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China's Quest for Closer Military Ties
Apr 05, 2004

China's Quest for Closer Military Ties

Chinese Defence Minister Cao Gangchuan's tri-nation goodwill tour started with Pakistan on March 22, 2004 and ended with Thailand, with an in-between five-day visit to India from March 26 to 30.

China's reactor sale to Pakistan: A nuclear mistake?
Dec 16, 2013

China's reactor sale to Pakistan: A nuclear mistake?

China's existing stand of moving ahead with its aggressive stance on nuclear policy clearly stems from Indo-US nuclear deal, which according to China, seriously damages the integrity and effectiveness of non-proliferation thereby setting dangerous precedence for other countries.

China's rise is a worry for 'flat-footed' US
Apr 01, 2015

China's rise is a worry for 'flat-footed' US

The decision of key American allies like the UK, Germany, France, South Korea and Australia to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB) marks another step forward in the shaping of a Chinese-led Asian economic and, possibly, security order.

China's slowdown: An opportunity to boost Indo-Africa ties
Sep 29, 2015

China's slowdown: An opportunity to boost Indo-Africa ties

In light of Africa's increasing dependency on and trouble with Chinese actors, African leaders are beginning to look beyond China in an attempt to diversify. India and the long-standing presence of Indian businesses in the continent can help Africa deal with the losses from China.

China's South China Sea claims: Strategic implications
Jul 05, 2012

China's South China Sea claims: Strategic implications

Though South China Sea has remained contested for several decades, the recent tensions surrounding these waters have heightened the potential for it to emerge as a major flashpoint. China's recent steps have made the involvement of external powers very likely.

China's Space Strategy and Modernisation
Feb 20, 2013

China's Space Strategy and Modernisation

China has a space lab in orbit and it also plans to launch 100 satellites during its on-going five year plan from 2011-15. Twenty space craft will be launched this year including its third lunar probe and a manned space craft that will dock with China's space lab. There are indications that, by 2020, China may have more than 200 space craft in orbit accounting for about one-fifth of the world's total.

China's strong-arm tactics
Jun 26, 2012

China's strong-arm tactics

Two examples-the first from the aviation and the second from the renewable energy industries-demonstrate how China has used unfair rules and regulations to fuel its meteoric rise.

China's Taliban
Jul 31, 2015

China's Taliban

If New Delhi lets domestic political passions overwhelm the need for a carefully crafted strategy towards Pakistan, it will find the Afghan dynamic will soon make matters a lot more difficult for India.

China's Terror List and its Implications
Jan 03, 2004

China's Terror List and its Implications

Since 9/11, both China and the US have one concern in common - the threat of 'Islamic' terrorism. On December 15 2003, China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) issued a list of four terrorist organisations and eleven terrorists that pose a threat to China's security.

China's WU-14 nuclear device: Impact on deterrence equation
Jul 01, 2015

China's WU-14 nuclear device: Impact on deterrence equation

The successful tests of Chinese nuclear device WU-14 has brought the emphasis back on deploying effective ballistic missile defences. The Chinese test is also definitely going to speed up the US' quest for enhancing both its offensive and defensive technological capabilities.

China, all-weather friend of Bangladesh
Sep 17, 2010

China, all-weather friend of Bangladesh

Bilateral relations between China and Bangladesh will strengthen further once the road and rail links are established between the two countries through Myanmar. The prospects for the road-rail links have brightened after Myanmar cleared the transit facility, the Chinese envoy for Bangladesh has said.

China, US and India should work together for peace in region: Prof. Huang Jing
Jan 23, 2013

China, US and India should work together for peace in region: Prof. Huang Jing

As the power of the US is declining, China, the US and India will have to work together for peace in the region, according to Prof. Huang Jing, Director of the Centre on Asia and Globalisation at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.

China-Japan-Korea:Tangled Relationships
Aug 11, 2023

China-Japan-Korea:Tangled Relationships

Territorial disputes between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea and between Japan and South Korea over the Takeshima/Dokdo islands in the Sea of Japan have,particularly in the second half of 2012, given rise to concerns about peace and security in North East Asia. Territorial disputes between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea and between Japan and South Korea over the Takes

China-Pak air drill in Tibet: Lessons for India?
Oct 16, 2015

China-Pak air drill in Tibet: Lessons for India?

China's relation with Pakistan has become one of the most comprehensive one that Beijing has with any country. The strategic imperatives of developing Pakistan as a bulwark against India has been among Beijing's overriding objectives in influencing the balance of power in South Asia.

China-UK: A strategic partnership
Oct 27, 2015

China-UK: A strategic partnership

Xi's visit to the United Kingdom was not about trade and investment only. It has an important strategic component, viz, shaping China as a truly global power. Recall that the end station of both the land and maritime components of the Belt Road Initiative is Europe. As China shifts its economy towards high-end manufacturing and services, it is targeting the European market, where its two largest partners are Germany and UK.

China: Today and Tomorrow
Oct 17, 2006

China: Today and Tomorrow

In China, the regime's vision and capacity to transform the society and state has made a lot of difference, said Mr Harish Khare, Senior Associate Editor and Chief of the Delhi Bureau of The Hindu. Contemporary Chinese elite, cohesive as they are, have played a vital role in shaping-up the country.

China: Vision for Tibet-Indian Ocean Trade Route
Sep 21, 2005

China: Vision for Tibet-Indian Ocean Trade Route

The People's Republic of China (PRC) is now revealing, more assertively than before, its high expectations with regard to the opening up of Sino-Indian border trade specifically through revival of Yadong (Shigatse, Tibet) Trade Post, which was set up on May 10,

China’s Aerospace Potential:Strengths and Prospects
Mar 11, 2013

China’s Aerospace Potential:Strengths and Prospects

Extraordinary events in geopolitics have redefined China's contemporary history: the breakup of Soviet Union; the end of Cold War; and China's realignment with Russia and the erstwhile states of the Soviet Union.

China’s COVID-19 relief diplomacy in West Asia
Apr 22, 2020

China’s COVID-19 relief diplomacy in West Asia

The Chinese outreach in West Asia has been arguably subtle and careful.

China’s evolving nuclear strategy
Oct 12, 2023

China’s evolving nuclear strategy

Evidence suggests that China’s approach to its nuclear strategy is evolving. It is vital to understand the drivers of these changes.

China’s growing counter-space capabilities
May 16, 2020

China’s growing counter-space capabilities

The risks posed by China’s military space programme is primarily to other more capable powers such as the US using space as a force multiplier.

China’s manned lunar ambitions: Strategic imperatives and implications
May 24, 2023

China’s manned lunar ambitions: Strategic imperatives and implications

China’s space policy planners are convinced that the country should aim for manned lunar landings by 2040. It has already established a sophisticated robotic lunar exploration programme and human landings are perceived as the logical next step. New navigation and communication architectures are being developed for this purpose, in addition to building life support systems and a suitable launch vehicle. However, China’s political leadership wo

China’s massive attack against India: A looming possibility
Jun 17, 2024

China’s massive attack against India: A looming possibility

India might be deceiving itself by believing China will limit itself to "grey-zone operations" along the Sino-Indian border, avoiding all-out war. Thi

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends
Apr 11, 2023

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has undergone many changes since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2013. Efforts at modernising the PLA have been conducted in earnest for the past 10 years through the overhaul of the organisation and the introduction of latest technologies to make it battle-ready. This paper describes these capability-related and institutional changes in China’s military, wh

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India
Jul 21, 2023

China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, the US Response, and Implications for India

Military modernisation was the fourth and last of Deng Xiaoping’s ‘Four Modernisations’. Even before the third modernisation got underway—that of science and technology—China began using commercial technologies to advance its military capabilities. This strategy has gained salience since Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 and made it the state’s key goal to transform the PLA into a “world-class military”. Military-Civil Fusi

China’s Nuclear Ambitions, the Implications for India, and the Future of Global Disarmament
Aug 16, 2023

China’s Nuclear Ambitions, the Implications for India, and the Future of Global Disarmament

China’s nuclear weapons arsenal has grown and modernised over the recent years, and current estimates say the country has 350 operational warheads ready for delivery, over 248 land-based ballistic missiles, and 72 sea-based ballistic missiles. China also has 20 nuclear gravity bombs and additional warheads intended to be armed on land- and sea-based missiles. This brief outlines a history of China’s nuclear weapons programme, scrutini

China’s preliminary response to COVID-19 — A crisis communication framework
Mar 25, 2020

China’s preliminary response to COVID-19 — A crisis communication framework

China’s policy narratives against the COVID-19 in the initial stages adopted a denial crisis strategy to deal with the reputational damage.

China’s Response to ‘De-risking’ Strategy of the West
Nov 07, 2023

China’s Response to ‘De-risking’ Strategy of the West

The annual parliamentary sittings of China’s National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference—usually held at the same time—are important political events, with speeches of leaders at the meetings reflecting the country’s policy trajectory. During the last sessions of both in March 2023, President Xi Jinping noted that western countries led by the United States (US) are seeking to “contain and en

China’s rise and its challenges
Oct 14, 2019

China’s rise and its challenges

For China, it is the problems in what it considers to be its core interests which are becoming difficult to handle.

China’s rise and Trumpmerica’s tryst with the Thucydides trap
Nov 23, 2017

China’s rise and Trumpmerica’s tryst with the Thucydides trap

Thucydides’ assertion of the fifth century war being “inevitable” owing to the “rise of Athens” and the fear it “instilled” in the “ru

China’s soft power is failing in Australia, despite opening Confucius institutes all over
Dec 05, 2020

China’s soft power is failing in Australia, despite opening Confucius institutes all over

China finds that its trustworthiness among ordinary Aussies has plummeted from 52 per cent to just 23 per cent in two years.

China’s State Responsibility for the Global Spread of COVID19: An International Law Perspective
May 23, 2023

China’s State Responsibility for the Global Spread of COVID19: An International Law Perspective

Three months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 as a pandemic, the health crisis has wreaked havoc on people’s lives and livelihoods across the globe. Can state responsibility be apportioned for the pandemic, under the current international legal system? What would the elements of such responsibility be? This brief explores the concept of “state responsibility” under public international law and exam

China’s surge in non-communicable diseases may limit its progress in SDG 3 on good health and well-being
Mar 31, 2021

China’s surge in non-communicable diseases may limit its progress in SDG 3 on good health and well-being

China seems to be far behind with SDG — with the possibility of achieving 12 out of the 28 health-related SDG targets.

China’s Tech Challenge: Assessing Biden’s Response
Jul 15, 2023

China’s Tech Challenge: Assessing Biden’s Response

Vivek Mishra, “China’s Tech Challenge: Assessing Biden’s Response,” ORF Issue Brief No. 649, July 2023.

China’s terror dilemma in CPEC: A Xinjiang strategy?
Aug 17, 2023

China’s terror dilemma in CPEC: A Xinjiang strategy?

This brief aims to examine one of China’s possible responses to the various extremist and terrorist activities that plague the internal security of Pakistan, given the necessity of securing its USD 62 billion investment in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Given that Pakistan is failing to control this problem, China will have to take measures of its own to secure CPEC. The response of China could possibly be inspired by its strateg

China’s Two-Front Conundrum: A Perspective on the India-China Border Situation
Mar 07, 2023

China’s Two-Front Conundrum: A Perspective on the India-China Border Situation

China’s actions in Ladakh since 2020 are in violation of common understandings and have brought the focus of bilateral relationship back to the issue of the border. This paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of China’s behaviour along the India-China border by exploring a fresh perspective that explains the instability along the border as a function of China’s two-front conundrum. It makes a historical account of past events to arg

China’s vaccine scandal — why we should care too
Aug 13, 2018

China’s vaccine scandal — why we should care too

As seen in the Chinese case, the vaccine manufacturers have not only lost trust domestically but also internationally.

China’s West Asian peace diplomacy a reality check for India
Mar 23, 2023

China’s West Asian peace diplomacy a reality check for India

The China-brokered Saudi Arabia-Iran deal puts the spotlight on New Delhi’s ties with Tehran

Chinese attempting a new security architecture in Indo-Pacific
Dec 20, 2014

Chinese attempting a new security architecture in Indo-Pacific

With the enhancement of power in the Indo-Pacific region, China is attempting to create new constructs in the security arena which will be exclusively for Asians and it will bestow primacy to themselves.

Chinese BRI investments: A cornerstone of the expanding China-Bangladesh ties
Aug 10, 2023

Chinese BRI investments: A cornerstone of the expanding China-Bangladesh ties

Although Bangladesh has been able to seek favourable terms from China, will it manage to leverage economic aid while not allowing China strategic inro

Chinese claim over South China Sea has as much to do with economics as history
Dec 08, 2012

Chinese claim over South China Sea has as much to do with economics as history

An Indian maritime expert feels China, which had increased its defence budget several-fold in order to retain or recover its territories in the disputed area, is also cleverly diffusing the situation by having joint military exercises with countries around the area to prevent them from banding together against its claims.

Chinese defence spending in the age of COVID-19
Jun 01, 2020

Chinese defence spending in the age of COVID-19

China’s mere 1.2% projected GDP growth for 2020 will undoubtedly pose problems for its recently declared defence budget, possibly leaving other crit

Chinese diaspora
Jul 09, 2014

Chinese diaspora

As ancient and highly populated regions, China and the Indian subcontinent have for long shaped global migration patterns. But, unlike Delhi, which has had to deal with diaspora issues ever since Independence, Beijing's problems have just begun.