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13175 results found

China’s strategic intentions: Implications for India and Taiwan
Nov 24, 2022

China’s strategic intentions: Implications for India and Taiwan

India will have to make changes at the strategic level in its posture and relationship with the PRC if China persists in holding on to its territorial

China’s sustained influence in the Maldives
Jun 30, 2023

China’s sustained influence in the Maldives

Given the existing momentum of Beijing's commercial interactions with the Maldives, China might not have to wait for a more favourable shift in the Ma

China’s travails with COVID-19
Nov 28, 2022

China’s travails with COVID-19

China’s inability to control the sudden spike in COVID cases has exposed the limitations of its zero-COVID policy

China’s worrying military exercises near Taiwan
Apr 18, 2020

China’s worrying military exercises near Taiwan

China’s moves in the region, despite the pandemic, are only likely to generate fear and inspire greater cooperation with Washington.

Chinese anxiety over deepening India-Taiwan ties
Nov 14, 2022

Chinese anxiety over deepening India-Taiwan ties

The budding relationship between India and Taiwan seems to be ruffling quite a few feathers in Beijing

Chinese claim over South China Sea has as much to do with economics as history
Dec 08, 2012

Chinese claim over South China Sea has as much to do with economics as history

An Indian maritime expert feels China, which had increased its defence budget several-fold in order to retain or recover its territories in the disputed area, is also cleverly diffusing the situation by having joint military exercises with countries around the area to prevent them from banding together against its claims.

Chinese cyberattacks against Ladakh electricity grid:  A déjà vu  
Apr 15, 2022

Chinese cyberattacks against Ladakh electricity grid:  A déjà vu  

India should expand its offensive capabilities in the cyber domain to counter the cyber attacks from China and Pakistan

Chinese misbehavior increases support for Taiwan
Oct 24, 2020

Chinese misbehavior increases support for Taiwan

Beijing’s pressure on Taiwan and on other countries is generating greater sympathy and support for Taiwan.

Chinese public opinion on aiding Russia
Mar 13, 2023

Chinese public opinion on aiding Russia

China’s aid to Russia during the conflict is well-received by China’s domestic circles as they believe it caters to China’s interests in the lon

Chinese cyber escalation against India’s electricity grid amidst the boundary crisis 
Mar 10, 2021

Chinese cyber escalation against India’s electricity grid amidst the boundary crisis 

Beyond defensive measures, New Delhi needs to step up efforts for a potent cyber offensive capability that can enable retaliatory strikes against Chin

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?
Mar 11, 2024

Choice in electricity retail: Will consumers choose green power?

The Indian electricity market's future might incline towards renewable energy suppliers, possibly featuring specialised green providers.

Claiming space: Women for prosperity
Jan 26, 2020

Claiming space: Women for prosperity

Gender disparity has wide and reverberating impacts across all pillars of society, including significant economic implications.

Clash of Frontiers: US-China conflict over Taiwan
Aug 10, 2022

Clash of Frontiers: US-China conflict over Taiwan

The clash of the frontier between the US and China is inevitable; Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit has simply brought this truth nearer. 

Climate change and the Maldivian economy: Will it capsize or sail through?
May 05, 2023

Climate change and the Maldivian economy: Will it capsize or sail through?

A close study of how climate change influences the Maldivian economy will help analyse its adaptation needs and identify future opportunities

Climate naivety: A modern-day challenge
Sep 16, 2022

Climate naivety: A modern-day challenge

There is a need to move away from climate naivety by adopting a more realistic approach when it comes to climate protection.

Climate Smart Agriculture for sustainability and food security
Nov 24, 2022

Climate Smart Agriculture for sustainability and food security

To meet the challenges of growing demand and food insecurity, we need to improve productivity through sustainable agriculture

Closing the gap: A doctrinal & capability appraisal of the IAF & the PLAAF
May 02, 2018

Closing the gap: A doctrinal & capability appraisal of the IAF & the PLAAF

A review of existing and future capability is essential to offer a holistic appraisal of current and predicted trajectory of the IAF vs. PLAAF discour

Clouds of uncertainty over Afghanistan
Aug 08, 2019

Clouds of uncertainty over Afghanistan

There can be no peace unless the Taliban and Afghan security forces de-escalate

Collective action against plastic pollution: A global priority agenda
Jun 05, 2023

Collective action against plastic pollution: A global priority agenda

This year’s World Environment Day is aiming to steer individuals, corporations, and governments towards the shared vision of reducing plastic produc

Column : Arming while aiming
Dec 22, 2010

Column : Arming while aiming

My revered teacher late professor Matin Zuberi had once remarked that major states in global affairs, real or aspiring, end up possessing superfluous arsenals often times through superficially planned and mostly ad hoc manners.

Combating climate change with a sustainable food system
Jan 13, 2022

Combating climate change with a sustainable food system

A 'global syndemic’ is defined as a pandemic that appears to interact with climate change, undernutrition, and obesity. Together, they pose a monume

Combatting air pollution in Northern India: Cooperative federalism is the way forward
Dec 22, 2021

Combatting air pollution in Northern India: Cooperative federalism is the way forward

As the winter air pollution worsens over time, North Indian states need to collaborate to mitigate this issue, with Uttar Pradesh taking a lead on it.

Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in uncertain systems
Apr 06, 2023

Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in uncertain systems

Policies and tailored interventions need to be adopted to mitigate the growing global threat of antimicrobial resistance

Commission for air quality management in National Capital Region
Aug 31, 2021

Commission for air quality management in National Capital Region

A look at Delhi’s long-term air pollution problem and the newly approved legislation to combat it

Commission on Air Quality Management — A general without foot soldiers
Feb 13, 2021

Commission on Air Quality Management — A general without foot soldiers

The key to long-term clean air is a landmark regulatory overhaul.

Common Cause, Common Sense: How the UN Security Council could regain trust and legitimacy
Sep 19, 2020

Common Cause, Common Sense: How the UN Security Council could regain trust and legitimacy

All permanent five would benefit from a conversation on additional permanent seats as no member of the Security Council can gain any long-term economi

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice
Feb 12, 2024

Competition in retail electricity: Power of choice

Behavioural changes expected in electricity use by the consumer may not play out as anticipated without the intervention of technological inputs

Compromised  TRIPS waiver: One step forward, two steps back
Apr 16, 2022

Compromised TRIPS waiver: One step forward, two steps back

The watered-down version of the initial TRIPS waiver proposal put forth by India and South Africa indicates that the developed nations’ policy is bu

Confronting air pollution by setting up carbon markets
Sep 07, 2022

Confronting air pollution by setting up carbon markets

India is on the right track as it sets up carbon markets and launches of pilot ETS schemes for particulate matter in different states.

Connect East: Explaining India’s BIMSTEC focus
Jan 15, 2021

Connect East: Explaining India’s BIMSTEC focus

India’s growing interest in BIMSTEC reflects a geo-economic priority to correct the exceptional connectivity gap that continues to divide the Bay of

Constituent Assembly will have to be extended again, says senior Nepali leader
Jun 23, 2011

Constituent Assembly will have to be extended again, says senior Nepali leader

Senior leader of the CPN-UML, K P Sharma Oli, feels that the Constituent Assembly of Nepal is unlikely to complete its task by the August 31 deadline and another extension is unavoidable.

Constrained capital: Paving the path for infrastructure investments in India and other emerging economies
Dec 18, 2018

Constrained capital: Paving the path for infrastructure investments in India and other emerging economies

Policy influencers and diplomats will have to find a way to market private investments in an appealing manner for all stakeholders involved.

Constraints to Convictions: PV Narasimha Rao to Narendra Modi
Jul 24, 2021

Constraints to Convictions: PV Narasimha Rao to Narendra Modi

Going forward, the 21st century will see leaders at the Union embrace reforms with greater force and stronger conviction.

Containing coronavirus
Mar 25, 2020

Containing coronavirus

Self-discipline and strict adherence to government advisories is the key to manage the Coronavirus crisis in India; government response alone will not

Containing COVID-19 crisis in Nepal
Sep 03, 2020

Containing COVID-19 crisis in Nepal

What is needed most at this critical juncture is to strengthen coordination between the federal, provincial and local level governments by keeping the