also hold a lesson for India — to recognise and leverage its increasing strategic value to China

India should take lead in regional economic integration: Former Nepal Foreign Minister
Apr 22, 2013

India should take lead in regional economic integration: Former Nepal Foreign Minister

Nepal's former Foreign Minister, Dr Prakash Chandra Lohani, says India should take the lead in the economic integration of the region and carry the smaller states along with it towards the path of economic prosperity.

India should take on more responsibilities in Indo-Pacific
Nov 24, 2014

India should take on more responsibilities in Indo-Pacific

It is clear that countries in the region would like to see India play a greater security role in the Indo-Pacific - that is India should be more proactive, rather than reactive. India should take advantage of the opportunities, and take on responsibilities.

India should work with China on OBOR for its own economic benefit
May 18, 2017

India should work with China on OBOR for its own economic benefit

India should know that the OBOR scheme is not about CPEC and Pakistan; but in fact its primary goal is to integrate the rich European economy with that of China’s.

India should worry over West Asia flareups
Jul 24, 2014

India should worry over West Asia flareups

India should worry over the claim of Ansar-ul-Tawhid ul-Hind, a terrorist organisation, that Anwar Bhatkal, one of their brethren and related to Riaz Bhatkal, the founder of Indian Mujahedeen, attained what they call martyrdom battling in Afghanistan. We also cannot ignore the claims of Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadvi that he would raise a force of 5,00,000 to support Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

India slips on gender equality
Dec 27, 2019

India slips on gender equality

There has been a large decline in the labour force participation of women.

India still needs to work with Russia on Afghanistan
Apr 24, 2023

India still needs to work with Russia on Afghanistan

Proximity changes the priorities for India in a conflict on the doorstep.

India supports Palestine with key interests in mind
Dec 26, 2017

India supports Palestine with key interests in mind

Indian interests in the Persian Gulf region are paramount. That is from where India gets 70% of its oil, and where seven million of Indian citizens labour and send back remittances of around USD 35 billion per annum.

India takes charge on the World stage: विश्व मंच पर भारत ने संभाली कमान
Nov 09, 2022

India takes charge on the World stage: विश्व मंच पर भारत ने संभाली कमान

जैसा कि भारत ने G20 की बागडोर संभाली है, समावेशिता और सहयोग इसके मिशन के मूल में हैं, इसके नए लोगो (Logo) के पीछे के प्रतीक से स्पष्ट रूप से संकेत मिलता है कि 2023 वैश्विक नीति निर्माण �

India takes charge on the World stage: विश्व मंच पर भारत ने संभाली कमान
Jul 19, 2023

India takes charge on the World stage: विश्व मंच पर भारत ने संभाली कमान

जैसा कि भारत ने G20 की बागडोर संभाली है, समावेशिता और सहयोग �

India ties ‘solid rock’, says Maldives Foreign Minister
May 18, 2019

India ties ‘solid rock’, says Maldives Foreign Minister

The Maldives preferres a multilateral regional approach to ensuring security in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) that is collaborative, rules-based and inclusive.

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy
Dec 19, 2016

India to chair UN group on 'killer robots', open new page on arms control diplomacy

India was selected as the chair of the first group of governmental experts (GGE) constituted to deliberate the issue of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and their impact on international security

India to launch first simulated space warfare exercise
Jun 12, 2019

India to launch first simulated space warfare exercise

Reports of a tabletop war game speak to India’s ongoing efforts to develop its space policy.

India to lose out in new-era wars
Jan 08, 2019

India to lose out in new-era wars

China’s Xi exhorting PLA to expedite reforms, Indian political leadership unenthused

India too has to walk the talk, and nearer home
Jan 30, 2015

India too has to walk the talk, and nearer home

The euphoria of the new leadership in Sri Lanka towards the northern Indian neighbour may have set the right tone and tenor for further betterment of bilateral relations as in regional and international contexts.

India under strain across South Asia
Aug 08, 2020

India under strain across South Asia

India’s regional relations are almost all in states of distress. That’s a big problem for New Delhi.

India unlocks with road rage
Sep 02, 2020

India unlocks with road rage

As India gradually opens up after the lockdown, the gains from the MV Act seem to be unravelling as we seem to be going back to our old normal of cong

India unshackled from Pakistan is good news
Feb 01, 2023

India unshackled from Pakistan is good news

A mix of marginalisation, mobilisation and militarisation has helped Delhi take away a key facet of Pakistan’s outreach, allowing India to be more ambitious on the regional and global stage

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में
Jul 27, 2023

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में

India US Relations अमेरिकी राष्‍ट्रपति जो बाइडेन हाल के दिनों में कई बार भारत और पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी की तारीफ कर चुके हैं. ऐसे में यह सवाल उठता है कि बाइडेन की इस तारीफ के कूटनीतिक मायने क

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में
Nov 22, 2022

India US Relations: बाइडेन प्रशासन की दक्षिण एशियाई नीति, भारत के पक्ष में

India US Relations अमेरिकी राष्‍ट्रपति जो बाइडेन हाल के दिनों में कई

India versus China: The importance of inclusive growth
May 03, 2011

India versus China: The importance of inclusive growth

In many ways, India and China are running parallel growth stories with high GDP growths. However, China seems to be taking stock of what has not been achieved by their high GDP growth and India should also be more concerned with the well-being of all Indians for a more harmonious society.

India vs Pakistan: The Jadhav case
Mar 01, 2019

India vs Pakistan: The Jadhav case

The interim period demands extreme security for the life of Kulbushan Jadhav. The bilateral context and subtext in which this case operates will have

India walks the Chinese tightrope
Jul 11, 2013

India walks the Chinese tightrope

Though Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi had recently claimed that China and India are "natural strategic partners", the reality is somewhat more complex. Because we have witnessed Beijing's curious move on the Depsang plains in April, on the eve of their prime minister's visit to India. And just hours before Antony was due to land in Beijing, Major General Luo Yuan was breathing fire against India.

India wants a Quad to counteract China's expanding influence
Jan 25, 2018

India wants a Quad to counteract China's expanding influence

The Quad's real problem is the absence of a plan to counter China's smart-strategy in South Asia that combines economic activity with benign naval presence.

India will be one of top 5 global pharma innovation hubs
Mar 18, 2009

India will be one of top 5 global pharma innovation hubs

The global economic slowdown presents an opportunity for the Indian industry to work on low cost medicines

India will come apart if secular contract is torn
Jan 07, 2022

India will come apart if secular contract is torn

Shockingly, some campaigns are being led by people who are camouflaging their murderous rhetoric by wearing the saffron robes of Hindu renunciants. Last month, the theme of many speeches at a religious conclave in Haridwar was the need to ‘finish off’ Muslims. It would be easy to ignore this as the ranting of fringe Hindutva elements, but it’s no longer clear whether they are the fringe or the vanguard.

India will keenly watch Russia elections
Feb 01, 2012

India will keenly watch Russia elections

The Indian public sphere is unlikely to engage comprehensively with the happenings in the run up to the Russian presidential elections. On the other hand, the Indian establishment will keenly follow political developments in Russia as the importance of the election outcome.

India will prioritise data for development at G20
Dec 14, 2022

India will prioritise data for development at G20

To share and benefit from development data, it must be accessible, of high-quality, and offered in real time. India at the helm of G20 has much to offer as this will build on principles governing PM Modi’s Digital India initiative

India woos Japan for better economic ties
Sep 08, 2014

India woos Japan for better economic ties

The larger theme of Narendra Modi is that India, Japan and China have many common interests and that all of them have to build on them and thereby initiate the Asian Century by working together and make the Asian Century a truly peaceful and prosperous one.

India yet to stabilise as a nation state
Nov 12, 2013

India yet to stabilise as a nation state

There is a blithe assumption in India that national construction will happen on its own. That is simply not true. The states and the Union government need ever closer cooperation and coordination in a host of issues. Sadly, what we are confronted by are leaders who are busy shoring up their vote banks, a sure recipe for a crisis somewhere down the line.