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Fast Data for Faster Decision-making: The Utility of High-frequency Economic Indicators
May 24, 2023

Fast Data for Faster Decision-making: The Utility of High-frequency Economic Indicators

The COVID-19 pandemic is posing unique challenges to policymakers across the globe, necessitating efficient action in short timeframes. During such crises, having the right data at the right time is crucial to making informed policy decisions.  Traditional economic indicators can be inadequate owing to issues of timeliness, granularity, and difficulty in collection. There is a need therefore for higher-frequency and more granular data to track e

Fast-tracking Sri Lanka peace talks
Apr 09, 2004

Fast-tracking Sri Lanka peace talks

By declaring that India should be actively involved in the Sri Lankan peace process, Mahinda Rajapakse, the newly sworn-in Prime Minister of the island-nation has put both the peace process and India back at the centre-stage back again. Lakshman Kadirgamar, the ruling dispensation¿s foreign policy czar, has said as much. In her maiden national telecast after the parliamentary polls

Fast-Tracking the Flight of India’s Drone Industry
Aug 16, 2023

Fast-Tracking the Flight of India’s Drone Industry

India is keen to leverage its nascent civilian drone (or unmanned aerial vehicle) industry to become a global hub. Since 2021, it has built a conducive policy ecosystem to support the domestic drone industry. In what this brief collectively calls the ‘Drone Regulations 3.0’, it includes the liberalised Drone Rules 2021, a production linked incentive scheme, the unmanned aerial vehicle traffic management policy, the certification scheme for un

FASTag ला हवी सुधारणांची हमी
Jan 09, 2020

FASTag ला हवी सुधारणांची हमी

FASTag हा चांगल्या हेतूने केलेला आणि अत्यावश्यक असणारा बदल असला तरी, अनियोजित आणि घाईघाईतील अमलबजावणीमुळे गोंधळ माजू शकतो.

Faster, higher, stronger
Feb 28, 2006

Faster, higher, stronger

Indo-US relations began to warm up after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union. All of a sudden, the New World Order had arrived, yet no one really knew how to adjust to this new reality. Old enemies and old friends had gone, new enemies, threats and friends had to be found ¿ for a State, to survive, needs all three.

Fate of Doha Round: Still opaque
May 03, 2013

Fate of Doha Round: Still opaque

The stalemate in the negotiations questions the legitimacy of the WTO to promote fair and balanced multilateral trade rules that will address the past and current inequities, which developing countries are faced with. In the current situation, it would be useful to frame negotiating proposals which the WTO can take forward to conclude Doha Round.

FDI as a tool of social liberation
Dec 11, 2012

FDI as a tool of social liberation

The social and economic profile of the participants in India's vast retail trade is complex and varied. Besides, there is ample evidence that large sections of the petty bourgeoisie (trader and shopkeepers) may not be happy with their current existence. They would not mind if global capital inflows result in the creative destruction of existing arrangements.

FDI in Retail Trading
Nov 30, 2005

FDI in Retail Trading

There has been a heated debate about opening up the retail trade sector in India to foreign direct investment (FDI). Allowing foreign investment to come in retail trading is supposed to indicate that economic reforms are on track and that like in China , Walmart, Carforre, MAKRO, 7 Eleven and many more giant retail store chains, would be seen in India.

FDI in retail unlikely to benefit small farmers
Nov 30, 2012

FDI in retail unlikely to benefit small farmers

FDA in retail is not the reform that can change the face of Indian agriculture as the problems of small farmers and their vicious cycle of poverty have to end through state action and not by big foreign retailers.

FDI issue clumsily handled by political class
Dec 06, 2011

FDI issue clumsily handled by political class

The Government's decision to bring in FDI in retail has created an uproar, but it is not surprising at all as it has not only been ill-timed but is also being clumsily handled by the political class.

FDI need of the hour: Experts
Dec 21, 2013

FDI need of the hour: Experts

Economic experts firmly believe that FDI is the need of the hour and with political will and good governance measures, it could prove to be crucial in enhancing development in the region.

FDI opening timed wrongly
Dec 05, 2011

FDI opening timed wrongly

Opening up retail trade should not have happened at a time when inflation is high, GDP growth rate is falling, industrial growth and exports are declining. Unfortunately, it would take a long time for the multi-brand retailers to establish their own supply chains and hence inflation is unlikely to come down in the near future.

Fear of Persia: Saudis call for a Gulf Arab Union
May 16, 2012

Fear of Persia: Saudis call for a Gulf Arab Union

As Delhi focuses on managing Washington's pressure to reduce oil imports from Iran and avoid the imposition of unilateral U.S. economic sanctions on India, it could easily miss the unfolding power play in the Gulf between Tehran and Riyadh.

Federal Front: Prospects and challenges
Dec 29, 2018

Federal Front: Prospects and challenges

Undoubtedly, there is both scope as well as a need for a third front. However, there are many inherent contradictions for such a front to succeed.

Federalism and Interstate River Water Governance in India
Jan 04, 2021

Federalism and Interstate River Water Governance in India

Interstate (River) Water Disputes (ISWDs) are a continuing challenge to federal water governance in India. Rooted in constitutional, historico-geographical, and institutional ambiguities, they tend to become prolonged conflicts between the states that share river basins. This paper examines the constitutional complexities, contentious political federalism, and identity-based electoral political dynamics that fuel ISWDs. It discusses the River

Federalism is a reality, not a shibboleth
Mar 15, 2012

Federalism is a reality, not a shibboleth

Regional parties should not think of federalism merely in terms of anti-Congressism. This seems to be the tendency, with regional satraps like Mamata Banerjee and Jayalalithaa hyphenating regional concerns with their own political goals.

Fencing frontiers with Myanmar: The benefits and challenges of FMR along India-Myanmar border
Jan 08, 2024

Fencing frontiers with Myanmar: The benefits and challenges of FMR along India-Myanmar border

Initiated in 1970, the FMR experienced a resurgence in 2016, finding a place within the broader Act East Policy of New Delhi.

Feudal State still lords over in UP
Jun 06, 2014

Feudal State still lords over in UP

In Uttar Pradesh, the zamindari system may have been abolished more than six decades ago, but feudalism has stayed: The biggest feudal lord being the State itself which lords over cattle, women, the marginalised communities and minorities alike.

Few grains from the "Thousand Grains of Sand"
Mar 08, 2017

Few grains from the "Thousand Grains of Sand"

The Thousand Grains of Sands approach does enough to complement the opaque nature of the Chinese Politburo — closed yet calculating to raise its hoo

Fifty Years of India's Energy Policy
Sep 01, 2006

Fifty Years of India's Energy Policy

The First Energy Ministry of India was constituted under interesting circumstances. The former Energy Minister of India, Shri K. C. Pant delivered a talk at ORF on July 14, 2006 presenting his views on the fifty years of India's energy policy

Fighting against a pandemic: A long road ahead
Apr 15, 2020

Fighting against a pandemic: A long road ahead

The fight against COVID-19 has just begun. It will continue over time.

Fighting corruption should not be reduced to a national past-time
May 31, 2011

Fighting corruption should not be reduced to a national past-time

Any Lok Pal Bill to be meaningful needs to have in-built saving mechanisms that protect the dignity not only of the individual but more so of the high offices that they hold. Otherwise, there is always the possibility of anti-corruption wars could get reduced into a national past-time.

Fighting limited wars: A major challenge for the military
Jul 05, 2010

Fighting limited wars: A major challenge for the military

In January 2000, when I spoke about the concept of limited conventional wars under the nuclear threshold at an international seminar in New Delhi, there was considerable uproar in the media and the strategic community, particularly in Pakistan.

Fighting the 'Islamic State', with Islamic States as Allies?
Sep 15, 2014

Fighting the 'Islamic State', with Islamic States as Allies?

If the War on Terror-2.0 is to be carried out only by drones and the US/NATO Air-forces, one can be certain that the 'Islamic State' will retain control over its territory in Iraq and Syria for a long time to come.

Fighting the Islamic State, without a strategy
Sep 24, 2014

Fighting the Islamic State, without a strategy

Does Obama really intend to defeat, disrupt and dismantle the ISIS terror structure or will he simply guide them away from Iraq and Turkish borders towards Damascus.

Figures don't reveal the real picture of unemployment
Aug 09, 2012

Figures don't reveal the real picture of unemployment

President Barack Obama has to understand the Indian psyche before advising rapid economic reforms and realise that without adequate safety nets, open unemployment will be a scourge for India.

Finally, Modi goes to Russia
Jul 07, 2015

Finally, Modi goes to Russia

Indian PM Narendra Modi this week makes his maiden visit as Prime Minister to Russia, one of India's closest strategic partners. This seeming delay in travelling to Russia may surprise some, given that the Prime Minister has travelled to almost all the major powers as well as most of India's immediate neighbourhood.

Financial inclusion a viable business model now
May 10, 2012

Financial inclusion a viable business model now

Out of the 660,000 habitations in India with a population of 100 or more, only 33,000 have a commercial bank branch. That's approximately one branch for every 20 habitations.

Financial inclusion is the key
Jan 16, 2015

Financial inclusion is the key

India's self-image needed a re-boot. This rebooting of India's 1.3 billion aspirations was conducted by the Prime Minister on the 15th of August last year. He did it with characteristic simplicity, by a simple call for "Make in India". Financial inclusion is the building block for unleashing the creative capabilities of this country.

Financing development: India and beyond
Aug 19, 2015

Financing development: India and beyond

Focusing on financing sustainable development, in India and elsewhere, ORF organised a conference that explored the future of global financial architecture for development and highlighted the difference between financing and implementation.

Financing elections in India: A scrutiny of corporate donation
Apr 09, 2019

Financing elections in India: A scrutiny of corporate donation

How are corporates/businesses funding political parties in India? Where do major political parties stand in terms of donations from corporates and bus

Financing India’s renewable energy vision
May 12, 2023

Financing India’s renewable energy vision

India’s target of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022 might appear ambitious, but it is crucial as it will have a positive impact on the country’s economic growth, energy security and the fight against climate change. Financing is emerging as the key challenge to this vision, slowing down the pace of growth; as of December 2019, over 50 percent of the 2022 target is yet to be achieved. This brief outlines India’s existing

Financing Regenerative Agricultural Practices: A Recommendation for BRICS
Sep 17, 2021

Financing Regenerative Agricultural Practices: A Recommendation for BRICS

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have all declared their commitment to climate action and the implementation of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This brief makes a case for BRICS, as a forum, to build a strategy for financing regenerative agriculture; key should be the creation of a joint fund. If implemented correctly, the brief argues, such a strategy of giving back to the land, instead of merel

Financing Solar Projects Under JNNSM
Sep 08, 2011

Financing Solar Projects Under JNNSM

Observer Research Foundation, in collaboration with BRIDGE TO INDIA and Solar Energy Society of India, organized a round-table discussion on "Financing the Solar Projects under JNNSM" on 9th Aug, 2011.

Financing the radicals
Nov 02, 2010

Financing the radicals

The existence of an embedded financial network of militant organisations in Bangladesh will seriously undermine the global effort to neutralise global terrorist networks entrenched in the region.