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Closing the Gulf
Feb 14, 2012

Closing the Gulf

There is a periodic urge in the West to fix Iran. Syria and Iran had been listed on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list for decades even before September 11, 2001. In 2002, George Bush described Iran as a member of the 'Axis of Evil'. Despite all this, there were talks of negotiations.

Cloud of doubt shadows EC
Oct 27, 2017

Cloud of doubt shadows EC

The Gujarat poll date controversy demands urgent reforms to the Model Code of Conduct

Clouds of uncertainty over Afghanistan
Aug 08, 2019

Clouds of uncertainty over Afghanistan

There can be no peace unless the Taliban and Afghan security forces de-escalate

Clueless opposition on road to self-destruction
Oct 07, 2019

Clueless opposition on road to self-destruction

The upcoming assembly elections in Haryana and Maharashtra will result in victory for the BJP — requiring opposition unity to balance power dynamics

CM, work for AAPnomics
Jan 24, 2014

CM, work for AAPnomics

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal should take a leaf from the Republic Day chief guest, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, and profer the much-awaited #AAPnomics of job creation, a strategy on wealth distribution, and, a vision on efficiency. His genius will lie in these making sense to the poorest and the weakest - without forgetting global investors and our diaspora.

Co-operative Federalism and Management of Diversity
Nov 02, 2004

Co-operative Federalism and Management of Diversity

As the world comes closer in the wake of information explosion and gobalisation, the idea of ¿Cooperative Federalism¿, which is seen as a tool to resolve conflicts, is gaining increasing relevance and acceptance. Inspired by this development, a two-day International Conference on ¿Co-operative Federalism and Management of Diversity¿, has been organized from November 2-3, 2004, under the auspices of Observer research Foundation (ORF) , New Del

Coal and correction
Jun 03, 2014

Coal and correction

Governance of the energy sector in general and the coal sector in particular has to radically change if India wants to take advantage of its vast coal resources. It must be understood that coal is the only fuel that India has in abundance and it must be exploited to the fullest.

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?
Apr 27, 2023

Coal demand growth in India: Pushing peak coal down the Road?

In India, heat waves in 2021 and 2022 increased the demand for coal-based power. This trend is likely to continue in 2023.

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap
Dec 27, 2012

Coal Mining - Challenges and strategies for bridging demand gap

Coal companies can achieve a great deal if they strategise action plans to improve mine productivity, capital equipment utilisation, mine recovery ratio etc., to international standards. There is also urgent need for introducing more advanced technologies and modern management systems.

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables
May 24, 2023

Coal-based power generation capacity additions: Giving way to renewables

By 2030, RE is expected to have the largest share in power generation capacity

Coalition government and future of South Africa’s foreign policy
Jun 18, 2024

Coalition government and future of South Africa’s foreign policy

With some political manoeuvrability and the strong leadership of President Ramaphosa, the ANC is expected to continue to remain in power.

Code of Conduct on Space: India Should Lead the Way
May 26, 2011

Code of Conduct on Space: India Should Lead the Way

As the two codes of conduct on space - European Union's (EU) Code of Conduct (COC) on Space and the Stimson Code - are gaining momentum in the international arena, Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a roundtable on Thursday, May 26, 2011 to discuss India's concerns with these codes.

Col. Gaddafi's terror and India's UN vote
Apr 06, 2011

Col. Gaddafi's terror and India's UN vote

With Gaddafi around, there will be no peace in the Arab region. Africa will also be badly affected. That is why Gaddafi's Foreign and Interior Ministers and several Libyan Ambassadors deserted him. What high moral dictate or compelling necessity led to India's neutral stance in the vote on Security Council Resolution 1973?

Cold war in Middle East
Aug 13, 2012

Cold war in Middle East

The challenge for India is much larger than voting choices on the international resolutions on Syria. It is about finding effective ways to cope with the expanding Saudi-Iran rivalry, which is not limited to Syria.

Collapsing Muslim Dictatorships
Jan 29, 2011

Collapsing Muslim Dictatorships

Riyadh, Jerusalem, Washington, in that order of anxiety, must be in a huddle on the change in Tunisia and chill winds blowing across Egypt, Yemen and Jordan. The State Department has issued a warning that must send shock waves throughout the Arabian peninsula "status quo in the Middle East and North Africa is not sustainable".

Collateral damage, sovereignty, and differentiated resentment
Nov 21, 2014

Collateral damage, sovereignty, and differentiated resentment

Civil wars are drawn-out conflicts, often lasting up to a decade or even longer before a political settlement is reached. Pakistan's military campaign against Pashtun militants, variously allied to the Afghan Taliban, the al-Qaeda, and often fighting for localised interests has stretched into its 12th year.

Collective Action to Counter Terrorism' II
Jul 07, 2004

Collective Action to Counter Terrorism' II

Even before 9/11, many commissions had been appointed by different Governments to study the threat posed by terrorism and many seminars, conferences and workshops organised by different think-tanks on the subject. In the US alone, there were three high-powered commissions on the threat posed by terrorism. All this could not prevent 9/11.

Collective regional action needed for environmental security in south Asia
Mar 22, 2013

Collective regional action needed for environmental security in south Asia

A two-day deliberations by 20 experts from India, China and U.K, have underlined the need for a collective regional action to ensure environmental security in South Asia. The meeting was organised by Observer Research Foundation in collaboration with Royal United Services Institute, London and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.

Collision risks in outer space due to mega-constellations
Oct 18, 2021

Collision risks in outer space due to mega-constellations

The sporadic and uncontrolled launch of thousands of new mega-constellations put outer space security and safety at risk.

Colombia's Agenda for 'Democratic Prosperity'
Dec 02, 2011

Colombia's Agenda for 'Democratic Prosperity'

Address by Colombian Deputy Foreign Minister, at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, on November 3, 2011 on Colombia's Agenda for Domestic Prosperity.

Colombo correction
Apr 01, 2014

Colombo correction

The UPA's policy failures on Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have generated much bemoaning in Delhi's national security establishment about the breakdown of the rules of the republic that made the conduct of foreign policy the sole responsibility of the Centre. A closer look reveals that it is not the states that are exercising a veto over foreign policy decisions.

Column : Arming while aiming
Dec 22, 2010

Column : Arming while aiming

My revered teacher late professor Matin Zuberi had once remarked that major states in global affairs, real or aspiring, end up possessing superfluous arsenals often times through superficially planned and mostly ad hoc manners.

Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in uncertain systems
Apr 06, 2023

Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in uncertain systems

Policies and tailored interventions need to be adopted to mitigate the growing global threat of antimicrobial resistance

Comfort women issue: Why can't Japan, South Korea reconcile?
Apr 10, 2015

Comfort women issue: Why can't Japan, South Korea reconcile?

The year 2015 marks an important date in international history - the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. It is also the 50th anniversary of normalisation of relations between South Korea and Japan. And, it is a chance that both Japan and South Korea should grab with an aim to re-normalise their relations.

Coming elections may be bitter and dirty
Feb 20, 2019

Coming elections may be bitter and dirty

It is difficult to predict which party’s political strategy will succeed.

Commissions, Omissions in Obama's Speech
May 21, 2011

Commissions, Omissions in Obama's Speech

It is commonly recognised in Jerusalem, and elsewhere that the Likud PM, Mr. Benjamin Netaniyahu, nurses an adversarial chemistry with the US President. He went ahead with Jewish settlements in a most insulting reception to US Vice President, Joe Biden.

Common responses to maritime security threats in the Bay of Bengal
Nov 14, 2017

Common responses to maritime security threats in the Bay of Bengal

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) appears to be gaining momentum in formulating collective strategies to combat non-traditional security threats in the subregion. This brief describes how BIMSTEC had focused on bilateralism or trilateralism from its inception in 1997 until 2015, thereby failing to pursue a more comprehensive and long-term approach to addressing the common threats to their

Communist Inc: महामारी के बीच अपनी अलग दुनिया बना रहा है चीन
Jun 24, 2021

Communist Inc: महामारी के बीच अपनी अलग दुनिया बना रहा है चीन

यह प्रोजेक्ट 2049 में पूरी तरह सामने आएगा जब पीपल्स रिपब्लि�

Community-based approaches to tackle open defecation in rural India: Theory, evidence and policies
Dec 03, 2018

Community-based approaches to tackle open defecation in rural India: Theory, evidence and policies

Open defecation (OD), an age-old practice in India, impacts the health of individuals as well as their communities. To tackle the problem, the Government of India launched the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in 2014, aimed at making the country open-defecation free (ODF) by October 2019 by giving more attention to community-based approaches. However, while such approaches have helped solve the sanitation riddle in many countries, curbing OD in India

Competition Law in the Digital Space: A Study of Exclusionary Conduct by Tech Conglomerates
Aug 14, 2023

Competition Law in the Digital Space: A Study of Exclusionary Conduct by Tech Conglomerates

The last few decades have witnessed a rise in the use and accumulation of data, often called ‘the oil of the 21st century’. Meanwhile, existing laws and regulations are inadequate in dealing with these changing data consumption patterns; this is true for India. Wrongdoings by tech companies can often go unpunished, including predatory pricing, abuse of dominance, and exclusionary conduct. This brief discusses India’s antitrust laws and regu

Competition with China not antagonism: S M Krishna
Jul 01, 2010

Competition with China not antagonism: S M Krishna

The foreign minister said the boundary issue between the two countries has not prevented mutually beneficial and functional cooperation in a number of areas

Completely overhaul civil aviation sector: Experts
Dec 23, 2008

Completely overhaul civil aviation sector: Experts

Senior Supreme Court lawyer and ORF trustee Lalit Bhasin moots a comprehensive law to replace the obsolete Aircraft Act of 1934

Completing the 1991 Agenda: Reforms for the Fourth Industrial Revolution 
Jul 24, 2021

Completing the 1991 Agenda: Reforms for the Fourth Industrial Revolution 

The reforms of 1991 were designed for a different technological frontier than what faces India in 2021.

Comprehensive approach needed on fishing front
Oct 24, 2011

Comprehensive approach needed on fishing front

The Centre could start well with the creation of an independent 'fisheries ministry'. In the emerging situation, such a ministry may have to comprehensively address all issues of maritime concerns and interests.

Concern over falling rupee
Oct 06, 2018

Concern over falling rupee

So far, hike in petrol prices and import duties on some consumer goods has not stoked inflation, but the rupee’s steep fall vis-a-vis the dollar in

Concerted International Action Needed to Rein in Pakistan Terror Groups
Feb 17, 2009

Concerted International Action Needed to Rein in Pakistan Terror Groups

Notwithstanding the partial admission of the allegations made by India about the Mumbai attackers, Pakistan's complicity in allowing Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), the terrorist group behind the Mumbai attack, to retain most of its extensive infrastructure and capability to pursue its terrorist activities calls for an intense global scrutiny.

Conference Summary: ORF-CSIS Dialogue on East Asia
Mar 17, 2005

Conference Summary: ORF-CSIS Dialogue on East Asia

Participants from India and the United States shared their respective viewpoints on the political, economic, and security environment to identify areas of mutual interest in East Asia. The discussion focused on identifying current and future challenges & opportunities in the bilateral relationship

Conflict in Syria and the possibility of peace
Dec 01, 2014

Conflict in Syria and the possibility of peace

THE United Nations Security Council (UNSC) achieved the almost impossible recently by adopting a unanimous resolution on providing access to humanitarian aid to Syria, breaking a deadlock that pitted Russia and China against the Western powers.

Conflict is Counterproductive
Apr 21, 2005

Conflict is Counterproductive

It is usually only the politically naive who are optimistic about the future of India's relations with Pakistan. The terms "enduring rivalry", "protracted discord" and "communal conflict in armour" have become part of the global political vocabulary because of the depressing saga of India-Pakistan ties.