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China policy in the works
May 12, 2021

China policy in the works

Unclear if Biden administration will go for ‘semi containment’ or selective engagement

China prepares its people for war
May 15, 2023

China prepares its people for war

As nations in Asia rebalance against Chinese aggression and expansionism, China begins mobilisation of its citizens, citing danger to the nation

China proposes deep seaport in Bangladesh
Oct 12, 2012

China proposes deep seaport in Bangladesh

Recently China reiterated its interest in constructing a deep seaport in Bangladesh. The Chinese interest in the project reportedly arises because of two reasons. One, to further strengthen its presence in the South Asia region,

China Rattling Sabres Over Speaker Pelosi’s Proposed Trip to Taiwan
Jul 27, 2022

China Rattling Sabres Over Speaker Pelosi’s Proposed Trip to Taiwan

China, keen to demonstrate that it is more powerful than Russia, has issued dire warnings to Washington against Pelosi’s visit

China removes the PLASSF and establishes ISF: Implications for India
May 15, 2024

China removes the PLASSF and establishes ISF: Implications for India

China’s efforts to bridge the disparities in its cyber and space capabilities by restructuring its military serve to widen the gap between China and

China rise a trigger for Indo-Japanese relationship
Dec 26, 2013

China rise a trigger for Indo-Japanese relationship

Though the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and Japan is an achievement in Indo-Japanese bilateralism, much more needs to be done at the people-to-people level to broaden and strengthen the growing relationship.

China rises, India falters
Mar 21, 2013

China rises, India falters

Despite our hopes, China India relations are unlikely to see any dramatic upturn. China wants an all or none political relationship with India. This means that India must send the Dalai Lama away even though India has repeatedly and loudly pronounced that it has accepted Tibet to be an integral part of China.

China seeks rekindling of Indian ties
Jul 15, 2014

China seeks rekindling of Indian ties

If Indian economy begins to take off and it is able to overhaul its dysfunctional military system, India can emerge as a formidable second pole of the Asia-Pacific region, maybe just a shade inferior to China.

China Threat and the New Japanese Defence White Paper
Aug 16, 2011

China Threat and the New Japanese Defence White Paper

Japan's recently approved Defence White Paper has pointed out discomforting Chinese maritime activities in the region, military modernisation and the opacity about China's goals as challenges to Japan's national security.

China threat spurs Taiwan’s space ambitions
May 13, 2024

China threat spurs Taiwan’s space ambitions

These power plants pose not only an environmental threat but a security risk as well

China Today
Sep 04, 2004

China Today

China today is different! Quite different to what I saw seven years ago. The economic boom has not only changed its socio culture, at least in the Eastern and Southern part of China, but also the peoples' attitude, style of governance, and geo political outlook. That is the impression I gathered when I visited China recently.

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream
Sep 21, 2011

China Walks the US-India Space Solar Power Dream

If China wins the race in developing Space Based Solar Power as a feasible source of energy, which would meet the world's growing energy demand, it will result in huge economic and strategic gains for China.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 39 | Pakistan, China, Russia to hold talks on Afghanistan next month
Nov 21, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 39 | Pakistan, China, Russia to hold talks on Afghanistan next month

Pakistan, Russia & China to hold consultations on Afghanistan to explore ways reconcile & restore peace in war-torn country & other weekly roundsups

China won't be happy if India becomes an Asia power, says China scholar
Jun 17, 2011

China won't be happy if India becomes an Asia power, says China scholar

Noted China scholar Dr John Lee pointed out that Beijing viewed the improvement in the relations between India and other countries in Southeast Asia as an intrusion into the traditional sphere of the influence of China.

China won’t be able to control the pandemic narrative
Apr 01, 2020

China won’t be able to control the pandemic narrative

While there certainly can be questions about how other countries have handled this pandemic, China’s culpability and its mendacity is now beyond que

China' s New Aircraft Carrier: How Does It Impact Upon India?
Aug 23, 2011

China' s New Aircraft Carrier: How Does It Impact Upon India?

China's ability for air and sea power projection in its neighbourhood is significant and growing, and its first aircraft carrier is another indicator. The carrier would provide China the ability to project its power even farther.

China's ADIZ: Time for US to take a more direct approach?
Dec 06, 2013

China's ADIZ: Time for US to take a more direct approach?

For the U.S, the time may have come to position its stand on Chinese assertions in a manner that would help maintain stability in the long run. If Beijing's move with its air Defence zone is part of a piecemeal plan of consolidating its territorial claims, then a less indirect approach is called for.

China's Afghanistan strategy may be in trouble
Dec 23, 2022

China's Afghanistan strategy may be in trouble

China is facing a pushback in Afghanistan as Islamist militants increasingly target Chinese interests

China's aggression towards Japan is a global threat
Dec 05, 2013

China's aggression towards Japan is a global threat

India must urgently explore a variety of options to restore deterrence vis-à-vis China. This first thing is to back Japan. India also has to work on a range of options including economic and hard options. It must also take a fresh look at reinvigorating its ties with Vietnam, Japan, Australia, Singapore and the littoral states.

China's Belt & Road diplomacy
Jun 25, 2015

China's Belt & Road diplomacy

To draw lines on the map along the ancient trade routes of China and to claim that they marked an exclusive zone of trade and dense economic relationship centering around and led by China will beg a number of questions. Does it mean that countries within the zone will sever their trade and economic relations with countries outside the zone?

China's coming of age as a maritime power
Apr 17, 2018

China's coming of age as a maritime power

For the biggest maritime parade held in China since 1949, the People's Liberation Army Navy deployed 48 warships, 76 aircraft and 10,000 sailors and marines.

China's conduct and the logic of power
Jul 24, 2017

China's conduct and the logic of power

China’s growing economic footprint around the world is being followed by its military footprint — a reality of great power politics.

China's decision to disturb status quo at Doklam was done with an end goal
Aug 16, 2017

China's decision to disturb status quo at Doklam was done with an end goal

There are too many variables in play to predict how the Doklam issue will turn out.