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By striking terrorists in Pakistan, India has changed the ground rules in South Asia
Mar 06, 2019

By striking terrorists in Pakistan, India has changed the ground rules in South Asia

India’s February 26 attack can be seen as more of a signalling of intent than a counter-terror operation

By the Centre, of the Centre, for the Centre?
May 07, 2012

By the Centre, of the Centre, for the Centre?

The current series of notifications issued by the Central Government has the potential to create a 'police raj', under the Intelligence Bureau, when that may not be the intention even of the Union Home Ministry.

Calibrating India's climate-change response
Jul 28, 2014

Calibrating India's climate-change response

The most critical area for India's response to climate change must be adaptation. It needs to invest in actions against the imminent threats posed by climate change irrespective of how the global discourse progresses. Investments must be made through innovative channels, using a mixture of capacity-building programmes, awareness campaigns, traditional solutions, and new technologies.

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges
Feb 13, 2013

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges

The essence of any democratic system is the healthy functioning of political parties and consequently free and fair elections. Free and fair elections imply not only a legal institutional framework for the conduct of elections and a transparent electoral process.

Campaign to curb gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal schools
Aug 03, 2012

Campaign to curb gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal schools

An ORF Mumbai-SPGRC workshop has decided to launch a city-wide, age-appropriate awareness campaign to curb rising gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal corporation schools. It would try to sensitise children about sexual harassment and other gender-related crimes.

Can 'Make in India' deliver?
Dec 26, 2014

Can 'Make in India' deliver?

The Narendra Modi government's 'Make in India' campaign, on the whole, seems out of sync with today's world where it doesn't matter where a product is made because even high exporting countries like China basically assembles parts made elsewhere in the world.

Can a Public Service Media serve better?
Nov 05, 2011

Can a Public Service Media serve better?

The Press Council chairman is spot on as far as the media's coverage of Muslim terror is concerned. He is equally right on the market driven focus on Formula 1, Lady Gaga, Mettallic group, bollywood gossip, fashion, etc in a country where the majority are poor.

Can Communal Violence Fuel an ISIS Threat in India? An Analysis of ‘Voice of Hind’
Sep 04, 2020

Can Communal Violence Fuel an ISIS Threat in India? An Analysis of ‘Voice of Hind’

In early 2020 the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) published an India-centric propaganda material called Voice of Hind. This special report examines the first issue of the publication, which openly recruits Indian Muslims by manipulating the fears and grievances they harbour owing to certain political developments in the country. The analysis uses theories of social psychology, inter-group conflict discourse, and communications theory to pr

Can Europe survive the populist revolt?
Sep 14, 2018

Can Europe survive the populist revolt?

The elections in Sweden are maybe a last reminder that the EU needs to renew its foundational narrative.

Can foreign direct investment flows balance the north-south fiscal fizz?
Feb 19, 2019

Can foreign direct investment flows balance the north-south fiscal fizz?

Cooperative federalism must be maintained as an immutable Indian agenda.

Can Ganga governance problems be engineered away?
Sep 30, 2014

Can Ganga governance problems be engineered away?

There is no easy answer to the question of how best to balance all the competing water use priorities of the Ganga. But one thing is clear: as long as rivers are seen merely as pipes for conveying water, and challenges of distribution are addressed primarily through engineering rather than policy, then no solution will be appropriate.

Can govt let private sector take lead on growth?
Dec 02, 2019

Can govt let private sector take lead on growth?

Bringing the private sector centre-stage requires a sea change in the manner of its participation and its role in nation-building.

Can Great Powers now do an Iran on North Korea?
Apr 06, 2015

Can Great Powers now do an Iran on North Korea?

The deal with Iran should boost efforts to do an Iran with North Korea's nuclear programme as well. This would be more difficult given the authoritarian nature of the regime in North Korea but is still an idea worth pursuing. The major powers should carry forward the momentum and energy to solve other issues in the Middle East.

Can I speak to your leader?   The Afterlife of Digitally Networked Protest Movements
Dec 20, 2021

Can I speak to your leader? The Afterlife of Digitally Networked Protest Movements

A unique aspect of contemporary protest movements across the world is that they are, in fact, leaderless. The first decade of the 21st century witnessed an unprecedented mushrooming of “networked protests” fostered over the internet. In the early 2010s, the Arab Spring and Occupy movements showed that consensus over objectives and courses of action — key determinants of traditional people’s movements in the liberal-democratic world — ha

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?
Jun 03, 2020

Can India and Australia anchor a ‘Coalition of Middle Powers’ in the Indo-Pacific?

Australia seems to be looking to establish a multipolar Indo-Pacific order and ensuring that no single power dominates it.

Can India be an alternative to China for African economies?
Oct 21, 2015

Can India be an alternative to China for African economies?

As Chinese economy is facing its worst slowdown in recent times, for Africa, Modi's new India might turn out to be the one viable alternative to China. Therefore, the upcoming India-Africa Summit will be an occasion to harness this opportunity and seek a meaningful strategic engagement beneficial to both the countries.

Can India be the next industrial hub of the World?
Feb 17, 2010

Can India be the next industrial hub of the World?

India's agriculture has not grown fast enough to support the growing rural population and there has been a continuous exodus of people migrating from villages to towns in search of jobs

Can India counter emerging Chinese capabilities like stealth aircraft?
Oct 11, 2017

Can India counter emerging Chinese capabilities like stealth aircraft?

Defending Indian airspace from any potential Chinese aerial challenge or intrusions in the future with the proliferation of stealth aircraft in the re

Can India host the Olympics?
Oct 30, 2010

Can India host the Olympics?

Noted sports writer Mr. R. Mohan says that India could host the Olympic Games from 2030s if it learns to stick to schedules and avoid scandals, which had brought bad name initially in the case of the Delhi Commonwealth Games.

Can India ignore signs of Chinese assertiveness?
Sep 03, 2011

Can India ignore signs of Chinese assertiveness?

The list of China's signs of displaying its assertiveness in the South China Sea is numerous - like the incident with the Japanese coast guard and the USNS Impeccable. The Pentagon accused the Chinese vessels of "harassment" during the US ship's routine operations in international waters.

Can India secure its women the most empowering tool — energy access?
Mar 07, 2020

Can India secure its women the most empowering tool — energy access?

Adapting a more multi-dimensional framework for measuring energy access that could capture gender disaggregated data and indicators would push for a m

Can India sustain Iran policy?
Feb 17, 2012

Can India sustain Iran policy?

Iran represents a complex policy challenge that needs to be carefully weighed. Any assessment will need to look not only at the benefits but also the costs of not changing course on Iran. But fence-sitting and procrastination might be an unsustainable and expensive choice.

Can India tap into its bio-waste supply chain?
Apr 08, 2019

Can India tap into its bio-waste supply chain?

Processing bio-waste to bio-fuels and compost will enhance clean energy energy access as well as improve soil fertility.

Can Indo-US strategic ties be the silver bullet for trade tensions?
May 23, 2019

Can Indo-US strategic ties be the silver bullet for trade tensions?

Over the past two years, the deficit between the US and India has been decreasing. US exports to India registered a 28% increase last year.

Can LTTE win or lose elections one more time?
Aug 03, 2015

Can LTTE win or lose elections one more time?

In Sri Lanka, whoever wins or loses the parliamentary polls, and whoever forms the government afterward, it's President Maithripala Sirisena who would be at the centre of all post-poll politics over the ethnic issue, political solution and 'accountability issues' of the UNHRC kind.

Can maid fracture plateau with US?
Dec 18, 2013

Can maid fracture plateau with US?

When tempers have cooled down, and the plateau regained, we should rethink IBDH, enforce strict set of "Devyani Guidelines," and derisk an entire gamut of ties - sadly, the US one being the only legacy Manmohan Singh might have had!

Can mere Australian lessons help develop Ganga basin?
Aug 07, 2014

Can mere Australian lessons help develop Ganga basin?

Australia's Murray-Darling example is not a panacea for the basin-wide river management of the Ganga. And it is not through lack of international role models that a genuinely holistic, basin-wide approach has not been applied to the Ganga; it is through a lack of domestic political will to do so.

Can Modi achieve economic turnaround?
Jun 07, 2014

Can Modi achieve economic turnaround?

If Narenda Modi could turn around Gujarat's agriculture so dramatically, he can be instrumental in turning around agricultural productivity, marketing and storage in all States. He has to act quickly. Otherwise, there would be more problems of large scale migration from the rural to cities.

Can Modi turn slogans into concrete actions?
Aug 14, 2014

Can Modi turn slogans into concrete actions?

All that the government has to do is to focus on providing basic goods -- high quality primary education and healthcare, toilets and housing for all. When there is so much money in India in private and public hands, why is it taking so long for the government to do something to change the lives of millions of people?

Can new land acquisition bill facilitate India's shale gas progress?
Dec 23, 2013

Can new land acquisition bill facilitate India's shale gas progress?

Though India dreams of replicating the shale gas successes of the US, it cannot enjoy the luxury of easily acquiring land for shale gas operations. In the US, landowners, besides owning surface rights, also own mineral rights. Consequently, they receive huge financial incentives directly from oil and gas companies.

Can Obama overcome Domestic Opposition to the TPP?
Jun 06, 2015

Can Obama overcome Domestic Opposition to the TPP?

In an ironic situation, President Obama finds his own party, the Democrats, his key opponents while, the Republicans, his greatest allies as he pushes for the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

Can Pakistan take on the Taliban?
Dec 23, 2014

Can Pakistan take on the Taliban?

Taliban's origins are very much in the Pakistan's State agencies and hence it cannot be called a non-State actor. It is too large and too fragmented to be taken up as one enemy. For PM Nawaz Sheriff to declare that there is 'no good or bad Taliban' is just an empty rhetoric and still part of the same old double-speak.

Can Pipelines Lead to Peace?
Jul 12, 2011

Can Pipelines Lead to Peace?

Conflicts in the Middle East have been exacerbated by competition over natural resources. Within the United States, there is growing bipartisan interest in reducing dependence on foreign oil.

Can plant protein be the solution to India's supply vs demand conundrum
Feb 27, 2021

Can plant protein be the solution to India's supply vs demand conundrum

India is the largest producer of pulses, accounting for 25 percent of the world's output yet 70 percent of Indians are protein deficient

Can Priyanka Gandhi bring back ‘good old days’ for Congress?
Feb 11, 2019

Can Priyanka Gandhi bring back ‘good old days’ for Congress?

The next general elections are a litmus test for both Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.