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Centre and Hurriyat dialogue: Why now
Jan 21, 2004

Centre and Hurriyat dialogue: Why now

Days before the historic talks between the separatist amalgam, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference under the leadership of Maulana Ansari, and the Government of India, there is widespread speculation as to the outcome of the same. After all this is the first time

Centre needs to continue pace of labour reforms
Dec 03, 2014

Centre needs to continue pace of labour reforms

The labour laws certainly represent a small step but the introduction of even small reforms in labour legislations was long awaited to keep at bay the rising discontent among domestic as well as foreign entrepreneurs from India's manufacturing sector.

Centre-State ties: New protocol needed
Apr 09, 2012

Centre-State ties: New protocol needed

While the debate on federalism is likely to continue before a consensus can be arrived at for amending the Constitution to strike a fresh balance between the States and Centre, it is worthwhile to explore possibilities for pushing the developmental agenda meant essentially for the people.

CEPA : Fulcrum of future trade and economic relations?
Feb 10, 2020

CEPA : Fulcrum of future trade and economic relations?

Both India and South Korea are now in urgent need to find economic boosters for their economy. Enhancement of mutual trade and investment opportunitie

Challenged by ‘populism’, Trudeau scores a win
Oct 24, 2019

Challenged by ‘populism’, Trudeau scores a win

Trudeau and his Liberal Party raised hopes by pursuing progressive social, economic policies such as legalising the consumption of marijuana for recre

Challenges ahead for the India-EU FTA
Feb 28, 2012

Challenges ahead for the India-EU FTA

There is need for greater transparency in the Free Trade Agreement negotiations. There could be more information sharing with civil society groups and the general public so that the content of the negotiations would get public approval faster, making it easier to conclude the FTA.

Challenges before Japan's New Prime Minister
Aug 31, 2011

Challenges before Japan's New Prime Minister

New Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, known for his low profile political career, is now being called upon to manage his party (Democratic Party of Japan) that is driven more by internal power struggle than policies per se.

Challenges before RBI will put to test new Governor
Aug 19, 2013

Challenges before RBI will put to test new Governor

The new RBI Governor would have to restore the confidence of foreign investors in the economy's growth potential. Foreign investments are needed for infrastructure and industry. The Governor will also have to attract more FIIs. The choice before him would be: whether to control inflation or to promote growth.

Challenges before the new Iranian President
Aug 01, 2013

Challenges before the new Iranian President

When Dr. Hassan Rouhani takes charge as the new President of the Iranian republic on 4th August 2013, there are two most important challenges before him -- the mismanaged economy and the intractable nuclear negotiations that seem to have hit a road block.

Challenges confronting the new Pakistani PM
Apr 19, 2022

Challenges confronting the new Pakistani PM

As Shehbaz Sharif takes over as the next Prime Minister of Pakistan, there are multiple issues awaiting his immediate attention.

Challenges Galore for the New CDS
Oct 09, 2022

Challenges Galore for the New CDS

Chauhan has served many commands and staff postings in the North and Northeast. As major general, he commanded the Baramulla-based 19th Infantry Division in the Northern Command. So, he has invaluable experience in countering cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan. His biggest strength, however, is his stint in the China-facing Eastern Command, from where he retired as commander in May 2021.

Challenges in applying the EU Cybersecurity Index globally
Jun 05, 2024

Challenges in applying the EU Cybersecurity Index globally

The world needs cyber resilience with preventive measures to minimize threats. Redesigning the CSI with separate sub-indices for prevention and deterr

Challenges in Indian Ocean : United we stand
Nov 22, 2010

Challenges in Indian Ocean : United we stand

The changing world order in the post cold war era has heralded the rise of economic globalization which has been dominated by the desire for symbiotic cooperation and economic intercourse between states.

Challenges Modi must face
Jul 07, 2014

Challenges Modi must face

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's problem is the sheer scale of the challenges he confronts. He has to juggle several balls at the same time, and though he may vary the juggling routine, he cannot afford to let any of the balls drop.

Chance to resolve China-India border dispute
Sep 16, 2014

Chance to resolve China-India border dispute

Any border settlement between India and China will be unsettling for important constituencies in both countries. If Modi has to get an agreement through Parliament and, before that, the Sangh Parivar, Xi needs to take his Politburo, if not his Central Committee with him. Both know that they can only do it now when they are at the height of their powers.

Chandrika's Gamble
Nov 05, 2003

Chandrika's Gamble

By sacking three crucial ministers, proroguing Parliament and telling the nation that she was ¿willing to discuss with the LTTE, a just and balanced solution within the parameters of unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka¿, President Chandrika Kumaratunga may have precipitated a politico-constitutional crisis with far-reaching consequences.

Change is critical for Pakistan's survival
Feb 11, 2008

Change is critical for Pakistan's survival

In an email interview with ORF Pakistan Studies Programme, well-known expert Hassan Abbas discussed a variety of issues about Pakistan. Dr Abbas, a fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government,

Change text books to charm Dalit vote bank
May 19, 2012

Change text books to charm Dalit vote bank

The emancipation of the Dalit is an even more recent phenomenon in North India. Hence the inability to stomach any comical casting of the solitary Dalit icon, B.R. Ambedkar.

Change the electoral system: Salman Khurshid
Jan 24, 2005

Change the electoral system: Salman Khurshid

The electoral system of India has flaws and there is an 'anti-democratic conspiracy of silence' to hide it, Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee chief Mr. Salman Khurshid said during a talk on 'Has the Indian Electoral System Failed?' organized by the ORF Mumbai chapter of Observer Research Foundation on January 24,

Change-of-guard in Maldives: Implications for India
Feb 07, 2012

Change-of-guard in Maldives: Implications for India

Under the 2008 Constitution, President Nasheed is to be succeeded by Vice-President Mohammed Waheed Hassan, who would complete the remaining two-and-half years of the presidency, until elections in October 2013.

Changed Pakistan policy a challenge to Modi Govt
Oct 06, 2016

Changed Pakistan policy a challenge to Modi Govt

The September 29 strike was different in a significant way that not only did the Narendra Modi government own it, but also publicised it.

Changes required in CSR clauses in Companies Act
Jul 24, 2014

Changes required in CSR clauses in Companies Act

While mandating CSR operations for large companies was a more justifiable social policy programme by the UPA-II than others, some of its provisions and recommendations reflect a lack of understanding of the Indian social and economic environment and of the real needs on the ground.

Changing contours of global governance
Sep 03, 2010

Changing contours of global governance

There has been a relative decline in the far reaching capabilities of the US

Changing Face of Bihar
Jan 24, 2011

Changing Face of Bihar

Though the recent Assembly polls in Bihar witnessed developmental agenda replacing caste and related equations, the power structure is yet to change at the societal level. There only the rich and influential mattered, with caste playing a dominant role, based on individual regions.

Changing geo-political realities in Afghan-Pakistani region will have new implications
Mar 03, 2015

Changing geo-political realities in Afghan-Pakistani region will have new implications

The Afghan-Pakistani region is in transition and the changing geo-political realities will have new implications, says Kamran Bokhari, Vice President of Middle Eastern and South Asian Affairs at Stratfor. He says old paradigms cannot be used to gauge new realities.

Changing mindsets big challenge before both Obama and Rouhani
Sep 30, 2013

Changing mindsets big challenge before both Obama and Rouhani

It is not only President Obama who feels boxed in by the Lindsay Grahams and John McCains of his country but Rouhani too has formidable set of foes to fight, before either can climb down from his stated position. Not everyone in Iran wants his President to negotiate the country out of its present misery.

Changing Mores of the Dravidian Movement
May 16, 2005

Changing Mores of the Dravidian Movement

The ¿Mother¿s Day¿ on Sunday, May 8, and the ¿Akshaya Tritiya¿, or Akha Teej¿, falling on Wednesday, May 11 this year, may have marked a further turning-point in the traditional Dravidian mores. It had witnessed a revival and the peak through the 20th century Tamil Nadu, but evolving circumstances had begun rendering it inconsistent, redundant and irrelevant to the times in the last quarter.

Changing Paradigms of Security Need for Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Jun 11, 2004

Changing Paradigms of Security Need for Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Over the last few decades, particularly after the end of cold war, a distinctive feature of the strategic and security related environment has been the unprecedented and sheer dynamics of change in the concepts, paradigms and complexities of national, regional and global security.

Changing Sino-Indian perceptions
Nov 18, 2003

Changing Sino-Indian perceptions

Last fortnight's India-China joint naval exercise, however limited, may be a new opening in bilateral relations. Coupled with the politico-economic CBMs of the past years, the Shanghai naval exercise is an indication that both nations are learning to overcome the bitter past.

Changing South Korea-China equations and Japan
Jul 05, 2013

Changing South Korea-China equations and Japan

Traditionally, a newly elected South Korean President visits Washington first, followed by Tokyo. But the new President Park Geun-hye, as expected, did visit Washington first in May, but followed it up by a visit to Beijing and not to Tokyo. This is interpreted this to speculate that China has taken precedence over Japan in Seoul's diplomatic calculations.

Changing the face of global security
Feb 22, 2006

Changing the face of global security

During the past couple of weeks, Nepal Maoist chief Prachanda has given three significant interviews. He carefully picked up three influential and understanding media channels, ¿ Kantipur in Nepal, The Hindu in India and the BBC of London ¿ to send a strong message across to Nepal, India and the international community respectively.

Changing the gender agenda in India
Oct 03, 2015

Changing the gender agenda in India

India will likely struggle to achieve the SDGs for financial reasons. At present, a shocking 2-3 per cent of Indians pay taxes. Mobilising domestic finance ? including optimal tax collection reform ? can help supplement the traditional sources of aid.

Changing the script
Mar 26, 2020

Changing the script

The Chinese government and its private sector, both have reached out to nations as diverse as France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Iran, Iraq, the Philippines, and even the US

Changing US-Iran relations and India
Jan 17, 2014

Changing US-Iran relations and India

Iran's cancellation of $500 million funding to Pakistan for the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline indicates Iran's clout in regional energy affairs. It is unclear why Iran took this sudden step. Is President Rouhani merely fine-tuning some of the policies of his predecessor? But there is certainly more to this than meets the eye.

Charting a Future for India–US Relations in the New World Order
Jan 26, 2022

Charting a Future for India–US Relations in the New World Order

Over the past two decades, the India–US relationship has expanded in almost every conceivable dimension, albeit not as allies but as fellow travelle

Chasing new horizons: Sunset clauses in India’s revamped BIT regime
Mar 28, 2024

Chasing new horizons: Sunset clauses in India’s revamped BIT regime

India must articulate its vision of the sunset clause in future BITS as it seeks to renegotiate these treaties with states

Checkmating Musharraf's plan
Nov 24, 2004

Checkmating Musharraf's plan

President Pervez Musharraf has a number of reasons to be unhappy with India. It took only a few hours for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to dismiss the General's seemingly well-crafted and cleverly worded war-game plans for Greater Kashmir. The General's idea was simple.

Chennai - Industrial and trade hub leader
Aug 30, 2014

Chennai - Industrial and trade hub leader

Chennai may have lost out on the petroleum, petro-chemicals, pharmaceutical, and biotech fields, but it still remains the home-base of several solid market leaders from myriad industries.