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645 results found

Myanmar operation strengthens Modi's no-nonsense reputation
Jun 15, 2015

Myanmar operation strengthens Modi's no-nonsense reputation

One needs to be cautious in pronouncing that the recent Myanmar Operation by the Indian army is a new, all-purpose security and counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism doctrine for every eventuality, circumstance and geography. In the case of Pakistan and the Kashmir theatre, for example, things will not be as simple.

Naiveté In Srinagar
Aug 05, 2010

Naiveté In Srinagar

It is a cliché to say that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is complex and that Kashmir is burning. But this is true also. The situation today is the result of political mismanagement, indifference and lessons not learnt over past few years after the security forces had brought the situation under control.

Need for separate regional councils for J-K
Jan 30, 2015

Need for separate regional councils for J-K

At a discussion on "Conversations on Kashmir: Socio-political and economic aspirations of J&K" at ORF, panellists insisted upon the need for truth and reconciliation which, however, can only be possible after the admission of guilt by the parties concerned.

Need to grab initiative on J&K: Working Group Reports' recommendations require a push
Dec 29, 2009

Need to grab initiative on J&K: Working Group Reports' recommendations require a push

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had taken a bold step in 2006 when he constituted five working groups on Jammu and Kashmir to grab the initiative for ushering in a phase of development by creating conditions of permanent peace in the troubled state.

Needed: A trilateral of northern states
Jul 16, 2011

Needed: A trilateral of northern states

Suggesting that a trilateral grouping between Punjab, Kashmir and Rajasthan to improve ties with its neighbouring Pakistan provinces, the author says border provinces had shown time and again that they are the most solid bridge between India and Pakistan.

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options
Feb 16, 2019

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options

Despite the severity of the attack and the pressure for action, New Delhi’s choices are much more limited than they may initially appear.

No Prime Minister, 'Terrorism' and 'Militancy' are not the same thing
Feb 05, 2019

No Prime Minister, 'Terrorism' and 'Militancy' are not the same thing

The Modi government has declared that virtually everyone who opposes its policies in Jammu and Kashmir is a terrorist. This makes it difficult to find a way out of the Kashmir miasma.

No table for three
Aug 21, 2014

No table for three

As the NDA government recalibrates India's Kashmir and Pakistan policies, Delhi must do a much better job explaining the logic behind the cancellation of the foreign secretary talks, widely seen as abrupt.It must let the international community, especially Pakistan's friends, including the US, China and Saudi Arabia, know India is not abandoning the peace process with Islamabad.

Notion of false equivalence: India and Pakistan at the Line of Control
May 15, 2020

Notion of false equivalence: India and Pakistan at the Line of Control

The false equivalence in terms of status as nuclear powers has led to hypothetical scenarios of India and Pakistan engaging in nuclear warfare and all

Obama's 'offence'
Jul 19, 2012

Obama's 'offence'

New Delhi's knee-jerk political protestations against Barack Obama's remarks on the stalled economic reforms in India have missed out on far more important comments from the President of the United States about Jammu and Kashmir.

Opportunity to actualise counterterrorism cooperation between India and the US
Feb 04, 2020

Opportunity to actualise counterterrorism cooperation between India and the US

As Republicans dampen Democrats’ criticism on Kashmir by citing India’s counterterrorism imperatives, an opportunity to actualise US-India counter

Pakistan occupied Pakistan
Jan 20, 2006

Pakistan occupied Pakistan

Some years ago when Karan Thapar interviewed Pervez Musharraf, the general was self-assured and voluble. That was before 9/11 but after Kargil. Last fortnight, he was once again voluble, and when not talking about himself, he was talking about Kashmir. But his body language showed nervousness, impatience, an edginess and even tiredness. And Thapar drove a hard bargain.

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy
Apr 29, 2020

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy

The formation of ‘The Resistance Front’ should be seen as an attempt to consolidate strengths, manpower, weaponry, and training of various militan

Pakistan's charm offensive
Jan 07, 2004

Pakistan's charm offensive

It would not be fair to term Syed Salahuddin's statements on Kashmir as the official Pakistan policy. But the fact that Salahuddin has been making, rather freely, statements on Kashmir, which seem to be contrary to the stance taken by Islamabad-at least for the time being-is a clear pointer to Pakistan's strategy on Kashmir.

Pakistan's quick U-turn on its trade ban on pharmaceutical products with India
Sep 07, 2019

Pakistan's quick U-turn on its trade ban on pharmaceutical products with India

Pakistan’s knee-jerk decision to suspend all trade relations with India could have only created a barrier of access to medicines for the Pakistani p

Pakistan: End India's one-sided love affair
Jul 13, 2012

Pakistan: End India's one-sided love affair

India's interest lies in peace, not in coddling Pakistan, not necessarily in pursuing "most favoured nation" status, trade and visa issues with that country, but in ensuring it remains irrelevant in Kashmir and realises it is irrelevant. This will not happen by our mere say-so.

Pakistan: People’s protests unnerves deep state
Jan 17, 2024

Pakistan: People’s protests unnerves deep state

With protests breaking out across Pakistan, it has become clear that the Pakistan Army’s power over the people is eroding

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror
Apr 10, 2023

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror

Terror training schools, teaching hundreds of new and young recruits in suicide missions and use of sophisticated weapons like AK-47, Mi-5 and Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs), have been active in many parts of Pakistan, including Punjab, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Waziristan and Pak-occupied Kashmir.

Patenting 'One-World Order' ?
Feb 17, 2004

Patenting 'One-World Order' ?

Whoever in India that says West Asia is Middle-East, Jammu and Kashmir is ¿Indian Kashmir¿ and painting the face with the national Tricolour at cricket stadia is the height of patriotism have got it all wrong. If anything, they are fast tracking towards a ¿patented one-world order¿, knowingly or otherwise, with India¿s soul and resilience of the past centuries being tormented, without trace or knowledge.

Peace at the Borders
Jun 27, 2011

Peace at the Borders

It is time that India seriously consider "outsourcing" some aspects of its foreign policy to its border provinces. Encouragement of deeper cooperation between border states in both India and Pakistan -especially the two Punjabs, the two Kashmirs, and Rajasthan (India) and Sind (Pakistan) -- could be a good beginning for bettering relations.

Peace Pipeline: The Next Dimension
May 29, 2004

Peace Pipeline: The Next Dimension

Nothing, with the exception of the Kashmir issue, has been more debated, researched and written about in the context of Indo Pak relations than the issue of the Iran-Pakistan-India Natural Gas pipeline in the last decade. From Onshore to Offshore options and international consortia and guarantees to people to contact, almost everything and anything has been tossed around and evaluated, yet to no avail. The pipeline still remains a pipe dream.

Political Salafism in South Asia
Dec 12, 2022

Political Salafism in South Asia

Salafist politics varies in different nations based on the broader political context

Poor governance record, internal rebellion worrying PDP
Jul 20, 2018

Poor governance record, internal rebellion worrying PDP

The split in the PDP is inevitable. So far, there is no evidence that New Delhi is engineering split within PDP.

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire
Jun 05, 2018

Portents of revised LoC ceasefire

The timing of the recent India-Pakistan agreement can’t be a coincidence, and the Modi government needs to watch its back.

Post Pulwama attack: 10 questions for the government
Feb 16, 2019

Post Pulwama attack: 10 questions for the government

The immediate consequence of the Pulwama carnage is the sense of fear developed in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Prepare for a turbulent winter
Nov 15, 2004

Prepare for a turbulent winter

Jammu & Kashmir will emerge as one of the key areas of conflict and is likely to witness an increased US interest during the second term of President George W Bush. The reasons are not far to seek. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has been Mr Bush's strong ally in the war against terror and will continue to be so. President Bush's return to the White House,

Priorities of Peace Process
Jul 14, 2005

Priorities of Peace Process

One of the critical issues that seem to have missed the Indian-Pakistan peace process is terrorism. Pakistan has quietly managed to keep the issue on the backburner by raising the issues of Baglihar dam and Kashmir.

Pulwama attack: In anger and anguish
Feb 15, 2019

Pulwama attack: In anger and anguish

Terrorist attacks of this nature do not happen overnight. They take time to organise and plan.

Pulwama suicide attack and the battle of mind space
Feb 25, 2019

Pulwama suicide attack and the battle of mind space

Kinetics help in neutralising certain type of threats. They do not help in the real problem — the battle of mind space.

Pulwama suicide attack: An extremely dangerous development
Feb 15, 2019

Pulwama suicide attack: An extremely dangerous development

In many ways, some of the worst fears of the security forces have come true.

Pulwama terror attack, nuclear weapons and the India-Pakistan conflict dyad
Feb 18, 2019

Pulwama terror attack, nuclear weapons and the India-Pakistan conflict dyad

India must consider military retaliation, as further inaction will only go on to reinforce Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence.

Punjab: Can It Be a Bridge to Peace Between India and Pakistan?
Oct 10, 2011

Punjab: Can It Be a Bridge to Peace Between India and Pakistan?

New Delhi and Islamabad dominated dialogue have failed to come up with any solution to vexed issues like Kashmir. May be sub-regions like Punjab and other border provinces like Rajasthan-Sind.

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism
Oct 13, 2005

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism

No accurate estimate is as yet available on the human losses and material damage suffered by the Al Qaeda and other jihadi terrorist organisations belonging to Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (IIF) as a result of the earthquake, which struck Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan on October 8, 2005.

Quake in Pakistan: Anger against Musharraf
Oct 18, 2005

Quake in Pakistan: Anger against Musharraf

As the total number of fatalities in the earthquake, which struck the Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and the North-west Frontier Province (NWFP) on October 8, 2005, crosses the 50,000 mark and is inexorably moving higher and higher as more and more dead bodies are recovered under the debris and more and more injured survivors are succumbing to death due to lack of medical facilities and protection against the severe cold which has already set in

Quake in Pakistan: The Sequel
Oct 11, 2005

Quake in Pakistan: The Sequel

The Government and the people of Pakistan have been coping, as best as they can, with the help of a flood of international assistance, with the colossal tragedy which struck them on October 8, 2005, in the form of a massive earthquake which has devastated practically the whole of Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and large parts of the district of Manshera and other areas in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Requiem to the fallen soldier. But why so many deaths?
Jan 02, 2018

Requiem to the fallen soldier. But why so many deaths?

Jihadi elements continue to infiltrate terrorists to cause carnage in Jammu and Kashmir.

Restoration of 4G no favour to J&K; People demand reparations
Feb 08, 2021

Restoration of 4G no favour to J&K; People demand reparations

After 550 days of restrictions, 4G has been restored in Jammu and Kashmir — now at par with rest of the country.

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?
Jul 26, 2019

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?

Trump’s comments on Kashmir during Imran Khan’s visit may reflect the US undoing its India-Pakistan dehyphenation policy.

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Aug 11, 2023

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

Shifting terrain for India’s foreign policy
Jan 22, 2020

Shifting terrain for India’s foreign policy

A big election win for Modi lifted India’s confidence in tackling a changing global order and challenging its critics

Shipping, shopping, and saffron: India-UAE strategic partnership on display in J&K
Jan 24, 2022

Shipping, shopping, and saffron: India-UAE strategic partnership on display in J&K

Closer ties between India-UAE will provide a fillip to Jammu and Kashmir’s economy

Shujaat Bukhari's assassination is aimed at disrupting any move towards peace
Jun 15, 2018

Shujaat Bukhari's assassination is aimed at disrupting any move towards peace

The message in the murder is the obvious one. Kashmir’s terrain has changed, all the past verities no longer prevail. In the new situation, you are either for us, or against us, there is no middle ground.