Search: For - Elections

923 results found

Delhi: A vote for PM's vision of development
Apr 27, 2017

Delhi: A vote for PM's vision of development

Can things change even before 2020, if Arvind Kejriwal resigns, admitting he has lost the mandate to rule?

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma
Jul 21, 2018

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma

The process of subverting democracy and politicians began at the beginning of Pakistan.

Democratic candidates' surprisingly low focus on foreign policy
Jul 02, 2015

Democratic candidates' surprisingly low focus on foreign policy

Though foreign policy is going to be an important issue in the US Presidential elections next year, the Democrat candidates for the party's nomination have surprisingly devoted little time to this aspect so far. However, as the campaign progresses and the less serious candidates drop out of the race, the issue is likely to gain greater attention.

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?
Jun 29, 2018

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?

The relatively small tactical operation did not meet its military objective but generated spectacular political theatre. The release of the videos in the run up to the elections is further evidence of the true nature of the exercise.

Did urban issues resonate in the 2019 polls?
May 20, 2019

Did urban issues resonate in the 2019 polls?

What is missing in most manifestos is a coherent and comprehensive vision backed by a workable strategy to address the challenges that India’s growi

Did we achieve anything by PM not being in Colombo?
Dec 06, 2013

Did we achieve anything by PM not being in Colombo?

Elections will not be won or lost because of events in Sri Lanka, but Sri Lanka could be lost because of our electoral politics. Our PM's absence in Colombo at this juncture is akin to a public snub to Sri Lanka and the vacuum that we create and show little intention or urgency to fill, can only be filled by one country - China.

Disarming a Political Time Bomb
Apr 09, 2019

Disarming a Political Time Bomb

The existing NOTA option is just symbolic because even if the majority of voters in a constituency detest the candidates, one of them will still be elected.

Disruption and disorder will define East Asia in 2024
Feb 01, 2024

Disruption and disorder will define East Asia in 2024

As the US’s global leadership in upholding the rules-based order will be stretched, regional actors will have to rise to the occasion and maintain o

Dividing to conquer
Apr 17, 2019

Dividing to conquer

Hitting at the neutrality of armed forces will do more damage than good

Do 'jobs' even matter in politics?
May 22, 2019

Do 'jobs' even matter in politics?

Some conventional wisdom about how economic outcomes affect politics will be tested on May 23.

Do parties care to make Delhi a 'liveable' global city?
Feb 06, 2015

Do parties care to make Delhi a 'liveable' global city?

The promises made by key parties in the Delhi elections are in conformity with the national trend of offering populist schemes. One thought political parties of this 'enlightened' metropolis, that was turned to an epicentre of the nation-wide anti-corruption stir and gave rise to political newbie AAP, would beat this trend and offer something better.

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?
Mar 15, 2008

Does the War on Terror Strengthen the Idea of Pakhtoonistan?

On the eve of the February 18 elections, no two people in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi were agreed on the certainty of elections taking place. Elections cannot take place, it was argued then, because the establishment will not risk an open-ended process which might produce inconvenient results. In the Pakistani context, the establishment has always meant the Army, the bureaucracy, big landlords and the United States.

Don't despair, liberals: Fight
Nov 10, 2016

Don't despair, liberals: Fight

Welcome, American liberals. Welcome to the special torment of discovering that you do not know your country.

Donald Trump's generals: Why 9/11 will shape what follows 11/9
Nov 30, 2016

Donald Trump's generals: Why 9/11 will shape what follows 11/9

The President-elect Donald Trump has already confirmed that Lieutenant General Michael Flynn will serve as the next National Security Advisor

EC undermined due to weak institutions
May 14, 2019

EC undermined due to weak institutions

The EC is a child of political happenstance and jugaad, not thoughtful institutional strategy.

Economic nationalism takes centre stage in the 2020 US election
Jul 24, 2020

Economic nationalism takes centre stage in the 2020 US election

As Biden’s ‘Buy American’ plan echoes Trump’s ‘America First’ vision, the upcoming election will oversee the further consolidation of econ

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all
Sep 17, 2012

Egyptian judiciary will ensure the constitution protects all

Recognising the critical nature of the situation in Egypt, and the role that a successful free and fair elections will have as a stabilizing factor in the establishment of a 'new' Egypt, Observer Research Foundation invited Justice Hatem Bagato,

Election Commission of India and 2019 Lok Sabha polls
May 21, 2019

Election Commission of India and 2019 Lok Sabha polls

If people’s faith in electoral process is shaken or eroded then it will have dangerous consequences for the democratic system and polity.

Election promises, real issues and narratives
Apr 11, 2019

Election promises, real issues and narratives

Better employment opportunities, better health care and schools, availability of safe drinking water are top three voters’ priorities followed by th

Electoral demographic flaws may weaken realisation of SDGs in India
May 14, 2019

Electoral demographic flaws may weaken realisation of SDGs in India

If we want our federal governance structure to promote the SDGs, we must focus on the scale of geographical area of constituencies rather than only th

Electoral reforms: And the colour of money
Mar 11, 2011

Electoral reforms: And the colour of money

At the heart of the debate on electoral reforms lies the vexed issue of campaign finance reform. There are four fundamental questions that need to be answered to understand this conundrum. A related but standalone issue is that of state funding of elections.

Emerging electoral dynamics after Pulwama tragedy
Mar 05, 2019

Emerging electoral dynamics after Pulwama tragedy

The Pulwama tragedy has set in an electoral dynamic that is sure to affect the outcome of the general elections that are due to be held in April-May t

Emmanuel Macron is new French President: Merci France – says Europe
May 10, 2017

Emmanuel Macron is new French President: Merci France – says Europe

A political neophyte who has never held any elected office before, Emmanuel Macron at 39 years is the youngest President in French history.

Emotions and Vote Choice: Perspectives from the US and India
Mar 02, 2021

Emotions and Vote Choice: Perspectives from the US and India

While the idea that emotional appeal is central to political persuasion may serve common intuition, the dynamics underscoring how and why this is so, remain underexplored. This primer collates insights from neuroscience and political psychology to show why emotions are essential to vote choice. It explores the effects of emotional appeals on voter perceptions using examples from campaign advertisements in US elections. The analysis finds that pol

Erdoğan retains power in Türkiye
May 30, 2023

Erdoğan retains power in Türkiye

The final attempt to win the presidential elections by using a concoction of nationalism and religion helped Erdoğan snatch victory from Kemal Kiliç

EU-US समिट: भू-राजनीतीपेक्षाही व्यापार अधिक गोंधळलेला
Nov 03, 2023

EU-US समिट: भू-राजनीतीपेक्षाही व्यापार अधिक गोंधळलेला

EU आणि यूएस या दोन्ही देशांमध्ये आगामी वर्षात म्हणजे 2024 मध�

Federal Front: Prospects and challenges
Dec 29, 2018

Federal Front: Prospects and challenges

Undoubtedly, there is both scope as well as a need for a third front. However, there are many inherent contradictions for such a front to succeed.

Five reasons why BJP lost Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh
Dec 21, 2018

Five reasons why BJP lost Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh

All these issues will be in play in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, which explains whether this was a preview of the general elections.

Flex, flux and the foreigner: AI and election interference
Mar 19, 2024

Flex, flux and the foreigner: AI and election interference

The democratic world must defend against the designs of adversarial regimes intent on manipulating electoral outcomes by exploiting generative AI's va

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries
Jun 11, 2015

Foreign policy issues to dominate GOP primaries

As the US Presidential elections unfold, Republican candidates would be thoroughly tested on their merit of thinking creatively on issue-based solutions to global challenges and exploring facets of diplomacy and non-military aspects of foreign policies in contrast to the focus on military interventionism and a hawkish vision of American policies abroad.

GDP growth impacts voter behaviour
Dec 06, 2013

GDP growth impacts voter behaviour

The GDP growth does not mean much to the average voter. But prices do that matter as inflation cut into the budget for healthcare and education for children. Thus what will ultimately decide the outcome of the elections will be inflation and the government's inability to control it.

General election in Nepal: नेपाल के आम-चुनावों पर क्‍यों है भारत और चीन की नज़र?
Jul 27, 2023

General election in Nepal: नेपाल के आम-चुनावों पर क्‍यों है भारत और चीन की नज़र?

नेपाल के आम चुनाव में पड़ोसी मुल्‍क भारत और चीन की दिलचस्‍पी बनी हुई है. खासकर तब जब चीन भारत को चौतरफा घेरने के लिए चीन नेपाल की जमीन का बेजा इस्‍तेमाल करने में लगा हुआ है.

General election in Nepal: नेपाल के आम-चुनावों पर क्‍यों है भारत और चीन की नज़र?
Nov 22, 2022

General election in Nepal: नेपाल के आम-चुनावों पर क्‍यों है भारत और चीन की नज़र?

नेपाल के आम चुनाव में पड़ोसी मुल्‍क भारत और चीन की दिलचस्�

George Floyd protests and the 2020 US presidential election
Jun 04, 2020

George Floyd protests and the 2020 US presidential election

From rising impatience with the ‘Black faces in high places’ approach to dampening conservatives’ ‘Blue Lives Matter’ clarion, George Floyd�

Germany: A wise verdict
Sep 26, 2017

Germany: A wise verdict

The ostrich policy of Merkel’s grand old coalition has reached a dead end. Even without the AfD, the government will have to address uncomfortable q

Getting acquainted with Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election candidates
Aug 08, 2023

Getting acquainted with Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election candidates

Each of the three candidates bring something new to the table, granting the Taiwanese voters ample alternatives in the upcoming presidential elections