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Inside Pakistan - I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process
Feb 18, 2003

Inside Pakistan - I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process

That there is massive change in the mindset of Pakistanis towards India is an impression that this writer got during a visit to Pakistan last August. This impression has got further strengthened during a recently concluded visit. The desire for peace with India is no longer limited to the usual suspects; rather it is to be found even in the quintessential establishment types who have traditionally thrived on India-baiting.

Inside Pakistan - II, A Jihadi Perspective in Indo-Pak Thaw
Feb 20, 2004

Inside Pakistan - II, A Jihadi Perspective in Indo-Pak Thaw

For an Indian journalist, meeting the jihadis in Pakistan always makes for a great story back home. But despite the omnipresence of the jihad factory in Pakistan, it has never been easy to get hold of important jihadi leaders. Post-9/11, and especially after the ban imposed on some jihadi organisations, setting up meetings with jihadis has become even more difficult. With Pakistan's famed ¿agencies¿ quite chary of the jihadis talking to journal

Inside Pakistan I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process
Feb 18, 2003

Inside Pakistan I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process

That there is massive change in the mindset of Pakistanis towards India is an impression that this writer got during a visit to Pakistan last August. This impression has got further strengthened during a recently concluded visit. The desire for peace with India is no longer limited to the usual suspects; rather it is to be found even in the quintessential establishment types who have traditionally thrived on India-baiting.

Inside Pakistan-III, The Kashmiri and Religious Politicians Perspective
Feb 24, 2004

Inside Pakistan-III, The Kashmiri and Religious Politicians Perspective

Amanullah Khan, chairman of the JKLF, is most unhappy with the peace process between India and Pakistan. For a man who knows what it means to be first used by a state and then unceremoniously disposed off after the state has achieved its purpose, Khan realizes that the peace process, if successful, is probably the end of the road for people like him. There was a time in the late 1980's and very early 1990's when Amanullah Khan was a really happen

Interview: India-Pakistan CBMs
Jul 12, 2005

Interview: India-Pakistan CBMs

'The year old Indo-Pak rapprochement has now reached a stalemate and is in danger of being hijacked by deeply entrenched bureaucracies and hardliners on both the sides', said Lt Gen Talat Masood (Retd), who was Secretary of Defence Production, Ministry of Defense, Pakistan in early 1990s.

Invading and Occupying Pakistan?
Oct 08, 2004

Invading and Occupying Pakistan?

Does India have any intention of assisting the US in invading and occupying Pakistan? And should India be part of such an adventure? What are the likely implications on India's security of such an action? These are questions that would normally fall in the realm of scenario building and war gaming.

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan open a new frontier of conflict

Both Iran and Pakistan have their hands full with regional conflicts. Neither would want to escalate it beyond a point as their resources are already

Iran and Pakistan: Another front for an already embattled Islamabad
Jan 19, 2024

Iran and Pakistan: Another front for an already embattled Islamabad

Chances are that the tit-for-tat exchange between Iran and Pakistan will not escalate; neither side wants nor can afford an open conflict

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Pakistan's balancing act
May 05, 2014

Iran and Saudi Arabia: Pakistan's balancing act

Amid growing Saudi concerns about the shifting Middle East balance of power in favour of Iran, Pakistan is walking the tight rope between Riyadh, a close ally, and Tehran, an important neighbour.

Iran, Pakistan and nukes
Mar 05, 2004

Iran, Pakistan and nukes

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is currently investigating Iran's nuclear program, especially the possibility that Pakistan helped it with substantial transfers of technology and materials in the past. There has been no conclusive evidence so far, except for a piece of evidence that Pakistan

Iran, Pakistan, and the greater Baloch question
Jan 19, 2024

Iran, Pakistan, and the greater Baloch question

The Iran-Pakistan strikes are a prime example of how the absence of counterterrorism cooperation can escalate into a diplomatic and on-ground conflict

Is a thaw between India and Pakistan possible?
Feb 27, 2021

Is a thaw between India and Pakistan possible?

It is not the first time that the militaries of the two countries have agreed to maintain calm at the border.

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?
Sep 03, 2011

Is India Policy Pakistan-Centric?

Manmohan Singh is sometimes accused of focusing too much on Pakistan. Perhaps he could try paying a visit. Also consider visiting towns outside Islamabad and Lahore, such as his own ancestral village, which is waiting with open arms to welcome its prodigal son.

Is legitimising a nuclear Pakistan in the interest of the global nuclear regime?
Oct 26, 2015

Is legitimising a nuclear Pakistan in the interest of the global nuclear regime?

The key problem with offering NSG membership to Pakistan is its obstructionist approach. Pakistan will try to block any decision which it might think will be advantageous to India. Since the NSG functions on the principle of consensus, Pakistan's pursuit of parity with India will lead to a stalemate within the NSG.

Is Pakistan an unviable state? A numerical investigation
Jun 21, 2019

Is Pakistan an unviable state? A numerical investigation

For now, Pakistan is banking upon its time tested modus operandi of tiding over the immediate crisis by giving in to whatever is demanded of it, and t

Is Pakistan moving towards a more stable three party system?
Aug 14, 2018

Is Pakistan moving towards a more stable three party system?

People have thought in the past that a three-party system can achieve maximum stability in Pakistan. Observers will be keen to look at how the Pakistani military will be factored into the new dynamic.

Is Pakistan operationalising ‘pro-active’ diplomacy of assassinations?
Dec 23, 2020

Is Pakistan operationalising ‘pro-active’ diplomacy of assassinations?

The Pakistani establishment is trying to muzzle dissent within Pakistan — and without.

Is Pakistan serious about talks with India?
Feb 22, 2023

Is Pakistan serious about talks with India?

Pakistan's persistent anti-India stance and unreliable dialogue offers from the civilian leadership in Islamabad have rendered the relationship insign

Is the India-Pakistan ceasefire a googly?
Mar 06, 2021

Is the India-Pakistan ceasefire a googly?

Imran has announced that the onus is on India now to take further steps and create an enabling environment for peace.

Is the Pakistan election a fixed match?
Jul 20, 2018

Is the Pakistan election a fixed match?

The usual shady politicking ensures that it doesn’t take a psephologist to figure out who will win the Pakistan elections.

ISI shaping Pakistan to be run by army
Oct 31, 2018

ISI shaping Pakistan to be run by army

The ISI — on behalf of the army — has shaped Pakistan to the needs of the army chief.

Islamisation in Pakistan: A Case Study of Punjab
Jul 28, 2023

Islamisation in Pakistan: A Case Study of Punjab

Islam had reached Punjab along with the invasion of Muhammad Bin Qasim in the 8th Century. It spread in the province through the efforts of an array of Sufi saints who arrived in the province in the centuries that followed. Naturally, that meant that Islam in Punjab was deeply influenced by Sufi traditions. Today, both sides of the divided province are dotted with Sufi shrines or dargahs. The Sufi saints of Punjab have been venerated through the

Kashmir flare-up puts India under new pressure to deal with Pakistan
Sep 28, 2016

Kashmir flare-up puts India under new pressure to deal with Pakistan

In aftemath of Uri the Kashmir flare up has increased the domestic pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to act decisively

Learning to live with Pakistan - terrorism and worse?
Mar 12, 2019

Learning to live with Pakistan - terrorism and worse?

The broad arguments for the war-psyche in India just now are based on the incontrovertible belief that Pakistan, whether Deep State or not, is incorri

Let's stick to our guns on Pakistan
Jun 10, 2019

Let's stick to our guns on Pakistan

The Modi government has been diplomatically polite and is in no haste to reach out to Pakistan for bilateral talks yet.

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart
Mar 29, 2005

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart

At the international summit on Terrorism, Democracy and Security held at Madrid from March 8 to 11,2005, which I attended, the foremost concern in the minds of the participants was the likelihood of an act of catastrophic terrorism involving the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Maintaining animosity with India will be too costly for Pakistan
Jul 09, 2012

Maintaining animosity with India will be too costly for Pakistan

The absence of a clear centre of power in Pakistan raises a serious question mark on the ability of the government in Islamabad to execute any agreement with India in letter and spirit.

Make no mistake, Pakistan is losing this battle
Sep 22, 2016

Make no mistake, Pakistan is losing this battle

Whatever little sympathy Pakistan wanted to milk for its position on Kashmir was lost because of the Uri terror attacks.

Mass migration, adding to Pakistan's woes
Sep 29, 2011

Mass migration, adding to Pakistan's woes

Massive migrations, triggered by natural calamities and the decade-long 'war on terror', are severely testing state's credibility and capability in Pakistan. Reeling under the cumulative effect of terrorism and economic meltdown, Pakistan, with a growing population.

Mehran attack exposes Pakistan's counter terror
Jun 03, 2011

Mehran attack exposes Pakistan's counter terror

On May 25, four terrorists (initial reports suggested almost a dozen armed men) scaled the perimeter walls of PNS Mehran, Pakistan's only naval air base, located in Karachi. Guided by their commander through hi-tech wireless systems,

Military-militant nexus in Pakistan and implications for peace with India
Apr 06, 2009

Military-militant nexus in Pakistan and implications for peace with India

On November 26, 2008, 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai undid in less than 60 hours what governments of two sovereign nations had been struggling for over four years to achieve-peace and stability in the region. These terrorists were from Pakistan, recruited, trained and armed by Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), a terrorist group with visible presence across the country.

Military-mullah nexus wins another round in Pakistan
Dec 07, 2017

Military-mullah nexus wins another round in Pakistan

The military-mullah alliance is fundamental to the pervasive role of the army in Pakistan’s polity. This trend has led to many Islamist and terrorist organisations seeking the status of political parties, a move dubbed as ‘mainstreaming of terrorists.’

Missile Antics by India and Pakistan
Mar 22, 2004

Missile Antics by India and Pakistan

On March 9, 2004, Pakistan test fired solid propellant Shaheen-2 ballistic missile, which is supposed to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead upto a range of 2500 kilometers. The aim of the test as stated officially was ¿to ensure the reach of the missile was sufficient to deter aggression and prevent military coercion¿. The speculations -or unstated aims- of the test were

Modi's cricket diplomacy: Renewing political contact with Pakistan
Feb 13, 2015

Modi's cricket diplomacy: Renewing political contact with Pakistan

Cricket has always come in handy for India and Pakistan leaders to break political ice at difficult moments. And this World Cup has provided Modi with an opportunity to end the current diplomatic impasse. Modi called up Sharif to wish Pakistan well in the Cup and offered to send the new foreign secretary to Islamabad.

Modi's limited Pakistan policy at BRICS
Oct 25, 2016

Modi's limited Pakistan policy at BRICS

In the post BRICS narrative, Modi government’s recent policy towards Pakistan has been described as a "game changer" but has it's own limitations

Modi's Pakistan policy back on track set by Narasimha Rao in 1991
Jul 14, 2015

Modi's Pakistan policy back on track set by Narasimha Rao in 1991

No matter how you nuance the outcome of the recent Sharif-Modi meeting, the fact is that continuity, rather than change, marks the Indian PM's new Pakistan initiative. And, Time has shown the success of this strategy because India has, if anything, become more resilient, while Pakistan has come to the brink of collapse.

Modi’s Kozhikode masterstroke reflects maturity in Pakistan policy
Sep 26, 2016

Modi’s Kozhikode masterstroke reflects maturity in Pakistan policy

In his Kozhikode speech, Modi managed to underscore how Pakistan was going against the forces of history and how isolated it stood today as a result.

Modi’s Pakistan policy: What’s working and what’s not
Apr 27, 2018

Modi’s Pakistan policy: What’s working and what’s not

The Modi government should have put in place systems, structures and strategies that would make it politically very difficult for any future government to slide back to the pusillanimous policy on Pakistan.

More questions than answers in Pakistan today
Sep 13, 2012

More questions than answers in Pakistan today

Pakistan is grappling with multiple challenges currently and perhaps the only silver lining on the horizon is the possibility of a deeper economic relationship with India. There were more questions than answers about the situation inside Pakistan.