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DeMo trigger, & things got worse
Aug 19, 2019

DeMo trigger, & things got worse

Many more reforms are needed to boost consumer confidence. People have to have faith in their future earning capacity and only then they will start buying.

Democracy and electoral challenges in South Asia
Oct 30, 2015

Democracy and electoral challenges in South Asia

The South Asian region is witnessing some kind of democratic upsurge. For the first time, all the countries in the region have embraced democracy. Yet, democratic transitions in the region are filled with uncertainties and fragility. South Asian countries need to learn from each other's democratic experiences and support each other.

Democracy in India: Is it ‘best fit’ or flawed?
Mar 05, 2019

Democracy in India: Is it ‘best fit’ or flawed?

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s democracy framework, by being blind to history and to context, is not doing itself any favours.

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma
Jul 21, 2018

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma

The process of subverting democracy and politicians began at the beginning of Pakistan.

Democracy in Refuge: A Tibet without the Dalai Lama
Jul 22, 2011

Democracy in Refuge: A Tibet without the Dalai Lama

The Indian leadership has been able to earn a lot of goodwill by sheltering the Dalai Lama and his people, but after his life, the 90,000-strong community will become a political and economic burden.

Democracy summit: How India should approach
Dec 09, 2021

Democracy summit: How India should approach

Despite several democracy watchdogs calling India as a backsliding democracy, the vibrant democratic practices conducted in India would say otherwise

Democracy vs Politicisation: Questions during crises
Mar 16, 2019

Democracy vs Politicisation: Questions during crises

Questioning the choices made by the government in terms of its response to the Pulwama terror strike is not 'questioning the forces' and thus unpatriotic

Democracy will prevail in the Arab World, says Tunisian leader
Jul 04, 2015

Democracy will prevail in the Arab World, says Tunisian leader

One of Tunisia's leading politicians, Sheikh Rashid al-Ghannouchi, says the Middle East is not in crisis, but rather at a "crossroads." The Middle East can indeed achieve stability and peace through a process of democratic reconciliation and consensus. But the road will be long and involve building institutions, healing old wounds and forging compromises.

Democratic candidates' surprisingly low focus on foreign policy
Jul 02, 2015

Democratic candidates' surprisingly low focus on foreign policy

Though foreign policy is going to be an important issue in the US Presidential elections next year, the Democrat candidates for the party's nomination have surprisingly devoted little time to this aspect so far. However, as the campaign progresses and the less serious candidates drop out of the race, the issue is likely to gain greater attention.

Democratisation, the Indian Example
Jun 09, 2004

Democratisation, the Indian Example

With Iraq back on the chess-board of international diplomacy, there is Once again the talk of democratizing individual West Asian nations, if not West Asia as a region. Going by the neighbourhood experience in recent times, it has also raised the question if West Asia is ready to be democratized, if it is not through the barrel of the American gun.

Deniability a Must for Infidelity: The US-Pak Affair
May 07, 2011

Deniability a Must for Infidelity: The US-Pak Affair

Pakistani establishment would have to be out of its mind to enter Osama bin Laden's Abbotabad hideout on a white charger. Such foolhardiness would swell the ranks of Jihadi outfits in Pakistan. Murderer of Punjab Governor, Salman Taseer would resurface as a model.

Depsang incursion:  Decoding the Chinese signal
May 14, 2013

Depsang incursion: Decoding the Chinese signal

Some voices in India had advocated a tough response to the Chinese. This would be untimely and irresponsible. In retrospect, the handling of the situation which involved a symmetrical non-threatening military response by Indian forces, along with patient diplomacy has paid off.

Design Behind 'Counting' The Poor
Oct 11, 2011

Design Behind 'Counting' The Poor

Though the Planning Commission went by the Tendulkar formula, Rs 32 and Rs 24 look extremely low at today's prices and high inflation, and especially if we take into account that these amounts include other items of daily life like education and health.

Despite Shifts, Japan’s Defence and Security Policy Remains on Pacifist Ground
Aug 14, 2023

Despite Shifts, Japan’s Defence and Security Policy Remains on Pacifist Ground

In the past decade, Japan made certain critical changes in its defence and security policy. These include enhancing the country’s defence capabilities, introducing the right to collective self-defence, abandoning the ban on arms exports, strengthening its alliance with the United States, and promoting its vision of a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’. Japan has introduced these changes incrementally, as a response to changing strategic circumsta

Despite Trump walkout on Iran, Delhi should back Europe
May 10, 2018

Despite Trump walkout on Iran, Delhi should back Europe

During the 2017 winter session of parliament, PM Modi stated that India’s foreign policy stood on its own independent merit, and if it wanted to purchase oil from Iran, it would do so.

Deteriorating Japan-South Korea ties threaten trade and diplomacy
Aug 01, 2019

Deteriorating Japan-South Korea ties threaten trade and diplomacy

The rising animosity has a great potential to affect the ability of the two nations to counter regional threats.

Deteriorating public healthcare in Mumbai
Jun 22, 2012

Deteriorating public healthcare in Mumbai

Mumbai's public healthcare sector is approaching exhaustion. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), despite its untiring efforts to provide affordable healthcare through its general hospitals and peripheral centres.

Determining India's engagement in Africa
Oct 15, 2014

Determining India's engagement in Africa

The manner in which to determine the relationship between India and Africa is two-fold: micro analysis and macro analysis. This includes focusing on economic and energy diplomacy, political and security engagement and pan-African projects and strategies, says Dr. Arndt Michael of the University of Freiburg, Germany.

Deuba for joint approach with India to exploit Nepal's huge hydro potential
Jun 11, 2013

Deuba for joint approach with India to exploit Nepal's huge hydro potential

Nepal's former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has stressed on the need to develop "a joint approach" with India to exploit the huge hydro power potential of the country. He said Nepal has the potential of generating over one lakh megawatts of power.

Developing countries shouldn’t waste this crisis
Apr 25, 2020

Developing countries shouldn’t waste this crisis

If one thing needs to change after the coronavirus, it’s the relationship between the state and migrant workers.

Developing the architecture for urban transportation in India
Aug 13, 2018

Developing the architecture for urban transportation in India

Development of a proper and efficient transport network is a science in itself, but the least understood.

Developing towns and cities: China's Maotai case study
Apr 10, 2015

Developing towns and cities: China's Maotai case study

The story of the Maotai town in the Guizhou province in South China is an interesting case study of developmental economics - how a relatively underdeveloped region was turned into a rich town.

Development Cooperation Towards the SDGs: The India Model
Sep 30, 2022

Development Cooperation Towards the SDGs: The India Model

The Russia-Ukraine war has dealt a massive blow to a world already battered by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) appear farther from reach. The current global scenario demands greater international cooperation for development. Yet, development aid is increasingly getting more securitised, and the imperative is for the international community to leverage cooperation during the current Decade of Action fo

Development of Northeast and Modi's policy with its neighbours
Jun 26, 2014

Development of Northeast and Modi's policy with its neighbours

Along with proposing new measures and initiatives, the Narendra Modi government should focus on completing the already proposed projects that would benefit the region like the implementation of the Kaladan Multimodal transit project with Myanmar.

Dhaka boundary settlement: Modi bites the bullet
Dec 01, 2014

Dhaka boundary settlement: Modi bites the bullet

Constructing a border of cooperation with Bangladesh should liberate India from one of major geopolitical constraints imposed on it by the Partition of Bengal. When he travels to Dhaka in the near future, Modi is in a position to unveil a genuine strategic partnership with Bangladesh.

Dhaka spillover
Dec 19, 2013

Dhaka spillover

Whatever be the academic arguments, the die has been cast in Dhaka for a definitive contest between the forces of progress and regression. The outcomes are likely to have a lasting impact on the subcontinent's political future and India's regional security environment. It is time Delhi's political classes paid some serious attention to the developments in Bangladesh.

Dialogues required to resolve Asian disputes: 7th Fleet Commander
Apr 04, 2013

Dialogues required to resolve Asian disputes: 7th Fleet Commander

Commander of the US Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, feels that dialogues and frank discussions are the best solution to the ongoing disputes in the Indo-Pacific region.

Did Abe-Singh joint statement live up to expectations?
Feb 03, 2014

Did Abe-Singh joint statement live up to expectations?

There is a strong feeling that the signing of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and India has not led to the full utilisation of the potential that exists for larger trade and investment. Further efforts should therefore be undertaken to realise those ends.

Did China Create New Facts on the Ground Along the LAC With India?
Nov 14, 2021

Did China Create New Facts on the Ground Along the LAC With India?

Sometime in 2020, China began building a village in territory disputed with India.

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?
Jun 29, 2018

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?

The relatively small tactical operation did not meet its military objective but generated spectacular political theatre. The release of the videos in the run up to the elections is further evidence of the true nature of the exercise.

Did the UP Govt ban two channels for being too critical?
Jan 20, 2014

Did the UP Govt ban two channels for being too critical?

The reported ban on two television news channels in Uttar Pradesh has exposed the lack of rules when in face-offs between politicians (or perhaps, ruling politicians) and the media. There were earlier reports that the Central government had requested Google to take down posts that criticised it.

Did US achieve its goal with Iraq mission?
Dec 21, 2011

Did US achieve its goal with Iraq mission?

The US's war in Iraq is over but it has ended in a fiasco. Iraq is unstable and Iran is emerging as the strongest force in the region.

Did we achieve anything by PM not being in Colombo?
Dec 06, 2013

Did we achieve anything by PM not being in Colombo?

Elections will not be won or lost because of events in Sri Lanka, but Sri Lanka could be lost because of our electoral politics. Our PM's absence in Colombo at this juncture is akin to a public snub to Sri Lanka and the vacuum that we create and show little intention or urgency to fill, can only be filled by one country - China.

Diesel displacement in humanitarian settings
Jun 10, 2019

Diesel displacement in humanitarian settings

It is clear that something can and should be done in humanitarian settings globally to change the way the UN and NGOs operate.

Different Trajectories of 'Terror' An assessment of the terrorism matrix in Chechnya
Mar 16, 2004

Different Trajectories of 'Terror' An assessment of the terrorism matrix in Chechnya

Terrorism in Chechnya has three major trajectories ' first, the terrorist campaign of the Chechens and others who are a part of the international terrorist network and who derive legitimacy from Islamic fundamentalism and whose fight is not just against the alleged oppression of the Russian state, but also to establish Islamic rule in Chechnya and to facilitate its integration with the pan-Islamic world.

DIFFERING STANDARDS - The US must not wink at a Sino-Pak nuclear deal
Aug 11, 2010

DIFFERING STANDARDS - The US must not wink at a Sino-Pak nuclear deal

China's decision to sell two additional nuclear power reactors to Pakistan has dimensions that need to be better understood. China is persisting with its internationally destabilizing proliferation activity.

Digital connectivity as an enabling factor in Asian resurgence
Dec 15, 2021

Digital connectivity as an enabling factor in Asian resurgence

In the post pandemic world, Asia could exploit the growing digital connectivity to overcome the hassles of conventional trade and ratchet up its econo