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Amritsar tragedy: Face hard truth
Oct 23, 2018

Amritsar tragedy: Face hard truth

We can turn blue in the face discussing the importance of the rule of law but more than its imposition, isn’t it the responsibility of every citizen to follow the law, both in letter and spirit?

An 'India exception' for climate talks
Jan 23, 2015

An 'India exception' for climate talks

If the U.S. partners with India for more efficient industrialisation and supports an "India exception" in global climate talks, it could be the kind of investment that cements ties between these two countries. From the perspective of a stable international order, it would be a big deal; from the perspective of climate talks, it is the only realistic path forward.

An arms race? And to what end?
Mar 22, 2004

An arms race? And to what end?

By announcing the American decision to ¿nominate¿ Pakistan as a ¿major non-NATO ally¿, US Secretary of State Colin Powell may have done a calculated disservice to the ongoing peace process between Islamabad and New Delhi. His reference to greater military-to-military cooperation with Islamabad may have stirred,

An explanation for Russia's interest in Syria
Aug 09, 2012

An explanation for Russia's interest in Syria

While Kremlin may be playing to a Russian audience by blocking the West, broader interests, namely, geopolitics, multilateralism, regional stability, and doubts about the feasibility of UNSC resolutions drive its actions in Syria.

An indefensible posture
Aug 08, 2014

An indefensible posture

The Modi government should recognise the advantages of a defence diplomacy that mobilises external partnerships to accelerate India's defence modernisation, shapes its regional strategic environment and helps Delhi emerge as an indispensable element of a new balance of power system in the Indo-Pacific.

An interaction with Obama's former Campaign Chief
Jan 11, 2010

An interaction with Obama's former Campaign Chief

India should work more closely with the members of the US Congress in order to strengthen the strategic relationship between the two largest democracies in the world.

An interaction with US Congressional Staff
May 01, 2013

An interaction with US Congressional Staff

The US Congressional Staff was pointed out that though Pakistan's political machinery is willing to work with all parties, including India, on Afghanistan, the army apparatus and the ISI still remains a liability. These factors must be taken into account while US deals with Pakistan.

An internal agenda for the East?
Apr 07, 2008

An internal agenda for the East?

By entering the scene though a little late in the day, SLMC president Rauff Hakeem on the one hand, and the People's Front of Liberation Tigers (PFLT), the latter the political outfit floated by the LTTE as far back as 1989, have made the 10 May polls to the Provincial Council high profile and interesting at the same time.

An Old Debate Reopened
Sep 15, 2005

An Old Debate Reopened

Al Quds al Arabi is a respected daily and the opinion of its editor, Abdul Bari Atwan, carries weight. For this reason, his op-ed on September 7 on "Talabani and Arabness of Iraq" is to be taken note of. The point of departure is Iraq's isolation in the Arab world and Mr. Atwan,

An old German city shows a new green logic
May 21, 2014

An old German city shows a new green logic

Hamburg wants to go completely car free in the next ten years, and it wants to achieve it by networking all its green Space creating a new paradigm of walkable and cycleable urbanity.

An unclaimed legacy
Jan 05, 2015

An unclaimed legacy

Former NDA prime minister Vajpayee kept the professional hawks in the national security establishment and the conservatives in his own party BJP at bay in the making of India's foreign policy. It is not clear if Narendra Modi can sustain a similar freedom of action for his government.

Analysing France’s new strategy for Africa
Mar 15, 2023

Analysing France’s new strategy for Africa

With its new strategy for partnership with African countries, France aims to break away from its past approach towards the continent

Analysing South Asian Analysts
Nov 17, 2003

Analysing South Asian Analysts

After decades of being on the backburner, the 9-11 terrorist attacks forced America to take a fresh look at the South Asian region. The last time the US had focused on this region was immediately following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, which required US policymakers to structure their policies to fit the Cold War paradigm.

Analysing the progress of the Africa Continental FTA
Jan 12, 2023

Analysing the progress of the Africa Continental FTA

The AfCFTA seems to be on the right track as it pushes for a more integrated Africa

Analysing Ufa Declaration
Jul 15, 2015

Analysing Ufa Declaration

The sharpest and the most explicit critique of the US in Ufa Delcaration is its failure to ratify the IMF 2010 reform package. The second major criticism is over the on-going furore over governance of the internet. The BRICS countries see the ICT sector as a critical platform they can leverage in their transition from emerging to developed economies.

Anchored in Bharat, Budget 2022 exudes confidence, powers India’s growth
Feb 01, 2022

Anchored in Bharat, Budget 2022 exudes confidence, powers India’s growth

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman budget remains unassuming in grand announcements, matter of fact in its outlook, and deglamorised in form—just t

Andhra turmoil: Only Telangana creation can help
Jul 16, 2011

Andhra turmoil: Only Telangana creation can help

The Andhra crisis illustrates the inability of the UPA government to arrive at a decision in respect of the Telangana problem. This attitude of drift has been noticed for well over 50 years. And the Centre has shown little understanding while handling with socio-political issues of Telugu speaking districts of the erstwhile Madras Presidency.

Angels and Demons: Rescuing Kashmir
Sep 10, 2014

Angels and Demons: Rescuing Kashmir

The Indian Army and the much-vilified social media is coming to the rescue of hapless victims of unprecedented flood in J&K. The use of social media for malicious purposes is proven. The use of the medium to incite and radicalise is also rampant. Yet it is a force for good as we saw this past week. Challenge and vilify the user, do not condemn the tool.

Anna Hazare - Gandhi: Is the comparison right?
Aug 20, 2011

Anna Hazare - Gandhi: Is the comparison right?

Gandhiji would surely condemn the corruption that plagues India today. But unlike Anna Hazare, he would steer us towards the more preliminary question of, how did we get here?

Anna movement: Need for more probity
Dec 29, 2011

Anna movement: Need for more probity

By moving the Mumbai High Court for rent-exemption for the MMRDA ground, and at the same time paying up-front when compelled to do, Team Anna has showed what they are worth in terms of public morals and fiscal accountability.

Anna's arrest and after...
Aug 16, 2011

Anna's arrest and after...

The events after the presentation of the 'Jan Lok Pal Bill' draft by 'Team Anna' has unfolded on expected lines. The Government's softened Bill, defending its politico-constitutional position on the inclusion of Prime Minister.

Anna, Home-Grown-Terror, Sonia's Health And Other Stories
Aug 21, 2011

Anna, Home-Grown-Terror, Sonia's Health And Other Stories

The Congress, with luck, must have its leader, Sonia Gandhi, back soon or, in the alternative, find some way to keep together the flock which has grown accustomed to the apotheosis of a family. A simple way is to hold party elections, never attempted after the Tirupati session of the Congress in 1993.

Announced in Budget 2022, debut green bond performs better than expected
Jan 30, 2023

Announced in Budget 2022, debut green bond performs better than expected

Indian sovereign green bonds are critical for establishing a comprehensive sustainable investment architecture, thus a concrete roadmap needs to be ch

Annual Outlook 2023: Warmer Climes Ahead
Jan 23, 2024

Annual Outlook 2023: Warmer Climes Ahead

This report explores the economic and geopolitical impacts of climate change, highlighting the mitigated energy crisis in Europe, inflation trends, and global monetary policies. It discusses investment opportunities in sustainable travel and emerging markets, particularly in Asia, amidst the evolving energy landscape and consumer behaviors post-COVID, in the year 2023.

Anomalies in agriculture: What are the solutions?
Mar 12, 2010

Anomalies in agriculture: What are the solutions?

It is lack of access to easy credit and high rates of interest that are behind the fall in private investment in agriculture

Another Judiciary-Executive confrontation brewing in Pakistan?
Aug 03, 2011

Another Judiciary-Executive confrontation brewing in Pakistan?

Although the present confrontation between the judiciary and executive is not of the magnitude witnessed in 2007, the episode underlines the vulnerability of the political process in Pakistan.

Another shower for Pakistan
Oct 30, 2010

Another shower for Pakistan

What is bewildering is the stone silence on the part of ordinary Americans who are being hoodwinked by the Obama administration into believing that funnelling money and weapons to Pakistan's rogue military would help in winning strategic goals. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan
Oct 18, 2004

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan

The kidnapping of two Chinese engineers working in an irrigation project in South Waziristan in the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan by a group of pro-Osama bin Laden jihadi terrorists last week and the death of one of them on October 13,2004,

Answering the call: Putting the world in women’s hands
Jan 12, 2018

Answering the call: Putting the world in women’s hands

What is driving India’s abnormally high gender gap in phone ownership? What can be done about it?

Anti colonial leader now holds neo colonial coat tails
Feb 22, 2013

Anti colonial leader now holds neo colonial coat tails

Did Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru fight British colonialism? If they did, is it not ironical that New Delhi should be seen to be supportive of the French neo-colonial effort in Mali?

Anti-India sentiments going viral in rural Nepal, says former Minister
Oct 31, 2013

Anti-India sentiments going viral in rural Nepal, says former Minister

Anti-India sentiments have gone viral in rural Nepal and unless urgent steps are not taken, this could lead to a widening gap between India and Nepal, according to former Minister of Water Resources of Nepal, Dr. Dipak Gyawali.

Antony's term as defence minister has been mired in scandals, missed opportunities
Jun 24, 2013

Antony's term as defence minister has been mired in scandals, missed opportunities

It is an unfortunate fact that India usually commits itself to reform after it is hit by a crisis. That is why the two periods of reform and restructuring followed the 1962 defeat at the hands of the Chinese and the Kargil war.

AP Maoists: The Party is Over
Jan 27, 2005

AP Maoists: The Party is Over

Naxalites of the Communist Party of India-Maoist and Communist Party of India -- Marxist-Leninist (Janashakthi) trashed the peace process in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh on January 17.

Applying the Gujarat Model: What  Modi's budget will offer
Jun 05, 2014

Applying the Gujarat Model: What Modi's budget will offer

Some economists argue there is an overlap between the demands of the stock market and the emerging aspirational classes. The new FM has said, sacrifices will have to be made to correct the fiscal path. The question is who will make the sacrifices -- big capital or ordinary people?

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:
May 14, 2005

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:

Pakistan trusted and gave too much independence, which was misused by AQ Khan to the detriment of Pakistan's national security and international embarrassment, says Brig. Khan....

AQIS:  A possible Al Qaeda resurgence in South Asia?
Sep 09, 2014

AQIS: A possible Al Qaeda resurgence in South Asia?

The birth of AQIS at the time when al Qaeda is loosening its grip over the jihadist movement in the Middle East, which has been taken over by the Islamic State (IS), raises questions about al Qaeda's possible resurgence in South Asia.

Arab protests: the American dilemma
Feb 11, 2011

Arab protests: the American dilemma

The current wave of protests sweeping across the Arab world has the Obama administration worried, particularly about Egypt. Interestingly, each protest in the region has targeted rulers who have been allied to the US for long. The US thus finds itself in a delicate situation.

Arab Regimes Tottering Variously
Feb 19, 2011

Arab Regimes Tottering Variously

Regimes sympathic to the Palestinian plight would, to that extent, be insulted from peoples' wrath in Syria and Libya, for instance. Demonstrations in Iran and Libya are part of the internal turmoil in these countries, unrelated to the Palestinian issue.

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia
Apr 25, 2013

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia

The 'Arab Spring' has given an opportunity to India to present itself as a model to other countries, feels Prof Gawdat Bhagat of the Near-East and South Asia Centre for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Washington DC.

Arab Springs Global Linkages
Jun 06, 2011

Arab Springs Global Linkages

Bush years were, of course, guided by more crude principles. But consider military action against Qadaffi's Libya keeping Albright's perspective in mind.

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?
Jul 01, 2011

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?

Dr. Paul Joseph, Fulbright-Nehru distinguished chair, Tufts University, US, argues that there are two types of opposition to war inside the US, which proves that Americans are becoming more peaceful.