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East China Sea: Disputed islands to disputed airSpace
Nov 29, 2013

East China Sea: Disputed islands to disputed airSpace

The recent developments in East China Sea carry a high risk of confrontation and miscalculation in the already volatile region. Beijing's unilateral move to extend its authority and control in the region runs against its policy to change its image amongst its neighbours.

East Meets East: An Assessment of the Proposed Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor
Dec 07, 2020

East Meets East: An Assessment of the Proposed Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor

In 2019, India and Russia announced their intent to connect the ports in their respective cities, Chennai and Vladivostok. One year on, the project remains only on paper. This paper explores the economic and strategic viability of this proposed maritime connectivity corridor. While not purporting to be a feasibility study, this analysis seeks to examine the potential benefits and pitfalls of the proposed link and its place in the Indo-Russia stra

Eastern Ladakh, the Longer Perspective
Jun 14, 2021

Eastern Ladakh, the Longer Perspective

This paper makes an assessment of the situation in eastern Ladakh following the Chinese occupation of several areas across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the summer of 2020. That occupation led to an incident in the Galwan river valley in mid-June, which resulted in deaths on both Indian and Chinese sides—the first such casualties since 1975. The paper outlines the course of events since then, and the negotiations that have been on

Eastern Promises, Western Fears
Jan 25, 2011

Eastern Promises, Western Fears

Indians may be suspicious of China and the Chinese of India. But it is the West which does not want to accept the strategic consequences of a rising Asia.

EC undermined due to weak institutions
May 14, 2019

EC undermined due to weak institutions

The EC is a child of political happenstance and jugaad, not thoughtful institutional strategy.

Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong protests: China expert
Aug 22, 2019

Echoes of Tiananmen in Hong Kong protests: China expert

A discussion with Dr. Sonika Gupta on “China: Thirty Years After Tiananmen” at ORF, Chennai, on 3 August 2019, questioned whether the ongoing Hong Kong protests could be seen as a continuation of Tiananmen?

Economic burdens of war on India and Pakistan
Mar 14, 2019

Economic burdens of war on India and Pakistan

The official trade between the two countries is small at $2.4 billion. It could have been many times more.

Economic crisis cripples Nepal
Aug 28, 2010

Economic crisis cripples Nepal

As political stalemate characterises present-day Nepal, analysts are worried over the impending economic fallout of the same in the erstwhile Himalayan kingdom. Already struggling with eight-hour power shortage which at times stretches up to 16 hours a day, the country is faced with a severe economic crisis.

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators
Nov 06, 2015

Economic forces driving US, India closer, say senators

The Indian diaspora in the US has been instrumental in deepening and strengthening India-US relations and will continue to do so in the future, says State Senator Ellen Roberts from Colorado Legislature and Minnesota State Representative Paul Thissen.

Economic fusion in South Asia
Jan 20, 2015

Economic fusion in South Asia

South Asia is one of the most populous region in the world, representing about 24 per cent of the world's population. Most countries in the region are in various stages of economic development, and aspire for regional economic integration.

Economic outlook remains cloudy
Aug 21, 2017

Economic outlook remains cloudy

Behind the hype of high economic growth today is a tale of average performance in various economic sectors.

Economic outlook to be better
Jan 13, 2014

Economic outlook to be better

India's agricultural growth had not been at the targeted level of 4 per cent in the past few years, but it was 4.6 per cent in the last quarter. Due to a good monsoon, the agricultural growth rate is likely to be higher at around 4.9 per cent. It will lead to higher demand for goods and is likely to give a fillip to industry this year.

Economic Policy forum - Resources Policy: Energy and Environment
Jul 08, 2013

Economic Policy forum - Resources Policy: Energy and Environment

After a successful launch in January this year in Berlin, the Economic Policy Forum, a new alliance of think tanks from emerging economies and selected developed economies, met at a conference on 'Resources Policy: Energy and Environment.' The meeting also facilitated an initial conversation on 'The Prospects for Regional Integration.'

Economic slowdown and its impact on the elderly
Nov 04, 2019

Economic slowdown and its impact on the elderly

Despite the demographic dividend and young population, whose median age is 27.1 — India is getting old before it is getting rich.

Economy at a critical juncture
Jan 10, 2013

Economy at a critical juncture

The main culprit for the sharp rise in the current account deficit is the increase in gold imports and the hefty payment for oil imports. People are buying gold because they are apprehensive about the outlook on inflation. They think of gold as a reliable asset whose value has appreciated the most in the past few years.

Edtech in India: Boom, bust, or bubble?
Jan 24, 2024

Edtech in India: Boom, bust, or bubble?

The experience of Indian edtech between 2020 and 2023 appears to be a textbook case of a bubble burst. But there is hope yet, and there are new opport

Education in China: A drive for excellence
Feb 15, 2013

Education in China: A drive for excellence

It is interesting to note the accommodations that China made in its educational system to inspire its exponential growth in economic and defence capability. Its educational reforms aimed at transitioning China from a manufacturing hub to a leader in innovation. Today China has the largest network of primary education in the world.

Educational reforms need of the hour to counter Taliban challenge in Pakistan
Mar 02, 2015

Educational reforms need of the hour to counter Taliban challenge in Pakistan

Saying that there is a proven link between the two types of terrorists - sectarian and Taliban -- Maj. Gen. Mahmud Durrani stresses the need for carrying out educational reforms and popularising a counter-narrative to Taliban's interpretation of Islam.

Effects of globalisation: Inflation and slow industrial growth
Sep 23, 2011

Effects of globalisation: Inflation and slow industrial growth

The combination of high food inflation, general inflation and lack of sufficient job opportunities due to slow growth in the manufacturing sector can spell disaster for a highly populated country like India.

Egypt's President Morsy Comes Calling
Mar 16, 2013

Egypt's President Morsy Comes Calling

These are not cheerful times for South Block in its dealings with neighbours or nations as distant as Italy. But there is a whole range of countries, in the Arab world which have traditionally been warm to New Delhi and who have been sending senior envoys to plead their respective cases and seek Indian support bilaterally and in multilateral forums.

Egypt-India Dialogue
Jun 09, 2013

Egypt-India Dialogue

Egypt and India have long had good relations with each other. Over the last few years, however, both nations have tended to be preoccupied elsewhere and their bilateral relationship has been left untended.

Egypt: Continuing 'revolution' or military 'coup'?
Jul 06, 2013

Egypt: Continuing 'revolution' or military 'coup'?

Even though the Egyptian army has refrained from taking over governance in the interim period, analysts say the fear of repeating the same mistakes are legitimate. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether or not this political transition will have a long-lasting impact on Egypt's nascent democracy.

Egypt: Elections sans democracy and liberalism
Aug 07, 2013

Egypt: Elections sans democracy and liberalism

What are Catherine Ashton and William Burns up to in Cairo? How can they convince a legally elected President overthrown by a discredited Army to share power and work together?

Egypt: President Sisi's Bold Move
Feb 03, 2015

Egypt: President Sisi's Bold Move

On New Year's Day, 2015, just before Milad-un-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Muhammad and a week before the killings at the Paris-based Charlie Hebdo magazine office,

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all
Sep 17, 2012

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all

Recognising the critical nature of the situation in Egypt, and the role that a successful free and fair elections will have as a stabilizing factor in the establishment of a 'new' Egypt, Observer Research Foundation invited Justice Hatem Bagato,

Egyptian President Sisi's Latest Move: Germany
Jul 06, 2015

Egyptian President Sisi's Latest Move: Germany

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has been engaged in significant diplomatic activism since he took office. He has met with regional leaders from Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the UAE and has emerged as a key pillar in Riyadh's attempts to consolidate a Sunni bloc in the region.

Eighth BRICS Academic Forum, Goa
Oct 07, 2016

Eighth BRICS Academic Forum, Goa

The BRICS Academic Forum community agreed that the existing global governance architecture did not reflect the realities of the 21st century.

Election Commission under public scrutiny?
Mar 14, 2019

Election Commission under public scrutiny?

Given that the general election is a humongous exercise, responsibility and burden on the ECI both in logistical as well as moral terms, is unparallel

Election promises, real issues and narratives
Apr 11, 2019

Election promises, real issues and narratives

Better employment opportunities, better health care and schools, availability of safe drinking water are top three voters’ priorities followed by th

Elections and Myanmar's political future
Nov 10, 2010

Elections and Myanmar's political future

A day after the Myanmar elections, conflict started between the army and a faction of the Karen ethnic armed group, pushing thousands of Karen villagers into Thailand. This incident does not suggest smooth beginning for the country's political transition and the possibility of more such conflicts cannot be ruled out

Elections in Bangladesh: A kaleidoscopic overview
Dec 06, 2023

Elections in Bangladesh: A kaleidoscopic overview

Bangladesh’s domestic political climate remains highly charged as it heads for election in 2024 despite nationwide protests

Elections in Iraq
Jan 18, 2004

Elections in Iraq

The strategy of the 16-party United Iraqi Alliance is to institutionalise Shia majority and defer confrontation with the U.S. to a later stage.

Electoral demographic flaws may weaken realisation of SDGs in India
May 14, 2019

Electoral demographic flaws may weaken realisation of SDGs in India

If we want our federal governance structure to promote the SDGs, we must focus on the scale of geographical area of constituencies rather than only th

Electoral reforms: And the colour of money
Mar 11, 2011

Electoral reforms: And the colour of money

At the heart of the debate on electoral reforms lies the vexed issue of campaign finance reform. There are four fundamental questions that need to be answered to understand this conundrum. A related but standalone issue is that of state funding of elections.

Electric Vehicles in India: Filling the Gaps in Awareness and Policy
Oct 18, 2022

Electric Vehicles in India: Filling the Gaps in Awareness and Policy

In recent years, more governments have been giving greater attention to developing their countries’ electric vehicles (EV) sector as a strategy for minimising the harm that mass transportation can cause to human health and the environment. This paper tells the story of India’s EV initiative. It offers an overview of the national mission to push the manufacture and adoption of EVs; appraises the policies introduced by governments of select sta

Electronic silk road important for economic development
May 02, 2014

Electronic silk road important for economic development

Dr. Anupam Chander, Professor of Law at UC Davis, says a specific rule which necessitates the consent of data subject in order to process the data coming from foreign countries in India is effectively discouraging foreign investments in India.

Electronic snooping is here to stay
Jul 16, 2013

Electronic snooping is here to stay

With electronic snooping here to stay, the larger question is not of ethics or privacy, but of regulation, protection and the provision of strong legal remedies

Electronic-voting: 'Paper-trail' can do more harm than good
Jul 18, 2013

Electronic-voting: 'Paper-trail' can do more harm than good

Election Commission's reported decision to implant a 'verification mechanism' in the electronic-voting machines to be deployed in the four-State Assembly polls could have anything but the intended consequences.

Elusive Peace, Inclusive Aggression
Aug 27, 2013

Elusive Peace, Inclusive Aggression

Why do Indian and Pakistani leaders succumb to the predictable? There's so much déjà vu about their peace process being derailed by border firings and terrorist strikes that the wider world has begun to yawn