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12491 results found

Nehru’s Navy: India’s Tryst with Aircraft Carriers
Nov 08, 2022

Nehru’s Navy: India’s Tryst with Aircraft Carriers

The commissioning of the homegrown INS Vikrant in September has revived debates within India’s strategic community and the decision-making elite, on the desirability and viability of aircraft carriers for the Indian Navy. It remains unclear how these debates are settled among the political, bureaucratic, and military classes, and how decisions are made around the Navy's force structures, particularly on the issue of aircraft carriers. This pape

Neo-protectionism in West India, China may face problems
Nov 11, 2010

Neo-protectionism in West India, China may face problems

Agriculture is one area in which the US wants a level-playing field. As the world is recovering from the financial crisis, new rules are being set for the benefit of those who have not done well. India and China have to watch out against the neo-protectionist policies of the West.

NEP 2020: Achieving universal literacy in India by 2047
Sep 08, 2022

NEP 2020: Achieving universal literacy in India by 2047

As we celebrate International Literacy Day, we examine the provision of the National Education Policy and see if the NEP can deliver on its promise to

Nepal Ambassador seeks India's help in structuring democracy
Oct 04, 2015

Nepal Ambassador seeks India's help in structuring democracy

Speaking about the domestic challenges that Nepal has been facing on the path towards drafting a new constitution, Nepal's Ambassador to India Deep Kumar Upadhyay sought India's support in helping Nepal structure its democracy.

Nepal Distancing itself from India
Oct 14, 2019

Nepal Distancing itself from India

Nepal and India must work towards reducing their differences. Otherwise, the growing distance could prove counterproductive to the interests of both t

Nepal upset India did not wholeheartedly support new Constitution
Oct 14, 2015

Nepal upset India did not wholeheartedly support new Constitution

Nepal is upset that India did not whole-heartedly support the adoption of the new Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, according to Mr. Chandra Kumar Ghimire, Consul General of Nepal in Kolkata.

Nepal's democratic hopes, and Indian and Chinese interests
Nov 07, 2013

Nepal's democratic hopes, and Indian and Chinese interests

While the Chinese have kept us embroiled with their visa tactics in Arunachal, intrusions in Ladakh as part of an unsettled boundary issue, and nuclear plants to Pakistan, they have long endeavoured to seek access and presence south of the Himalayas. They appear to be succeeding in Nepal.

Nepal's Evolving Relations with India and China
Feb 23, 2011

Nepal's Evolving Relations with India and China

We are not in an easy situation in Nepal. The country is in a kind of turmoil. It is like a frozen ice cube that is melting and we do not know how we should refreeze it into the shape we want. The country has lots of energy and is ready with a new agenda for social change and progress. But how do we give it direction so that the sense of nationhood that is strongly taking root is reflected in the new constitution now being drafted by the Constit

Nepal: India advocates consensus during President's visit
Dec 28, 2012

Nepal: India advocates consensus during President's visit

Nepal President Dr Ram Baran Yadav's India visit last week helped to bring some clarity on New Delhi's current position vis-a-vis the political developments in Nepal. Although the visit came at the height of political tensions back home,

Nepal: India should keep hard options in reserve
Jun 01, 2006

Nepal: India should keep hard options in reserve

The Nepalese revolution is only the latest manifestation of the power of the people in compelling dictatorial forces to yield. In February 1986, the Philippine people had brought down a dictatorship and restored democracy in their dramatic four-day People Power Revolution.

Nepal: India's sensitivity to connectivity with China
Mar 30, 2015

Nepal: India's sensitivity to connectivity with China

Nepal and China have agreed in principle to take up a joint project on infrastructure development of the Nepal-China Economic Belt. The decision was taken at the Foreign Ministers' level meeting held in Beijing recently to commemorate the 60th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the two neighbours.

Nepal: Power sharing issues with India
May 16, 2014

Nepal: Power sharing issues with India

Among the many areas of cooperation and assistance between India and Nepal, a very important one is that of power. Nepal has a huge potential for generating hydropower but is constrained due to the lack of supporting infrastructure as well as its geography.

Nepal: Terrorist arrests and cooperation with India
Sep 06, 2013

Nepal: Terrorist arrests and cooperation with India

The recent arrests of some of India's top terrorists along the Indo-Nepal border indicate the vulnerability of the porous border between the two neighbours. More importantly, it reflects on the bilateral cooperation in intelligence-sharing and joint-operations,

Nepal: Trade ties with India recharged
Jan 10, 2014

Nepal: Trade ties with India recharged

The year 2013 ended on a note of strengthened confidence between Nepal and India. On 21-22 December 2013, the Inter-governmental Committee Meeting on Trade, Transit and Cooperation to Control Authorised Trade, between the two countries was held in Kathmandu.

Nepal: Understanding the India migration in Covid times
Oct 27, 2020

Nepal: Understanding the India migration in Covid times

If there are no alternative livelihood with newer employment opportunities, and given the sluggish economic growth pattern of the country — internat

Nepal–India relations in post-COVID-19 period
Jan 10, 2022

Nepal–India relations in post-COVID-19 period

The relations between India and Nepal have reverted to the pre-pandemic period as both countries have reopened borders

Nepal’s Rahughat Hydropower Project and Indian LOCs
May 12, 2023

Nepal’s Rahughat Hydropower Project and Indian LOCs

India's flagship economic diplomacy programme, the grant of Lines of Credit (LOC), has had immense success in expanding the country's development cooperation around the world. In the African region, for instance, countries have found LOCs to be appropriate alternatives to traditional development assistance. LOCs are a popular tool among countries looking to fund their development goals. Closer to home, Nepal has received more than $1 billion in d

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India
Sep 13, 2023

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India

By most indications, India has arrived at a principled affirmation of net neutrality; the country must now turn its attention to its regulatory aspects. This essay examines whether the Competition Commission of India (CCI) can assume the primary role in enforcing net neutrality. It will trace the Commission?s short history to determine whether it has adequate jurisdiction and the strength of precedent to regulate the internet.

Net zero by 2070: Financing India’s biggest infrastructure buildup
Feb 23, 2024

Net zero by 2070: Financing India’s biggest infrastructure buildup

India's goal of reaching net zero presents a crucial challenge and opportunity. Its success depends on financing key sectors effectively, thus, shapin

Net-Zero: India’s opportunity to play its ace
Mar 21, 2022

Net-Zero: India’s opportunity to play its ace

India could rise to the role of a climate leader by assisting the LDCs and SIDs achieve their net-zero commitments.

New Bhutan government's attitude towards India is not clear
Oct 24, 2018

New Bhutan government's attitude towards India is not clear

Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) is not talking about foreign policies yet. But when it will, it might not be in the best interests of New Delhi.

New cabinet in Indonesia: Future of Indonesian foreign policy and its relations with India
Nov 04, 2019

New cabinet in Indonesia: Future of Indonesian foreign policy and its relations with India

Both India and Indonesia see ASEAN centrality as a prominent feature in their approach to the Indo-Pacific.

New Delhi’s Indian Ocean outreach
Jun 01, 2017

New Delhi’s Indian Ocean outreach

India’s recent outreach to Sri Lanka and Mauritius suggest a renewed focus on the Indian Ocean region.

New dynamism in India-Japan relations
Sep 06, 2014

New dynamism in India-Japan relations

Having historical ties that date back to Nehru and Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, both India and Japan and their leaders are aware that if the 21st century belong to Asia, India and Japan are the two nations that could really shape and guide this progress.

New energy in India-Saudi Arabia ties
Oct 31, 2019

New energy in India-Saudi Arabia ties

India and Saudi Arabia are re-defining their foreign policy priorities: For New Delhi, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states are becoming key interlocutors in the Middle East. For Riyadh, India is one of the eight major powers with which it wants to forge strategic partnerships as part of its Vision 2030.

New High In Indian Diplomacy
Oct 19, 2011

New High In Indian Diplomacy

For Afghanistan, it was the first time that it entered into any such strategic pact with any country as it did with India.

New India's global role
Sep 26, 2005

New India's global role

Since the end of the Cold War, the world order has been in a state of dynamic transition. With unprecedented military, economic and technological preponderance, the US dominates the scene. Europe is reunited, at peace and engaged in consolidating its political unity and economic integration.

New India-China clash: What use of special frontier force reveals
Sep 01, 2020

New India-China clash: What use of special frontier force reveals

Was the new border clash ‘pre-planned’ & ‘carefully executed’? The use of Special Frontier Force is very telling.

New Maldives President: India’s Friend or Foe?
Oct 17, 2023

New Maldives President: India’s Friend or Foe?

It likely that Malé will remain sensitive to India’s broad strategic concerns around China, but will likely push also for closer ties to Beijing.

New opportunities ahead for greater India-US cooperation
Jun 09, 2014

New opportunities ahead for greater India-US cooperation

During a closed door discussion with US Assistant Secretary Nisha Desai Biswal, Indian strategic thinkers and foreign policy experts discussed the new opportunities lying ahead for greater India-US cooperation.

New opportunities for India-US collaboration in Afghanistan
May 17, 2013

New opportunities for India-US collaboration in Afghanistan

The NATO drawdown from Afghanistan presents new opportunities for long-term collaboration between the US and India. Successful coordination and collaboration during the next two years will do much to bring about a post-2014 Afghan scenario amenable to both our countries and the region at large.

New socio-political churn reshaping India?
May 22, 2019

New socio-political churn reshaping India?

Four major churns are discernible with long-term impact on the future trajectory of India.

New Space for the Future of Work: Co-working in India
Jun 19, 2020

New Space for the Future of Work: Co-working in India

The nature of work is changing, leading to the loss of some jobs and the creation of others that require radically changed skills. In India, as the requirements of this evolving labour market change, co-working spaces fulfil many of the new needs. The aim of this paper is twofold: to describe the development of the co-working industry in India, its driving factors, as well as the architecture, design and social aspects of the work environment; a

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options
Feb 16, 2019

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options

Despite the severity of the attack and the pressure for action, New Delhi’s choices are much more limited than they may initially appear.