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1768 results found

Death sentence for Kulbhushan Jadhav: A Pakistani provocation
Apr 11, 2017

Death sentence for Kulbhushan Jadhav: A Pakistani provocation

In the 21st century, civilised countries do not sentence spies to death except in war time.

Debt ad Infinitum: Pakistan’s Macroeconomic Catastrophe
May 31, 2023

Debt ad Infinitum: Pakistan’s Macroeconomic Catastrophe

This paper dissects the causes behind Pakistan’s ongoing economic crisis. The causes include dwindling forex reserves, the phenomenon of ‘galloping inflation’, a falling Pakistani Rupee, uncompetitive and undiversified export basket, burgeoning external debt, lack of fiscal prudence, debt distress, and a worsening business environment—all cascading to a balance of payment crisis. While austerity measures, appeals for loan rollover to debt

Deciphering China-Pakistan naval exercises in the Indian Ocean
Nov 20, 2023

Deciphering China-Pakistan naval exercises in the Indian Ocean

Pakistan’s maritime strategy in the Indian Ocean pivots around engagement with China. But the strategy also has a diplomatic dimension that should n

Deconstructing Pakistan's Command and Control ? Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Oct 13, 2014

Deconstructing Pakistan's Command and Control ? Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Development and production of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) by Pakistan has increased the level of tensions in South Asia, though it has, in an attempt to ease global concerns over its development of TNWs, has assured that its top leadership will continue to have complete control over its TNWs if deployed.

Defying the Odds: Pakistan’s coronavirus story
Sep 29, 2020

Defying the Odds: Pakistan’s coronavirus story

The virus has affected over 25 million people across 213 countries. Governments and citizens alike have had to adapt to the crisis. Pakistan’s story

Delhi-Kabul alliance can counter Pakistan’s terror ploys
Oct 06, 2017

Delhi-Kabul alliance can counter Pakistan’s terror ploys

Abdullah’s visit to India this week saw him underscoring the growing potency of India-Afghanistan ties in his meetings with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj.

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma
Jul 21, 2018

Democracy in Pakistan goes into deep coma

The process of subverting democracy and politicians began at the beginning of Pakistan.

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?
Jun 29, 2018

Did surgical strikes really deter Pakistan?

The relatively small tactical operation did not meet its military objective but generated spectacular political theatre. The release of the videos in the run up to the elections is further evidence of the true nature of the exercise.

Economic burdens of war on India and Pakistan
Mar 14, 2019

Economic burdens of war on India and Pakistan

The official trade between the two countries is small at $2.4 billion. It could have been many times more.

Educational reforms need of the hour to counter Taliban challenge in Pakistan
Mar 02, 2015

Educational reforms need of the hour to counter Taliban challenge in Pakistan

Saying that there is a proven link between the two types of terrorists - sectarian and Taliban -- Maj. Gen. Mahmud Durrani stresses the need for carrying out educational reforms and popularising a counter-narrative to Taliban's interpretation of Islam.

Endgame has begun for Pakistan's Military Regime
Sep 03, 2004

Endgame has begun for Pakistan's Military Regime

Pakistan is living through turbulent times and, General Musharraf, its self-styled President, is under tremendous pressure. The United States-led anti-terrorism campaign in Afghanistan has shaken Pakistan's polity like no other event in its troubled history.

Engaging Pakistan through the SAARC
Dec 03, 2014

Engaging Pakistan through the SAARC

SAARC remains the only viable vehicle for South Asian integration, a project vital for India because a viable South Asian economy is a necessary pre-condition for our ability to engage effectively with ASEAN and China. And when we look at SAARC, the key hurdle it must overcome is the India-Pakistan problem.

Enhanced bilateral cooperation will help both India and Pakistan: Experts
Jul 30, 2013

Enhanced bilateral cooperation will help both India and Pakistan: Experts

India and Pakistan can reap multiple benefits from an enhanced cooperation on the economic and energy fronts, according to experts at a recent conference at Observer Research Foundation.

Epaulettes and suits: Can Pakistan’s new army chief reorient its political character?
Dec 12, 2022

Epaulettes and suits: Can Pakistan’s new army chief reorient its political character?

The interrelationship between the troika—president, prime minister and the army chief—impairs Pakistan’s political system

Escalate to deter the Pakistan army
May 05, 2017

Escalate to deter the Pakistan army

It is the fear of escalation, which the Pakistan army has masked behind bombastic threats, that India needs to exploit.

Escalating tension is not good for either India or Pakistan
Oct 29, 2014

Escalating tension is not good for either India or Pakistan

The tensions between India and Pakistan have to be seriously examined and ways and means to bring back normalcy should be worked out and implemented. India stands to lose much more if terrorist organisations are deployed in various cities in the country at a time of Pakistan's choice.

Examining Pakistan Army's new doctrine
Jan 04, 2013

Examining Pakistan Army's new doctrine

Pakistan Army recently declared adopting a new doctrine of war fighting, termed sub-conventional warfare, in its policy document, the Green Book. The book, published at regular intervals, is a manual of new doctrines and guidelines which the GHQ distributes among senior military officials.

Failure divides Pakistan
Sep 28, 2005

Failure divides Pakistan

Pakistan President, General Pervez Musharraf, has never been as much under the threat of elimination through a coup or a bullet as he is today. There is no doubt that he faces extreme danger from some of the vicious terrorist and extremist groups, most of whom he had helped grow powerful in today's Pakistan.

Fighting to farming: Pakistan military’s relentless quest for relevance
May 22, 2024

Fighting to farming: Pakistan military’s relentless quest for relevance

The Army seeks to maximise its fortunes and further consolidate its business empire by venturing into agriculture, but this financial obsession could

Floods in Pakistan- An Assessment
Aug 13, 2010

Floods in Pakistan- An Assessment

The devastating floods in Pakistan have not only destroyed lives and property across the country but also seriously undermined the civilian government's reputation among the people.

For Pakistan, China is the new America
Feb 20, 2019

For Pakistan, China is the new America

Pakistan is now deeply in hock to China. From weapon systems to economic bailouts, to diplomatic support in various international fora, China is Pakis

Forgotten promises: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Jun 15, 2023

Forgotten promises: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Pakistan's involvement in CPEC has led to impractical projects heavily reliant on foreign loans, worsening the country's economic difficulties

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh
Jul 27, 2005

From Pakistan to Sharm El-Sheikh

Tantalising tit-bits of information relating to the links between jihadi terrorists in Pakistan and Egypt and in Egypt and the UK have been given in an editorial on the Sharm el-Sheikh blasts carried by the "Daily Times", the prestigious daily of Lahore, on July 25,2005. The editorial titled "Terrorist Link Between Egypt and Pakistan " makes the following salient points:

Ghost war: Is Pakistan's 'war on terror' genuine?
Aug 05, 2011

Ghost war: Is Pakistan's 'war on terror' genuine?

The recent terrorist attacks in China's Xinjiang and the involvement of terrorist camps operating in Waziristan and nearby areas have raised serious questions about Pakistan's commitment to battle terrorist groups.

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert

Peaceful relations with Pakistan is a prerequisite to India’s domestic stability and its quest for great power status.

God, guns, and the ballot box: The decline of religio-political parties in Pakistan
Jul 01, 2024

God, guns, and the ballot box: The decline of religio-political parties in Pakistan

Religio-political parties in Pakistan's recent general elections increased their presence and attempted to shed their conservative image, but this did

Grave concerns about Pakistan
Feb 25, 2010

Grave concerns about Pakistan

A roundtable discussion at Observer Research Foundation was held on January 25 2010 to discuss the internal dynamics of Pakistan

Has Pakistan started losing the hybrid war in Kashmir?
Dec 05, 2018

Has Pakistan started losing the hybrid war in Kashmir?

Pakistan’s desperation to expand terrorism to Punjab, as was evident in the recent blast in Amritsar, indicates that they are beginning to realise t

Heart of Asia summit: India, Afghanistan team to isolate Pakistan on terror
Dec 03, 2016

Heart of Asia summit: India, Afghanistan team to isolate Pakistan on terror

As Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani arrives in India on Saturday for the Heart of Asia (HoA) ministerial conference in Amritsar, India's Afghan policy is becoming more robust.

How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan
Feb 01, 2019

How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan

Even a flawed Afghan government will be better than the Taliban rule, but the US appears to accept any deal in a hurry to get its "boots on the ground" out of Afghanistan.

How does India's launched K-4 stack up against Pakistan, China?
Feb 01, 2017

How does India's launched K-4 stack up against Pakistan, China?

Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the K-4 will be an intermediate range submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM).

How Imran Khan unveiled the Oxonian version of Pakistani 'Islamofascism'
Aug 04, 2020

How Imran Khan unveiled the Oxonian version of Pakistani 'Islamofascism'

In the last two years, Imran Khan has proved to be a miserable failure who has in many ways turned the clock back for Pakistan.

How Imran's version of Pakistan is capitulating before its clerics
Nov 13, 2018

How Imran's version of Pakistan is capitulating before its clerics

Welcome to Naya Pakistan – just like the Purana Pakistan.

How India deals with Pakistan and China
Jun 02, 2011

How India deals with Pakistan and China

It might be interesting to analyse our diplomatic handling of China and Pakistan on a comparative basis. These two countries pose the most difficult and complex foreign policy challenges to us. Is our approach to both countries similar, or there are differences in the way we engage them?

How Pakistan is splitting from deep within
Apr 14, 2018

How Pakistan is splitting from deep within

Regardless of whether the current political engineering succeeds or fails, Pakistan could end up paying a heavy price.

How radicalised is Pakistan Army?
Sep 20, 2007

How radicalised is Pakistan Army?

How radicalised is Pakistan Army today? was the question which formed the focal point of an intense discussion organised by Observer Research Foundation on September 20. Well-known academics, journalists, experts and military officers attended the discussion which was chaired by Mr Vikram Sood, Vice President (International Affairs), ORF and former chief of Research & Analysis Wing.

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup
Jan 05, 2022

Hubris, Biases, and Overlearning: A Historical Analysis of How India Missed Pakistan’s Nuclear Coup

Intelligence agencies are prone to exaggerate an adversary’s capabilities. Indian intelligence in the mid-1970s, meanwhile, severely underestimated Pakistan’s nuclear cunning. For a crucial part of those years, India could not identify AQ Khan’s clandestine nuclear activities to acquire Uranium enrichment technology. This brief names three reasons: hubris, biases, and overlearning from one’s experiences. For New Delhi, this is as much a p

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan
Jul 11, 2011

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan

The furore generated in Pakistan over the al-Qaeda chief, Osama Bin Laden's death in 'Operation Geronimo' by the US forces is symptomatic of Pakistan's dilemma in the 'war against terror'.

Hybrid Pakistan
Mar 19, 2024

Hybrid Pakistan

India will be in no hurry to do business with its new management. Onus of rapprochement lies with Pakistan.