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4542 results found

Who will gain from 10% reservation for EWS?
Jan 14, 2019

Who will gain from 10% reservation for EWS?

The bill has to be a constitutional amendment as it overshoots the Supreme Court's 50% cap on quotas and takes the total to 60%.

Whoever wins, Bihar wins again
Nov 05, 2015

Whoever wins, Bihar wins again

There is an element of Shakespeare in Bihar politics. It has over the last 40 years seen so many historical developments impacting national politics that the ongoing election will once again throw up a surprise.

Why arms control is doomed to failure
Oct 25, 2018

Why arms control is doomed to failure

By pulling the US out of the INF Treaty, US President Donald Trump is only hastening the inevitable

Why attending BRICS 2018 was so significant for PM Narendra Modi
Jul 30, 2018

Why attending BRICS 2018 was so significant for PM Narendra Modi

For Narendra Modi, going into elections next year, the focus has been to put across India as a major global economy.

Why Bihar’s prohibition law failed and what policymakers can learn from it
Jul 18, 2018

Why Bihar’s prohibition law failed and what policymakers can learn from it

Bihar’s policy foundations were erroneous, and in an effort to cover up its rudimentary faults, advocates of this policy have been resorting to othe

Why BJP did not trifurcate Jammu and Kashmir
Sep 16, 2019

Why BJP did not trifurcate Jammu and Kashmir

Past discussions surrounding Jammu and Kashmir’s possible Balkanisation almost always envisioned Jammu being severed from Kashmir.

Why BJP-PDP divorce in Kashmir was bound to happen
Jun 22, 2018

Why BJP-PDP divorce in Kashmir was bound to happen

The Indian state must use the opportunity that the political crisis has offered to fix the many things that are broken.

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership
Nov 30, 2021

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership

As India’s strategic partnership with the US deepens, it is not necessary that India get caught in the crosshairs of US-Russia tensions

Why China's push for Africa should concern India
Sep 10, 2018

Why China's push for Africa should concern India

Beijing has been Africa’s largest trading partner since 2008.

Why do Syrian refugees find it tough to return even though the military conflict has subsided? 
Apr 05, 2021

Why do Syrian refugees find it tough to return even though the military conflict has subsided? 

Syrians may not be able to return home for a variety of reasons, but in conversations, many of them express a deep longing for their country.

Why Feel Good Is Just Not Enough
Jan 03, 2004

Why Feel Good Is Just Not Enough

On December 20, 2003, a landmark in the history of modern India was achieved. The nation's forex reserves for the very first time crossed the $ 100 billion mark, to be precise clocked 100.048 billion. The high, coming just after a decade of reforms, remember 1990-91, could well be termed as the coming of age of India¿s liberalisation program.

Why France is a reliable strategic partner for India
Jan 20, 2020

Why France is a reliable strategic partner for India

From geopolitics to space cooperation, Paris has always been supportive of New Delhi’s decisions

Why Government should give immediate attention to MSME sector
Jan 14, 2019

Why Government should give immediate attention to MSME sector

Strengthening the credit structure to help MSMEs will be important in 2019.

Why has the BJP’s win made its MPs tense?
May 01, 2017

Why has the BJP’s win made its MPs tense?

The 2014 campaign was a pulsating and historic one but its essential architecture was unorthodox.

Why India desperately needs an image makeover
Dec 19, 2018

Why India desperately needs an image makeover

The problem is less to do with ideology, and more about the clumsiness and coarseness with which the ideology is being spread.

Why India fears Trump’s emerging Afghanistan approach
Dec 28, 2018

Why India fears Trump’s emerging Afghanistan approach

A weaker American presence would only compound New Delhi’s existing Afghan conundrum.

Why India is a big factor in Pakistani polls
Jun 11, 2018

Why India is a big factor in Pakistani polls

Any association with New Delhi is still seen as a kiss of death in Pakistani politics.

Why India needs to safeguard its ties with Nepal
Jun 27, 2018

Why India needs to safeguard its ties with Nepal

Kathmandu has repeatedly indicated that it wants to maintain a balance between India and China.

Why India needs urgent police reforms
Dec 04, 2018

Why India needs urgent police reforms

Internal security is very much a prerogative of police and efficient policing is needed in order to tackle threats. But for that, the police system ne

Why India should engage in development work with China in neighbouring regions
Aug 27, 2018

Why India should engage in development work with China in neighbouring regions

The idea of hotline, now stuck up on protocol issues, will play a role in reducing tensions between India and China.

Why India should focus more on Latin American region now
Sep 21, 2018

Why India should focus more on Latin American region now

Though the relations have lots of potential areas of improvement, many challenges need to be overcome.

Why India should stay away from the politics of good extremist/bad extremist
Nov 06, 2018

Why India should stay away from the politics of good extremist/bad extremist

There are lessons we can learn from Pakistan unless we want to end up like them.

Why India should view Trump's idea of mediation with caution
Jul 24, 2019

Why India should view Trump's idea of mediation with caution

The US merely followed the lead of Britain in pushing the UN resolutions of 1948 making a dispute out of India’s complaint of Pakistani aggression in Kashmir.

Why Indians are unhappy despite doubled GDP
Apr 02, 2019

Why Indians are unhappy despite doubled GDP

Even when people are relatively better off than before, why has their happiness not increased?

Why India’s 20 per cent club loves the status quo
Nov 03, 2018

Why India’s 20 per cent club loves the status quo

The CBI is #IASmukt, as is the CVC, whose commissioners are former income-tax, police and bank officials.

Why India’s economic slowdown is a national security problem
Dec 06, 2019

Why India’s economic slowdown is a national security problem

The country won’t have the resources required to modernise and equip the armed forces, or the wherewithal to project power in its neighbourhood and beyond.

Why India’s new defence budget falls short
Feb 14, 2019

Why India’s new defence budget falls short

The new budget does little to advance the very objectives the country has outlined for itself.

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention
Jul 07, 2018

Why India’s nuclear security challenge demands attention

It is essential that the government goes ahead and tables the NSRA Bill.

Why is Chinese investment in India so low?
Oct 30, 2014

Why is Chinese investment in India so low?

China invested more than USD 100 billion overseas last year alone. Its cumulative investments in Myanmar total USD 14.2 billion. The real question is why Chinese investment in India has lagged so far behind. Political mistrust is certainly a large part of the answer.

Why is environmental accounting essential for India?
Mar 05, 2019

Why is environmental accounting essential for India?

Depletion of natural capital is an irreversible process and steps to assess and combat this are needed urgently.

Why major overhaul is needed in India’s legal education assessment system
Dec 07, 2018

Why major overhaul is needed in India’s legal education assessment system

Indian law schools need to look at the positive aspects of the legal education systems in the US and UK and integrate them into their indigenous syste

Why Modi must not go to Pakistan to attend Imran Khan's swearing-in ceremony
Aug 02, 2018

Why Modi must not go to Pakistan to attend Imran Khan's swearing-in ceremony

There is no reason to believe that things will be any different if now Modi goes to Islamabad.

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan
Feb 28, 2019

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan

The wave of terrorist violence that will hit India as a result of de-escalation at this stage is not going to be a tenable proposition.

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan
Mar 05, 2019

Why Modi must not play the ‘statesman’ and agree to enter into dialogue with Pakistan

The wave of terrorist violence that will hit India as a result of de-escalation is not going to be a tenable proposition for India.