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Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia
Apr 25, 2013

Arab Spring has helped India, Turkey to promote their models in West Asia

The 'Arab Spring' has given an opportunity to India to present itself as a model to other countries, feels Prof Gawdat Bhagat of the Near-East and South Asia Centre for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University, Washington DC.

Arab Spring: Protests are hard work, but politically organising is harder
Dec 24, 2020

Arab Spring: Protests are hard work, but politically organising is harder

The revolutions were certainly inspiring — and for a time — made many Arabs and the world believe that the troubled region was finally moving towa

Arab Springs Global Linkages
Jun 06, 2011

Arab Springs Global Linkages

Bush years were, of course, guided by more crude principles. But consider military action against Qadaffi's Libya keeping Albright's perspective in mind.

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil
Jun 10, 2024

Arab states and China tighten partnership at a time of turmoil

China’s primary chase in West Asia remains economic and it will continue to push for economic integration despite the region’s challenges.

Arctic: The quasi-global common
Feb 10, 2024

Arctic: The quasi-global common

The current ecological and geopolitical shifts in the Arctic region may warrant a thorough revaluation of the Arctic Council’s functions and authori

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?
Jul 01, 2011

Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful?

Dr. Paul Joseph, Fulbright-Nehru distinguished chair, Tufts University, US, argues that there are two types of opposition to war inside the US, which proves that Americans are becoming more peaceful.

Are Anganwadis ready to provide quality early childhood education?
Jan 24, 2024

Are Anganwadis ready to provide quality early childhood education?

Increasing public spending on early childhood care and education and empowering India’s Anganwadis is important to ensure that quality early educati

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?
Nov 06, 2015

Are combat roles for women suitable in Army and Navy?

Allowing women in combat roles in the Air Force is very different from such deployments in Navy or Army. This is mainly because, while the Air Force can ensure their selective employment on tasks within our borders, the same does not hold true for naval ships or more so for the Army.

Are election duties compromising border security?
Jan 10, 2022

Are election duties compromising border security?

The large deployment of border security forces for elections could jeopardise national security

Are Hurriyat leaders taking out old ‘tricks’ to scuttle talks?
May 31, 2018

Are Hurriyat leaders taking out old ‘tricks’ to scuttle talks?

For the first time in last four years, the Modi government has expressed a willingness to hold talks with the Hurriyat. The acknowledgment of separati

Are India-China relations really improving?
Mar 01, 2018

Are India-China relations really improving?

It seems unlikely that the bilateral relations will improve significantly — there are a couple of indicators of the slight improvement in the relations.

Are Indian CO2 emissions development-oriented?
Oct 22, 2021

Are Indian CO2 emissions development-oriented?

As the third-largest emitter of carbon dioxide, India needs to chart a development plan rooted in green initiatives to achieve the 1.5 ℃ climate tar

Are India–Bangladesh relations at a crossroad?
Mar 25, 2021

Are India–Bangladesh relations at a crossroad?

The two South Asian neighbours — Bangladesh and India — share a common history, and linguistic and cultural heritage. Their strategic locations co

Are megacities the best option for the future?
Dec 22, 2020

Are megacities the best option for the future?

While megacities generate mega economy, they hurtle down the hill on almost all benchmarks of livability — a way must reverse this trend.

Are Nuclear Weapons Gaining New Salience in National Security Strategies?
Jun 18, 2021

Are Nuclear Weapons Gaining New Salience in National Security Strategies?

Nuclear states are clearly planning for the long-term future of their nuclear capabilities.

Are our medical device policies aligned for maximal public good?
Jun 22, 2018

Are our medical device policies aligned for maximal public good?

The phase of mandatory approvals and vastly expanded scope under the rulebook heralds a new era for the regulation of medical devices.

Are recent reforms in China’s development cooperation programme effective?
Oct 03, 2023

Are recent reforms in China’s development cooperation programme effective?

Although China has initiated steps to improve its development cooperation programme, many of the commitments have yet to materialise

Are safeguards possible to prevent theocracy?
Mar 22, 2017

Are safeguards possible to prevent theocracy?

Much of the angst against Adityanath is drawn from the colonial “brown sahib” culture of political correctness.

Are vertical forests a solution to Mumbai’s climate problem?
Dec 18, 2020

Are vertical forests a solution to Mumbai’s climate problem?

Vertical forests are a way of urban reforestation and are key towards allowing humans and various other species to coexist.

Are we at the precipice of a new global nuclear arms race?
Oct 18, 2019

Are we at the precipice of a new global nuclear arms race?

The onus to defend the nuclear non-proliferation regime and avoid a spiraling arms race lies in Washington’s ability to lead a unilateral effort in

Are we losing Afghanistan?
Oct 01, 2013

Are we losing Afghanistan?

Baiting Pakistan into increasing its duplicity in its dealings with Nato, India has effectively provided the West with a convenient scapegoat. Come 2014, the historical narrative will more likely focus on betrayal rather than the reality of the West's bad homework and flawed assumptions.

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?
Jun 26, 2024

Are Western sanctions against Russia working?

Although Western sanctions have impacted Russia but not in the way expected.

Are West’s war aims expanding?
May 18, 2022

Are West’s war aims expanding?

What does the future of the Russia-Ukraine war hold for the West?

Arguments for a digital world
May 02, 2014

Arguments for a digital world

India must bolster its weight in the digital marketplace, commensurate with the number of current and potential netizens. This would be possible only by creating capabilities and an environment where private businesses, SMEs and individuals can access and exploit this medium gainfully.