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Stop the war in Ukraine
Mar 15, 2022

Stop the war in Ukraine

The priority of the international community should be to broker peace and end the Ukraine war before it takes a turn for the worse.

Strategic implications of Indo-Japanese cooperation on the ‘Asia and Africa growth corridor’
Aug 17, 2023

Strategic implications of Indo-Japanese cooperation on the ‘Asia and Africa growth corridor’

India and Japan’s economic vision is that of an ‘Asia and Africa Growth Corridor’ (AAGC) empowering states to peacefully counter and constrain Chinese revisionism. However, a stable AAGC will depend on enhanced security cooperation and the current rules-based order upheld by the US-led security framework. While current Indian and Japanese engagements in Asia are conducive to successful cooperation, weaker economic and military engagements w

Strategic Stalemate in Kashmir
Jan 23, 2004

Strategic Stalemate in Kashmir

It is indeed tempting to wax eloquent about the shikaras full of tourists on the Dal Lake in Srinagar and the peace moves in the air between India and Pakistan. However, a pragmatic assessment of the military situation in the fifteenth year of insurgency reveals that a state of strategic stalemate now prevails in Jammu and Kashmir (J).

Syria will drag down Turkey
Jun 29, 2012

Syria will drag down Turkey

Turkey needs is to revert to a policy of peace with all its neighbour. CIA Special Forces operating from Turkey will harm Turkey more than they will Syria.

Talking to Taliban
Nov 22, 2012

Talking to Taliban

Any realistic assessment would suggest that the Taliban holds the key to the Afghan peace process. An Indian engagement with the Taliban does not mean a political endorsement of its ideology or worldview. Finding a way to talk to the Taliban must necessarily be a part of Delhi's Afghan policy mix.

Talking Tokyo
May 27, 2013

Talking Tokyo

Don't provoke China has been the mantra behind New Delhi's recent "go slow" strategy with Japan. At the very moment when many Asian countries are frightened by the prospect of China's non-peaceful rise and are looking to Indian leadership in constructing a stable Asian balance of power, Delhi seems trapped in strategic hesitation.

Talks with Pakistan: Feel good factor of a different kind?
Jan 27, 2004

Talks with Pakistan: Feel good factor of a different kind?

In one of the most recent analytical pieces on this website it was very wisely quoted ¿Don't hear, listen. Listen to what is not being said¿ (sic) as regards the Indo ¿ Pakistan peace talks and their decision to hold a composite dialogue. Thus ironically while most peaceniks, in Pakistan and India are hailing this recent thaw in relations it remains advisable to be cautiously optimistic for the time being.

Tatmadaw’s outreach to armed organisations: Extending an olive branch?
Aug 16, 2022

Tatmadaw’s outreach to armed organisations: Extending an olive branch?

The lack of technical details and progress of the peace talks amid ongoing land and air incursions in the borderlands has drawn criticism that the neg

The borders that bind us
May 12, 2021

The borders that bind us

The greatest learning and empathy reveals itself only when walls are brought down.

The Chinese are coming
Apr 03, 2015

The Chinese are coming

While West Asia is volatile, the Chinese are beginning to get more active in Afghanistan, retain their pre-eminence in Pakistan and strengthen ties with Iran. In fact, Iran is the third leg of China?s policy in our immediate western neighbourhood. The Chinese are obviously making preparations for the time when peace returns to the Arab world, which might leave a stronger Iran.

The Crucial 60 Percent: Building the Commonwealth’s Youth Capital
Jul 17, 2023

The Crucial 60 Percent: Building the Commonwealth’s Youth Capital

Young people across the world today are facing multiple challenges: lost school years due to the pandemic-induced lockdowns, the looming climate crisis, increasingly dangerous virtual spaces, and food and energy security concerns triggered by the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This paper analyses the challenges facing the youths of the Commonwealth, where 60 percent of the combined population are under 30 years old, and explores the investments require

The Eastern Situation in Sri Lanka
Jun 30, 2004

The Eastern Situation in Sri Lanka

The situation in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka is getting messier by the moment with twists and turns in the script has made it that much more difficult for all the actors in the ¿peace process¿.

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century
Oct 14, 2021

The Enduring Link Between Conflict and Hunger in the 21st Century

The economic consequences of the ongoing pandemic have pushed millions of people into hunger and poverty. Yet, in some parts of the world, critical levels of widespread hunger, or famine, had already made a resurgence long before the outbreak of COVID-19. This brief studies the famine-like situation in four countries in two continents—Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and North Korea—to demonstrate the direct link between conflicts and modern fam

The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy
Jun 18, 2024

The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has historically been a key instrument of state power in modern China, from the time founder Mao Zedong famously said that power flows “from the barrel of a gun.” Today, in the era of Xi Jinping, China is strengthening its defence diplomacy through Xi’s so-called Global Security Initiative (GSI) that envisions a growing role for the Party-state’s arms like the PLA and the Ministry of Public Security. T

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal
Jun 29, 2020

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal

While the Afghan government has begun the release of Taliban prisoners and the US prepares for a drawdown in troop numbers, the Taliban’s ties to th

The last reform: ‘Regionalist logic’ for a new UN Security Council
Apr 14, 2023

The last reform: ‘Regionalist logic’ for a new UN Security Council

The United Nations Security Council, the UN's most powerful body tasked to maintain international peace and security, is failing in its mandate. Its rigid institutional setting, the privileged status of core UN members, and the continuing lack of voice of many countries, have increased the risk of dramatic and systemic failures and shaken the legitimacy and centrality of the UN in the international system. This paper proposes a new solution in th

The legacy of Vajpayee and Singh
May 16, 2014

The legacy of Vajpayee and Singh

Narendra Modi's emphasis on Vajpayee's foreign policy legacy is politically significant for a number of reasons. It has offered much-needed reassurance all around that India will not abandon its traditional nuclear restraint, continue to seek peace with neighbours and promote regional prosperity through the economic integration of the subcontinent.

The message from Amritsar
Dec 02, 2016

The message from Amritsar

The Heart of Asia Conference in Amritsar is aimed at speeding up reconstruction in war-torn Afghanistan and bringing peace and normalcy to the nation

The new Great Game: An all Asian game?
Apr 06, 2017

The new Great Game: An all Asian game?

Major global powers like Russia and China and regional powers like Iran are now ready to embrace the Taliban — in their own interest, but ostensibly

The Process is Unwinding
Jul 12, 2005

The Process is Unwinding

It is time to conduct a reality check on the India-Pakistan peace process. In fact, there is a particular urgency for it. For, the peace process seems to have got hijacked by secessionist elements in Kashmir and Pakistan who never had any stakes in it.

The Quad in the Indo-Pacific: Why ASEAN remains cautious
Aug 20, 2023

The Quad in the Indo-Pacific: Why ASEAN remains cautious

As India, Japan, Australia and the United States renew their quadrilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, there are suggestions to expand the ‘Quad’ into a ‘Quad-plus’ grouping to include the countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). This brief argues that the Quad will not have much to offer to ASEAN; it has, in fact, the potential to dilute ASEAN centrality which is the pillar of the regional bloc.  India, too

The rising role of Buddhism in India’s soft power strategy
Aug 20, 2023

The rising role of Buddhism in India’s soft power strategy

The Modi-led government is placing a strong accent on the use of soft power in India’s foreign policy. One of the more novel manifestations of these initiatives has been engagement in Buddhist diplomacy. The Buddhist faith, due to its emphasis on peaceful co-existence and its wide pan-Asian presence, lends itself well to soft-power diplomacy. This brief will examine India’s attempts at leveraging its historical and present-day associations wi

The Rose Revolution is over
Jun 26, 2024

The Rose Revolution is over

The Rose Revolution, in Georgia, which aimed to bring peace, order and justice, is over. Outcomes are still significant but also questionable.

The Russia-Ukraine War: The Last Crisis to Break the UN Camel’s Back?
May 21, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War: The Last Crisis to Break the UN Camel’s Back?

The United Nations (UN) has recently been plagued by several crises—the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taliban’s return in Afghanistan, and the Ukraine war—that have tested its ability to deliver on humanity’s projects of peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, and humanitarian response. Indeed, its actions and inactions in the Ukraine war have triggered an existential dilemma. India must use this moment of creative destruction

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 1
Jun 13, 2020

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 1

The good news is, the current crisis in Ladakh bears some resemblance to these prior standoffs, all of which were peacefully resolved. The bad news is

The Social and Political Dimensions of Ethnic Conflicts in Manipur
Nov 11, 2023

The Social and Political Dimensions of Ethnic Conflicts in Manipur

The state of Manipur has been steeped in violent conflicts between ethnic groups for decades. The latest, ongoing strife between the Kukis and the Meiteis that erupted in early May has exposed the failure of state forces to contain the violence, even as it reflects the deep-rooted hostility between the two ethnic groups. This brief attempts to engage with the multifaceted, historical ethnic conflict between the Kukis and the Meiteis of Manipur. I

The sum and substance of the Afghan deal
Mar 05, 2020

The sum and substance of the Afghan deal

The United States is on its way out and this does not ensure peace for the people of Afghanistan

The Taliban’s political strategy
Sep 19, 2020

The Taliban’s political strategy

As negotiations begin and Afghans wait with baited-breath — the future of Afghanistan remains uncertain. The US is ready to leave, the Kabul governm

The Tiger and the Stripes
Nov 29, 2003

The Tiger and the Stripes

The ¿injured innocence¿ in Prabhakaran¿s annual ¿Heroes¿ Day¿ address notwithstanding, the first major LTTE reaction to the ¿southern developments¿ following its counter-proposals to the Sri Lankan peace process has been on expected lines. While swearing by the peace process, Prabhakaran has once again hinted at the possibility of the LTTE going on the separatist route, and to war, if left with no other choice.

The twin-connection: Revitalising sister-city relationships
Apr 08, 2024

The twin-connection: Revitalising sister-city relationships

As the world faces unprecedented challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and disparities, sister-city relationships can help nurture a harmoniou

The Ukraine War: Shaping The Information Battlespace
May 10, 2023

The Ukraine War: Shaping The Information Battlespace

The claims and counterclaims are less about the two protagonists in this war than it is about moulding the world’s opinion.

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan
Aug 02, 2021

The US has no feasible strategy to protect its diplomats in Afghanistan

To be sure, America cannot abruptly sever all diplomatic and humanitarian engagement, owing to the grave socio-economic and security consequences it w

The velvet glove, yet
Nov 03, 2003

The velvet glove, yet

By the very nature of the two-decades-old ethnic war and the stalled peace process in Sri Lanka, the week-end LTTE proposals falls short of the doomsdayer¿s predictions. Or, so would it seem. For starters, it confines itself to an interim administration, without formally seeking status and powers of a sovereign State, starting with legitimacy for the LTTE¿s military wing,

The Way Ahead in Sri Lanka
Sep 02, 2006

The Way Ahead in Sri Lanka

If the stalemated war produced a truce, the stalemated peace ever since the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tigers Tamil Elam signed a ceasefire agreement (CFA) in February 2002 has contributed to the revival of violence in the island-nation. The deteriorating ground situation has been accompanied by repeated calls from the Sri Lankan parties for greater Indian involvement in the peace-making efforts. This report is a summary of an inter

The Wuhan summit and the India–China border dispute
Jun 26, 2018

The Wuhan summit and the India–China border dispute

The recent Wuhan summit between India and China has been called many things: from a “game changer” to a much needed “reset” in Indian-China relations. It has generated expectations in the two countries that they will avoid any clash due to miscalculation and error. This has strengthened the tradition that India and China have maintained since the Border Peace and Tranquility Agreement of 1993, of resolving problems bilaterally through dia

There is an answer to Modi’s enigma on Galwan
Jun 24, 2020

There is an answer to Modi’s enigma on Galwan

Modi’s efforts appear prescient, but the answers to the questions he posed remain equally elusive. How do you maintain stability on a border that h

Three to tango
May 07, 2013

Three to tango

Nepal Maoist leader Prachanda's proposal for trilateral cooperation between Nepal, India and China is his big idea. But his geopolitical epiphany could soon be a forgotten footnote if India and China can?t find ways to ensure peace and tranquility on their long and contested boundary.

Three years of India-Pakistan border ceasefire: Stable and unsteady
Mar 19, 2024

Three years of India-Pakistan border ceasefire: Stable and unsteady

New Delhi is aware that Pakistan’s military establishment will continue its proxy war, nonetheless, it favours a ceasefire for as long as possible w

Tiananmen Revisited
Apr 05, 2004

Tiananmen Revisited

June 4th was the fifteenth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Incident. In 1989, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was widely reviled for its violent handling of peaceful student protests. The crackdown prompted stringent political censure of the CCP by the international community and economic sanctions were imposed against China.

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?
Jun 05, 2024

Ties with Pakistan: Loose talk or opening the latch?

Speculation is rife on both sides of the Radcliffe Line about a possible re-engagement between India and Pakistan. However, it remains uncertain wheth

Time for Pax Indica?
Jun 19, 2024

Time for Pax Indica?

In his third term, He should take a proactive approach to peacemaking, like Norway & Switzerland. This will help India better mangae its external environment.

To Islamabad and After
Dec 23, 2003

To Islamabad and After

Call it a game of good-cop-and-bad-cop being played out by President Musharaff and Prime Minister Jamali, yet Pakistan¿s willingness to ¿keep aside¿ the UN resolution on plebiscite in Kashmir should come as a welcome turn, if not relief, for India, and all those hoping for permanent peace in South Asia.

Tracing the role of ideas and tactics in the Kashmir conflict
Apr 10, 2021

Tracing the role of ideas and tactics in the Kashmir conflict

The conflict in Kashmir has undergone several changes and has kept itself relevant by drawing upon ideas and tactics from elsewhere.

TTP-पाकिस्तान शांतता चर्चा आणि त्यांचे परिणाम
Aug 19, 2022

TTP-पाकिस्तान शांतता चर्चा आणि त्यांचे परिणाम

टीटीपीच्या मागणीची पूर्तता अप्रत्यक्षपणे अफगाण तालिबानला अफगाणिस्तान-पाकिस्तान सीमेवर विस्तारवादी स्थिती प्राप्त करण्यास मदत करेल.

Tuning American diplomacy: Melody beyond borders
Oct 07, 2023

Tuning American diplomacy: Melody beyond borders

The US aims to promote music diplomacy to promote global peace and democracy, as part of its larger foreign policy goals

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid
Jun 28, 2024

Ukraine's struggle for survival: Navigating with limited Western aid

While the West is finally showing consistency in its aid to Ukraine, Trump’s return to power could potentially disrupt this trend.

UN Security Council reform: A Caribbean view
Dec 14, 2023

UN Security Council reform: A Caribbean view

For CARICOM, a reformed Security Council is vitally important in beating back hard power-related action that undermines the Caribbean’s security