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Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation
May 11, 2023

Breaking Glass Ceiling? Mapping EU-India Security Cooperation

This year marks the 15th year since India and the European Union (EU) agreed on a Strategic Partnership in 2004. Over the years, despite robust bilateral relations between individual European states and India, the EU-India relations have largely been in the area of potential rather than accomplishment. This brief evaluates the emerging security partnership by focusing on three key areas, viz. peacekeeping, nuclear issues, and maritime security. I

Breaking the gridlock
Jul 03, 2012

Breaking the gridlock

Smart Grid technology solutions can not only help India reduce its transmission and distribution losses, but can also help leap to the future by bundling major public utilities over one single grid.

BRI in Nepal: An Appraisal
Jun 10, 2024

BRI in Nepal: An Appraisal

Nepal signed the framework agreement of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with China in May 2017. Of the initial 35 projects that Nepal had proposed, the final number eventually came down to nine. Seven years later, none of the BRI projects have been completed. In 2023, the tenth year of the BRI, controversies surrounding China’s attempt to co-opt even ‘non-BRI’ projects under the framework, and Nepal’s efforts to secure more grants inst

Brick by BRIC: How the global order is being reconstructed
May 22, 2009

Brick by BRIC: How the global order is being reconstructed

BRIC or BRICs is an acronym referring to the fast growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China. The acronym is used increasingly by politicians and the mass media, reflecting the emergence of a new global reality.

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum
Sep 17, 2021

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum

Critique of BRICS is logical and natural but can be unfair without careful examination of its evolution and contribution

BRICS and BRI: China Aims for Strategic Alignment
Aug 17, 2023

BRICS and BRI: China Aims for Strategic Alignment

China has twice broached the matter of expanding the membership of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa): first, at the 2017 Xiamen Summit, and again, more recently, at the 14th BRICS Leaders’ Meeting in June 2022 convened virtually under the chairmanship of Beijing. With China and India locked in a stalemate along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Chinese proposal has raised concerns in New Delhi. This brief examine

BRICS and Eurozone Crisis
Nov 09, 2011

BRICS and Eurozone Crisis

It is apparent that panaceas such as debt write-downs only offer short term relief to the debt ridden Eurozone as long as structural imbalances persist. European leaders need to look for a multipronged approach to deal with the problems.

BRICS and mortar for India's global role
Mar 26, 2013

BRICS and mortar for India's global role

At this unique geopolitical moment, when India faces a multitude of challenges seeking its attention both towards the region and the global stage, BRICS provides a flexible platform to respond to both.

BRICS Bank: A long overdue development
Jul 19, 2014

BRICS Bank: A long overdue development

The BRICS bank, now tentatively called the New Development Bank, is indeed a new and long overdue development. It is the first step towards reforming the world financial system. It has to be read against the decision of the BRICS nations to do trade more with each other on the basis of currency swaps.

BRICS Bank: Shifting powers from West to developing nations
Jul 22, 2014

BRICS Bank: Shifting powers from West to developing nations

The major achievement of the recent BRICS Summit was the decision to create the long-awaited (BRICS) New Development Bank. The bank can be seen as a growing influence of the BRICS which together represents 18% of the World trade and accounts for 40% of the global population with a combined GDP of $ 24 trillion.

BRICS cities require smart policy solutions
Sep 01, 2016

BRICS cities require smart policy solutions

Urban governance in BRICS countries will require different policy solutions because of differing circumstances.

BRICS in Africa: A development dream?
Mar 26, 2013

BRICS in Africa: A development dream?

The BRICS-Africa partnership provides the potential for positive cooperation between developing nations in the future. It is this potential that delegates from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will be trying to cultivate and deepen over the next couple of days in Durban.

BRICS leaders accept BTTC Recommendations
Jul 19, 2014

BRICS leaders accept BTTC Recommendations

The BRICS leaders have accepted the report titled "Towards a Long Term Strategy for BRICS", the recommendations made by the BRICS Think Tanks Council (BTTC). Observer Research Foundation is the Indian representative at the BTTC.

BRICS makes all the news: IBSA will continue to be relevant
Aug 09, 2014

BRICS makes all the news: IBSA will continue to be relevant

Has the emergence of BRICS had an impact on IBSA, was the question posed by Mr M Ganapathi, former Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India.

BRICS must move ahead now to a "go-to" institution
Feb 14, 2012

BRICS must move ahead now to a "go-to" institution

BRICS must now move on from being a grouping of individual nations, discussing agendas, to becoming a "go-to" institution for setting regional and global agendas. The essence and ethos of such an institution must flow from the inorganic prism of stability, security and growth for all.

BRICS needs doses of steroids to prosper
Jul 14, 2014

BRICS needs doses of steroids to prosper

Perhaps, the most critical issue for the five BRICS leaders, who will meet at the sunny shores of Fortaleza, will be practical goal-setting. This will be an exercise in planning and coordination to maintain continuity as well as honing in on objectives for the long term. If there is an opportunity to be seized in cross-leveraging political and economic ties, it will be in the coming years.

BRICS of a new world
Jul 14, 2014

BRICS of a new world

The Fortaleza summit will represent the reboot of BRICS. Prime Minister Modi has the biggest political mandate among his BRICS counterparts, and also the weight of the largest expectations.

BRICS pushes the IMF to reform
Jul 20, 2012

BRICS pushes the IMF to reform

The recent G-20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, featured a pivotal change in the geopolitics of international finance. Emerging economies contributed billions to an emergency IMF (International Monetary Fund) fund designed to provide additional support to the Eurozone nations in case the debt crisis worsens.

BRICS remains on course for bigger, more effective projects in the years to come
Oct 18, 2016

BRICS remains on course for bigger, more effective projects in the years to come

The BRICS ship remains on course to sail steady, and is heading for more effective projects in years to come post the show of strength in Goa

BRICS sees rekindling of India-Russia romance
Oct 17, 2016

BRICS sees rekindling of India-Russia romance

Sino-Indian ties have been going downhill for the last few years. At the BRICS summit, India sought to re-engage Russia more substantively.

BRICS Summit in Goa: Ahead of 8th conference, the bloc must focus on institution-building
Sep 20, 2016

BRICS Summit in Goa: Ahead of 8th conference, the bloc must focus on institution-building

BRICS as an institution must nurture independent growth trajectories of member nations keeping their individual interest at the forefront.

BRICS Summit: India will have an upper hand at bilateral talks with China
Jul 25, 2018

BRICS Summit: India will have an upper hand at bilateral talks with China

New Delhi should also be aware that a US-China trade spat opens up new possibilities for India, both vis-à-vis Beijing and Washington, and it should not be hesitant to exploit them

BRICS Think Tanks Council set up
Mar 11, 2013

BRICS Think Tanks Council set up

Think tanks from five BRICS countries, participating in the 5th Academic Forum meeting in Durban, have announced the setting up of the BRICS Think Tanks Council (BTTC).

BRICS के विस्तार के पीछे, आख़िर चीन की मंशा क्या है?
Jul 27, 2022

BRICS के विस्तार के पीछे, आख़िर चीन की मंशा क्या है?

ब्रिक्स का विस्तार करने के पीछे चीन का मक़सद ब्रिक्स के त�

BRICS, globalisms, and the return of the state
Aug 31, 2016

BRICS, globalisms, and the return of the state

BRICS is a child of this era — when liberal democracies subverted multilateralism and the economic order was reduced to serving the interests of a f

BRICS, Steel, Mortar....and Money
Apr 04, 2012

BRICS, Steel, Mortar....and Money

The unity and purpose of BRICS has been the target of speculation and scepticism from various quarters. With the Delhi Declaration, BRICS members have been able to assuage such doubts as they have begun to create a credible hedge against traditional global narratives of security and development.

BRICS: A wall for some and a platform for others
Apr 04, 2013

BRICS: A wall for some and a platform for others

China as the leader of the pack will use BRICS for control and dominance. The West will see this as a threat to existing arrangements and try to pull it down before it takes off. Indian presence will remain weak so long as our economic reforms and progress remain slow and our internal political and policy frameworks remain uncertain.

BRICS: An evolving forum with limitations
May 27, 2011

BRICS: An evolving forum with limitations

BRICS is an evolving process, and any exaggerated notion of it becoming a power bloc will be out of place. It might work towards "a multi-polar (or poly-centric) world", which a former Brazilian President had described as an important goal of BRICS, but in no sense it is a ganging-up against the US or the West.

BRICS: Divided we stand
Oct 26, 2016

BRICS: Divided we stand

BRICS mandate is under siege at a time of slowing economies and growing intra-BRICS political divergences. Above-all, it has been struggling to retain its relevance

Bridging the digital divide: Skills for the new age
Apr 05, 2017

Bridging the digital divide: Skills for the new age

The digital divide is a manifestation of exclusion, poverty and inequality and continues to be exacerbated due to the effects of unemployment, poorly functioning digital skilling programmes and socio-cultural norms in some economies, depriving women equal access to digital services. Digital skills provide the poor a catalyst to break out of the cycle of poverty and empower themselves. A three-pronged digital skills strategy is required for develo

Bridging the gap: India Bangladesh relations
Aug 21, 2010

Bridging the gap: India Bangladesh relations

India and Bangladesh relations got a new boost following Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee's brief visit to Bangladesh recently, demonstrating New Delhi's keenness in enhancing bilateral relations.

Bridging the Gulf
Feb 25, 2014

Bridging the Gulf

Any suggestion of a look west policy compels a comparison with India's much-celebrated Look East policy and presents us with a paradox. India's relationship with the Gulf is much denser than with Southeast Asia. Yet the Gulf does not resonate as much as Southeast Asia in Indian Foreign Policy discourse.

Bridging the India-China divide
Jun 20, 2014

Bridging the India-China divide

Whatever shape future talks between India and China takes, bilateral problems, including the border dispute, have taken more time than their people can wait, to address leave alone resolve them.

Brief assessment of China's National People's Congress
Mar 30, 2009

Brief assessment of China's National People's Congress

The 2nd session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) was held in Beijing from Mar 5-13, 2009, the first session after the onset of the global economic crisis

Bring back credibility to the union budget
Jun 12, 2019

Bring back credibility to the union budget

Sustainable magic requires that the magician remain credible.

Bringing India and Thailand Closer via the Trilateral Highway Through Myanmar
Nov 21, 2023

Bringing India and Thailand Closer via the Trilateral Highway Through Myanmar

This brief underlines the immense potential for increased cross-border trade, tourism, and people-to-people interactions between India and its Southeast Asian neighbours. In particular, it evaluates the importance of India–Thailand relations, emphasising the present state of the India–Myanmar–Thailand Trilateral Highway (IMT-TH). Although India and Thailand share a maritime boundary along India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Th