Search: For - Change

1604 results found

Afghanistan: Gender apartheid under the Taliban regime
Mar 18, 2023

Afghanistan: Gender apartheid under the Taliban regime

Labelling the discrimination against women under the Taliban as “gender apartheid” could work as a catalyst for change in Afghanistan

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
May 25, 2023

African Human Capital investment: Crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Multiple overlapping global crises—such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change-related natural disasters, and regional armed conflicts—have high

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope
Aug 20, 2023

Africa’s ‘Agenda 2063’: A document of hope

Even after the decolonisation of Africa, the continent was unable to formulate, let alone implement its own agenda because of its deep political and economic vulnerabilities. This situation has changed in the last two decades, and today, Africa is witnessing political and economic resurgence. Its leaders realise that the time has come for African development to be owned and driven by the African people themselves. There is a new enthusiasm for th

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?
Oct 04, 2016

After the ‘surgical strikes’ – What next?

The most effective means of preventing another terrorist attack is not to expect a change of behaviour on the part of Pakistan army and the jihadi gro

Agriculture 2.0: Harnessing agri-tech towards a US$5 trillion economy
Jul 25, 2023

Agriculture 2.0: Harnessing agri-tech towards a US$5 trillion economy

Galvanising inclusivity, data mining, and exchange and innovation initiatives under the Agriculture Accelerator Fund can help unlock agri-tech’s ful

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape
Jan 30, 2024

AI standards and certification programmes in a competitive global landscape

Given the rapid pace of change in AI systems, the development of AI standards and certification programmes has become more urgent

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps
Dec 18, 2020

Air Pollution in Delhi: Filling the Policy Gaps

Delhi, a Union Territory that is home to India’s capital, New Delhi, is among the world’s urban agglomerations with the most toxic air. The magnitude of air pollution is massive. It causes devastating impacts on people’s health, the city’s environment, and economic well-being. Despite overwhelming evidence of the severity of air pollution and its consequences, however, India’s policy measures remain weak. This paper identifies the most

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?
Jun 08, 2023

Air-conditioner use in India: The cause of or the solution to a warmer world?

Will the increase in energy consumption of the poor masses for cooling and other energy services help them adapt to a warmer world or contribute to a

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen
Feb 08, 2023

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen

The AQAP are addressing climate change-related issues to gain popularity amongst the masses of Yemen

Aligning climate and health goals
Nov 02, 2021

Aligning climate and health goals

The sustainable development, climate action and COVID-19 recovery strands of the common agenda need to be better aligned to target the most vulnerable

All roads connect Delhi and Brussels
Apr 24, 2022

All roads connect Delhi and Brussels

For both India and the EU, strong bilateral ties rooted in close cooperation on green transition, digital transformation, and maintenance of the geopo

Amid Changing Nature and Character of War, the Need for Tech-Oriented Military Commanders for India
Feb 17, 2023

Amid Changing Nature and Character of War, the Need for Tech-Oriented Military Commanders for India

It has historically been assumed that while the nature of war remains the same—i.e., violence inflicted on the adversary to bend them to one’s will—the character of warfare changes with technology, organisation, politics and culture. This notion has changed. Over the past decade, the nature of war has also changed, with increased use of non-contact and non-kinetic modes of warfare expanding the battlefield spatially and temporally.

Amid changing post-pandemic realities, India needs to be swift in identifying partners whom it can trust
Dec 29, 2020

Amid changing post-pandemic realities, India needs to be swift in identifying partners whom it can trust

We will see the rise of a New World Order driven by national interest, reliability of partners, and of course, economic factors. India has to use a “Gated Globalisation” framework to negotiate this change.

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap
Aug 17, 2023

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap

The global effort to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals will depend crucially on reforming the structure of development finance. Mobilising private capital will be an essential part of this effort, and existing development finance institutions, led by the complex of multilateral development banks (MDBs), will have to re-orient their strategies and functioning to prioritise this mobi

An Underdeveloped Corporate Bond Market: The Achilles’ Heel of India’s Growth Story
Mar 11, 2023

An Underdeveloped Corporate Bond Market: The Achilles’ Heel of India’s Growth Story

India’s aspirations to become the third largest economy in the world by 2027, and a developed country by 2047, need to be backed by a liquid, deep, and well-functioning debt market—something that the country does not have. Banks in India typically lack the ability to sponsor long-term projects because their liabilities are of a relatively shorter tenure. An efficient Indian corporate bond market with lower costs and faster issuances could pro

Annual Outlook 2023: Warmer Climes Ahead
Jan 23, 2024

Annual Outlook 2023: Warmer Climes Ahead

This report explores the economic and geopolitical impacts of climate change, highlighting the mitigated energy crisis in Europe, inflation trends, and global monetary policies. It discusses investment opportunities in sustainable travel and emerging markets, particularly in Asia, amidst the evolving energy landscape and consumer behaviors post-COVID, in the year 2023.

Arresting India’s Water Crisis: The Economic Case for Wastewater Use
Mar 22, 2021

Arresting India’s Water Crisis: The Economic Case for Wastewater Use

In India, 600 million people face acute water shortages, and the demand for domestic water has risen by some 20 percent since COVID-19, as awareness about hygiene increased. The use of treated wastewater is among the strategies that can be employed to address the shortage. This brief makes an economic case for using treated water to plug the increasing demand-supply gap by comparing key learnings from successful global models and highlighting how

Artificial intelligence technologies have a climate cost
Feb 04, 2022

Artificial intelligence technologies have a climate cost

The AI-climate change link is understudied, not least because the largest companies working in this space are neither transparent nor meaningfully committed to understanding it

As India chase $5 trillion economy, it faces daunting tasks to improve life
Nov 14, 2019

As India chase $5 trillion economy, it faces daunting tasks to improve life

The transition to a $5 trillion economy will require many drastic changes, especially in the pace of urbanisation.

ASEAN: A multilateral model of disaster management
Dec 15, 2022

ASEAN: A multilateral model of disaster management

The rise of climate change-induced events and the changing geopolitical realities have opened new opportunities for ASEAN

ASICS अहवाल आणि शहरी बदलांच्या 10 साधनांचे विश्लेषण
Jan 03, 2024

ASICS अहवाल आणि शहरी बदलांच्या 10 साधनांचे विश्लेषण

विकासाच्या मार्गावर असलेल्या भारतातील शहरी आव्हाने काह

ASICS की रिपोर्ट और शहरों  में परिवर्तन लाने के लिये ज़रूरी 10 उपाय: एक विश्लेषण
Jan 03, 2024

ASICS की रिपोर्ट और शहरों में परिवर्तन लाने के लिये ज़रूरी 10 उपाय: एक विश्लेषण

भारत के शहरों से जुड़ी चुनौतियों के काफी गहरे एवं व्यवस्�

Assessing Biden’s Climate Agenda: Bold Promises, Slow Results
Aug 14, 2023

Assessing Biden’s Climate Agenda: Bold Promises, Slow Results

The Biden administration’s climate agenda is a crucial plank to restore American commitments to climate actions and reinstate US leadership globally. However, the agenda has been slow on results. Although the climate fight has been linked to most other federal goals, such as economy, jobs, infrastructure, and procurements, the Biden administration faces both domestic and external challenges that continue to limit how much it can achieve

Assessing the 36th African Union Summit
Mar 07, 2023

Assessing the 36th African Union Summit

Never before has Africa been led by such a tiny island country, and therefore, it brings a tide of change and focuses perhaps on the problems of small

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on
May 01, 2020

Assessing the NPT: 50 years on

Although the global efforts towards nuclear non-proliferation have been strengthened by treaties like the NPT, it is important to assess and evaluate

At Hiroshima, Japan’s moment to reinforce partnerships
May 29, 2023

At Hiroshima, Japan’s moment to reinforce partnerships

For Tokyo, the G-7 Summit was driven by the need to define and devise the means of navigating the complex geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific

At last, a just allocation to Indian Navy
Apr 20, 2012

At last, a just allocation to Indian Navy

India's Navy has for too long been neglected when money has been allocated. The latest defence budget suggests that may be starting to change, though much of the new allocation will be used to pay off previously acquired expensive naval platforms.

Back to the tech future: Do emerging critical technologies provide an ‘edge’ against new global uncertainties and threats?
Oct 18, 2021

Back to the tech future: Do emerging critical technologies provide an ‘edge’ against new global uncertainties and threats?

There is a need to speculate on how the international order will be changed, if at all, by critical technologies

Bangladesh is changing; but not enough
May 17, 2012

Bangladesh is changing; but not enough

Bangladesh have witnessed changes in the last eight years, but they were not enough, according to speakers at a conference on India's relationship with Bangladesh.

Bangladesh’s economic future: A seven-point agenda
Jan 11, 2024

Bangladesh’s economic future: A seven-point agenda

With Awami League winning the 4th consecutive term, this re-election opens up interesting implications for the country’s economic future

Barbarians at the gate as Afghanistan reels from a Taliban onslaught
Aug 14, 2021

Barbarians at the gate as Afghanistan reels from a Taliban onslaught

The re-rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan is a stark reminder of how the more the world changes, the more it remains the same. In the end, America will move on and India will manage. But it is the ordinary Afghans who had placed their faith in the goodwill of these nations that are left to fend for themselves.

Bay of Bengal diplomacy
Oct 10, 2017

Bay of Bengal diplomacy

Setting up of research taskforces on various climate change and environment risks in the BIMSTEC sub-region can develop a common understanding of the threats, create standards for emergency management and come up with cost-effective solutions.

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System
Mar 22, 2023

Between General Assembly Debates and Security Council Resolutions, Finding Coherence in the UN System

This brief employs text analytics to assess the extent to which speeches at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on matters of peace and security find resonance in resolutions passed by the UN Security Council (UNSC). These two are among the six main organs of the UN system: the UNGA is the main deliberative and representative body; and the UNSC is tasked with maintaining global peace and security. This brief studies four contemporary issue

Between Rhetoric and Strategy: Analysing Evolving European Approaches Towards China
Feb 29, 2024

Between Rhetoric and Strategy: Analysing Evolving European Approaches Towards China

Europe’s relationship with China has transformed in recent years, with Chinese behaviour and actions now increasingly at odds with European values and interests. As Europe adjusts to new global realities amid a full-fledged war, the European Union (EU) and its member states are recalibrating their strategies and relationships with China. This paper aims to decipher these evolutions by assessing the EU approach and those of certain key European

Beyond Doklam: India needs to overhaul its trade-friendly grand strategy on China
Aug 23, 2017

Beyond Doklam: India needs to overhaul its trade-friendly grand strategy on China

Doklam is merely a symptom of a revanchist China that no longer sees the need to play by the book. India needs to change its strategy as well.

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options
May 24, 2012

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options

The key to a stable future in the Subcontinent might lie in producing the long overdue structural change inside Pakistan and with it the definition of its interests in Afghanistan and India. As it grasps at the slim chance of reordering the relationship with Pakistan, India will need all the support it can get from the US.

Bhutan: Politics without political-divide yet
Jan 18, 2013

Bhutan: Politics without political-divide yet

As Bhutan prepares for its second general elections this year, the political landscape of the nation has yet to undergo significant change from the first one. While being active, democracy in the Himalayan Kingdom is still State-centric,

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming
Mar 22, 2013

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming

The small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, surrounded by two giant regional superpowers, India and China, is showing the world that simple resolve and strong political will can pave way for a huge change.

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role
May 24, 2023

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role

Neighbours India and Bhutan have shared five decades of friendly ties. Using as a backdrop Bhutan’s transition from a monarchy to democracy beginning in 1998, this brief makes an assessment of India’s role in Bhutan’s economic development in the past 20 years.  It looks at India’s contribution to Bhutan in terms of trade, hydropower enrichment, and development cooperation. The brief argues that India and Bhutan’s relations have endured

Bhutan’s imperatives and India’s dilemmas
Apr 12, 2023

Bhutan’s imperatives and India’s dilemmas

While India-China competition and Chinese assertiveness have triggered some changes in Bhutan’s foreign policy, recent developments suggest that continuity still looms large in Bhutan-India relations

Biden, Beijing Olympics, and Uyghur oppression
Dec 21, 2021

Biden, Beijing Olympics, and Uyghur oppression

Many western countries have decided to boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics on grounds of human rights violations. Can such diplomatic boycott bring an

Bike-sharing’s new life in China after lockdown
Oct 09, 2020

Bike-sharing’s new life in China after lockdown

Because of the pandemic, shared vehicles are edging into the mainstream, slowly overtaking public transport and private cars as the favoured way of tr

BIMSTEC in 2022: A search for relevance
Mar 29, 2022

BIMSTEC in 2022: A search for relevance

The changing dynamics of the world order could provide BIMSTEC the opportunity to expand beyond the South Asian region

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus
Aug 16, 2023

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is standing on the threshold of a new inning, as it marks its 25th year in 2022. The past months have been momentous for BIMSTEC, as it adopted a charter at the fifth Summit Meeting in March to outline a clearer purpose for the organisation. During the summit, BIMSTEC rationalised its 14 diverse sectors of cooperation into seven core areas of inte