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Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation
May 11, 2023

Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation

This year marks the 15th year since India and the European Union (EU) agreed on a Strategic Partnership in 2004. Over the years, despite robust bilateral relations between individual European states and India, the EU-India relations have largely been in the area of potential rather than accomplishment. This brief evaluates the emerging security partnership by focusing on three key areas, viz. peacekeeping, nuclear issues, and maritime security. I

Breaking the brass ceiling: The need for women’s leadership in policing
Jun 13, 2023

Breaking the brass ceiling: The need for women’s leadership in policing

Despite global calls to increase women in policing, the progress remains regrettably slow

Brexit | How will this never-ending drama end?
Sep 06, 2019

Brexit | How will this never-ending drama end?

A no-deal Brexit would be economically disastrous for the UK and might even lead to shortage of medicines and food in the short- to medium-term. However that is not Boris Johnson’s concern at the moment.

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum
Sep 17, 2021

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum

Critique of BRICS is logical and natural but can be unfair without careful examination of its evolution and contribution

BRICS and its future: The challenges of multilateralism
May 13, 2020

BRICS and its future: The challenges of multilateralism

The nature of the world order that eventually emerges will determine the future of BRICS and not the other way round.

BRICS makes all the news: IBSA will continue to be relevant
Aug 09, 2014

BRICS makes all the news: IBSA will continue to be relevant

Has the emergence of BRICS had an impact on IBSA, was the question posed by Mr M Ganapathi, former Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India.

BRICS Summit in Goa: Ahead of 8th conference, the bloc must focus on institution-building
Sep 20, 2016

BRICS Summit in Goa: Ahead of 8th conference, the bloc must focus on institution-building

BRICS as an institution must nurture independent growth trajectories of member nations keeping their individual interest at the forefront.

BRICS Summit: India will have an upper hand at bilateral talks with China
Jul 25, 2018

BRICS Summit: India will have an upper hand at bilateral talks with China

New Delhi should also be aware that a US-China trade spat opens up new possibilities for India, both vis-à-vis Beijing and Washington, and it should not be hesitant to exploit them

BRICS Think Tanks Council set up
Mar 11, 2013

BRICS Think Tanks Council set up

Think tanks from five BRICS countries, participating in the 5th Academic Forum meeting in Durban, have announced the setting up of the BRICS Think Tanks Council (BTTC).

Bridging gaps, building futures: SDG 3 and youth capital
Apr 05, 2024

Bridging gaps, building futures: SDG 3 and youth capital

Nurturing youth capital and well-being is not only a moral imperative but also an economic necessity

Bridging the digital divide: Skills for the new age
Apr 05, 2017

Bridging the digital divide: Skills for the new age

The digital divide is a manifestation of exclusion, poverty and inequality and continues to be exacerbated due to the effects of unemployment, poorly functioning digital skilling programmes and socio-cultural norms in some economies, depriving women equal access to digital services. Digital skills provide the poor a catalyst to break out of the cycle of poverty and empower themselves. A three-pronged digital skills strategy is required for develo

Bring back credibility to the union budget
Jun 12, 2019

Bring back credibility to the union budget

Sustainable magic requires that the magician remain credible.

Bringing India and Thailand Closer via the Trilateral Highway Through Myanmar
Nov 21, 2023

Bringing India and Thailand Closer via the Trilateral Highway Through Myanmar

This brief underlines the immense potential for increased cross-border trade, tourism, and people-to-people interactions between India and its Southeast Asian neighbours. In particular, it evaluates the importance of India–Thailand relations, emphasising the present state of the India–Myanmar–Thailand Trilateral Highway (IMT-TH). Although India and Thailand share a maritime boundary along India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Th

Budget 2019: A confused path to $5 trillion dream?
Jul 09, 2019

Budget 2019: A confused path to $5 trillion dream?

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman seemed to be the chief protagonist of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of India becoming a $5 trillion econo

Budget 2019: Mobilising investment by open capital account and constrained fiscal policy a risky gamble
Jul 12, 2019

Budget 2019: Mobilising investment by open capital account and constrained fiscal policy a risky gamble

The attempt to woo FIIs and FPIs may look like an innovative step to mobilise investment from abroad, yet this is a gamble which may or may not pay of

Budget 2023 must factor in geoeconomic infiltrations
Dec 01, 2022

Budget 2023 must factor in geoeconomic infiltrations

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s fifth budget faces global challenges. She should leverage them and meet them head-on

Budget 2023: Food for thought when it comes to women, children, and nutrition
Feb 03, 2023

Budget 2023: Food for thought when it comes to women, children, and nutrition

There is scope to do more for the vital constituencies of women and children

Budget of small things that contributes to the government’s larger $5 trillion narrative
Jul 05, 2019

Budget of small things that contributes to the government’s larger $5 trillion narrative

Sitharaman’s Budget seeks to inject efficiencies into the regulatory system.

Build forward better through nature in the post-pandemic era
Dec 23, 2020

Build forward better through nature in the post-pandemic era

The challenge is not ‘to build back better’ but ‘to build forward better’ where the nature and climate nexus lies within the development parad

Build on the constituency of peace and trust, say visiting Pak journalists
Jan 24, 2011

Build on the constituency of peace and trust, say visiting Pak journalists

Visiting Pakistani journalists informed a select gathering at Observer Research Foundation that the ongoing turmoil in their country was the result of a transition from military dictatorship to coalition politics in the democratic setup.

Building 100 Smart Cities in India: Issues to be addressed
Sep 23, 2015

Building 100 Smart Cities in India: Issues to be addressed

Most participants at an ORF conference on urban development and creation of 100 smart cities in India felt that creation of smart cities is an extremely challenging exercise and for this, careful planning and effective project implementation are required.

Building a 'Strategic Oil Reserve' for India
Aug 30, 2003

Building a 'Strategic Oil Reserve' for India

After years of conceiving the idea of Strategic Oil Reserve, the Indian government seems to be moving in the right direction in a resolute manner. Recent statements by both the Prime Minister and the Petroleum Minister about building strategic storage facilities to gear up the country to meet oil emergencies

Building a BIMSTEC agenda for counterterrorism
Nov 28, 2017

Building a BIMSTEC agenda for counterterrorism

Member states of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) continue to grapple with a host of security issues, including the burgeoning ISIS threat and the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. In the recent months, the region has witnessed the immense social, political, economic and geo-strategic implications of terrorism and displacement. BIMSTEC’s counterterrorism initiatives must therefore be scr

Building a bridge to Tokyo
Jun 03, 2013

Building a bridge to Tokyo

New Delhi must take full advantage of the geopolitical opportunity that the Japanese connection offers us. As democracies, both India and Japan are open societies and committed to a liberal world order. Through visits and agreements, the two sides have now laid the infrastructure for their strategic partnership.

Building a case for decentralised AI ethics
Oct 18, 2021

Building a case for decentralised AI ethics

A user-centric bottom-up approach to ethics in AI could be the answer to regulating AI innovation that is usually too fast and dynamic for a central r

Building a case for stronger counter-terrorism ties between India and Africa
Nov 17, 2020

Building a case for stronger counter-terrorism ties between India and Africa

Both India and Africa strongly acknowledge that peace and security is intrinsically linked to development, and that terrorism poses the biggest threat

Building a case for the creative economies of the Global South
Mar 30, 2023

Building a case for the creative economies of the Global South

During its G20 presidency, India should engage with governments and policymakers and address the regulatory constraints faced by this sector to keep i

Building a Follow-up and Review Framework for India’s Sustainable Development Goal on Health
Jul 22, 2016

Building a Follow-up and Review Framework for India’s Sustainable Development Goal on Health

The creation of a competent national indicator framework will be central to the tracking — and eventual attainment — of India’s sustainable development goals. Through an analytical study of India’s past efforts relating to the MDGs and its initial preparations for the SDGs, this paper identifies specific hurdles that must be overcome in building a health indicator architecture that is both globally relevant and aligned with national

Building a multi-faceted Indo-ROK partnership
Jan 20, 2014

Building a multi-faceted Indo-ROK partnership

In terms of the existing institutional mechanisms, South Korea somewhat lags behind Japan, but one should remember that India-South Korea partnership is only about 40 years old and during this rather short period, what the two countries have achieved is quite remarkable.

Building a new digitalised world through technology centrism
Oct 24, 2020

Building a new digitalised world through technology centrism

When technology becomes important for a country’s development, governments should balance the advance of technology with openness and autonomy.

Building a new world
Mar 16, 2012

Building a new world

The ORF-hosted BRICS Academic Forum's recommendations to the 4th BRICS Leaders Summit, to be held in New Delhi on March 29, seek to set the agendas for global governance reforms and sustainable development and map out a new geography of cooperation.

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC
Aug 09, 2021

Building a Regional Approach to Energy Security for BIMSTEC

The seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims “to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030. Such quest for energy security is echoed in subregional strategies as well; in the BIMSTEC region, it is a key priority. As the gap in electricity supply and demand increases in the countries of BIMSTEC, trans-border cooperation can help diversify energy sources, reduce the average cos

Building a regional disaster relief strategy for the Bay of Bengal region
Apr 29, 2024

Building a regional disaster relief strategy for the Bay of Bengal region

Rather than relying on a single nation to handle the majority of HADR engagements in the Bay of Bengal region, a unified regional approach should be e

Building African Capacity: What’s the story beyond the numbers?
Nov 10, 2020

Building African Capacity: What’s the story beyond the numbers?

Despite the importance of capacity building in India’s development cooperation programme with African countries, a comprehensive assessment of India

Building an equitable ‘data for development’ space for the G20
Jun 28, 2023

Building an equitable ‘data for development’ space for the G20

The data landscape across the G20 remains highly uneven, with some countries being able to effectively harness D4D while others experience significant