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Africa: The Growing Continent
Nov 30, 2010

Africa: The Growing Continent

Some of the best performing countries of Africa -- Nigeria, South Africa and Botswana -- have GDP growth rates comparable with the fastest developing countries of the world. Their GDPs are the least volatile in Africa. Rwanda was declared the best reformer by the World Bank for encouraging business in the country.

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
May 25, 2023

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Multiple overlapping global crises—such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change-related natural disasters, and regional armed conflicts—have high

African Union- divisions within
Jun 29, 2012

African Union- divisions within

The 18th African Union summit, held on January 30, ended without a clear winner for the contested position of the Commission's Chairperson. The election had taken place through a secret ballot and the two contenders for the position were the incumbent.

Africa’s ascent on the global stage — Can the continent become a cohesive foreign policy actor?
Dec 28, 2020

Africa’s ascent on the global stage — Can the continent become a cohesive foreign policy actor?

African leaders are no longer mincing their words. They are bluntly articulating and asserting their demands from bilateral partners and multilateral

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute
Jun 13, 2024

Africa’s delicate diplomacy in the South China Sea dispute

The ongoing skirmishes in the South China Sea between China and regional states represent another severe threat to the world economy, directly affecti

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope
Aug 20, 2023

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope

Even after the decolonisation of Africa, the continent was unable to formulate, let alone implement its own agenda because of its deep political and economic vulnerabilities. This situation has changed in the last two decades, and today, Africa is witnessing political and economic resurgence. Its leaders realise that the time has come for African development to be owned and driven by the African people themselves. There is a new enthusiasm for th

Afro-India: Claiming the 21st century
Oct 29, 2015

Afro-India: Claiming the 21st century

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's muscular outreach to the world has evoked intense curiosity. Foreigners are lining up to check if we are ready to walk the talk. Does reality match the hype? It helps that India has a global reputation for gorgeous shopping ? the jewelry, the silks, the pashmina, fashion wear, all available at competitive prices.

After al-Zawahiri, what lies next for al-Qaeda
Aug 30, 2022

After al-Zawahiri, what lies next for al-Qaeda

The top job for now will possibly go to someone already blessed by Zawahiri, but the future al-Qaeda could be much more Afghanistan-Pakistan centric as the group looks towards a new era of ideological and operational leadership

After Arafat: Bin Laden?
Oct 16, 2004

After Arafat: Bin Laden?

One runs the risk of stepping on many corns by attempting an objective assessment of the place of the late Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), in history.

After Article 370: New Delhi should not repeat historical blunders
Feb 15, 2020

After Article 370: New Delhi should not repeat historical blunders

Kashmir urgently needs political manoeuvring to start a new political process for democracy, through the will of the people, to triumph.

After attacks, Afghan endgame seems more of a mirage
Apr 20, 2012

After attacks, Afghan endgame seems more of a mirage

The high table at the NATO Summit at Chicago will discuss some withdrawal agenda, but the real policy towards Afghanistan and Pakistan will only be delineated when the new administration takes charge in Washington in November.

After Attari
Apr 16, 2012

After Attari

The problem of contemporary India's foreign policy making is not that states have acquired a veto over the Centre. Most state leaderships have not only supported regional economic integration and trans-border connectivity, but are also craving for it.

After Balakot strike, time to de-escalate
Feb 28, 2019

After Balakot strike, time to de-escalate

Any future terrorist attack could be met by a response to a contour shaped by the Balakot action.

After Balakot, one eye on the Dragon
Aug 14, 2019

After Balakot, one eye on the Dragon

As China innovates its aerial platforms and weaponry to match the US Air Force, the Indian defence-industrial planning will have to be more ambitious.

After Clinton, All Eyes on Pakistan's Hina Khar
Jul 22, 2011

After Clinton, All Eyes on Pakistan's Hina Khar

The United States has, in its history, vacillated between global dominance and isolation. A phase of inwardness may be in the cards.

After Doklam, India and China must begin anew at the Xiamen BRICS meet
Sep 04, 2017

After Doklam, India and China must begin anew at the Xiamen BRICS meet

India will have to learn the fine art of staring down the dragon to preserve its political space, while embracing China for some important economic opportunities. At Doklam, it did the former; will a different India turn up at BRICS?

After Doklam, the road ahead is paved with bumps
Oct 12, 2017

After Doklam, the road ahead is paved with bumps

While India handled the Doklam face-off with a great degree of maturity and restraint, India cannot afford to let its guard down.

After Duterte: Key questions on democracy and China policy
Oct 13, 2021

After Duterte: Key questions on democracy and China policy

As the candidates of the 2022 Philippine presidential elections launch their campaigns, questions regarding democracy in the country and its sovereign

After Male's defence pact with US, India needs to check over-crowding of Indian Ocean strategic space
Sep 22, 2020

After Male's defence pact with US, India needs to check over-crowding of Indian Ocean strategic space

There is a real possibility of the neighbourhood Indian Ocean waters getting over-crowded sooner or later with defence pacts and multiple navies criss

After Mullah Omar
Aug 04, 2015

After Mullah Omar

There is no question that Pakistan's Afghan strategy is evolving. If the Taliban seemed inflexible about negotiations in the past, Pakistan is promising to make it more reasonable. Many in the West and China are ready to accept, at least for now, Pakistan's claim that a new and moderate Taliban is at hand.

After Nasheed's conviction, Maldives at cross-roads again?
Mar 18, 2015

After Nasheed's conviction, Maldives at cross-roads again?

After the court sentencing of former Maldives President Nasheed, India has expressed 'deep concern over the developments' and said that it was watching the situation. Yet, it may not be the best of time for Nasheed?s supporters in Maldives and sympathisers in India.

After presidential poll, Maldives hard hit by economic realities
Oct 16, 2023

After presidential poll, Maldives hard hit by economic realities

How Maldives controls its spiralling economic issues under the new leadership remains to be seen

After Saddam's Capture, What?
Dec 15, 2003

After Saddam's Capture, What?

What impact the capture of Saddam Hussein by the US troops on the night of December 13,2003, would have on the ground situation in Iraq? Would it lead to a petering out of the resistance movement and the acts of terrorism against the coalition troops, their Iraqi collaborators and foreign organisations? Would it weaken the Iraqi opposition to the occupation of Iraq by the US and allied troops? Would it mark the beginning of the return of normalcy

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?
Oct 04, 2016

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?

The most effective means of preventing another terrorist attack is not to expect a change of behaviour on the part of Pakistan army and the jihadi gro

After US cyber revelations, China looks inwards
Sep 09, 2014

After US cyber revelations, China looks inwards

China has been cracking down on US companies for a while and the pressure has intensified after revelations that many of them have collaborated with the NSA to spy on the Internet. Google is virtually persona non grata in China now, as are Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Ageing  and insufficient submarines plague Indian Navy
Oct 15, 2014

Ageing and insufficient submarines plague Indian Navy

Indian Navy requires at least 30 submarines to fulfil its commitments. But the Navy currently has only 13 subs - that too fairly old diesel electric conventional submarines . Shockingly, only half of them are operational at any given time.

Agenda 2+2: US and India to hold second foreign and defence ministerial dialogue
Dec 12, 2019

Agenda 2+2: US and India to hold second foreign and defence ministerial dialogue

Beyond the personal chemistry between political leaders forecasting bilateral ties, consultative platforms on the ministerial level like the US-India

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system
May 19, 2014

Agenda for the new Govt: Reform and restructure the national security system

Across Asia, there is a great demand for India to play a more active role, one befitting its size and interests. But, whenever push comes to shove, we run up against two problems-first, our economy that lacks heft and second, our military which unable to play a role outside our borders.

Agni V launch and other great expectations
Sep 17, 2013

Agni V launch and other great expectations

The successful Agni V test adds to the incremental steps that India has been taking to enhance its strategic deterrent capabilities. This has been marked earlier this year by the commencement of the sea trials of the Arihant, nuclear propelled ballistic missile firing submarine.

Agnipath’s merit is debatable
Jun 20, 2022

Agnipath’s merit is debatable

The recently announced Agnipath scheme merits a proper analysis, weighing both the positives and the negatives of this military programme.

Agra 2003
Dec 04, 2003

Agra 2003

From Agra to air-link, it has been one long U-turn for the Pakistani leadership of President Pervez Musharaff. Today, he readily agrees to address peripheral issues affecting relations with India, and has even ¿unilaterally¿ announced the restoration of over-flights for Indian craft. Going a step further, he has mooted the conferment of Nishan-e-Pakistan, the nation¿s highest civilian title on Prime Minister Vajpayee, if and when the latter ma

Agreements boost Indo-Bangla relations
Feb 16, 2013

Agreements boost Indo-Bangla relations

India and Bangladesh relations got a major boost following the signing of two agreements, an extradition treaty and a liberalised visa agreement between the two neighbouring countries.

Agriculture trade rules must protect world's poorest
Sep 21, 2013

Agriculture trade rules must protect world's poorest

The viability and dynamism of the developing world's agriculture sector remains essential to secure success in the developing world's poverty alleviation strategies. The next ministerial at Bali in December must ensure pressure remains on developed nations to meet the aspirations of developing countries with regards to the global agriculture trade.

Ahead of fisheries talks, TNA too says 'Indians are robbing' their fish
May 07, 2014

Ahead of fisheries talks, TNA too says 'Indians are robbing' their fish

A lot will depend on how the TNA and the NPC proceed during the upcoming fishers' talks in Colombo. For any fishers-negotiated solution to be effective, it has to have the cooperation of the Tamil Nadu and Northern Province Governments across the Palk Straits.

Ahead of Secretary Carter's India visit, bipartisan support for expansion of defence cooperation
May 26, 2015

Ahead of Secretary Carter's India visit, bipartisan support for expansion of defence cooperation

India-US defence ties are driven not only by business and commercial interests, but by the logic of geopolitics. Sustained bipartisan support in favour of burgeoning India-US ties is necessary.

AI and data: A tale of necessity and constraint
Mar 16, 2024

AI and data: A tale of necessity and constraint

A comprehensive and conscientious approach to ensure the ethical and considerate mainstream integration of AI technologies is imperative

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions
Apr 08, 2024

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions

China has criticized the latest round of new rules by saying that it will “disrupt the international semiconductor market as well as cooperation among enterprises.”

AI economies of (hyper)scale
Apr 19, 2024

AI economies of (hyper)scale

Tech giants wield vast computational resources, fostering complexity and vendor reliance, underscoring the need for local capability development for s

AI Governance in India: Aspirations and Apprehensions
Dec 06, 2023

AI Governance in India: Aspirations and Apprehensions

The Observer Research Foundation’s first Tech Huddle was held on 23 November 2023 and focused on the governance of artificial intelligence (AI) in India, highlighting the rapid growth and adoption of AI as well as the complexities associated with developing regulatory frameworks for it. AI governance is in its infancy, both globally and in India, and grapples with issues such as the explainability of AI systems as well as the embedded biases, s

AI governance outlook: A Global South perspective
Jan 04, 2024

AI governance outlook: A Global South perspective

The GPAI and G20 can play a paramount role in the non-weaponisation of AI and related technologies, and in ensuring that developing countries get equa

AI has a gender problem. Here’s what to do about it
Apr 16, 2018

AI has a gender problem. Here’s what to do about it

Today, machines reflect regressive, patriarchal ideas that have proven to be harmful to society. If this continues, technology may no longer usher us into a post-gender world.

AI in health: Promises, pitfalls, pathways
Apr 05, 2024

AI in health: Promises, pitfalls, pathways

Mirroring global trends, the Indian market for AI in healthcare is growing rapidly, but many pitfalls must be negotiated and opportunities tapped befo

AI policy analysis: AIDP of China vs. India’s NITI Aayog AI policy paper
Jul 10, 2019

AI policy analysis: AIDP of China vs. India’s NITI Aayog AI policy paper

Tighter collaboration between private, government, nonprofits and educational institutes will be the key to India’s development of new-age technolog

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape
Jan 30, 2024

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape

Given the rapid pace of change in AI systems, the development of AI standards and certification programmes has become more urgent