Search: For - CHINA

4505 results found

#Covid19: Made in China pandemic
Mar 20, 2020

#Covid19: Made in China pandemic

China’s global interests, like its domestic interests, stem from a primal survival instinct: preserving the legitimacy, upholding the authority and

#COVID19: Reading the tea leaves in China
Apr 19, 2020

#COVID19: Reading the tea leaves in China

The public mood is difficult to gauge, but if the internet is any indicator, the State censors are already having a challenging time.

#One China Policy: चीनी तारीफ़ से नहीं पिघला भारत, ताइवान पर दी सधी हुई प्रतिक्रिया!
Aug 16, 2022

#One China Policy: चीनी तारीफ़ से नहीं पिघला भारत, ताइवान पर दी सधी हुई प्रतिक्रिया!

चीन ने कहा है कि भारत वन चाइना को मान्‍यता देने वाले पहले �

#US China tension: हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र में नई सरकारों के साथ, नए दांव-पेच में लगा चीन
Jun 02, 2022

#US China tension: हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र में नई सरकारों के साथ, नए दांव-पेच में लगा चीन

हिंद प्रशांत क्षेत्र में अमेरिका को मात देने के लिए चीन कुछ भी करने को तैयार है. वह ऑस्ट्रेलिया और दक्षिण कोरिया को भी गले लगाने का तैयार है. इस तरह चीन ने अपनी कूटनीति को धार

#US China tension: हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र में नई सरकारों के साथ, नए दांव-पेच में लगा चीन
Jun 02, 2022

#US China tension: हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र में नई सरकारों के साथ, नए दांव-पेच में लगा चीन

हिंद प्रशांत क्षेत्र में अमेरिका को मात देने के लिए चीन क�

'Agreed Line of Administrative Control' can help take India-China border talks forward: former govt official
Jan 25, 2008

'Agreed Line of Administrative Control' can help take India-China border talks forward: former govt official

An 'Agreed Line of Administrative Control' in the place of the existing Line of Actual Control (LAC) could free India and China from some of current problems at the bilateral border talks, feels Mr R Swaminathan, former Secretary and Director-General (Security), Government of India.

'How China sees its role in the world'
Apr 16, 2014

'How China sees its role in the world'

Chinese foreign policy statements may seem sloganistic, ritualistic and without content but one has to realise it need not be articulated in the Euro-American way, says Prof. Geremie Barme of Australian National University College of Asia and Pacific.

2013 could be beginning of watershed moment in China's history
Jan 21, 2014

2013 could be beginning of watershed moment in China's history

The distinction between individual aspirations and a national dream is clear to the Chinese government where there are contradictions between the political system and the consumerism-driven economy, according to US university professor Dr. Tansen Sen.

2020 Year of the Ox — How will China continue to lay the groundwork for 2049?
Dec 28, 2020

2020 Year of the Ox — How will China continue to lay the groundwork for 2049?

It seems that China is already gearing for 2021 on two accounts — dual circulation and domestic innovation.

2023: A whirlwind for China’s infrastructure and energy diplomacy
Apr 10, 2024

2023: A whirlwind for China’s infrastructure and energy diplomacy

Upgrading partnerships with resource-rich nations like Turkmenistan, DRC, and Zambia strengthens China's grip on energy supplies and critical minerals

50 shades of America’s China experts
May 14, 2020

50 shades of America’s China experts

Not much has been heard, especially from the large number of China “believers,” who helped perpetuate the notion China was liberalising, that it w

A belligerent China can be just the catalyst India-Australia ties need
Jun 04, 2020

A belligerent China can be just the catalyst India-Australia ties need

There is an ambitious bilateral agenda that will add substance to the India-Australia summit.

A double-edged sword: China’s model of development partnerships & the Indo-Pacific
Jul 11, 2023

A double-edged sword: China’s model of development partnerships & the Indo-Pacific

With the launch of its Global Development Initiative in 2021, China is looking to recalibrate and redefine its outlook towards development cooperation

A European-Central Asian strategy to counter Russia and China’s influence
Mar 15, 2024

A European-Central Asian strategy to counter Russia and China’s influence

By guaranteeing significant investments in new supply chains and tackling poverty in the Central Asian nations, the EU can forge a coherent and mutual

A new China military base in Pakistan?
Feb 09, 2018

A new China military base in Pakistan?

It will be its second foreign military base, after Djibouti, which was set up in August 2017. China clearly is looking at the longer term.

A new phase in China-ASEAN relations?
Dec 06, 2013

A new phase in China-ASEAN relations?

China's renewed engagement with the Southeast Asian neighbours seems to be a policy of the new leadership. However, it must follow up on these successful visits by its efforts and actions. For now, maintaining good relations with ASEAN members seems to be Beijing's new strategy to ease tensions in the SCS.

A new plateau: The India-China bilateral ties
Jan 04, 2018

A new plateau: The India-China bilateral ties

New realities confront New Delhi and Beijing.

A paradigm-defining contest with China
Jul 15, 2020

A paradigm-defining contest with China

As India redefines its priorities vis-a-vis China, its policymakers will have to be bolder in articulating the need for robust partnerships

A position paper on Afghanistan signalling China’s image recrafting
May 08, 2023

A position paper on Afghanistan signalling China’s image recrafting

Beijing’s position paper, on its policy in Afghanistan, is reflective of its recent efforts to present China as a nation that is now heavily invested in addressing ‘international hot button issues’

A signal to China from America and two of its oldest major allies
Sep 20, 2021

A signal to China from America and two of its oldest major allies

US commitment to Asia-Pacific security is evident in the ‘Aukus pact’ that will see it share nuclear technology with Australia

A sneeze, a global cold and testing times for China
Feb 03, 2020

A sneeze, a global cold and testing times for China

For Beijing, the coronavirus outbreak is more than a health crisis; it is a credibility challenge, domestically and globally.

A strong India-US partnership is the best balancer to China’s growing power
Jan 24, 2018

A strong India-US partnership is the best balancer to China’s growing power

America’s global hegemony is the sum total of its domination in various regions of the world like Europe, Middle East, or East Asia. Today when the Americans look at East Asia, they see a hugely enriched and militarily powerful China increasingly challenging them.

A US-China trade deal is likely, but will not resolve a deteriorating relationship
Nov 12, 2018

A US-China trade deal is likely, but will not resolve a deteriorating relationship

The tariff war is not the only issue hindering cooperation. Differences over Taiwan and the South China Sea, the basic lack of trust in the relationship is acting as a dampener across the board.

Abe wants decisive responses to China's ambitions near Japan waters
Sep 24, 2013

Abe wants decisive responses to China's ambitions near Japan waters

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe believes that his country needs quicker and more decisive responses to China's increasing maritime ambitions in waters near Japan, according to two Japanese security experts, Dr Marie Izuyama and Dr Hikaru Yamashita.

Academia: A new frontier in China's foreign policy
Sep 20, 2017

Academia: A new frontier in China's foreign policy

There are growing concerns that China is actively using academic and cultural institutions as tools of its foreign policy, often to the detriment of l

Action plan to take on China
Feb 04, 2021

Action plan to take on China

The Biden policy moves signal the need for the US to challenge Chinese assertiveness, its domestic repression and its surge as a technological challenger to the US hegemony.

Afghanistan: Prospects for increased engagement with China
Jul 10, 2015

Afghanistan: Prospects for increased engagement with China

As the US pulls out its troops from Afghanistan, all eyes are set on the potential role China can play in the region. China has shown signs of stepping up its engagement with Afghanistan since the formation of the new government in Kabul in September 2014.

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute
Jun 13, 2024

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute

The ongoing skirmishes in the South China Sea between China and regional states represent another severe threat to the world economy, directly affecti

After Doklam, India and China must begin anew at the Xiamen BRICS meet
Sep 04, 2017

After Doklam, India and China must begin anew at the Xiamen BRICS meet

India will have to learn the fine art of staring down the dragon to preserve its political space, while embracing China for some important economic opportunities. At Doklam, it did the former; will a different India turn up at BRICS?

After Duterte: Key questions on democracy and China policy
Oct 13, 2021

After Duterte: Key questions on democracy and China policy

As the candidates of the 2022 Philippine presidential elections launch their campaigns, questions regarding democracy in the country and its sovereign

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?
Jun 18, 2019

After taking up 'Pak terror' with China, can India keep Beijing out of 'Kashmir' talks?

China would have a seat in the high table when the South Asian neighbours discuss and decide upon the ‘K-issue’.

After US cyber revelations, China looks inwards
Sep 09, 2014

After US cyber revelations, China looks inwards

China has been cracking down on US companies for a while and the pressure has intensified after revelations that many of them have collaborated with the NSA to spy on the Internet. Google is virtually persona non grata in China now, as are Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Ahead of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping meet, China holds all the cards
Apr 05, 2017

Ahead of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping meet, China holds all the cards

There are many obstacles for the US-China summit, such that the American side is simply not ready for a substantive negotiation. But there are also many areas of discussion, including North Korea, the One-China policy and trade.

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions
Apr 08, 2024

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions

China has criticized the latest round of new rules by saying that it will “disrupt the international semiconductor market as well as cooperation among enterprises.”

AI policy analysis: AIDP of China vs. India’s NITI Aayog AI policy paper
Jul 10, 2019

AI policy analysis: AIDP of China vs. India’s NITI Aayog AI policy paper

Tighter collaboration between private, government, nonprofits and educational institutes will be the key to India’s development of new-age technolog

All eyes on China as Russia’s war in Ukraine and the West's pushback hit a stalemate
Feb 22, 2023

All eyes on China as Russia’s war in Ukraine and the West's pushback hit a stalemate

The great power contestation of the past one year has been characterised by the economic woes of many countries of the Global South, a global leadership vacuum and the resurrection of hard power aided by technological shifts in warfare