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1768 results found

If Pakistan remains India’s problem, Taiwan will remain America’s
Sep 23, 2021

If Pakistan remains India’s problem, Taiwan will remain America’s

The US needs to alter its policy towards Pakistan for an enhanced partnership on the Taiwan front

If US troops exit Kabul, and the Taliban holds sway, Pakistan could unleash 'Ghazwa-e-Hind' against India
Dec 29, 2018

If US troops exit Kabul, and the Taliban holds sway, Pakistan could unleash 'Ghazwa-e-Hind' against India

We could soon see America leave Afghanistan's brutal war half-finished. The implications of this will be dreadful for ordinary Afghans. This is no good news for India either.

Ignore Pakistan till it starts behaving like a normal neighbour
Dec 10, 2014

Ignore Pakistan till it starts behaving like a normal neighbour

When a strategy yields no results, or worse, is counterproductive, then the wise move is to change it. Our strategy of not reacting to repeated Pakistani depredations or offering conciliatory gestures may have earned us international accolades but has not made Pakistan change its policy options or stance towards India.

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure
May 14, 2019

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure

There is a deeper politics at play here, a politics of negotiation and a transaction of international power games that is diluting the dangers of Paki

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?
Jul 20, 2019

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?

A closer look at some of the security-related agenda items for the upcoming development and how they could impact bilateral ties.

Imran Khan has talked about fixing India-Pakistan ties. The first step should be a reality check
Jul 30, 2018

Imran Khan has talked about fixing India-Pakistan ties. The first step should be a reality check

There is no reason to believe that we will witness some change in Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Imran Khan's victory in Pakistan: An outcome foretold
Jul 30, 2018

Imran Khan's victory in Pakistan: An outcome foretold

How will India manage a Pakistan led by Imran Khan?

Imran’s innings end, but Pakistan’s troubles don’t
Apr 08, 2022

Imran’s innings end, but Pakistan’s troubles don’t

Pakistan will continue to be at sixes and sevens even if Imran Khan is on his way out.

In bucking army seniority, Modi takes a leaf from Pakistani playbook
Dec 20, 2016

In bucking army seniority, Modi takes a leaf from Pakistani playbook

A hard look at our politics and society suggests it may be a good idea to go by seniority alone till we become more complete ‘Indians’

In Pakistan, eyes are now on new Indian government
Apr 18, 2014

In Pakistan, eyes are now on new Indian government

With the elections underway in India, eyes are now on the outcome of the polls, likely to be known by May 16. Wider belief is that the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) may win the keenly fought elections.

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region
Dec 08, 2017

Increasing dangers from Pakistan for India and the region

The Pakistan army has commenced openly supporting internal religious and fundamentalist groups. If these parties rise to power, Pakistan’s internal

India and Pakistan - Bridging the gap
May 09, 2009

India and Pakistan - Bridging the gap

The First R K Mishra Memorial Lecture was delivered by Major General Mahmud Ali Durrani. He was Pakistan's National Security Adviser till January 2009. A former Ambassador to the United States, General Durrani has been closely associated with Mr RK Mishra, and Observer Research Foundation, in promoting peace and dialogue between India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan have lost control of the narrative
Feb 28, 2019

India and Pakistan have lost control of the narrative

As long as both sides focus on reassuring their domestic constituencies rather than contradicting each other’s version of events, the chances of conflict are paradoxically lower. The problem is that in this crisis like any other, facts inevitably intrude.

India can't afford to lower its guard against Pakistan
May 30, 2011

India can't afford to lower its guard against Pakistan

Al-Qaida has put Pakistan at the top of its priorities. Its leaders judge Pakistan as the most vulnerable country for them to hijack, while independent estimates by security and intelligence officials suggest that Pakistan has the capability to add 8-10 China-model low-yield nuclear weapons in its kitty every year.

India needs to do away with its take-it easy Pakistan policy
Feb 19, 2019

India needs to do away with its take-it easy Pakistan policy

India’s choices over the past few decades haven’t moved beyond issuing demarches, summoning ambassadors and relying on the benevolence of others.

India sends the right message to Pakistan
Jan 29, 2013

India sends the right message to Pakistan

After the initial fire and fury at the LoC, there is now a belief that the situation is relatively under control. This assumption may be misleading, unless the dynamics of the LoC and its violations are fully comprehended.

India should not waste a second with the Hurriyat, Pakistan's poisonous spent force
Jun 29, 2019

India should not waste a second with the Hurriyat, Pakistan's poisonous spent force

If Delhi talks to anyone, it must be to Kashmir's elected representatives and other stakeholders, not waste time on the perfidious and pointless Hurriyat, which has only harmed India's interests.

India should patiently deal with Pakistan
Sep 17, 2013

India should patiently deal with Pakistan

India has to deal with Pakistani jihadis as it would deal with any other terrorists and send them to the court of law to whatever dispensation the court might decide. The lesson for India is that it has to live with troubles from Pakistan and deal with them as the situation arises.

India unshackled from Pakistan is good news
Feb 01, 2023

India unshackled from Pakistan is good news

A mix of marginalisation, mobilisation and militarisation has helped Delhi take away a key facet of Pakistan’s outreach, allowing India to be more ambitious on the regional and global stage

India vs Pakistan: The Jadhav case
Mar 01, 2019

India vs Pakistan: The Jadhav case

The interim period demands extreme security for the life of Kulbushan Jadhav. The bilateral context and subtext in which this case operates will have

India's influential soft power in Afghanistan: Giving edge over Pakistan
Jun 29, 2017

India's influential soft power in Afghanistan: Giving edge over Pakistan

India’s soft power plays a big role in the Afghan admiration of the Indian media. It is not surprising that India invests in the infrastructure of A

India's obsession with Pakistan putting hurdles in its relations with other neighbours: Bangladesh scholar
Nov 08, 2010

India's obsession with Pakistan putting hurdles in its relations with other neighbours: Bangladesh scholar

India's obsession with Pakistan is making it overlook its relationship with other neighbours, observed Bangladesh scholar Rounaq Jahan during a discussion on Bangladesh at Observer Research Foundation.

India, Pakistan and hope for the future
Oct 12, 2016

India, Pakistan and hope for the future

Recent developments along India-Pakistan border have grabbed attention of the world and caused a steady build up of fear with question marks for future

India, Pakistan need to shift focus towards CBMs
Jun 24, 2014

India, Pakistan need to shift focus towards CBMs

India and Pakistan need to begin a dialogue on economic and military relations. It will be a challenge for both countries to balance the provision of security for its populations with the need to create the enabling environment for economic and social development and growth.

India, Pakistan: Friends again?
Dec 08, 2015

India, Pakistan: Friends again?

The Modi government came to power in New Delhi pledging a muscular approach to relations with Islamabad. But now, the government has realised that while it can control the narrative at home, it cannot do so abroad. Most countries saw New Delhi's actions as somewhat over the top.

India-Pakistan : How to Move On
Aug 16, 2011

India-Pakistan : How to Move On

While 1947 may have liberated India and Pakistan from the colonial yolk, the two countries have become slaves to the historical baggage they carry. It's therefore important for both sides to unburden themselves in whatever ways possible.

India-Pakistan crisis exposes Modi’s dilemma
Feb 28, 2019

India-Pakistan crisis exposes Modi’s dilemma

The decision about whether to escalate or not is much more complex than it appears.

India-Pakistan dynamics after Balakot: A different deterrence equation?
Mar 25, 2020

India-Pakistan dynamics after Balakot: A different deterrence equation?

Even before coming to office in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had implied that his government would address Pakistan-sponsored terrorism differently.

India-Pakistan peacemaking: Beyond populist religious diplomacy
May 12, 2023

India-Pakistan peacemaking: Beyond populist religious diplomacy

The Kartarpur corridor, inaugurated in November 2019, is regarded as an important peacemaking measure between India and Pakistan. Various international organisations have welcomed the corridor, including the United Nations. Drawing from history, this brief argues that opening a pilgrimage corridor or renovating a place of worship, and other such attempts to bridge India and Pakistan using religious sentiment inevitably fail to address the deep-ro

India-Pakistan Relations after Mumbai Attacks
Sep 23, 2009

India-Pakistan Relations after Mumbai Attacks

The Paper makes a critical appraisal of India-Pakistan relations and explores their future trajectory in the aftermath of the Mumbai terrorist attack of November 2008. The rising tide of terrorism within Pakistan after 9/11 and the importance of South Asia to the United States made Pakistan selectively withdraw support to terrorist groups. This, in turn, helped India's efforts to initiate the Composite Dialogue in 2004.

India-Pakistan relationship - the Punjab angle
Apr 14, 2011

India-Pakistan relationship - the Punjab angle

It is important for both countries to think outside the box and create constituencies of peace outside New Delhi and Islamabad, especially in the two Punjabs. While Punjabi tarka can not be the core of India-Pakistan relations, it must not be overlooked either.

India-Pakistan relationship is held hostage by many structural impediments
Oct 09, 2018

India-Pakistan relationship is held hostage by many structural impediments

It will take a very prolonged series of successful trust building before more sensitive issues like Kashmir are even discussed with any credibility.

India-Pakistan tension: Is there a role for SAARC?
Mar 02, 2019

India-Pakistan tension: Is there a role for SAARC?

The eight-member SAARC is the only important regional institution where both India and Pakistan are members.

India-Pakistan tensions: When reality bites
Apr 27, 2023

India-Pakistan tensions: When reality bites

In light of the new realities and geostrategic shifts, Pakistan is considering peace calls with India

India’s Latest Concerns With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Aug 10, 2022

India’s Latest Concerns With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

India has raised objections to the possibility of China and Pakistan involving third countries in the CPEC.

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot
Aug 08, 2019

India’s Move on Kashmir Puts Pakistan on the back foot

India’s decision to revoke Article 370 giving special status to Jammu & Kashmir has put Pakistan on the back foot, dealt New Delhi back into the Sou

India’s polls and Pakistan
May 13, 2019

India’s polls and Pakistan

If Modi is re-elected, then Pakistan will have a lot to worry about.

Infiltration from Bangladesh more dangerous than from Pakistan: Ex-DGMO
Nov 23, 2013

Infiltration from Bangladesh more dangerous than from Pakistan: Ex-DGMO

Though infiltration from Pakistan is of great concern, those from Bangladesh in the form of illegal migrants pose a more serious threat to the nation, according to Lt-Gen (Retd) Anand Verma, former Director-General of Military Operations.