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Arab protests: the American dilemma
Feb 11, 2011

Arab protests: the American dilemma

The current wave of protests sweeping across the Arab world has the Obama administration worried, particularly about Egypt. Interestingly, each protest in the region has targeted rulers who have been allied to the US for long. The US thus finds itself in a delicate situation.

Arab Regimes Tottering Variously
Feb 19, 2011

Arab Regimes Tottering Variously

Regimes sympathic to the Palestinian plight would, to that extent, be insulted from peoples' wrath in Syria and Libya, for instance. Demonstrations in Iran and Libya are part of the internal turmoil in these countries, unrelated to the Palestinian issue.

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia
Apr 25, 2013

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia

The 'Arab Spring' has given an opportunity to India to present itself as a model to other countries, feels Prof Gawdat Bhagat of the Near-East and South Asia Centre for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Washington DC.

Arab Springs Global Linkages
Jun 06, 2011

Arab Springs Global Linkages

Bush years were, of course, guided by more crude principles. But consider military action against Qadaffi's Libya keeping Albright's perspective in mind.

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?
Jul 01, 2011

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?

Dr. Paul Joseph, Fulbright-Nehru distinguished chair, Tufts University, US, argues that there are two types of opposition to war inside the US, which proves that Americans are becoming more peaceful.

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?
Nov 06, 2015

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?

Allowing women in combat roles in the Air Force is very different from such deployments in Navy or Army. This is mainly because, while the Air Force can ensure their selective employment on tasks within our borders, the same does not hold true for naval ships or more so for the Army.

Are we kneeling before terror?
Nov 09, 2005

Are we kneeling before terror?

The October 29 serial blasts in Delhi are a warning to all of us who are basking in the afterglow of a make-believe harmony across the Line of Control. Opening bus routes, transit points, good wishes, hugs, flowers, smiles are all fine and necessary in one way to engage a neighbour who has been more of an adversary in the past half-a-century of its existence.

Are we losing Afghanistan?
Oct 01, 2013

Are we losing Afghanistan?

Baiting Pakistan into increasing its duplicity in its dealings with Nato, India has effectively provided the West with a convenient scapegoat. Come 2014, the historical narrative will more likely focus on betrayal rather than the reality of the West's bad homework and flawed assumptions.

Arguments for a digital world
May 02, 2014

Arguments for a digital world

India must bolster its weight in the digital marketplace, commensurate with the number of current and potential netizens. This would be possible only by creating capabilities and an environment where private businesses, SMEs and individuals can access and exploit this medium gainfully.

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India
Apr 13, 2012

Arms Trade Treaty should emerge by consensus: India

India has been proactive in the Arms Trade Treaty debate and has submitted its views on the issue. Currently, the debate is shifting towards the content of the treaty. Differences continue to exist, but India feels the final treaty should emerge by consensus.

Army and upcoming elections in Myanmar
Jun 02, 2010

Army and upcoming elections in Myanmar

The army has hinted at fresh elections in 2010, with predictions of October 10 being the chosen day for polling

Army doctrine undergoes change in nuclear era
Jun 29, 2006

Army doctrine undergoes change in nuclear era

Exercise Sanghe Shakti, held over one week in Punjab in May 2006, was designed to test the Indian Army¿s new concept for offensive operations in the plains. This was the most recent in a series of annual exercises that have included Poorna Vijay (2001), Vijay Chakra, Divya Astra, Vajra Shakti (May 2005) and Desert Strike (November 2005), all of which were all aimed at concentrating and coordinating firepower and fine-tuning

Army modernisation alone not enough
Jan 06, 2015

Army modernisation alone not enough

Several developments over the last few months have made clear that the Army modernisation programme, at least, is turning into a train wreck. This is not to say that all is well with the modernisation of the Air Force and the Navy, but just that the Army modernisation programme stands on far shakier ground, with minimal scope for results.

Arrest of Jamaat leaders: An assessment
Jul 17, 2010

Arrest of Jamaat leaders: An assessment

Three top Jamaat-e-Islami leaders -- amir Motiur Rahman Nizami, general secretary Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojahid, and naib amir Delwar Hossain Sayedee -- were arrested on June 29. The Jamaat leaders were charged with war crimes of 1971 and hurting popular religious sentiments.

Arrogance is path to perdition
Nov 18, 2015

Arrogance is path to perdition

As the Sangh and its affiliates continue to push their toxic religious and cultural agenda, irrespective of the domestic and international audiences' deep sense of revulsion, it is clear as daylight that there are two Indias.

Article 370 a burden on Jammu and Kashmir people
Jul 05, 2014

Article 370 a burden on Jammu and Kashmir people

Article 370 is a burden on the people of Jammu and Kashmir which has been misused by successive State governments to stall the delivery of several public welfare initiatives of the Central Government, according to dean of Jammu Central University.

As China rises, will it become liberal?
Jun 26, 2013

As China rises, will it become liberal?

If China were to shape a world order that might be bereft of some of the universally accepted principles, it may be problematic for many countries, including India.

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy
Sep 23, 2013

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy

Now that BJP PM candidate Narendra Modi is approaching what could possibly be the pinnacle of his career, the last thing he wants is to box himself in by his own rhetoric. It is for this reason that in his Haryana speech, he also invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee's policy, which used the Kargil crisis to get the world community to pin down Pakistan on avoiding the use of violence in relation to Kashmir.

As internet matures, India faces a choice on governance
Mar 24, 2014

As internet matures, India faces a choice on governance

Given the Indian government's taste for pushing unilateral mechanisms for governing the internet at an international level, and Indian civil society, which for the most part seems to vocally support a multistakeholder approach, the Indian elections might bring about a new opportunity for both sides to find clarity.

As Maldives President comes calling....
Dec 30, 2013

As Maldives President comes calling....

India being the closest neighbour with high stakes in the stability of Maldives, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom's India visit from January 1 to 4 would be keenly watched, nearer home in the two countries, and afar.

As Pakistan heats up, we must act to stop the next Samba
Sep 30, 2013

As Pakistan heats up, we must act to stop the next Samba

We should not be lulled into complacency about the nature of the militancy in J&K these days. Incidents can be few and far between. But when they occur, they can be deadly. The winding down of the US and NATO operations in Afghanistan could enlarge the area which could be used by anti-Indian jihadis to set up training camps.

As turbulence looms in South Asia, India emerges as an anchor
Aug 17, 2022

As turbulence looms in South Asia, India emerges as an anchor

India has been at the forefront of helping its neighbors in times of crises

ASEAN leaders at Republic Day show India’s strategic pivot for a new Asia
Jan 29, 2018

ASEAN leaders at Republic Day show India’s strategic pivot for a new Asia

When it comes to Asean, the challenge for India is to scale up trade and investment. While ease of doing business is improving and projections by the IMF are all positive, there is long way to go to tackle corruption, energise the bureaucracy and cut through bureaucratic red tape that deters business and trade

ASEAN Theatre
Jul 04, 2013

ASEAN Theatre

The annual gatherings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - at the ministerial level in July and summit level in November at the East Asia Summit - have become good indicators of Asia's volatile geopolitical temperature.

Asia and a Space Code
Jan 06, 2012

Asia and a Space Code

Asian concerns regarding a Space Code are important because future challenges to space cooperation may well come from Asia, not least because so many of the new space powers are emerging from this region. The EU was late in bringing India into the process.

Asia and the two world wars
Feb 07, 2014

Asia and the two world wars

India, which contributed a big part in shaping the outcomes of the two world wars, seems blissfully unaware of the importance of the two anniversaries. Turning a deaf ear to the nationalist passions in East Asia is not going to save India from the consequences of new Asian wars that now seem increasingly probable.

Asia central to the stability and prosperity of the US
Feb 15, 2013

Asia central to the stability and prosperity of the US

Security concerns in Asia are largely related to non-traditional security threats such as terrorism, piracy, disaster management and transnational crime. These threats are becoming more and more traditional as countries have to deal with them on a daily basis.

Asia is Australia's future
Feb 16, 2013

Asia is Australia's future

Success of Australia in Asia will be much of choice rather than chance, according to the Australian Consul-General at Chennai, Mr David Holly. He lists out the choices that Australians have to establish a cordial relation with the continent.

Jun 27, 2007


Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on Wednesday (June 27) released the new ORF publication, titled The New Asian Power Dynamic, edited by Mr. Maharajakrishna Rasgotra, Adviser to ORF Chairman and convenor of National Security Advisory Board (NSAB).

Asian Century: Will it be stable and peaceful?
Mar 13, 2012

Asian Century: Will it be stable and peaceful?

While the simultaneous rise of powers need not always result in a clash, the four major powers in Asia - established powers Russia and Japan, and newly rising China and India - have had troubled historical relations.

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A new banking alternative
Nov 11, 2014

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: A new banking alternative

Considering India's immense infrastructural needs, the AIIB has opened a fresh window for financing in which there will hopefully be fewer conditions and hassles. All other less developing countries will also be able to access loans easily.

Asian powers should be united, not divided, by ocean ambitions
Aug 27, 2013

Asian powers should be united, not divided, by ocean ambitions

India and China should focus on maritime commonalities and challenges rather than incongruence. After all, the sea unites while the land divides.

Asian Security: Need for a Collective Approach
Jun 23, 2006

Asian Security: Need for a Collective Approach

Asia has been the fountain of the greatest and some of the most ancient civilizations and religions of the world and possesses enormous human and natural resources. However, in modern history, the continent has seldom been at the centre-stage of world politics. Indeed, unlike Africans, for example, Asian citizens have never really had a feeling of oneness.

Asian-European Policy Dialogue 2013
Nov 26, 2013

Asian-European Policy Dialogue 2013

Observer Research Foundation and Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung recently organised the Asian-European Policy Dialogue 2013. The theme of the dialogue was local level politics, related policy areas and the role of the state.

Asim Umar: A new actor in the world jihadist stage
Sep 24, 2014

Asim Umar: A new actor in the world jihadist stage

The 'old boys' network has given Asim Umar an extensive reach among the jihadi groups active in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He can tap into the Taliban network with as much ease as he could work with Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

Assad's Troops Close In On Foreign Mercenaries
Feb 20, 2012

Assad's Troops Close In On Foreign Mercenaries

A feature of the Syrian crisis which must please those ostensibly seeking the regime's ouster is that it is turning out to be a long drawn one. So long drawn, in fact, that the world is beginning to develop an amnesia about the Palestinian issue.

Assam killings: Quick-fix solutions will not work
Jan 02, 2015

Assam killings: Quick-fix solutions will not work

Legend has it that the nursery rhyme, 'Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush...on a cold and frosty morning', was first, sung by women incarcerated at the Wakefield Prison in England while they were doing their daily exercise around the mulberry tree in the prison compound.

Assembly polls: Changing scenarios
Jan 23, 2012

Assembly polls: Changing scenarios

In the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, the picture remains unclear, with no party or no combination of parties being assured of forming the next government in March.

Assessing Indo-US defence ties
Aug 20, 2014

Assessing Indo-US defence ties

A lot of the things are hanging in the air because Indo-US relations are doing so as well. Given India's reticence in giving any kind of political shape to the partnership with the US, Washington is understandably stringing New Delhi along with promises. Modi's forthcoming visit to Washington DC could be an opportunity to move forward in some of the issues

Asteroids, meteors and planetary defence
Feb 18, 2013

Asteroids, meteors and planetary defence

Prior to the meteor hit in Russia and Asteroid 2012 DA 14's close miss, the Indian public and its policy makers likely could just not comprehend such a distant, seemingly un-real threat. Perhaps now, this will not be the case.

At last, a just allocation to Indian Navy
Apr 20, 2012

At last, a just allocation to Indian Navy

India's Navy has for too long been neglected when money has been allocated. The latest defence budget suggests that may be starting to change, though much of the new allocation will be used to pay off previously acquired expensive naval platforms.

At SAARC, in charge
Dec 28, 2004

At SAARC, in charge

As he packs his bags for the first foreign policy venture in the new year ¿ the annual summit of the South Asian nations in Dhaka ¿ Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has two options. The default one would be to let the foreign office bureaucracy work out an anodyne declaration of good intentions on future cooperation.