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Evolving geopolitics in Eurasia: Implications for India
Jul 27, 2015

Evolving geopolitics in Eurasia: Implications for India

To improve India's role in Central Asia, its focus should recognize the diversity of relationships that are possible - economic, defence, and connectivity. Politically and historically, each of the five countries in the region is distinct.

Evolving landscape of Sino-Indian ties
Jun 26, 2020

Evolving landscape of Sino-Indian ties

The two Asian giants seem to have clearly reached an inflection point in their relationship

Evolving maritime geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific region
Jul 10, 2014

Evolving maritime geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific region

A four-day maritime conference on "Maritime Geo-Politics in the Indo-pacific" was organised in Chennai, Kochi and New Delhi recently. The conference saw speakers deliver perspectives from India, China, Japan, US, Australia and Indonesia.

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific
Sep 29, 2017

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific

The rise of Chinese military leaves Washington with the unenviable and the daunting task of balancing its economic ties with the Asia-Pacific.

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy
May 23, 2024

Examining Manila's Contemporary West Philippine Sea Strategy

As China pursues its expansionist ambitions in the greater South China Sea, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is working to enhance his country’s ability to exercise its sovereignty and sovereign rights. Towards this end, Manila is expanding its strategic options through robust external partnerships and national policy recalibrations to secure its lawful waters in what it calls the West Philippine Sea. There are concerns, however, abou

Examining Pakistan Army's new doctrine
Jan 04, 2013

Examining Pakistan Army's new doctrine

Pakistan Army recently declared adopting a new doctrine of war fighting, termed sub-conventional warfare, in its policy document, the Green Book. The book, published at regular intervals, is a manual of new doctrines and guidelines which the GHQ distributes among senior military officials.

Examining the limitations of India’s online visa regime
May 30, 2017

Examining the limitations of India’s online visa regime

In November 2014, India introduced a visa facility allowing foreign travellers wanting to come to India for recreational purposes, casual visits with friends or relatives, short-duration medical treatment or business visits, to apply for their visa online. Since then, the government has taken specific initiatives to improve the process, with the more recent ones including the introduction of three e-visa categories (e-medical, e-business, and e-t

Executive Presidency: A flawed 'inheritance' that is not?
Nov 16, 2012

Executive Presidency: A flawed 'inheritance' that is not?

As anticipated, the much-touted and ill-prepared protest by the Bhiku movement and Sarath Fonseka's Democratic National Alliance (DNA), seeking to replace the Executive Presidency, has Sri Lanka ended in a whimper.

Exercise Malabar: What does it means for Japan?
Oct 29, 2015

Exercise Malabar: What does it means for Japan?

For Japan, which deployed missile destroyer J S Fuyuzuki and SH 60K helicopters on India's invitation, the Malabar Exercise signals the growing importance of ties between the two nations as well as the personal importance that PM Modi has attached to India's strategic ties with Japan.

Existential dilemma of Indian think tanks
Sep 09, 2009

Existential dilemma of Indian think tanks

why should Delhi have a monopoly on good ideas? While Mumbai is the economic capital of India, its history has also forced it to be a center of strategic and policy thought from which Delhi remains divorced

Expanding India’s share in global space economy
Jul 09, 2019

Expanding India’s share in global space economy

ISRO should embrace a civilian identity and, aided by legislation, form partnerships with the industry and entrepreneurs.

Expectations from new Budget: More funds a must for farm sector
Feb 05, 2011

Expectations from new Budget: More funds a must for farm sector

In the next Budget Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will have to strive hard to reduce fiscal deficit because a big fiscal deficit gives wrong signals to investors. The current year's Central and state combined fiscal deficit stands at 8.5 per cent.

Expecting a populist Budget
Feb 25, 2013

Expecting a populist Budget

The government will need a lot of explaining to do about the rising corruption in the Budget session and will have to cast its tax net wider to catch the tax dodgers. What it will do to make the tax base bigger could be an interesting feature of Budget 2013.

Experiments in Alcohol Prohibition: A Review of Maharashtra’s Chandrapur Experience
Aug 14, 2023

Experiments in Alcohol Prohibition: A Review of Maharashtra’s Chandrapur Experience

Maharashtra imposed alcohol prohibition in the Chandrapur district in April 2015. However, in 2021, the state government annulled the liquor ban as evidence indicated that the district administration had failed to comprehensively implement it, with several social and economic consequences that compromised the wellbeing of Chandrapur. Experiments in prohibition in India and the US show that it is nearly impossible for such widespread socia

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia
Aug 06, 2010

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia

Outlining the need for a concerted effort to deal with water challenges in South Asia, experts at a roundtable suggested that there was a strong reason to create collaborative rather than competitive frameworks.

Experts Policy Dialogue on India-France relations
May 01, 2013

Experts Policy Dialogue on India-France relations

ORF, the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs of India and CERI - Sciences Po and Centre d'analyse Stratégique (CAPS) of France have begun an Experts Policy Dialogue to delve into key areas, opportunities and challenges that will shape, enrich and confront the India-France relationship in the coming years.

Exploring India’s Digital Divide
May 20, 2022

Exploring India’s Digital Divide

With the onset of unprecedented technological and digital advances in today's time, India witnesses a widening inequality between the digital haves a

Exploring net neutrality
Aug 12, 2014

Exploring net neutrality

With India seeking to connect the next billion, and becoming a key player in the global Internet debate, it is important to have clearly formed domestic policies. The combination of regulatory interest, corporate opposition and constitutional rights suggest that the time is right for a nuanced debate on net neutrality in India.

Exploring the hydropower potential in India’s Northeast
May 12, 2023

Exploring the hydropower potential in India’s Northeast

The Northeastern states of India have massive potential for harnessing hydroelectricity. While the government has rightly recognised this capacity as crucial to boosting the growth of the region, the pace of development has remained slow, and marred by many problems. This brief builds on the “43rdReport on Hydro Power” presented in Parliament in January 2019 by the Standing Committee on Energy, to assess the prospects of the hydropower sector

Exploring the India-France 'special relationship'
Nov 02, 2013

Exploring the India-France 'special relationship'

The Ambassador of France to India, H.E. Mr. Francois Richier, has underlined the importance of a comprehensive agreement on migration and mobility, which would feed into increasing bilateral education and business opportunities.

Exploring ways to strengthen India-Africa partnership
Oct 28, 2010

Exploring ways to strengthen India-Africa partnership

Taking note of the winds of change sweeping through the resource-rich and people-rich African continent, ORF organised a day-long round-table to unravel the implications of the resurgence of Africa for the India-Africa partnership.

Explosions in Xinjiang
Jan 27, 2005

Explosions in Xinjiang

The " China Daily" reported on January 22,2005, that 13 persons were killed and 18 others injured in two separate explosions in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region coinciding with the Eid-al-Adha religious festival.

Exports and e-commerce in India
Oct 24, 2017

Exports and e-commerce in India

This paper attempts to make a contribution in the context of the recent push in making India an e-empowered economy for promoting exports. The study stems from the premise that exports respond significantly to the costs associated with breaking into foreign markets and sustaining in those markets, whereas e-commerce offers a ready platform to minimise such costs. The empirical exercise focuses on export decision and export intensity, after adjust

Expressing concern: India's balancing act on Gaza
Aug 28, 2014

Expressing concern: India's balancing act on Gaza

India has moderated its position on the Israel-Palestine conflict over time, exchanging statements of condemnation for those "expressing concern". But behind India's strategic balancing act there also lies a precise domestic calculus.

Extremism in Pak Army poses grave threat to world
Aug 13, 2010

Extremism in Pak Army poses grave threat to world

The US Quadrennial Defense Review panel's recent (July 29, 2010) report to the US Congress had a very telling remark about Pakistan Army and its intelligence agencies which raises a whole new spectre of violence the world is likely to confront in the years ahead.

F-16 Lollipop for Musharraf
Mar 28, 2005

F-16 Lollipop for Musharraf

President Bush notified the US Congress on March 25,2005, of the intention of his administration to clear the sale of F-16 aircraft to Pakistan.

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance
Jun 05, 2013

Facing China threat, Vietnam seeks American balance

Vietnam's self-assured pursuit of a complex balance of power strategy could be a model for other medium powers in Asia who are deeply concerned about the rise of China, want Washington to balance Beijing, but are reluctant to become formal military allies of the United States.

Fai's ISI connections: Few implications
Aug 01, 2011

Fai's ISI connections: Few implications

The activities of Ghulam Nabi Fai of the Kashmiri American Council, which became public after his arrest, show how vulnerable the India-Pakistan engagement could be to Pakistan Army?s dogged pursuit of anti-India policies.

Failure divides Pakistan
Sep 28, 2005

Failure divides Pakistan

Pakistan President, General Pervez Musharraf, has never been as much under the threat of elimination through a coup or a bullet as he is today. There is no doubt that he faces extreme danger from some of the vicious terrorist and extremist groups, most of whom he had helped grow powerful in today's Pakistan.

Fair share of nuclear power
Jan 17, 2006

Fair share of nuclear power

The Iran nuclear issue is touching yet another point of criticality. The build-up was evident to the naked eye, the crescendo almost predictable. It was six weeks ago that Secretary of Iran¿s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, expressed Teheran's frustration that EU-3 (Britain, France and Germany) was stonewalling in the negotiations, meandering into blind alleys, lost in thoughts.

Fall in crude oil prices: How long will the boon last for Modi?
Jan 21, 2015

Fall in crude oil prices: How long will the boon last for Modi?

Oil is critical to India as it imports almost two thirds of its need, constituting 37% of its total imports. A $1 drop in oil prices could approximately save 40 billion rupees. The drop in oil prices currently looks like a blessing for India, but there could be some downslides too in the long run.

Falluja: Another US pyrrhic victory?
Nov 10, 2004

Falluja: Another US pyrrhic victory?

If the George Bush Administration in the US were wise, it would have waited for the current holy fasting period of the over one billion Muslims of the world and their Eid festivities to be over before launching its much-publicised and much-hyped offensive to pacify Falluja, the Sunni stronghold in Iraq, which is apparently perceived by the Pentagon as the nerve-centre of the anti-US resistance and jihadi terrorism in Iraq.

Falluja: Iraq's Tora Bora
Dec 14, 2004

Falluja: Iraq's Tora Bora

Since 1995, when the first incident of jihadi terrorism took place in Saudi Arabia, there have been 25 acts of terrorism as indicated below:

Families dominate Lankan election scene
Oct 30, 2019

Families dominate Lankan election scene

As of now, the two are evenly poised: Sajith Premdasa is popular with the rural voters and the minorities, while Gotabaya is depending on the undoubted charisma of his brother Mahinda and the strong support of the conservative Buddhist clergy.

Family planning as a human right: The way forward
Jul 19, 2019

Family planning as a human right: The way forward

Family planning programmes should be holistic in understanding socio-cultural constraints and responding to diverse needs across different regions of

Farce and Facts for Obama
Aug 30, 2010

Farce and Facts for Obama

When I heard that President Barak Obama would address a joint session of Parliament during his November visit, a chill ran down my spine. Images of President Bill Clinton's foray into the Central Hall of Parliament during his visit in March 2000,