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4498 results found

The slowdown in renewable capacity addition in India: Secular trend or cyclical flux?
May 09, 2024

The slowdown in renewable capacity addition in India: Secular trend or cyclical flux?

Recent headlines show India's renewable energy, especially solar, is slowing despite optimism. The government's coal focus hints at a shift.

The South Korean elections: Another round of political logjam?
Apr 18, 2024

The South Korean elections: Another round of political logjam?

The victory of the Opposition party in the recent South Korean elections will force the President to focus more on the domestic agenda than on foreign

The spirit of ‘compromis à la belge’
Jan 10, 2024

The spirit of ‘compromis à la belge’

As the country that hosts the EU institutions with Brussels known as the EU’s de facto capital, Belgium has been instrumental in the EU’s evolutio

The Sri Lankan crisis:  A saga of cheques and balances
Apr 06, 2022

The Sri Lankan crisis:  A saga of cheques and balances

Balancing both India and China to extract economic benefits came at a high cost for Sri Lanka as this strategy only postponed the inevitable economic

The state of play in Sino-Japanese relations
Jun 14, 2017

The state of play in Sino-Japanese relations

The expression "economically warm and politically cold" is perhaps very apt to characterise their relations in recent years.

The Status of Gorkhas in International Law
Jan 11, 2024

The Status of Gorkhas in International Law

This brief discusses the status of Gorkhas who have joined the Russian Army and the Wagner Group as civilians, combatants, and mercenaries. Would Gorkhas, who otherwise constitute part of the regular armed forces in the United Kingdom and India, enjoy the same status if they join an ongoing conflict without entering into any bilateral agreement between the states? If not, what will the Gorkhas' status be under the prevailing international law reg

The strategic importance of Gilgit Baltistan
Aug 24, 2016

The strategic importance of Gilgit Baltistan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reference to Balochistan, POK and Gilgit in his Independence Day speech has caused a considerable flutter in Pakistan and India.

The Taiwan Factor in the US’s Regional Posture
Dec 18, 2023

The Taiwan Factor in the US’s Regional Posture

The US has long grappled with the Taiwan issue. So far, its policy of ‘strategic ambiguity’ has deterred the use of force by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is a moot question if this policy can be sustained to counter the PRC’s assertive military posture in the Taiwan Strait. The question before the US is whether it can deter an invasion and avoid a war with the PRC, simultaneously. The PRC is determined to seek reunification an

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future
Jan 11, 2024

The Taiwanese Presidential elections could shape Asia’s future

The world will be closely watching the Taiwan election as it will play a crucial role in shaping the power dynamics in Asia

The Trump administration’s record on Southeast Asia
Sep 23, 2020

The Trump administration’s record on Southeast Asia

Regional perceptions of the US are shaped by perceptions of Trump — that of an unreliable leader and partner.

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan
May 13, 2020

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan

Despite the persistence and spread of the corona pandemic, China has managed to use cultural centres as a tool to maintain its influence and geopoliti

The U.S.-India Relationship Is the Quad’s Litmus Test
Sep 30, 2021

The U.S.-India Relationship Is the Quad’s Litmus Test

Washington and New Delhi must overcome some key differences for the group to succeed.

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties
Feb 15, 2021

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties

When the United Kingdom (UK) releases the highly anticipated integrated review of its foreign, defence, security and development policy in March, it will mark the first formal iteration of the UK’s Indo-Pacific strategy. This brief explores the dynamics that are driving the UK’s tilt to the Indo-Pacific. It identifies three key drivers that are prompting the shift: a reappraisal of China, the economic fallout of Brexit, and the UK’s close t

The Ukraine war, sanctions, and the resilient Russian economy
Feb 26, 2023

The Ukraine war, sanctions, and the resilient Russian economy

The Russian economy has shown resilience in the face of being the most sanctioned country in the world

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea
Jul 16, 2022

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea

A great power scramble for the Red Sea region is witnessed as recent geopolitical events have boosted the strategic relevance of the region.

The US-Russia tango, and the Indo-Pacific
Jan 07, 2022

The US-Russia tango, and the Indo-Pacific

Stability in Russia-US ties will alleviate pressure on India at a time when the rise of China has changed the geopolitical calculus for  the Indo-Pacific

The World Bank data manipulation controversy: A cause for worry
Nov 01, 2021

The World Bank data manipulation controversy: A cause for worry

The integrity of global financial institutions has come under scrutiny as indication of data manipulations tilted in favour of China has been uncovere

The world is in flux. Self-reliance is vital
Mar 14, 2022

The world is in flux. Self-reliance is vital

Trusted connectivity, diversified sources of materials, and resilient financial and trading arrangements have become a strategic imperative for India

The world shouldn’t save the belt and road
May 02, 2019

The world shouldn’t save the belt and road

China doesn’t have the money to fulfill its infrastructure-building ambitions. That doesn’t mean the West should pay up.

The Xi-Biden virtual summit: A gamechanger?
Nov 16, 2021

The Xi-Biden virtual summit: A gamechanger?

The virtual summit between Biden and China might define the new policy shift that will govern US-China relations in the coming days

The year ends, but the chaos may just be beginning
Dec 31, 2014

The year ends, but the chaos may just be beginning

2014 by far has been the most chaotic year in international politics, since the end of the Cold War. The Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East threaten to upturn borders settled for close to a century. Europe is in the throes of an unexpected tussle with Moscow. In the South and East China seas, China's aggressiveness is too clear now to be ignored.

The Year That Exposed Chinese Vulnerabilities
Dec 15, 2023

The Year That Exposed Chinese Vulnerabilities

Xi seems to have overplayed his hand, leading to a significant realignment, resulting in a pushback at a time when his governance style has come under scrutiny

The ‘QuadFather’: The Legacy of Shinzo Abe and the Quad
Aug 16, 2023

The ‘QuadFather’: The Legacy of Shinzo Abe and the Quad

Before the rise of Xi Jinping—before the Beijing Olympics and the South China Sea tensions and the China-India border crisis—the late former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had already sensed that a rising China would pose daunting challenges to its neighbours and the regional order. This brief argues that without Abe, there would likely have been no ‘Quad’ grouping joining Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. His re

There is an absence of a strategic mindset: Ex-NSA
Nov 18, 2015

There is an absence of a strategic mindset: Ex-NSA

India's former National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan thinks that challenges posed by the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor were far greater, as it directly impinged on India's sovereignty and security. He feels that this is a far graver issue than the India-China border dispute.

There is an answer to Modi’s enigma on Galwan
Jun 24, 2020

There is an answer to Modi’s enigma on Galwan

Modi’s efforts appear prescient, but the answers to the questions he posed remain equally elusive. How do you maintain stability on a border that h

Three to tango
May 07, 2013

Three to tango

Nepal Maoist leader Prachanda's proposal for trilateral cooperation between Nepal, India and China is his big idea. But his geopolitical epiphany could soon be a forgotten footnote if India and China can?t find ways to ensure peace and tranquility on their long and contested boundary.

Tiananmen Revisited
Apr 05, 2004

Tiananmen Revisited

June 4th was the fifteenth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Incident. In 1989, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was widely reviled for its violent handling of peaceful student protests. The crackdown prompted stringent political censure of the CCP by the international community and economic sanctions were imposed against China.

Tibet in focus: Congressional Dharamshala visit signals new pressure points
Jun 29, 2024

Tibet in focus: Congressional Dharamshala visit signals new pressure points

Washington's recent visit to Dharamshala is motivated by its commitment to democratic values and support for freedom, as well as China's increasing ho

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?
May 01, 2024

TikTok’s geopolitical dilemma: Which values, whose interests?

The TikTok issue between the US and China is not a battle of values but part of a bigger war for geopolitical, geoeconomic, and geotechnological domin

Time for Delhi and Jakarta to get serious
Dec 12, 2016

Time for Delhi and Jakarta to get serious

Smaller states in the region are now looking to India to act as a balancer in view of China's growing influence and PM Modi must make the most of President Jokowi's arrival by getting serious

Time for hard questions on Sino-Indian relationship's future
May 21, 2013

Time for hard questions on Sino-Indian relationship's future

India and China must bilaterally develop a substantial conversation on the cutting edge of global governance issues, including issues of the global commons like climate change, water, health and medicine, and Asian security architecture, as well as issues of space and proliferation, of rules and mechanisms of economic governance, and on new arenas of maritime and ocean governance.

Time for Pax Indica?
Jun 19, 2024

Time for Pax Indica?

In his third term, He should take a proactive approach to peacemaking, like Norway & Switzerland. This will help India better mangae its external environment.

Time to move on
Oct 28, 2020

Time to move on

Beijing’s aggression has made India’s diffidence about alignment obsolete

Time to restate the organising principles of BRICS
Jun 12, 2017

Time to restate the organising principles of BRICS

The text of the speech delivered by ORF Vice President Samir Saran at the inauguration of the 9th BRICS Academic Forum in Fuzhou, China.

Time to rethink differences between neighbours across Himalayas
Oct 31, 2013

Time to rethink differences between neighbours across Himalayas

For those who see the India-China relationship as one of the key partnerships of this century, what is most disappointing is the lack of ambition in the agenda for the conversations. The two countries now need to be bold and creative in what they do together.

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’
May 20, 2024

To Stay or To Go: Decoding Chinese Enterprises’ ‘India Dilemma’

In recent years, India has become a hot investment destination for Chinese companies. While Chinese investments in India have come under greater scrutiny following the 2020 Galwan incident, this has done little to reverse Chinese enterprises’ strong appetite for the Indian market. At the same time, Beijing is increasingly concerned that in their rush to capitalise on the Indian market, Chinese companies are embracing the ‘Make in India’ pol

To what extent will coronavirus outbreak rewire global trade dynamics?
Mar 03, 2020

To what extent will coronavirus outbreak rewire global trade dynamics?

Unless mainland China somehow manages a swift recovery, historians of globalisation will view this moment as a watershed