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Another Judiciary-Executive confrontation brewing in Pakistan?
Aug 03, 2011

Another Judiciary-Executive confrontation brewing in Pakistan?

Although the present confrontation between the judiciary and executive is not of the magnitude witnessed in 2007, the episode underlines the vulnerability of the political process in Pakistan.

Another looming crisis in the Middle East: Climate change
Nov 16, 2023

Another looming crisis in the Middle East: Climate change

The climate crisis has become a leading concern in the Middle East and the upcoming COP28 climate conference in the UAE serves as a pivotal platform t

Another shower for Pakistan
Oct 30, 2010

Another shower for Pakistan

What is bewildering is the stone silence on the part of ordinary Americans who are being hoodwinked by the Obama administration into believing that funnelling money and weapons to Pakistan's rogue military would help in winning strategic goals. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan
Oct 18, 2004

Another Terrorist Attack on Chinese Engineers in Pakistan

The kidnapping of two Chinese engineers working in an irrigation project in South Waziristan in the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan by a group of pro-Osama bin Laden jihadi terrorists last week and the death of one of them on October 13,2004,

Answering the call: Putting the world in women’s hands
Jan 12, 2018

Answering the call: Putting the world in women’s hands

What is driving India’s abnormally high gender gap in phone ownership? What can be done about it?

Anti-India sentiments going viral in rural Nepal, says former Minister
Oct 31, 2013

Anti-India sentiments going viral in rural Nepal, says former Minister

Anti-India sentiments have gone viral in rural Nepal and unless urgent steps are not taken, this could lead to a widening gap between India and Nepal, according to former Minister of Water Resources of Nepal, Dr. Dipak Gyawali.

Antony's term as defence minister has been mired in scandals, missed opportunities
Jun 24, 2013

Antony's term as defence minister has been mired in scandals, missed opportunities

It is an unfortunate fact that India usually commits itself to reform after it is hit by a crisis. That is why the two periods of reform and restructuring followed the 1962 defeat at the hands of the Chinese and the Kargil war.

AP Maoists: The Party is Over
Jan 27, 2005

AP Maoists: The Party is Over

Naxalites of the Communist Party of India-Maoist and Communist Party of India -- Marxist-Leninist (Janashakthi) trashed the peace process in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh on January 17.

Approaching sustainable development through an urban lens
May 16, 2019

Approaching sustainable development through an urban lens

Urbanisation is not the problem. It is actually the solution to achieving true sustainability and establishing a closed loop circular economy.

Appropriateness or consequence: Challenges to regulating facial regulation technology
Jun 01, 2022

Appropriateness or consequence: Challenges to regulating facial regulation technology

Privacy concerns are being raised as surveillance using Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) slowly expands in India.

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:
May 14, 2005

AQ Khan episode a lesson for Pakistan:

Pakistan trusted and gave too much independence, which was misused by AQ Khan to the detriment of Pakistan's national security and international embarrassment, says Brig. Khan....

AQIS:  A possible Al Qaeda resurgence in South Asia?
Sep 09, 2014

AQIS: A possible Al Qaeda resurgence in South Asia?

The birth of AQIS at the time when al Qaeda is loosening its grip over the jihadist movement in the Middle East, which has been taken over by the Islamic State (IS), raises questions about al Qaeda's possible resurgence in South Asia.

Aquatic inferno: UUVs and covert action for the future
Apr 10, 2024

Aquatic inferno: UUVs and covert action for the future

Defined by the principles of plausible deniability and the tangible strategic effect against adversaries, covert sea operations, especially with UUVs,

Arab Regimes Tottering Variously
Feb 19, 2011

Arab Regimes Tottering Variously

Regimes sympathic to the Palestinian plight would, to that extent, be insulted from peoples' wrath in Syria and Libya, for instance. Demonstrations in Iran and Libya are part of the internal turmoil in these countries, unrelated to the Palestinian issue.

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia
Apr 25, 2013

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia

The 'Arab Spring' has given an opportunity to India to present itself as a model to other countries, feels Prof Gawdat Bhagat of the Near-East and South Asia Centre for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Washington DC.

Arab Springs Global Linkages
Jun 06, 2011

Arab Springs Global Linkages

Bush years were, of course, guided by more crude principles. But consider military action against Qadaffi's Libya keeping Albright's perspective in mind.

Arctic: The quasi-global common
Feb 10, 2024

Arctic: The quasi-global common

The current ecological and geopolitical shifts in the Arctic region may warrant a thorough revaluation of the Arctic Council’s functions and authori

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?
Jul 01, 2011

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?

Dr. Paul Joseph, Fulbright-Nehru distinguished chair, Tufts University, US, argues that there are two types of opposition to war inside the US, which proves that Americans are becoming more peaceful.

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?
Nov 06, 2015

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?

Allowing women in combat roles in the Air Force is very different from such deployments in Navy or Army. This is mainly because, while the Air Force can ensure their selective employment on tasks within our borders, the same does not hold true for naval ships or more so for the Army.

Are Hurriyat leaders taking out old ‘tricks’ to scuttle talks?
May 31, 2018

Are Hurriyat leaders taking out old ‘tricks’ to scuttle talks?

For the first time in last four years, the Modi government has expressed a willingness to hold talks with the Hurriyat. The acknowledgment of separati

Are India-China relations really improving?
Mar 01, 2018

Are India-China relations really improving?

It seems unlikely that the bilateral relations will improve significantly — there are a couple of indicators of the slight improvement in the relations.

Are megacities the best option for the future?
Dec 22, 2020

Are megacities the best option for the future?

While megacities generate mega economy, they hurtle down the hill on almost all benchmarks of livability — a way must reverse this trend.

Are Nuclear Weapons Gaining New Salience in National Security Strategies?
Jun 18, 2021

Are Nuclear Weapons Gaining New Salience in National Security Strategies?

Nuclear states are clearly planning for the long-term future of their nuclear capabilities.

Are we at the precipice of a new global nuclear arms race?
Oct 18, 2019

Are we at the precipice of a new global nuclear arms race?

The onus to defend the nuclear non-proliferation regime and avoid a spiraling arms race lies in Washington’s ability to lead a unilateral effort in

Are we kneeling before terror?
Nov 09, 2005

Are we kneeling before terror?

The October 29 serial blasts in Delhi are a warning to all of us who are basking in the afterglow of a make-believe harmony across the Line of Control. Opening bus routes, transit points, good wishes, hugs, flowers, smiles are all fine and necessary in one way to engage a neighbour who has been more of an adversary in the past half-a-century of its existence.

Are we losing Afghanistan?
Oct 01, 2013

Are we losing Afghanistan?

Baiting Pakistan into increasing its duplicity in its dealings with Nato, India has effectively provided the West with a convenient scapegoat. Come 2014, the historical narrative will more likely focus on betrayal rather than the reality of the West's bad homework and flawed assumptions.

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?
Jun 26, 2024

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?

Although Western sanctions have impacted Russia but not in the way expected.

Arguments for a digital world
May 02, 2014

Arguments for a digital world

India must bolster its weight in the digital marketplace, commensurate with the number of current and potential netizens. This would be possible only by creating capabilities and an environment where private businesses, SMEs and individuals can access and exploit this medium gainfully.

Armenia against coronavirus: Projection for 2021
Dec 29, 2020

Armenia against coronavirus: Projection for 2021

For Armenia — just like most countries that went through a second wave — it is essential at least to stabilise the situation as soon as possible i

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India
Apr 13, 2012

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India

India has been proactive in the Arms Trade Treaty debate and has submitted its views on the issue. Currently, the debate is shifting towards the content of the treaty. Differences continue to exist, but India feels the final treaty should emerge by consensus.

Army and upcoming elections in Myanmar
Jun 02, 2010

Army and upcoming elections in Myanmar

The army has hinted at fresh elections in 2010, with predictions of October 10 being the chosen day for polling

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?
Aug 23, 2023

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?

The National Security Initiative of the Observer Research Foundation held a workshop to examine the relevance of the Army Aviation Corps. This report details the outcome of a discussion amongst prominent defence personnel.

Army chief General Rawat has said nothing that should worry China
Sep 11, 2017

Army chief General Rawat has said nothing that should worry China

General Bipin Rawat was speaking at a seminar on the “future contours and trends of warfare”.This is the kind of stuff military people are likely to speak about when they are discussing issues in a seminar where issues are thrown up and scenarios discussed. This is something that the Chinese side probably does not understand because their military leaders usually speak to the public in tightly scripted environments.

Army doctrine undergoes change in nuclear era
Jun 29, 2006

Army doctrine undergoes change in nuclear era

Exercise Sanghe Shakti, held over one week in Punjab in May 2006, was designed to test the Indian Army¿s new concept for offensive operations in the plains. This was the most recent in a series of annual exercises that have included Poorna Vijay (2001), Vijay Chakra, Divya Astra, Vajra Shakti (May 2005) and Desert Strike (November 2005), all of which were all aimed at concentrating and coordinating firepower and fine-tuning

Army modernisation alone not enough
Jan 06, 2015

Army modernisation alone not enough

Several developments over the last few months have made clear that the Army modernisation programme, at least, is turning into a train wreck. This is not to say that all is well with the modernisation of the Air Force and the Navy, but just that the Army modernisation programme stands on far shakier ground, with minimal scope for results.

Arrest of Jamaat leaders: An assessment
Jul 17, 2010

Arrest of Jamaat leaders: An assessment

Three top Jamaat-e-Islami leaders -- amir Motiur Rahman Nizami, general secretary Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojahid, and naib amir Delwar Hossain Sayedee -- were arrested on June 29. The Jamaat leaders were charged with war crimes of 1971 and hurting popular religious sentiments.

Arresting India’s Water Crisis: The Economic Case for Wastewater Use
Mar 22, 2021

Arresting India’s Water Crisis: The Economic Case for Wastewater Use

In India, 600 million people face acute water shortages, and the demand for domestic water has risen by some 20 percent since COVID-19, as awareness about hygiene increased. The use of treated wastewater is among the strategies that can be employed to address the shortage. This brief makes an economic case for using treated water to plug the increasing demand-supply gap by comparing key learnings from successful global models and highlighting how

Arrival of the first Indian cargo ship at Sittwe Port: Assessing the Kaladan Project
May 10, 2023

Arrival of the first Indian cargo ship at Sittwe Port: Assessing the Kaladan Project

The resolution of the growing conflicts coupled with insurgency issues in Myanmar will remain crucial to attracting more private investors to utilise

Arrogance is path to perdition
Nov 18, 2015

Arrogance is path to perdition

As the Sangh and its affiliates continue to push their toxic religious and cultural agenda, irrespective of the domestic and international audiences' deep sense of revulsion, it is clear as daylight that there are two Indias.

Art Not For Art’s Sake: China and Hollywood’s Mutual Gains From a Symbiotic Relationship
Apr 24, 2023

Art Not For Art’s Sake: China and Hollywood’s Mutual Gains From a Symbiotic Relationship

The use of America’s movie industry, or Hollywood, to advance an agenda is not new. This paper explores how China has expanded its financial footprint in Hollywood and consequently is able to use films for propaganda. It engages with the importance of propaganda and censorship in China, and how China has historically used mass media and other cultural tools to serve its political interests. It underlines the symbiotic nature of the rela

Article 370 a burden on Jammu and Kashmir people
Jul 05, 2014

Article 370 a burden on Jammu and Kashmir people

Article 370 is a burden on the people of Jammu and Kashmir which has been misused by successive State governments to stall the delivery of several public welfare initiatives of the Central Government, according to dean of Jammu Central University.