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7905 results found

South China Sea verdict: Now China's international reputation at stake
Jul 26, 2016

South China Sea verdict: Now China's international reputation at stake

China must now worry about its international reputation if it flagrantly refuses to do anything and remains rigid in its approach to the SCS dispute.

Space Fence solution: International collaboration
Sep 25, 2013

Space Fence solution: International collaboration

With the U.S. having shut down one of its major Space situational awareness networks, major Spacefaring powers need to make it a priority to contemplate possible solutions to track satellites and orbital debris on a continued basis.

Spring of hope in the winter of despair: Indian economy as the bright spot in the polycrisis
Aug 14, 2023

Spring of hope in the winter of despair: Indian economy as the bright spot in the polycrisis

India’s resilient economy has rebounded from pandemic-induced negative growth, making it a shining prospect in the gloomy global arena

Sri Lanka is the key to India's interests
Jan 14, 2015

Sri Lanka is the key to India's interests

The election of a new government in Colombo provides New Delhi a great opportunity to reset its relations with Sri Lanka. Both countries need to set aside the contentious past and see how they can construct a 21st century relationship based on economic ties and the awareness of the need to understand each other's security concerns.

Sri Lanka: Where bilateral interests with India collude or collide
Oct 28, 2011

Sri Lanka: Where bilateral interests with India collude or collide

With the international community refusing to take its focus off the human rights situation in Sri Lanka even in the midst of developments in West Asia and North Africa, there are now expectations that it could well be Colombo's turn to be called to account for, though to be at a lesser degree.

Sri Lanka: ‘Internationalising’ fisheries issue with India will have consequences
Dec 18, 2021

Sri Lanka: ‘Internationalising’ fisheries issue with India will have consequences

Will internationalising the bilateral fishers’ issue adversely affect the India-Sri Lanka relations?

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

Strong ties with US in India's interest
Jul 14, 2014

Strong ties with US in India's interest

Like China did in the early 1980s, India needs to exploit the opportunity of good relations with the US to become a stronger economic and military power. Indeed, as a decisive leader, Modi could well transform the relationship with the US and enable it to reach its full potential.

Supporting democracy in neighbourhood in India’s strategic interest: Expert
Jun 15, 2019

Supporting democracy in neighbourhood in India’s strategic interest: Expert

The best way for India to promote democracy is through best practices.

Suspending Afghanistan from SAARC and international law
Sep 26, 2021

Suspending Afghanistan from SAARC and international law

Making a case for suspending Afghanistan from SAARC to prevent the crippling of the organisation

Sustainability will be integral component of post-COVID international trade order
Jul 28, 2020

Sustainability will be integral component of post-COVID international trade order

With trade acting as a conduit between production and consumption, a post-Covid trade order must be built upon the principles of sustainability to curb the negative impacts on the ecosystem.

Taleban's Hurrah at Kabul Intercontinental
Jul 02, 2011

Taleban's Hurrah at Kabul Intercontinental

Despite former President Musharraf's departure, neither the ISI nor the Army, could disengage itself from its dream - strategic depth in Afghanistan.

Taliban’s Kashmir policy: Rhetoric, ideology, and interests
Sep 21, 2022

Taliban’s Kashmir policy: Rhetoric, ideology, and interests

The Taliban walks a tightrope as it tries to balance India and Pakistan.

Taxing international shipping to support EU’s post-pandemic recovery
Oct 06, 2020

Taxing international shipping to support EU’s post-pandemic recovery

Why the international community must stall European Parliament’s decision to include shipping in its emissions trading system

Tejas and defence indigenisation: Significance of internal balancing
Feb 04, 2021

Tejas and defence indigenisation: Significance of internal balancing

Indigenisation is not simply about creating a defence ecosystem where indigenous development weapons can thrive, it is equally getting the end-users �

Telemedicine in the Indo-Pacific: Easing regulations and promoting international cooperation for improving health infrastructure
Jan 14, 2022

Telemedicine in the Indo-Pacific: Easing regulations and promoting international cooperation for improving health infrastructure

Countries in the Indo-Pacific region can boost their healthcare systems by working closely on the emerging sector of telemedicine

Terror in a renewed era of interstate conflict — Bringing climate change center stage
Dec 28, 2020

Terror in a renewed era of interstate conflict — Bringing climate change center stage

Climate change induced natural disasters can have quite significant effects on the conflict scenarios in South Asia and, thereby, provide new impetus

Tezpur University wins ORF Kolkata inter-varsity debate
Nov 12, 2015

Tezpur University wins ORF Kolkata inter-varsity debate

ORF Kolkata organised its 2nd annual Inter-University Debate Competition on 7 November, 2015. Students of the Tezpur University won the competition that saw participation of representatives from eight universities from eastern and north-eastern Indian states.

The 2022 Winter Olympics: A cold reception?
Dec 16, 2021

The 2022 Winter Olympics: A cold reception?

Many states have decided to boycott the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing. Is this platform being used to draw the battle lines?

The Bangladesh Army: Documenting its Corporate Interests
Nov 24, 2010

The Bangladesh Army: Documenting its Corporate Interests

Little is known and even less understood about the 2,00,000-strong Bangladesh Army's corporate interests. The importance of the subject owes itself to the fact that the army has been a veritable power of stability in a country that has been dogged by decades of unending political turmoil. The fact that the Army had to step in to keep the country from slipping into a political abyss in 2006 underlines the criticality of its role in providing stabi

The Bitcoin business: Securing India’s strategic interests
Jul 04, 2022

The Bitcoin business: Securing India’s strategic interests

Bitcoin could replace gold and the US dollar as the global reserve commodity in the coming years, it would be prudent for India to adopt Bitcoin as pa

The Chinese interest in Special Drawing Rights
Apr 26, 2011

The Chinese interest in Special Drawing Rights

The fall in the value of the dollar would be worrying the central bankers in China because the value of their reserves also declines simultaneously. The promotion of the SDR agenda by the Chinese is certainly no coincidence given the position of the dollar today.

The crypto winter: FTX and the crisis of trust
Dec 04, 2022

The crypto winter: FTX and the crisis of trust

There appears to be a growing trust deficit as a spate of crises rattle the crypto space

The Crypto Winter: क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाज़ार में छाया सन्नाटा, FTX का पतन और भरोसे का संकट!
Dec 27, 2022

The Crypto Winter: क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाज़ार में छाया सन्नाटा, FTX का पतन और भरोसे का संकट!

ऐसा लगता है कि लगातार बढ़ती भरोसे की कमी संकटों के दौर के �

The doctrine of "national interest"
Nov 05, 2005

The doctrine of "national interest"

In a perceptive essay written some years ago, Joseph Nye had observed that "national interest is a slippery concept used to describe as well as prescribe policy." Decades earlier, the philosopher Gilbert Ryle had cautioned against "systematically misleading expressions" couched in a syntactical form improper to the facts recorded.

The domestic and international significance of protests in Kazakhstan
Jan 10, 2022

The domestic and international significance of protests in Kazakhstan

What does the growing instability in the oil-rich Central Asian country mean for India and the world?

The Equustek decision of the Canadian Supreme Court is a victory for the Internet
Jul 20, 2017

The Equustek decision of the Canadian Supreme Court is a victory for the Internet

The Internet serves as a unique prospect for empowerment and a powerful tool for realising the freedom of expression.

The Ethiopian Civil War: Untangling domestic and international repercussions
Jan 03, 2022

The Ethiopian Civil War: Untangling domestic and international repercussions

Great Power politics and a crumbling federal system implicate the Civil War in Ethiopia

The first international AI treaty: Progress with caveats
May 22, 2024

The first international AI treaty: Progress with caveats

The Council of Europe adopted the first international legally binding treaty on AI. However, the regulatory approach and normative ambiguities leave k

The forgotten history of Indian international relations
Nov 16, 2017

The forgotten history of Indian international relations

What does it mean to speak of an ‘Indian’ approach to international affairs? Indian International Relations (IR) is commonly presented as merely a derivative of ‘western’ disciplinary traditions in Europe and North America. This obscures the vast body of work on political science and international thought that emerged from the beginning of the 20th century amongst South Asian intellectuals, scholars, and activists. This forgotten history

The inconvenient truth about China’s International Commercial Courts
Aug 28, 2020

The inconvenient truth about China’s International Commercial Courts

BRI projects cut across various countries with different legal systems — the legal and regulatory differences across different jurisdictions increas

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices
Dec 16, 2020

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices

Over the years, India has attempted to find political as well as legal solutions to its border dispute with China; these efforts have met with little success. This paper argues that the reason a resolution to the India–China border issue remains elusive is the inadequate understanding—and enforcement—of International Law. It examines the sustainability of China’s position, as well as its general approach to International Law, its interpre

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection
Oct 26, 2022

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection

The general impetus seems to be control of data flows by nation states and not protection of data and privacy

The International Rules Based Architecture: Identifying Indian Priorities
Jul 06, 2013

The International Rules Based Architecture: Identifying Indian Priorities

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), in partnership with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, organised a multi-stakeholder workshop on the 'International Rules-Based Governance' on March 15, 2013. The objective of the workshop was to arrive at a better understanding of the order of priorities for India within the international rules-based architecture.Three areas of focus were identified, namely: Corporate governance ben

The interplay between China, the United States, and India
Dec 19, 2019

The interplay between China, the United States, and India

As China rises, racing ahead in emerging technologies, there are implications for both Washington and Delhi.

The legitimacy of India’s grievance with the international rating triumvirate
Jul 27, 2023

The legitimacy of India’s grievance with the international rating triumvirate

While it might be tempting to dismiss the importance of international rating agencies based on periods of robust inflows of foreign investment, the im

The near future of international law in cyberspace: Contentions and realities
Jan 15, 2022

The near future of international law in cyberspace: Contentions and realities

International stability can be endangered if the fine points of how international law applies to cyber operations are not determined

The need for internet speed
May 14, 2014

The need for internet speed

Both the spread and speed of the internet in India will have a direct impact on India's economy. India's e-government schemes will find faster delivery of services. Sectors like e-commerce will be able to grow. And India's IT and ITES sectors will also remain in the race to be a sure avenue for employment and income generation.

The new world – shaped by self-interest
May 24, 2023

The new world – shaped by self-interest

Limited liability partnerships among nations will constitute the geometry of politics. This is a gritty, realist world. We may not like it, but it’s here to stay