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India: UPA seeks to regain initiative
Aug 10, 2012

India: UPA seeks to regain initiative

A battered UPA-II, battling to shrug off the 'policy paralysis' tag, appears to be regaining confidence after it managed to get its presidential and vice-presidential candidates elected.

India: Will Assembly polls herald early elections to Parliament?
Mar 23, 2012

India: Will Assembly polls herald early elections to Parliament?

Are national parties on decline? Can a non-Congress, non-BJP coalition come to power in New Delhi after the next General Elections due in 2014? Or even before, if a political crisis or coalition-accident leads to mid-term elections?

Indian and European engagement patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa
Apr 01, 2021

Indian and European engagement patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa

A cross-analysis of the three regions indicates multiple complementarities between India and Europe vis-à-vis Africa — and that there are good reasons to initiate triangular cooperation in certain sectors.

Indian diplomacy coming of age?
Jan 12, 2004

Indian diplomacy coming of age?

India may well be considered a middle power aspiring to be a great power of global importance. India¿s ruling class has successfully shrugged off its initial aversion to perceive power as a category having a place of its own outside the ideological fortress of morality.

Indian economy in a crisis
Mar 09, 2013

Indian economy in a crisis

Author and economic analyst M.R. Venkatesh says the controversies and court cases relating to the 2-G scam might have impeded FDI inflow. It shows that even agreements made with the Government in India are not fool-proof, he argues.

Indian economy — Struggling towards recovery
Sep 02, 2021

Indian economy — Struggling towards recovery

Breaking down the journey towards the high GDP growth in Q1FY22.

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka
Jan 15, 2015

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka

Prof. S.D. Muni, a Sri Lankan expert, says that it was unlikely that the 13th Amendment would be implemented, but the spirit of the amendment, i.e., accommodation, would play a much larger role relative to Rajapaksa's rule.

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?
Jul 27, 2012

Indian fishing is in troubled waters?

Maritime security concerns of nations, big and small, are for real. Livelihood issues too are for real. Neither can be compromised in the face of the other.

Indian food security and the WTO deal
Jan 27, 2014

Indian food security and the WTO deal

A host of issues that were crucial to the interests of developing countries, and to a large extent India's, were off the table at Bali. For instance, rich country farm subsidies. The US has still not budged from its position vis-à-vis farm subsidies, despite years of push from poor countries, including in Africa.

Indian generic drug policy will benefit all
Jul 16, 2012

Indian generic drug policy will benefit all

The Manmohan Singh government will sponsor a $5.4-billion policy to provide free generic drugs - a decision that could change the healthcare woes in India for millions of poor people.

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism
May 27, 2020

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, extremist groups find workarounds to the digital blockade as ordinary citizens endure restricted access

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035
Jan 28, 2014

Indian industrial sector could drive energy demand through 2035

The chief economist of BP Group, Mr. Christof Ruehl, says the industrial sector is less flexible in India than in China and that this could drive the energy demand in 2012-2035 period. He also predicts that China's industrialisation will continue even if it changes its economy structure.

Indian Muslim clerics’ call for action to overcome vaccine hesitation during Ramadan
Apr 17, 2021

Indian Muslim clerics’ call for action to overcome vaccine hesitation during Ramadan

Enforcing a sense of discipline among 170 million people, sharply divided on sectarian and linguistic lines, is never an easy task as it requires volu

Indian Ocean Dialogue - 2015
Sep 28, 2015

Indian Ocean Dialogue - 2015

Perth hosted the second edition of the Indian Ocean Dialogue from September 5-7. Eighty-seven officials and representatives from think tanks and civil societies participated in the proceedings. The dialogue concluded with the release of the Perth Consensus.

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014
May 09, 2014

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014

Observer Research Foundation, with support from the Ministry of External Affairs, hosted the Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014. The event witnessed participation of delegates from the far corners of the Indian Ocean and beyond, capturing the vastness and diversity of the region.

Indian Polity at the Crossroads, Again?
Aug 06, 2004

Indian Polity at the Crossroads, Again?

A decade and more after the ¿reforms regimen¿ caused a rethink of the ¿national agenda¿, the Indian polity may be at the crossroads again. If cascading fiscal compulsion was behind the earlier re-think, this time round it has more to do with the evolving polity and ageing personalities.

Indian Regional Parties: Do They Genuinely Represent Regional Aspirations?
Nov 10, 2011

Indian Regional Parties: Do They Genuinely Represent Regional Aspirations?

While Non-Congress parties spare no opportunity to accuse the Congress Party of psychophancy and a feudal culture, regional parties are not far behind. In fact, they have perfected the art of dynastic politics, beating the Congress Party.

Indian stand at NETmundial surprises many
May 03, 2014

Indian stand at NETmundial surprises many

India was among the few governments that did not sign the NETmundial outcome statement. It certainly seems that the weight and development of a billion people sits heavy on the shoulders of the government. The question is: does it need to lead them to the world wide web, or can they find it themselves?

Indian subcontinent staring at water shortages, says new study
Mar 08, 2013

Indian subcontinent staring at water shortages, says new study

The Indian subcontinent could be hit by water shortages in few years as increasing populations and growing development demands are placing tremendous pressure on the Indus Basin, according a recently released report, on Indus Basin

Indian wheat diplomacy in Afghanistan
Feb 25, 2022

Indian wheat diplomacy in Afghanistan

Although India has abstained from recognising the Taliban government, it has extended humanitarian aid amidst the ongoing food crisis.

Indians invest more in UK than in rest of EU
Jul 09, 2015

Indians invest more in UK than in rest of EU

UK's Deputy High Commissioner in Chennai, Mr Bharat Joshi, has said that Indian investments in the UK have created over 5000 jobs while UK investments in Chennai alone have generated several thousands.

India’s coastal security: An assessment
Nov 23, 2018

India’s coastal security: An assessment

Coastal preparedness is better than earlier — but the overall picture remains less than satisfactory. While the state of inter-agency coordination h

India’s decisive decade
Nov 11, 2021

India’s decisive decade

Revamping our development model is crucial to achieve growth and prosperity in the coming decade, while keeping in line with green transition.

India’s Defence Chief opposes aircraft carrier plans
May 14, 2020

India’s Defence Chief opposes aircraft carrier plans

Budget woes are unlikely to ease. The Chief of Defence Staff and the Army leadership are likely come under pressure to seriously think about downsizing the Army.

India’s fight against health emergencies: In search of a legal architecture
May 24, 2023

India’s fight against health emergencies: In search of a legal architecture

The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 (caused by the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2) has exposed glaring gaps in India’s domestic laws. Absent a rationally structured legislation to fall back on, the Union government in March advised states to invoke the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 to tackle the pandemic in their jurisdictions. The 123-year-old colonial law, however, does not even define what a disease is, let alone an epidemic or a pandemic. Ind

India’s G20 Presidency: कोरोना महामारी के बाद की दुनिया को आकार देना
Jul 27, 2023

India’s G20 Presidency: कोरोना महामारी के बाद की दुनिया को आकार देना

जब समूची दुनिया में भू-राजनीतिक अस्थिरता का दौर है ऐसे वक�

India’s Historic Vaccination Drive: Evaluating the Stakes, Hurdles and Opportunities
Jan 08, 2021

India’s Historic Vaccination Drive: Evaluating the Stakes, Hurdles and Opportunities

Various vaccine trials across the world are showing highly promising efficacy, and multiple vaccines are getting approved across continents. The global vaccine race has now entered its second phase, where countries try and procure as many doses of Covid-19 vaccines as possible. India has put its faith primarily in the vaccines of Oxford-AstraZeneca and Bharat Biotech-ICMR. It has also secured future stockpiles of Gamaleya and Novavax vaccines thr

India’s Malabar Dilemma
May 10, 2023

India’s Malabar Dilemma

Speculations are rife about India possibly inviting Australia for the next Malabar naval exercise—which COVID-19 has caused to be moved to 2021.[1] If true, this would represent a break from the past and signal a change in the Asian strategic environment. Over the past few years, India has consistently resisted including Australia in the exercise, despite the latter’s willingness. The only other time that Australia was included in the Malabar

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil
Apr 04, 2023

India’s Moment in the Geopolitics of Oil

Global energy markets have battled continuous uncertainty over the past three years, disrupted first by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, and by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. India has been adept at navigating both these disruptions, using economic diplomacy to position itself favourably in the geopolitics of oil. New Delhi’s delicate balancing of its political relationship with both Washington DC and Moscow has been accompanied

India’s national security election: Why it’s advantage Modi
Apr 11, 2019

India’s national security election: Why it’s advantage Modi

The Indian prime minister’s national security credentials are poised to have benefits at the polls.

India’s naval evacuation gets underway amidst a pandemic
May 08, 2020

India’s naval evacuation gets underway amidst a pandemic

Indian planners would do well to reflect on some lessons from past missions.