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Beyond Chinese Whispers and Indian Rope Tricks
Dec 30, 2013

Beyond Chinese Whispers and Indian Rope Tricks

Both India and China have already entered an age of pragmatism. But they must soon transform it in an age of competitive realism if they are to jointly architect and mould the Asian century.

Beyond collateral damage: Intensifying the war on ending violence against women
Dec 04, 2023

Beyond collateral damage: Intensifying the war on ending violence against women

As we inch closer to the 2030 deadline, efforts towards the elimination of gender-based violence needs to be stepped up

Beyond Gas: A case for Future Power
Sep 29, 2003

Beyond Gas: A case for Future Power

This paper is an outline of existing energy systems - the demand and supply factors and trends seen within the framework of demographic pressures, environmental concerns and eventual possibility of fossil fuels running out.

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar

The imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran jeopardises the Chabahar project. Not only do sanctions deter countries and companies from doing business wi

Beyond JCPOA — China
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — China

While the US economic sanctions are likely to have implications for China’s investments in Iran, they inadvertently motivate Iran to look out for al

Beyond JCPOA — Economics
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Economics

With the imposition of sanctions on Iran, India is left with two options: either find other avenues of oil imports or risk facing the US sanctions.

Beyond JCPOA — Europe
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Europe

The volatile security situation in the region, a nuclear arms race and a possible war against Iran would directly affect Europe, if only by causing a

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes

NPT is the cornerstone of the global non-proliferation regime but its internal inconsistencies are becoming increasingly visible. In terms of its non-

Beyond JCPOA — Secondary sanctions, projects and investments
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Secondary sanctions, projects and investments

India has planned several oil and gas development projects, and pipeline projects in Iran. It is believed that the proposed investment for these proje

Beyond narrow boundaries
Apr 03, 2010

Beyond narrow boundaries

Little attention is paid to the dynamics of politico-military strategies and civil military discourse on military capabilities and doctrines for any future conflicts

Beyond net neutrality
Jul 02, 2014

Beyond net neutrality

Internet of Things ensures that all data cannot be treated as equal. The principle of net neutrality needs an overhaul to reflect the complicated future of the cyberworld

Beyond Tawang: China’s frustration and New Delhi’s imperative
Jan 06, 2023

Beyond Tawang: China’s frustration and New Delhi’s imperative

New Delhi must prepare for more frequent and longer border impasses, including clashes and skirmishes, particularly in the eastern sector.

Beyond the boundary
May 11, 2015

Beyond the boundary

Chinese leaders, ever so adept at power politics, do not find it difficult to understand where Modi is coming from. If Modi has surprised the world with his enthusiasm for China, Beijing is also pulling out all the stops to woo the Indian PM.

Beyond the Islamabad declaration
Feb 03, 2004

Beyond the Islamabad declaration

It has been a few weeks since the ¿momentous¿ Islamabad declaration by Indian PM Vajpayee and Pakistani leader Gen.Musharraf. The full effects of the declaration may not be known for a few months at least, but there have been enough clues coming out of South Asia for prognosticators to decipher. But first one must look at the declaration itself.

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers
Dec 21, 2018

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers

Even as Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) promise to revolutionise the battlefield, very little analysis moves beyond the great powers to examine the interests that middle powers may have in these systems. Shaped by their own geostrategic contexts, demographic issues and geography challenges, countries like India, South Korea, Indonesia or the Philippines may find utility in LAWS for improving the efficiency of their forces, reducing both

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options
May 24, 2012

Beyond US withdrawal: India's Afghan options

The key to a stable future in the Subcontinent might lie in producing the long overdue structural change inside Pakistan and with it the definition of its interests in Afghanistan and India. As it grasps at the slim chance of reordering the relationship with Pakistan, India will need all the support it can get from the US.

Bhagidari Programme of Delhi Government
Oct 04, 2008

Bhagidari Programme of Delhi Government

Observer Research Foundation (ORF) invited Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit on April 10, 2008 to deliver a talk on the 'Bhagidari Programme of Delhi Government' at the New Delhi campus. The event was attended by more than 80 participants

Bharat Ratna For Ghalib; centenary for Madan Mohan Malaviya?
Jan 02, 2012

Bharat Ratna For Ghalib; centenary for Madan Mohan Malaviya?

For a country as self conscious of its past as India, culture and civilization are alluring themes. In recent weeks two themes have surfaced which may attract attention. One idea has been placed in the public square by Justice Markandey Katju.

Bharatiya Janata Party: Prisoners of the past or participants of future?
Feb 04, 2011

Bharatiya Janata Party: Prisoners of the past or participants of future?

Emotion, rather than substance, had been the vehicle of the BJP for spreading its reach. But times are changing and it would have been better if the party was talking of a new vision of India which lays out a roadmap for eliminating poverty and squalor.

Bhullar case verdict and after
Apr 26, 2013

Bhullar case verdict and after

In the 'Bhullar case', the Supreme Court could now be construed to have applied the 'reasonable restriction' theory in the larger application of Article 14 of the Constitution, promising 'equality before law and the equal protection of the laws'.

Bhutan buffer
Jun 28, 2012

Bhutan buffer

Bhutan's reported decision to establish diplomatic relations with China marks an end to the system of buffer states that the British Raj had created in the 19th century to secure the subcontinent against encroachments from external powers.

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India
Jul 11, 2013

Bhutan's transitions and coming challenges for India

Noted author of a book on Bhutan, Omair Ahmad, argued that the way forward for India was to acknowledge that it could no longer insulate Bhutan. In the past, India engaged the monarchy and the elite, and the time has come to broaden the relationship, he said.

Bhutan-China: Settling border issues
Nov 17, 2023

Bhutan-China: Settling border issues

Bhutan’s attempts to smoothen border issues with its northern neighbour mark a significant shift in its geopolitical perspective

Bhutan: 'Himalayan dilemma' on the China front
Jul 13, 2012

Bhutan: 'Himalayan dilemma' on the China front

The announcement on the side-lines of the Rio+20 Summit that Bhutan and China have decided to establish diplomatic relations is not only a reflection on the evolving foreign policy of the Kingdom but it also carries with it broader implications for the political dynamics of Asia.

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours
Nov 08, 2012

Bhutan: 'National Happiness', environment and the neighbours

The landlocked Kingdom of Bhutan, which borders two Asian giants--China in the north and India to the south-- is some sort of a misfit in this tightly enclosed geographic space. Its two neighbours when compared to Bhutan are a world apart,

Bhutan: Education hub and beyond
Feb 28, 2014

Bhutan: Education hub and beyond

The Bhutan cabinet's scrapping of the allotment of some 1,000 acres of land proposed for the proposed education city has put the ambitious project based on public-private partnership (PPP) in a limbo.

Bhutan: Education in India
Mar 13, 2015

Bhutan: Education in India

Popularity of India as an education destination for Bhutanese students is a reference-point for close bilateral ties. Today, as many as one third of Bhutan's student population are pursuing higher education in India,

Bhutan: From New Delhi to Tokyo
Jul 04, 2014

Bhutan: From New Delhi to Tokyo

Bhutan has announced its support for Japan's bid for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. This was announced by Bhutan's Prime Minister, Tshering Tobgay, who completed his official visit to Japan on July 2.

Bhutan: Lessons in tackling corruption for India?
Aug 21, 2015

Bhutan: Lessons in tackling corruption for India?

A parliamentary delegation from the tiny Himalayan kingdom witnessed the log-jam in Indian Parliament on 10 August. The combined Opposition's Rajya Sabha tirade against the government over allegations of corruption involving ruling BJP's ministers was the main reason for the log-jam in the Indian Parliament.

Bhutan: New leadership has its task cut out
Aug 23, 2013

Bhutan: New leadership has its task cut out

A new leadership has assumed office in Bhutan defying all pre-poll surveys that were predicting an adverse result for the country's opposition party. The People's Democratic Party (PDP), led by Tshering Tobgay won the elections by winning 32 seats out of 47.

Bhutan: Nurturing the entrepreneurship ecosystem
May 20, 2020

Bhutan: Nurturing the entrepreneurship ecosystem

The launching of the Nu. 1.2 billion CSI and startup flagship has been a major initiative undertaken by the present government that has professed the motto of “Narrowing the Gap.”

Bhutan: Pandemic and economic resilience
Apr 20, 2020

Bhutan: Pandemic and economic resilience

Tourism is the worst hit sector in Bhutan. The livelihood of 50,000 citizens depends on this or allied sectors.

Bhutan: Politics without political-divide yet
Jan 18, 2013

Bhutan: Politics without political-divide yet

As Bhutan prepares for its second general elections this year, the political landscape of the nation has yet to undergo significant change from the first one. While being active, democracy in the Himalayan Kingdom is still State-centric,

Bhutan: Prospects of powering the sub-region
Oct 25, 2013

Bhutan: Prospects of powering the sub-region

Bhutan, the tiny South Asian country, is a power-house literally. Power constitutes the country's single largest export item. The Himalayan kingdom is located in one of the fastest growing regions of the world.

Bhutan: Refugees from the 'Dragon Kingdom'
Sep 14, 2012

Bhutan: Refugees from the 'Dragon Kingdom'

Since time immemorial, the land that is now Bhutan has been a nation that has limited its interaction with the outside world and discouraged immigrants. This to some extend could be attributed to the nation's tie and linkages with Tibet.

Bhutan: Sub-regional connectivity on cards
Jun 12, 2015

Bhutan: Sub-regional connectivity on cards

Ties of the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan with Nepal, Bangladesh and India stand to be boosted. Trade ties with Bangladesh are expected to be intensified with India allowing transit to Bangladesh for trade with Bhutan.

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming
Mar 22, 2013

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming

The small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, surrounded by two giant regional superpowers, India and China, is showing the world that simple resolve and strong political will can pave way for a huge change.

Bhutan: The new hub for regional cooperation
May 24, 2013

Bhutan: The new hub for regional cooperation

The little Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, owing to its strategic geographic location, is turning out to be the new hub for regional cooperation in South Asia. Bhutan's hydro-power prospects are no secret.

Bhutan: Time to deliver
Dec 27, 2013

Bhutan: Time to deliver

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck's address to the nation on the 106th National Day function held on 17 December 2013 came as a ready-reckoner for the new government at the helm of the Bhutan's affairs, when the king heavily criticised the poor implementation of policies.

Bhutan: Twenty-five years of energy cooperation with India
May 02, 2014

Bhutan: Twenty-five years of energy cooperation with India

The tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan has completed 25 years of energy cooperation with India. The idea was/is for Bhutan to facilitate Indian funding for setting up hydro-power projects in the country,

Bhutan: Where from here, 'all the king's men' ?
Nov 16, 2012

Bhutan: Where from here, 'all the king's men' ?

'Election fever' has descended on the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, but it is not inspired by the political class and the masses but by the State. The notification of the Election Commission on limiting the role of religion.

Biden’s choices and America’s moment of reckoning
Aug 28, 2021

Biden’s choices and America’s moment of reckoning

The US has chosen to install a terror group as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and as a departing gift, offered them an estimated $212 million worth of military aircraft, vehicles and ammunition.

Biden’s criticism of India indicative of political bargain with progressives
Jul 07, 2020

Biden’s criticism of India indicative of political bargain with progressives

In its attempt to assimilate the progressive faction of the Democratic Party, the former vice-president’s campaign is ceding ground on its promise o

Biden’s election will bring continuity for India’s military
Nov 10, 2020

Biden’s election will bring continuity for India’s military

U.S. defense cooperation with India is one thing Democratic and Republican administrations agree on.