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Maoism: Lessons for traditional Left and Govt
Jul 30, 2012

Maoism: Lessons for traditional Left and Govt

The traditional Left in the country too has failed to 'grow' with the new-generation labour force, with the result that there is a vacuum that the Maoists possibly seem to be exploiting. This is not the first time traditional Left have failed the labour force.

Maoist insurgency and the 'numbers paradox'
Jul 09, 2013

Maoist insurgency and the 'numbers paradox'

Despite the high number of casualties suffered in the Maoist attacks, the government's action unfortunately depends on the 'paradox of numbers'. And it clearly mirrors the phenomenon of "lumpy adjustment" instead of the needed incremental steps.

Maoists return to power
Sep 01, 2011

Maoists return to power

There has been two political developments in Nepal of high significance in the last few days. On August 28, vice-chairman of UCPN (Maoist) Dr Baburam Bhattarai became the 35th prime minister of Nepal by a majority vote of the legislature-parliament.

Mapping Next Big Steps in India-US defence partnership
Oct 01, 2015

Mapping Next Big Steps in India-US defence partnership

As the power balances of the 21st century shift, Indo-US defence partnership will not be solely about defence commerce. Instead this vital partnership flows from geopolitical interests. To sustain the momentum, both countries should undertake proactive measures to resolve the complex policy challenges.

Mapping out State response to Left Wing Extremism
Nov 27, 2012

Mapping out State response to Left Wing Extremism

Attempting to map out key trends emerging from the state intervention to contain the rise of left-wing extremism in India, Observer Research Foundation organised a panel discussion on "State Response to Left-Wing Extremism: A Report Card".

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis
Apr 22, 2024

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the literature on private health aid and official health assistance between 2000 and 2022. It provides an overview of the sites and themes in the literature pertaining to development assistance in health, and collates the significant policy recommendations presented therein. Several crucial findings emerge from the bibliometric analysis: 44.2 percent of the 489 papers/articles assessed focused on low

Marco Rubio: Return of the Republican Savior?
Nov 06, 2015

Marco Rubio: Return of the Republican Savior?

Whilst the US presidential polls are never about foreign policy issues, the 2016 elections would be markedly different and foreign policy is going to be central to the elections. And Marco Rubio's ability to articulate the message of America's international leadership will sustain him in the long race to the Oval Office.

Maritime agendas on mere paper won't do
Aug 17, 2012

Maritime agendas on mere paper won't do

India's Maritime Agenda may appear to be a major step forward, but unless translated into a time-bound action plan which is resolutely implemented and closely monitored, it may remain merely another document.

Maritime dispute resolved, Delhi and Dhaka should work for turning Bay into economic hub
Jul 16, 2014

Maritime dispute resolved, Delhi and Dhaka should work for turning Bay into economic hub

Resolution of the maritime dispute between India and Bangladesh has opened up a new horizon for cooperation between the two countries. They can now join together to exploit the natural sources in the Bay. Both countries should try to transform the Bay of Bengal region into a major hub for trade and commerce, bringing prosperity to the region.

Maritime Security & Maritime Counter-Terrorism
Dec 07, 2004

Maritime Security & Maritime Counter-Terrorism

Post-9/11, counter-terrorism experts all over the world have been focussing attention on three new aspects of counter-terrorism: counter-terrorism relating to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), maritime counter-terrorism and counter-terrorism relating to energy security. Each of these requires a new approach and a new thinking.

Maritime security issues in the region cannot be separated: Japan's Vice Minister
Sep 06, 2015

Maritime security issues in the region cannot be separated: Japan's Vice Minister

During a lecture on 'Japan's foreign policy: Strategy and practice', Japan's Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Akitaka Saiki reiterated the Japanese position that the security issues in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, the South China Sea and East China Sea cannot be treated separately.

Maritime Strategy vs Continental Defence
Feb 05, 2015

Maritime Strategy vs Continental Defence

Debate on whether Indian armed forces need a continental land defence strategy or a sea-based maritime strategy has gained currency in recent years, but there is yet a clear answer to emerge.

Jan 11, 2007


As part of the Maritime Security Programme which was launched by then Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Arun Prakash on 19th May 2006 at ORF Chennai, Observer Research Foundation, the National Maritime Foundation and the College of Naval Warfare, ORF Mumbai joined hands to conduct an International seminar at ORF Mumbai on 11th and 12th January 2007.

Masochism and Commonwealth Game
Sep 27, 2010

Masochism and Commonwealth Game

I am not suggesting that public anger at CWG mismanagement is misplaced. Excess of it is, when the baby is thrown out with the bath water. Those awkward smile of anchors, a sort of disguised self denigration, is actually a function of acute inferiority complex which has deep roots in colonialism and beyond.

Mass migration, adding to Pakistan's woes
Sep 29, 2011

Mass migration, adding to Pakistan's woes

Massive migrations, triggered by natural calamities and the decade-long 'war on terror', are severely testing state's credibility and capability in Pakistan. Reeling under the cumulative effect of terrorism and economic meltdown, Pakistan, with a growing population.

Maulana Azam Tariq
Oct 13, 2003

Maulana Azam Tariq

There are quite a few things which are known about Maulana Azam Tariq, chief of the banned Sunni extremist group, Sipah-e-Sahaba (SSP), who was shot dead in broad daylight in Islamabad on October 6. What is not so well-known is that the Maulana and his organisation had a cosy working relationship with Pakistan's intelligence and security forces for more than a decade.

McGuffin or not? The US-India defence 'technology' relationship
Feb 02, 2013

McGuffin or not? The US-India defence 'technology' relationship

The growing US-India defence relationship would have been unthinkable in the past days of sanctions. Whether communication between the two countries' systems can be improved or not will be a key determinant in how far, and fast, it can go.

MDGs: India should take the lead in South Asia
Oct 24, 2015

MDGs: India should take the lead in South Asia

The South Asian region lacks a common plan of action to deal with the impact of climate change despite possessing common ecological habitat. Africa and Latin America fare a tad better on this front. India should take the lead to create elaborate policies for joint management of common resources and ecological preservation.

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks
Aug 14, 2012

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks

MDP's decision to call off the daily protest demonstrations, demanding early presidential polls, has revived the hopes of early resumption of the All-Party Roadmap Talks, initiated by President Mohammed Waheed Hassan at the instance of Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai in March.

MDP's 'May Day' call, now again to India
Apr 30, 2015

MDP's 'May Day' call, now again to India

Combined with the Maldives government's demonstrated preparations for a face-off, the tone and tenor of the Opposition's preparations for the May Day rally, and their call for the civil society to chip in, indicate a possible repeat of the 'December 23 movement' protests (2011-12) that led to President Nasheed's exit.

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship
Aug 18, 2012

Mecca summit: Peace initiative or one-upmanship

Any evaluation of Shia politics in West Asia would be flawed until it takes into account the considerable influence that the holy city of Najaf exerts on Baghdad, Teheran, the Hezbullah and the majority of Bahrainis.

Media and Naxalism in Andhra
Mar 17, 2004

Media and Naxalism in Andhra

A news report in the internet edition of Times of India, on March 16, 2004, said Naxalites of the People¿s War Group (PWG) possess Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launchers. It further claimed that, at a meeting of the Andhra-Orissa Border Special Zone Committee (AOBSZC), PWG leaders asked their cadres to disrupt the April 2004 parliamentary and Legislative elections process from the beginning.

Media For TRPs And Prasar Bharati For Murdoch?
Sep 03, 2011

Media For TRPs And Prasar Bharati For Murdoch?

In a fast paced novel or movie P. Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal, Swami Ramdev, Anna Hazare and the media, would all be found to be batting on the same side, heightening dramatic effect from their own vantage points in geometrical progression, filling the media's coffers with mysterious altruism.

Media more swayed by commercial interests, says expert
Mar 09, 2014

Media more swayed by commercial interests, says expert

The "old, new and the social media" in India are "swayed less by ideology and more by commercial interests," according to a senior media professor, Dr Maya Ranganathan.

Media regulatable, but not by government
Apr 06, 2013

Media regulatable, but not by government

Attributing activism by media to rapid decline in governance, economic scams, failings of Government agencies and religious heads, management and media consultant T.V. Krishnamurthy says the present media scenario in India is 'regulatable' but cannot be done by the government.

Media regulation: Is status quo the answer
Jan 14, 2013

Media regulation: Is status quo the answer

Participants at a seminar on "Media regulation: Is Status Quo the Option?" said India cannot afford to be an exception among democracies, with no regulation of cross-holdings in the media. Editorial independence is indispensable if the right to freedom of expression is to be effectively exercised.

Media Regulation: Is Status Quo the Answer?
Jun 08, 2013

Media Regulation: Is Status Quo the Answer?

Media Regulation: Is Status Quo the Answer? This was the topic of an interesting panel discussion organised by Observer Research Foundation and The Hammurabi & Solomon at the India International Centre on August 6.

Media self regulation alone won't work in India
Feb 05, 2014

Media self regulation alone won't work in India

While a combination of statutory regulation and self regulation is at work in the UK, India will find it very hard to improve the standard of its media industry through self regulation alone, according to panellists at a conference on "Perspectives on Media Regulation: Lessons from the UK".

Media's role as foreign affairs impinge on national politics
Mar 22, 2013

Media's role as foreign affairs impinge on national politics

If proof were required, the DMK-Congress spat on the Sri Lanka related vote at the UN Human Rights Council has once again provided it. Foreign Affairs will increasingly impinge on national politics.

Medical diplomacy by India and Europe can restrain Iranian hardliners
May 13, 2020

Medical diplomacy by India and Europe can restrain Iranian hardliners

As the US doubles down on its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, India and Europe can cooperate to stem the tide against the surge of Irani

Medvedev Flair Firms Up Indo-Russian Relations
Dec 29, 2010

Medvedev Flair Firms Up Indo-Russian Relations

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev added some flair to the normally staid Indo-Russian diplomatic engagements by visiting the Taj Mahal and "rekindling Russia's Bollywood love affair" with a trip to a film studio in Mumbai.

Mega Project Development: Issues in Land Acquisition
Jan 20, 2010

Mega Project Development: Issues in Land Acquisition

Experts stress upon amending the Land Acquisition Act, Ask for making rehabilitation a duty of the State

Mega rail projects an opportunity to slash India's carbon emissions
Nov 19, 2009

Mega rail projects an opportunity to slash India's carbon emissions

The Indian railway is the largest passenger rail system in the world, yet it makes up just about 13% of India's transport sector

Mehran attack exposes Pakistan's counter terror
Jun 03, 2011

Mehran attack exposes Pakistan's counter terror

On May 25, four terrorists (initial reports suggested almost a dozen armed men) scaled the perimeter walls of PNS Mehran, Pakistan's only naval air base, located in Karachi. Guided by their commander through hi-tech wireless systems,

Mehran attack: implications and lessons
May 25, 2011

Mehran attack: implications and lessons

The armed assault and siege carried out by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Pakistan's highly secured Pakistan Navy's Mehran airbase in Karachi (May 22-23) has raised fundamental concerns about the continuing failure on the part of Pakistan's intelligence and security agencies,

Mekong-Ganga Dialogue: Learning to manage river basins
Jun 24, 2013

Mekong-Ganga Dialogue: Learning to manage river basins

The second Mekong-Ganga Dialogue, held in Laos and Thailand, effectively threw diverse and comparative insights into wide range of water issues plaguing both the regions and deliberated upon possibilities of cooperation and collective actions to sustainably manage water resources.

Mekong-Ganga Dialogue: Need to desecuritize water dialogues
May 07, 2012

Mekong-Ganga Dialogue: Need to desecuritize water dialogues

A three-day Mekong-Ganga Dialogue has stressed the need for shifting thinking around river-basin development and climate change issues from narrow national security concerns to a regional perspective with ecological and social concerns.

Mental Health and Technology: The Case of Africa
Aug 14, 2023

Mental Health and Technology: The Case of Africa

The growing concern for mental health has only heightened in the past two years, amidst the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. This brief tells the story of Africa where, in many communities, the subject of mental health can often be a taboo. It discusses the role of the internet in helping individuals manage their mental health issues, while at the same time, posing its own challenges, especially those related to extensive use of social media.

Merkel's visit: A milestone in India-German relations
Oct 21, 2015

Merkel's visit: A milestone in India-German relations

After 70 years of being constrained, following its defeat in two world wars and being partitioned into East and West Germany, a unified Germany is today poised to be a great power again, having overcome its historical legacy of militarism, and the Holocaust. And German Chancellor Merkel's visit underlines the changed dynamics of the relationship between India and Germany.

Message from the South
Feb 19, 2011

Message from the South

Corruption indulged in by late Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy in Andhra Pradesh was allegedly phenomenal, and since he died in a helicopter crash and left behind a legend, all allegations against him are now forgotten.

Mexican Elections:  Return of the Old Guard?
Jul 05, 2012

Mexican Elections: Return of the Old Guard?

Enrique Peña Nieto, the young and telegenic candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), has been elected Mexico's next president with about 38% of the popular vote. His closest competitor, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).