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645 results found

Article 370: Ushering in the new normal
Aug 10, 2020

Article 370: Ushering in the new normal

Even those who had built their careers around the old institutional framework seems to have adjusted to the ‘new normal’ where the real stakeholde

As crude drones change the nature of terror, India needs to prepare better
Jul 02, 2021

As crude drones change the nature of terror, India needs to prepare better

The fact that drones made from scrap and duct-tape carrying improvised explosive devices are able to damage conventional aircraft on ground, worth millions of dollars, brought forward a new set of challenges for defence policymakers

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy
Sep 23, 2013

As India and Islamabad unite on peace, it's time to put our faith in diplomacy

Now that BJP PM candidate Narendra Modi is approaching what could possibly be the pinnacle of his career, the last thing he wants is to box himself in by his own rhetoric. It is for this reason that in his Haryana speech, he also invoked Atal Bihari Vajpayee's policy, which used the Kargil crisis to get the world community to pin down Pakistan on avoiding the use of violence in relation to Kashmir.

Assessing Modi government’s decisions
Sep 10, 2019

Assessing Modi government’s decisions

Prime Minister Narendra Modi must be assessed by the success or failure of his major decisions that have been taken since he assumed power in May 2014

Been there, done that
Jul 14, 2015

Been there, done that

Twenty-five uninterrupted years of mostly weak coalition governments at the Centre may have closed political options in Jammu and Kashmir, but now that we have a majority government in New Delhi, decisions may be easier.

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security
Apr 12, 2019

Between the lines: How the BJP and Congress manifestos hold up on national security

Against the backdrop of the Pulwama suicide bombing and the Balakot air-strikes, national security has acquired a political salience that it might not have otherwise. This is reflected in the manifestos of both the main national parties, the BJP and the Congress.

Bin Laden: The Nemesis Ahead
Oct 19, 2004

Bin Laden: The Nemesis Ahead

There was a massacre of hundreds of Shias of Gilgit in the Northern Areas (NA) of Pakistan (before 1947 called the Northern Areas of Jammu & Kashmir) in 1988 following a demand raised by them for the creation of an autonomous Shia state to be called the Karakoram State, consisting of the Shia majority areas of the NA, Punjab and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Building bridges, fostering peace:  J&K's new DGP connects with the public
Feb 28, 2024

Building bridges, fostering peace: J&K's new DGP connects with the public

The continued collaboration between various stakeholders is crucial to effectively foster trust and maintain peace in the Valley.

Calling the intransigent bully's bluff
Aug 12, 2016

Calling the intransigent bully's bluff

Pakistan who always exhibited the tactics of an intransigent bully and every time the Commission bowed to her intransigence.

Change of regime in Pakistan: Revival of India–Pakistan relations?
Apr 21, 2022

Change of regime in Pakistan: Revival of India–Pakistan relations?

Would India–Pakistan relations witness an upswing under the newly formed government of Shehbaz Sharif?

Checkmating Musharraf's plan
Nov 24, 2004

Checkmating Musharraf's plan

President Pervez Musharraf has a number of reasons to be unhappy with India. It took only a few hours for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to dismiss the General's seemingly well-crafted and cleverly worded war-game plans for Greater Kashmir. The General's idea was simple.

Coming a full circle in J&K
Nov 29, 2018

Coming a full circle in J&K

Governor’s rule will end next month, a spell of President’s rule may be next

Community policing as a tool for internal security Management - Part 1
Jun 02, 2022

Community policing as a tool for internal security Management - Part 1

This two-part series examines the importance of community policing and how it can be useful in dealing with India’s internal security challenges.

Countering Pakistan's jihad against India
Sep 24, 2016

Countering Pakistan's jihad against India

From the time of independence, Pakistan's leaders have treated India as a Permanent Enemy. It exhibits its policy through jihad.

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK
May 12, 2017

CPEC betokens China's search for lebensraum in Pakistan and PoK

Not only would CPEC run roughshod over the sacred Panchsheel principle of "mutual respect", it would also destroy any chance of a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

Create a social contract between the state and its most alienated citizens
Sep 02, 2019

Create a social contract between the state and its most alienated citizens

Modi must preserve the dignity of the ordinary Kashmiri. This is what he will be judged by.

Dealing with the next Uri — or Mumbai
Sep 21, 2016

Dealing with the next Uri — or Mumbai

Even if India is unable to respond to the Uri attack, there is still time for the Modi government to recover.

Dealing with violent civil protests in India
Apr 22, 2017

Dealing with violent civil protests in India

The citizens’ right to protest is a pillar of Indian democracy. While citizens are allowed to peacefully assemble, however, protests and demonstrations sometimes take a violent turn; recent examples are the Jat protests in Haryana and the Kashmir unrest following the death of militant leader Burhan Wani, both in 2016. During such occasions, it is the prerogative of the Indian state to deal with the violent civil protests in a manner that ensure

Death of the last Bin Laden?
Aug 03, 2019

Death of the last Bin Laden?

If indeed Hamza Bin Laden is dead, the succession battle within Al Qaeda could get muddled.

Demilitarisation of Siachen
Apr 09, 2006

Demilitarisation of Siachen

Indo-Pak rapprochement has been stuck in a rut for some time with Pakistan insisting on tangible progress on Kashmir and India reiterating that it is necessary to first build confidence by resolving relatively less intractable problems.

Despite improvement in situation, the Government of India should tread cautiously in J&K
Jul 31, 2019

Despite improvement in situation, the Government of India should tread cautiously in J&K

Although statistics and the mood on the ground do reflect considerable progress, bringing normalcy back to the Valley remains an elusive goal.

Fai's ISI connections: Few implications
Aug 01, 2011

Fai's ISI connections: Few implications

The activities of Ghulam Nabi Fai of the Kashmiri American Council, which became public after his arrest, show how vulnerable the India-Pakistan engagement could be to Pakistan Army?s dogged pursuit of anti-India policies.

Fog of War: A first glimpse of wartime information operations
Mar 01, 2019

Fog of War: A first glimpse of wartime information operations

Information operations have long been Pakistan’s preferred tool to execute and supplement its hybrid warfare in Jammu and Kashmir.

Follow the money
Jul 08, 2019

Follow the money

The NIA raids have had a salutary effect, but a lot more needs to be done to shut down the funding networks and penalise and reduce to penury of the conflict entrepreneurs.

For power-starved J&K, is transfer of hydro power projects from NHPC to State a solution?
Aug 17, 2018

For power-starved J&K, is transfer of hydro power projects from NHPC to State a solution?

The enlarged footprint of projects in J&K, with one third of its installed capacity being in J&K has earned the NHPC the local sobriquet of th

G7 Summit | Modi and Trump meet in the shadow of subcontinent’s changing geopolitics
Aug 26, 2019

G7 Summit | Modi and Trump meet in the shadow of subcontinent’s changing geopolitics

Donald Trump’s engagement with the Kashmir issue has a lot to do with his need to secure Pakistan’s backing for his Afghanistan policy.

General' Hafiz Saeed
Dec 01, 2009

General' Hafiz Saeed

Lashkar, with its vast network of trained jihadis, commanders and training infrastructure, is Pakistan Army's key strategic instrument in keeping terrorism active in Kashmir and other parts of India

General's losing battle
Dec 07, 2005

General's losing battle

There are developments taking place in the quake affected Pakistan occupied Kashmir that need to be closely watched by both the Indian authorities and the Western world. The first is the failure of the Pakistan army and its associated institutions to provide relief to the millions of quake affected people in Kashmir under its occupation.

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert
Mar 10, 2018

Giving ‘complete autonomy’ to military not good for either India or Pakistan: Expert

Peaceful relations with Pakistan is a prerequisite to India’s domestic stability and its quest for great power status.

Going beyond Article 370?
Nov 24, 2003

Going beyond Article 370?

The All Party Hurriyat Conference¿s rather studied acceptance of the Centre¿s offer of talks while welcome should also add to the seriousness of the peace process in Jammu and Kashmir. While distancing Pakistan from a process that had been trilateral in the past formulations of the Hurriyat, the current round would expect the Centre to go beyond traditional pulse-feeling, and gestures.

Governance issues to blame for alienation in J&K, says expert
Oct 13, 2016

Governance issues to blame for alienation in J&K, says expert

J&K is a fractured state estranged from the rest of the nation constitutionally, Article 370 elevates the state in the scheme of Indian federalism,

Great power berserk: Fair is foul, foul is fair
Jul 27, 2012

Great power berserk: Fair is foul, foul is fair

Has New Delhi forgotten its breast beating against cross-border terrorism in Kashmir atleast since 1989? How will it ever raise that issue again having voted along with the west which stands for cross border terrorism by US, France, UK, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey against Syria?

Has Mehbooba Mufti run out of ideas to deal with J&K?
Aug 29, 2016

Has Mehbooba Mufti run out of ideas to deal with J&K?

It is clear that the CM Mehbooba Mufti has run out of ideas to deal with the situation in J&K and is looking for a way out from New Delhi.

How the events of 2016 paved way for eventual abrogation of Article 370
Aug 12, 2019

How the events of 2016 paved way for eventual abrogation of Article 370

Some roots lie in July 2016, when the Valley erupted following the gunning down of terrorist Burhan Wani.

Human Rights and US Foreign Policy: Implications for India and China
Apr 28, 2021

Human Rights and US Foreign Policy: Implications for India and China

Human rights issues have been a cornerstone of US foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. This paper examines Washington’s human rights focus on India and China under former President Donald Trump, and identifies trends under the current Joe Biden administration. The paper notes an emergent US bipartisan approach to refocus on Beijing’s human rights record following a period of policy dissonance owing to concerns to protect its economic

Hybrid Pakistan
Mar 19, 2024

Hybrid Pakistan

India will be in no hurry to do business with its new management. Onus of rapprochement lies with Pakistan.

If talks and terror can’t go together, neither can trade and terror
Mar 29, 2024

If talks and terror can’t go together, neither can trade and terror

Pakistan may want to normalise relations by bifurcating their “India policy” from their “Kashmir policy”, but this is no longer acceptable to

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world
Aug 16, 2014

Incubation space for terror groups in Bangladesh a worry for the world

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, which is threatened by the formation of the Narendra Modi government in Delhi, have been reactivating networks of LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammad in Kashmir since May/June 2013.

India - A counterweight to the rise of China
Sep 17, 2014

India - A counterweight to the rise of China

China has a somewhat limited aim to keep India as a neutral in their real battle that for pre-eminence in East Asia, where they are pitted against the Japan-US combine. India has no real stakes in the conflict, and it is not as if Japan supports the Indian position on our borders with China or Jammu & Kashmir. Yet, New Delhi needs to handle the issue with a great deal of care.

India and Israel's counterterror experiences and the idea of ‘defeating’ terror groups
Mar 06, 2024

India and Israel's counterterror experiences and the idea of ‘defeating’ terror groups

Even with the hierarchical decapitation of Hamas by Israel, it is likely that the group would resurface in another avatar

India and Pakistan have lost control of the narrative
Feb 28, 2019

India and Pakistan have lost control of the narrative

As long as both sides focus on reassuring their domestic constituencies rather than contradicting each other’s version of events, the chances of conflict are paradoxically lower. The problem is that in this crisis like any other, facts inevitably intrude.

India and Russia share an evergreen relationship of trust and confidence
Sep 14, 2019

India and Russia share an evergreen relationship of trust and confidence

Indian envoy to Russia, Ambassador D. Bala Venkatesh Varma, discusses Indo-Russia ties and the recently concluded Modi-Putin Summit in Vladivostok. Th

India desperately needs ‘hurriyat’ from the Hurriyat
Jun 26, 2019

India desperately needs ‘hurriyat’ from the Hurriyat

There’s no evidence that the All Parties Hurriyat Conference has severed its ties with Pakistan or renounced separatism.