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Biden’s elusive search for legacy in West Asia
Aug 24, 2023

Biden’s elusive search for legacy in West Asia

As 2024 moves closer, the vague Middle East policy blueprint of the US is only fuelling the “power in recession” narrative

Big budget promises can’t mask govt’s poor economic performance
Feb 01, 2019

Big budget promises can’t mask govt’s poor economic performance

The government’s promises on jobs and farmers’ incomes have fallen flat, so it may look to fill the gap with ‘sound and fury’.

Big scope for EU countries to set up new tech power plants
Apr 30, 2012

Big scope for EU countries to set up new tech power plants

During a roundtable with a delegation of EU Members of Parliament, the ORF Director pointed out the great chance the international community has today in setting up electricity generating plants in India with green technology.

Big Tech and climate change: There’s more to it than meets the eye
Jan 12, 2022

Big Tech and climate change: There’s more to it than meets the eye

Is Big Tech using financial metrics and emission-based metrics to evade accountability?

Bihar elections: A red flag
Nov 09, 2015

Bihar elections: A red flag

Nitish Kumar is already playing with one hand tied behind his back, by the RJD. Till very recently Kumar and the BJP developed Bihar in collaboration. They are, in fact, conjoined brothers in development. Modi must rise above his personal feelings and go all out to support Kumar.

Bihar Elections: Another turning point in country's political history
Nov 29, 2010

Bihar Elections: Another turning point in country's political history

That the Muslims in Bihar turned to Nitish Kumar of Janata Dal (United) despite his alliance with the BJP could well be another turning point in the country's political history. This confirms the extent of Muslim exasperation with the Congress. Nitish Kumar harnessed this disgust deftly.

Bihar: The abandoned state in deep crisis
Jun 24, 2019

Bihar: The abandoned state in deep crisis

The killer outbreak of encephalitis has exposed the widened fault lines in India’s most backward state.

Bilateral needs should dictate IOR neighbourhood policy, says ex-diplomat
May 05, 2015

Bilateral needs should dictate IOR neighbourhood policy, says ex-diplomat

Former Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Mr. M Ganapathi, has emphasised the importance of the Indian Ocean in global developments in the 21st Century and the importance now given to the region by the government.

Bilateral vision unfolds amid neighbours' glare
Jun 11, 2015

Bilateral vision unfolds amid neighbours' glare

Bangladesh and India are standing at a take-off stage in their relationship despite anti-Indian groups and political parties trying to find fault with Hasina's moves. The Chinese and Pakistani lobbies are unhappy with this growing engagement.

Bill on Intelligence Agencies Reforms
Mar 29, 2011

Bill on Intelligence Agencies Reforms

Mr. Manish Tewari, Member of Parliament, has introduced a Bill in the Lok Sabha to regulate the functioning and use of power by the Indian intelligence agencies within and outside India and to provide for the coordination, control and oversight of such agencies.

Bills in Parliament: Will the Winter Session stop the Dry Spells?
Nov 24, 2011

Bills in Parliament: Will the Winter Session stop the Dry Spells?

The winter session of the Parliament, which has just commenced, is of critical significance to the country and its economy. While some may link the importance of this session to the much awaited Lokpal bill.

BIMSTEC and climate change: Setting a common agenda
Oct 18, 2017

BIMSTEC and climate change: Setting a common agenda

The BIMSTEC region is among the most vulnerable in the world from increased threat due to climate change. In the foreseeable future, climate change is projected to affect each BIMSTEC member country with greater severity and frequency, thereby impeding their response capacity significantly. This brief explores the vulnerability of the region from climate change and the BIMSTEC-level initiatives that have taken place to address the issue. Although

BIMSTEC and Disaster Management: Future Prospects for Regional Cooperation
May 24, 2023

BIMSTEC and Disaster Management: Future Prospects for Regional Cooperation

The Bay of Bengal is highly prone to extreme weather events, many of which result in massive disaster. The sub-regional grouping, BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral and Technical Cooperation), took a long time to begin nurturing their collective capabilities in disaster mitigation. It was only after the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, which caused overwhelming devastation in the region, that BIMSTEC identified the area of ‘Envir

BIMSTEC and Japan: Exploring prospects for renewed cooperation
Aug 20, 2023

BIMSTEC and Japan: Exploring prospects for renewed cooperation

As the Bay of Bengal region continues to rise as an economic and strategic hub, there is increasing awareness of the role to be played by the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) in promoting growth, development and stability in the region. Having kept a low profile in its 20 years of existence, BIMSTEC is now being seen as a potential driver of integration between South Asia and Southeast As

BIMSTEC and the fourth industrial revolution: The role of technology in regional development
May 24, 2023

BIMSTEC and the fourth industrial revolution: The role of technology in regional development

After a hiatus of almost two decades, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) appears poised to once again assume significance in regional affairs. The renewed vigour has already resulted in a fresh agreement on tangible areas of cooperation and ways of resuscitating the organisation. This brief examines the role that will be played by technology and digital skilling in BIMSTEC’s goals toward

BIMSTEC imperatives: Food security and energising trade
Jun 07, 2023

BIMSTEC imperatives: Food security and energising trade

India can advance solutions and drive international consensus on critical issues related to priority sectors such as food and energy in the Bay of Ben

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus
Aug 16, 2023

BIMSTEC on the Cusp: Regional Security in Focus

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is standing on the threshold of a new inning, as it marks its 25th year in 2022. The past months have been momentous for BIMSTEC, as it adopted a charter at the fifth Summit Meeting in March to outline a clearer purpose for the organisation. During the summit, BIMSTEC rationalised its 14 diverse sectors of cooperation into seven core areas of inte

BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade
Sep 19, 2017

BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has gained more importance recently because of the many hurdles that have come in the way of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) since 2016, mainly due to issues between India and Pakistan. This brief explores the possibilities of stronger trade and investment ties between the BIMSTEC nations by expediting the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (F

BIMSTEC: Overcoming inertia to serve as a truly strategic platform
Sep 08, 2017

BIMSTEC: Overcoming inertia to serve as a truly strategic platform

Two decades since its inception, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has yet to truly succeed as an instrument of regional integration. The primary reason for the group’s slow progress is general inertia, or lack of interest amongst its members. There have also been more pressing national and regional issues that have overtaken the group’s development. This is set to change under the im

BIMSTEC: Rediscovering old routes to connectivity
Dec 04, 2017

BIMSTEC: Rediscovering old routes to connectivity

As BIMSTEC pushes for transport connectivity, it stands to gain from other, complementary transport connectivity projects that are emerging in the region. BIMSTEC can also take advantage of extant policy designs, and aligning its projects with the various national, bilateral and multilateral projects either ongoing or being planned. Given India’s key role in BIMSTEC — owing not only to its geographical location but also its capabilities — i

Bin Laden's new Year's Message
Jan 05, 2004

Bin Laden's new Year's Message

An audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden was aired on the Arabic network Al-Jazeera on January 3,2004. This is the third message exclusively relating to Iraq attributed to him since before the US-led invasion of Iraq by the coalition forces. The first, called a special message to the Iraqi people, was aired on February 11,2003, and the second

Bin Laden: The Nemesis Ahead
Oct 19, 2004

Bin Laden: The Nemesis Ahead

There was a massacre of hundreds of Shias of Gilgit in the Northern Areas (NA) of Pakistan (before 1947 called the Northern Areas of Jammu & Kashmir) in 1988 following a demand raised by them for the creation of an autonomous Shia state to be called the Karakoram State, consisting of the Shia majority areas of the NA, Punjab and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Binding Vietnam and India: Joint energy exploration in South China Sea
Dec 17, 2013

Binding Vietnam and India: Joint energy exploration in South China Sea

It is not difficult to imagine that the Chinese will be uncomfortable with the current scenario. China is against any "outside power" being involved in the South China Sea, though its own forces are regularly operating in the Indian Ocean region.

Bio-fuel: भारत में एक मज़बूत जैव-ईंधन उद्योग होने के फ़ायदे!
Dec 20, 2021

Bio-fuel: भारत में एक मज़बूत जैव-ईंधन उद्योग होने के फ़ायदे!

COP26 के दौरान केंद्रीय विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्री जित�

Biological Weapons and Biosecurity - Lessons from the COVID19 war
May 10, 2020

Biological Weapons and Biosecurity - Lessons from the COVID19 war

In the second of a two-part series on how the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown open doubts on biosecurity, Ambassador Lakshmi Puri writes on how internati

BioMethics: Bioethics issues and aspects in modern biomedical engineering
Jun 07, 2019

BioMethics: Bioethics issues and aspects in modern biomedical engineering

This revolution is creating a veritable tsunami of computer data on patients, their illnesses, the diagnostic tests carried out and genetic data.

Bits and Bytes: Reaching money to the bottom of the pyramid
Sep 29, 2017

Bits and Bytes: Reaching money to the bottom of the pyramid

Despite numerous government efforts to popularise digital transactions, India continues to be a cash-dependent economy. This is because the transforma

Bitter morning-after pill for new govt post elections
May 20, 2019

Bitter morning-after pill for new govt post elections

Severe inequality in the allocation of public finance is a primary reason for rural impoverishment.

BJP leader's illogic on boundary issue with Bangladesh
Jan 02, 2014

BJP leader's illogic on boundary issue with Bangladesh

If the BJP stands by its leader Arun Jaitley's illogic, it must necessarily oppose any negotiation of India's land boundary disputes with any of its neighbours, including China, Pakistan and Nepal. If this is a considered position of a party that is in striking distance of power, one shudders to think what the foreign policy of a BJP government might look like.

BJP manifesto outlines Modi’s vision of Indian nation  
Apr 10, 2019

BJP manifesto outlines Modi’s vision of Indian nation  

The BJP manifesto promises to launch a set of initiatives that include "Jal Jivan Mission” under which a special programme will be introduced to ens

BJP's Beijing
Sep 10, 2014

BJP's Beijing

If Modi is a strong leader who is bringing greater purposefulness to India's China policy, Xi is even more powerful at home. He has conveyed a strong interest in transforming relations with New Delhi and is willing to explore opportunities with Modi.

Black money infiltrates Indian elections
Apr 22, 2014

Black money infiltrates Indian elections

India's 16th general elections, billed as the most expensive elections ever, are witnessing an unprecedented flow of black money into country's electoral process. Analysts claim that a mammoth 400 billion rupees, roughly 0.35 percent of India's GDP, has been pumped into the democratic process.

Blame game continues in Nepal
Jan 23, 2015

Blame game continues in Nepal

Nepali political leaders have missed a self-imposed deadline for promulgation of the country's new Constitution. Last year, in the wake of the election to the second Constituent Assembly (CA), the lawmakers had kept January 22 as the deadline.

Blame Game Might See CIA Overhaul
Jun 23, 2004

Blame Game Might See CIA Overhaul

Intelligence is the first line of defence in any war, be it a conventional war or a war against terrorism. The American security apparatus has readjusted itself well, in almost all the areas of modern warfare in the post cold war era. However, the recent American failures indicate that still much needs to be done in of the areas of modern day warfare, and that is intelligence gathering.

Blasts in Bangladesh: Another Wake-up Call
Aug 18, 2005

Blasts in Bangladesh: Another Wake-up Call

At least two people were killed and 50 others injured in a series of 300 simultaneous small bomb blasts in 50 cities and towns, including Dhaka, the capital, across Bangladesh on August 17,2005.

Bleed Blue : समुद्री संरक्षण का समर्थन करने के लिए एक नए नैरेटिव का निर्माण
Dec 10, 2021

Bleed Blue : समुद्री संरक्षण का समर्थन करने के लिए एक नए नैरेटिव का निर्माण

ग्रीन बॉन्ड की तरह ही ब्लू बॉन्ड हमारे समंदर की पारिस्थि�

Bleeding heart liberals are social hypocrites
Jul 31, 2015

Bleeding heart liberals are social hypocrites

After Independence, none of the national parties - the Congress, the Janata Dal, leave alone the BJP - have ever had anyone other than a Hindu as their supreme political leader. The only recent exception is Sonia Gandhi of the Congress. But even her links into politics are exceptionally pucca, upper caste Hindu.

Block fundings to terrorist outfits to break their backbone
Oct 27, 2014

Block fundings to terrorist outfits to break their backbone

Terrorism, like almost every other human activity that involves production and creation of goods and services, needs money. Described by experts like Raymond Baker as Gross Criminal Product, this included illegal capital flight, narcotics trade, smuggling of arms and other goods, human trafficking, counterfeiting and computer crimes.

Blocking online porn: Who should make Constitutional decisions?
Mar 16, 2015

Blocking online porn: Who should make Constitutional decisions?

A constitutional court must not outsource its judgement on freedom of expression online to an industry association even if it convenes others to help make this decision. It must also avoid allowing the executive to take over this role, determining without any transparency what content is blocked.