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Jammu & Kashmir -- Moving on
Jun 21, 2012

Jammu & Kashmir -- Moving on

We need to do a few things to bring normalcy in Kashmir that go beyond tourism statistics. We need to keep Pakistan out of the equation. We need to genuinely empower the elected government and allow the State to be governed from Srinagar and not from Delhi.

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call
Dec 08, 2004

Jammu & Kashmir: Another Wake-Up Call

In an article of November 22, 2004, on India-Pakistan relations (, I had written as follows:

Jane's Intelligence Review report on  Terrorism
Apr 28, 2004

Jane's Intelligence Review report on Terrorism

In its June 2004 issue, Jane¿s Intelligence Review, has carried a report on the "Workshop on International Terrorism in South East Asia and its likely Implications for South Asia"

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?
Oct 09, 2014

Japan and China seeking a limited truce?

The forthcoming APEC annual summit, to be held in Beijing in November, provides an opportunity for both Shinzo Abe and Xi Jingping to meet for the first time and perhaps move in the direction of working out at least a limited "detente" in their relations.

Japan and the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan
Jul 25, 2012

Japan and the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan

After the recently held Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan, it is expected that Japan will take its own initiatives to make follow-up measures under the two mechanisms formulated at the Tokyo Conference -- the Tokyo Declaration and the Tokyo Framework.

Japan beginning to get nervous about security treaty with US: Scholar
Jan 22, 2014

Japan beginning to get nervous about security treaty with US: Scholar

Japan is beginning to get nervous about the direction of US policies and is beginning to question the stability of the US-Japan Security Treaty, according to a scholar based in Australia.

Japan closer to contentious TPP agreement after Abe's US visit?
Feb 26, 2013

Japan closer to contentious TPP agreement after Abe's US visit?

One concrete outcome of the bilateral talks between the visiting Japanese Prime Minister and the US President was that the US was able to get Japan closer to making a commitment to the Trans Pacific Cooperation Agreement which the US has been advocating since 2011.

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy
Feb 22, 2014

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy

The challenges that Japan and India face are largely complementary and thus hold promise for enhancing ties. A robust India-Japan partnership will support and promote India's increasingly assertive and strong role as well as Japan's leading position in the east Asian region.

Japan shows how to respect all labours
Jun 05, 2015

Japan shows how to respect all labours

To enjoy its demographic dividend, India must stop looking down upon low-skilled workers and treat them with dignity. Examples and experiences from other countries are there to learn from - Japan is one.

Japan walks the extra mile
Nov 11, 2014

Japan walks the extra mile

The four-point agreement that was worked out by State Councillor Yang Jichei and Japanese National Security Adviser Shotaro Yachi to enable the meeting between President Xi Jinping of China and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan indicates that Tokyo has walked the extra mile to assuage the Chinese.

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals
Feb 01, 2014

Japan's 'pivot' to Asian littorals

Japan's engagement with SE Asia focuses through expanding economic ties, cooperation on maritime issues and building close diplomatic relations through Abe's travel diplomacy. This is Japan's 'pivot' to SE Asia and it is here to stay given its strategic rivalry with China.

Japan's defence spending at a crosscroads
Feb 04, 2015

Japan's defence spending at a crosscroads

One is still not sure whether Prime Minister Abe will be inclined to let the defence budget cross the self-imposed limit of 1 per cent of the GNP. Only once in the 1980s Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone crossed the Rubicon. But considering the 'extraordinarily grave' security situation in East Asia, Abe may feel impelled to do so.

Japan's expanding Mekong diplomacy
Jul 16, 2015

Japan's expanding Mekong diplomacy

At the recent seventh Japan-Mekong Summit in Tokyo in the first week of July, both Japan and the Mekong countries reiterated their resolve to implement an ambitious cooperation programme called New Tokyo Strategy 2015 for Mekong-Japan Cooperation for the three years covering 2016-18.

Japan's growing engagement in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 12, 2014

Japan's growing engagement in the Indo-Pacific

Tokyo's growing engagement with the countries of the region is a strong reflection of Japan's desire to play a greater role in regional security. As Beijing continues to take assertive and aggressive actions in the region, Tokyo has found a way to renew its partnerships with the key actors of the region.

Japan's new arms exports policy: Move to make Japan 'normal country'?
Apr 11, 2014

Japan's new arms exports policy: Move to make Japan 'normal country'?

One can see two major reasons for PM Shinzo Abe's decision to change the policy on arms exports. First, Abe is keen to remove many of the self-imposed taboos that have stood in the way of Japan becoming a 'normal country'. At a time when the security environment in East Asia has become so tense, Japan cannot afford to neglect the modernisation of its defence industry.

Japan's new Asian diplomacy: Is it China-driven?
Jan 28, 2013

Japan's new Asian diplomacy: Is it China-driven?

Japan's new Prime Minister understands very well that peace and strategic stability in East Asia would depend on how effectively Japan and the US maintain their security alliance. And the Obama administration is supportive of Abe's moves and would be interested in initiating regular triangular security talks with Tokyo and Seoul.

Japan's new commitment to Asia
Jan 28, 2010

Japan's new commitment to Asia

Despite the change of guards in Japan, the new government has reaffirmed its commitment to maintain "global and strategic partnership" with India

Japan's New Defence Policy: A Shift from the Past?
Dec 28, 2010

Japan's New Defence Policy: A Shift from the Past?

Japan has announced its new military policy changes, amidst escalating tensions, particularly in Northeast Asia. In a major military policy shift, its new National Defense Programme Guidelines has called for shifting of forces from the northern islands of Hokkaido towards the southern islands,

Japan's new energy policy and the revival of nuclear power
Apr 22, 2014

Japan's new energy policy and the revival of nuclear power

One compelling reason for Japan to adopt the new energy policy was the Abe government's recognition that in the absence of nuclear energy, which accounted for 30% of the total electricity until recently, the country had to pay heavily for importing oil and gas from abroad.

Japan's new security legislation: Need for domestic consensus
Sep 28, 2015

Japan's new security legislation: Need for domestic consensus

The passing of the security legislation recently has fulfilled at least partly PM Abe's long-drawn quest towards making Japan a normal country. He has always believed that Article 9 of the US authored Japanese constitution, which put severe restrictions on Japan's right to collective self-defence, should be amended.

Japan's nuclear debate stirs anxieties in the region
Aug 04, 2012

Japan's nuclear debate stirs anxieties in the region

The nuclear debate in Japan has given scope for fresh anxieties within the region and beyond about the country's nuclear programme, particularly its recycling programme of extracted plutonium from spent nuclear fuel.

Japan's rise is good for India
Jun 10, 2014

Japan's rise is good for India

The rise, if you want to call it that, of another Asian power on the flanks of China, one which also has difficulties with Beijing, is to India's advantage. New Delhi is not unaware of the geopolitical benefits.

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics
Mar 26, 2015

Japan's security policy in the era of new geopolitics

Japan is facing extremely dangerous situation in North East Asia where North Korea is developing nuclear weapons. It is also witnessing China's excessive assertiveness in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. So, situations like these will influence the way Japan will shape its security policy, says eminent Japanese scholar Prof. Shinichi Kitaoka.

Japan's Upper House Elections: Crucial test for new Japanese PM
Jul 06, 2010

Japan's Upper House Elections: Crucial test for new Japanese PM

The ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) faces its first crucial test, after it captured power in August last year, when the House of Councillors election takes place on 11 July. The outcome of the election will have a great impact on the effectiveness of new Prime Minister Mr.Naoto Kan.

Japan-India civil nuclear deal likely soon
Jan 13, 2011

Japan-India civil nuclear deal likely soon

India and Japan may soon reach an agreement on civil nuclear cooperation, even as Tokyo insists on New Delhi to sign the NPT, says Amb. Hirabayashi Hiroshi, former Japanese ambassador to India and the present President of Japan-India Association.

Japan: Deconstructing the denuclearisation policy
Aug 12, 2011

Japan: Deconstructing the denuclearisation policy

The recent decision by the government of Naoto Kan to denuclearise Japan by 2050, regardless of its naivete, has certain traits that could help in overhauling the political economy of Japan's energy sector.

Japanese assistance drives Indian growth
Jun 07, 2013

Japanese assistance drives Indian growth

Japanese ODA has eased the burden of borrowing in the Indian market. Moreover, with the Japanese economy still struggling to induce growth, investments in India offer an avenue to earn interest income. Increased Japanese FDI is also likely to give a huge boost to the Indian economy.

Japanese delegation visits ORF
Nov 23, 2007

Japanese delegation visits ORF

A delegation of Japanese intellectuals under the leadership of Mr. Yamamoto Tadashi, President, Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE), a leading independent and non-profit Think Tank in Japan, visited ORF on 23 November, 2007

Japanese expert says India's cooperation with Russia, China is revisionist orientation
Aug 20, 2015

Japanese expert says India's cooperation with Russia, China is revisionist orientation

From the beginning of the 21st century, India's foreign policy got a strategic orientation. Until then, it lacked coherence due to the absence of an overall plan or document stating the foreign policy objectives, says Professor Takenori Horimoto of The Open University of Japan.

Japanese Foreign Minister's 'Three Bridges' for the Indo-Pacific
Jan 20, 2015

Japanese Foreign Minister's 'Three Bridges' for the Indo-Pacific

Japanese and Indian foreign ministers, Mr Fumio Kishida and Ms. Sushma Swaraj, have now agreed to hold a meeting at an earlier date this year that would allow the foreign ministers of India, Japan and the US to conduct talks. This positive move will contribute significantly to creating stability in the Indo-Pacific.

Japanese Navy
Jun 13, 2012

Japanese Navy

The expanding engagement with the Japanese navy, one of the strongest in the world, should give a boost to India's maritime diplomacy in Asia. If New Delhi's interests in the Pacific are growing, Tokyo's naval profile in the Indian Ocean has begun to expand.

Japanese PM faces formidable challenges in the New Year
Jan 06, 2021

Japanese PM faces formidable challenges in the New Year

As the COVID-19 pandemic gets more complicated, Prime Minister Suga finds himself in a difficult dilemma struggling to strike a practical balance bet

Japanese PM's successful visit to India
Jan 02, 2012

Japanese PM's successful visit to India

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's recent visit to India marks one more significant thrust to further strengthening Japan-India relations in areas like economic aid, trade and investment and clarifying their position in areas where a full meeting of minds has still not been achieved.

Japan’s Digital Agency: Another shot in the dark or an emblem of change
Nov 11, 2021

Japan’s Digital Agency: Another shot in the dark or an emblem of change

Japan needs to work around its structural impediments to embrace digitalisation via the new Digital Agency

Jaya judgment and after
Oct 13, 2014

Jaya judgment and after

If someone in Sri Lanka thought that the jail-term handed down to Jayalalithaa, until then the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, would ease avoidable political tensions across the Palk Strait, they should be sadly mistaken.

Jeb Bush fires up presidential campaign
Jun 17, 2015

Jeb Bush fires up presidential campaign

Whilst Jeb Bush, belonging to a family with two former US Presidents, still hasn't won the primaries, he has managed to conjure a lot of enthusiasm around his candidacy. Even though he has not emerged as the favourite of the GOP's large block of more moderate supporters, junior Bush is often been called the front-runner.

Jehanabad raid: A higher stage of Maoists' militarisation
Nov 19, 2005

Jehanabad raid: A higher stage of Maoists' militarisation

The Jehanabad raid by Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), or CPI-Maoist, in south Bihar, on November 13 which is also being termed as Operation Jailbreak, is important for many reasons. The attack loudly states the level of ¿militarisation¿ that the largest and most lethal Naxalite outfit in the country has reached.

Jiabao's cancelled visit and Sino-Nepal relations
Dec 19, 2011

Jiabao's cancelled visit and Sino-Nepal relations

China is more than likely to consolidate its hold in Nepal and become more assertive in the near future. The growing anti-India sentiments in the Himalayan state could make it easier for China to stay put in India's neighbourhood.

Jihad as a grand strategy
May 27, 2011

Jihad as a grand strategy

Pakistan has been using Jihad as a grand strategy for various reasons but primarily to influence events in its immediate neighbourhood, according to Dr Paul Kapur of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.

Jihad in London & Thailand: The Link
Jul 19, 2005

Jihad in London & Thailand: The Link

Is there a link between the jihad in London and Southern Thailand? Yes, there is. Some of the terrorists involved in the London blasts as well as in the recent upsurge of terrorism in Southern Thailand were trained in the madrasas of Pakistan.