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12492 results found

India is for global, broad-based internet architecture: Minister
Sep 03, 2015

India is for global, broad-based internet architecture: Minister

India supports freedom of speech and expression in Internet. But, security is equally important to India, and terrorism is a huge problem. Therefore, a secure architecture should recognise the role that the state can play, says the Indian Minister for Communication and Technology.

India is ill-prepared for the changing dynamics in Afghanistan
Feb 16, 2019

India is ill-prepared for the changing dynamics in Afghanistan

India has a range of interests to protect in Afghanistan. For far too long New Delhi’s reliance on Washington’s role as a security provider has been its major vulnerability.

India is in a higher orbit with the launch of GSLV Mk III
Jun 07, 2017

India is in a higher orbit with the launch of GSLV Mk III

The launch is certainly a major mark on India’s space programme, offering an appropriate closing to a tumultuous period in ISRO’s history.

India is not a bystander in the AUKUS saga
Sep 25, 2021

India is not a bystander in the AUKUS saga

Observers in New Delhi profess mixed feelings — some joy for Australia, but more commiseration with France

India is not the only country wanting more influence in the Central Asian region
Jun 09, 2017

India is not the only country wanting more influence in the Central Asian region

India’s growing interests in Central Asia are well recognised.

India is right to engage with China. But it has sent out signals of displeasure
Oct 11, 2019

India is right to engage with China. But it has sent out signals of displeasure

If Xi does not mend fences, Delhi will continue to frame policies assuming the worst about Beijing’s intentions

India is still healing – growth momentum to follow
Dec 06, 2021

India is still healing – growth momentum to follow

The government has to choose in a trade-off between nurturing medium-term growth via cheap credit and compromising the political present if inflation

India is still losing to China in the border infrastructure war
Oct 01, 2018

India is still losing to China in the border infrastructure war

Unless India accelerates the pace of the physical border infrastructure build-up, New Delhi will face serious difficulties in any future confrontation with China.

India is the bigger victim
Aug 30, 2010

India is the bigger victim

The Jammu and Kashmir problem has imposed heavy political, diplomatic and military costs on India for the last 63 years. It has excessively conditioned our external relations, with much of our diplomacy occupied over the years with explaining to other countries our position on J&K, warding off criticism,

India is waking up from nuclear energy dream
Apr 01, 2019

India is waking up from nuclear energy dream

Around the world, nuclear energy has taken a back seat because of the risks that reactors bring with them.

India is — and will remain — a growth story in the foreseeable future
Sep 10, 2018

India is — and will remain — a growth story in the foreseeable future

Standing on the foundations of growth and its future potential, some economies are more vulnerable — and some more valuable — than others. India stands on the valuable stack.

India Joins the Afghan Peace Negotiations
Mar 26, 2021

India Joins the Afghan Peace Negotiations

Long sidelined by Islamabad, Moscow, and Beijing, New Delhi is finally taking a seat at the table.

India Launches 3rd Arihant Submarine
Jan 07, 2022

India Launches 3rd Arihant Submarine

The naval arm of the nuclear triad is especially significant for India given its no-first use (NFU) nuclear posture.

India leads: Two to Tango with in 2023
Oct 06, 2022

India leads: Two to Tango with in 2023

India is assuming the leadership of SCO and G20. While the two groupings have divergent goals, Delhi will need to ensure that the concerns of developing nations are not ignored. An assertive foreign policy that seeks to shape and steer conversations will help

India learned valuable lessons from 26/11. But so have terrorists across the border
Nov 27, 2018

India learned valuable lessons from 26/11. But so have terrorists across the border

Worse, by attacking the social fabric of the country, the Hindutva groups are laying the ground for greater insecurity in the future.

India left to fend for itself with the White House in crisis mode
Aug 09, 2017

India left to fend for itself with the White House in crisis mode

Given President Trump's personal predilections, India should also be ready to fight its own battles.

India loses Lanka plot
Mar 26, 2012

India loses Lanka plot

With India voting in favour of the anti-Sri Lanka resolution at the UN Human Rights Council, Delhi finds itself in a precarious position in Colombo vis-à-vis Beijing. Worse, it's likely to make the lives of Tamils more difficult in the island nation.

India losing its clout in South Asia
Jan 08, 2014

India losing its clout in South Asia

Beyond personalities and politics, there is one basic question we need to ask ourselves: Why even 66 years after independence, is New Delhi's influence in its region shrinking instead of expanding?

India losing its plot in the Maldives
Jun 22, 2018

India losing its plot in the Maldives

New Delhi has learnt over the years that direct intervention often comes at a price. Sometimes, it is worth playing the longer game rather.

India marginalised in backyard
Nov 27, 2013

India marginalised in backyard

India simply cannot afford to alienate the government in Male given China's growing reach. The President of Maldives was in China in October last year when Beijing announced a $500-million economic assistance for it. New Delhi views Maldives as central to the emerging strategic landscape in the Indian Ocean.

India may be upset by Australian decision on 457 visa, but shouldn’t be equally short-sighted
Apr 24, 2017

India may be upset by Australian decision on 457 visa, but shouldn’t be equally short-sighted

India and Australia are at the centre of a strategic flux in the Indo-Pacific.

India much advanced in refugee protection:  UNHCR CoM
Mar 12, 2013

India much advanced in refugee protection: UNHCR CoM

India is quite advanced in refugee protection as compared to many signatories of the 1951 Refugee Convention, according to chief of mission of the UNHCR, India. Even when refugee protection comes into odds with national security, India has managed to provide social security, education and medical security.

India must address Vietnam’s concerns in the South China Sea
Mar 04, 2018

India must address Vietnam’s concerns in the South China Sea

India must quickly come to terms with the fact that Vietnam’s concerns on the looming security crisis in the South China Sea will lead Hanoi to search for new partners.

India must adjust to the rise of China
Nov 25, 2014

India must adjust to the rise of China

India's best course is the one that Prime Minister Modi is setting. This seeks to position India as a "swing state". On one hand, India has joined the New Development Bank, the AIIB and resisted American-led efforts to condemn Russia over Ukraine. On the other, it is actively wooing the US and its allies, Japan and Australia, in the Asia Pacific region.

India must attain e-SWARAJ
May 24, 2023

India must attain e-SWARAJ

India is a sovereign nation; is it digitally sovereign, too? This paper examines the degree to which India is self-reliant in electronic hardware. After all, for a country to be self-reliant in the information age, it has to either attain indigenous capability in electronic manufacturing and services or be equipped to protect data and mitigate the threats associated with supply chain vulnerabilities. This paper refers to self-reliance in electron

India must be a regional power to realise its aspiration of becoming a global power
Sep 30, 2019

India must be a regional power to realise its aspiration of becoming a global power

The two most-important objectives of foreign policy is ‘security’ — both external and internal — and ‘economy’.

India must continue to support Hasina, but should not write off Khaleda Zia
Feb 14, 2018

India must continue to support Hasina, but should not write off Khaleda Zia

In Bangladesh, there is a growing perception of misrule by the AL government even though Hasina has done a lot for the economic and infrastructural development of the nation.

India must do a China to avoid a trade war with the US
Mar 12, 2019

India must do a China to avoid a trade war with the US

A pragmatic problem solving approach to the India-US trade spat is likely to yield New Delhi much greater dividends than an openly confrontational one

India must employ more women to drive economic recovery
Nov 24, 2020

India must employ more women to drive economic recovery

Monetising the skills of the female workforce will address gender inequality and boost the 'Make in India' campaign.

India must extend assistance to Bhutan to keep ties ‘stronger’
Sep 30, 2019

India must extend assistance to Bhutan to keep ties ‘stronger’

It is incumbent upon India to ensure that all possible assistance is being extended to the Bhutanese people.

India must keep its eye on the China Challenge in Modi’s second term
Jun 21, 2019

India must keep its eye on the China Challenge in Modi’s second term

In Modi’s second term, India needs to be pragmatic and clear-eyed about the challenge that Beijing poses for its interests.

India must lead the new energy dialogue
Dec 26, 2023

India must lead the new energy dialogue

India has demonstrated its leadership in navigating towards clean and sustainable energy. In this context, India assuming the leadership in carbon fin

India must make the most of its geopolitical sweet spot
Sep 16, 2022

India must make the most of its geopolitical sweet spot

Never before has India story looked more credible than it does today with the world in turmoil and India standing out as a beacon of hope.

India must prepare for a conflict over Taiwan
Aug 04, 2023

India must prepare for a conflict over Taiwan

India needs to consider the political and military consequences of a potential Chinese invasion of Taiwan and formulate a policy to support Taiwan's freedom

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US
Feb 20, 2020

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US

In exploring a limited deal to dampen trade tensions, India must refrain from handing Trump a political endorsement ahead of the 2020 presidential ele

India must raise its Asian Game
Jun 21, 2013

India must raise its Asian Game

For a decisive role in the region's future, India must accelerate its economic growth, build a stronger security partnership with Washington, contain the boundary dispute with China, and strengthen ties with key Asian middle powers.

India must stay in Afghanistan
Dec 06, 2011

India must stay in Afghanistan

A retreat from Afghanistan now would mean accepting the Chinese game of restricting our role to our national frontiers. The 21st Century belongs to Asia and we are an important part of that new Asia. Let us not choose a destiny that casts us aside.

India must take the lead in the AI norms race
Mar 20, 2019

India must take the lead in the AI norms race

As Beijing sets its sights on dominance of the seas, it is also working to enhance its deep sea capabilities through “intelligentised” (智能) mi

India must think of reconfiguring its ties with Russia
Feb 26, 2022

India must think of reconfiguring its ties with Russia

Through its actions in Ukraine, Russia has challenged the global order in fundamental ways and India’s foreign policy won’t be immune from its reverberations

India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy
Apr 29, 2021

India must use SDG framework to strengthen developmental diplomacy

India’s success in growing at a quick pace while keeping per capita emissions low despite its large population is a potential model for replication

India must use the period of relative calm to employ ‘smart power’ in Kashmir
May 23, 2019

India must use the period of relative calm to employ ‘smart power’ in Kashmir

A strong government that can think beyond petty political gains and strike an optimum balance between the deployment of hard and soft power is the nee

India must watch Chinese plans when opting between BBIM & BCIM
Dec 11, 2015

India must watch Chinese plans when opting between BBIM & BCIM

India is faced with choices of being part of two regional blocs: BBIN and BCIM. In both blocs, India has Bangladesh as a common partner. The prime motives for being a member of the regional blocs are essentially economic, and strategically political.

India need more domestic gas supply and a larger gas grid
Aug 04, 2014

India need more domestic gas supply and a larger gas grid

Having indicated his intention to increase gas pipeline network infrastructure by 15,000 kilometers, making it almost double existing capacity, India's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has certainly raised an intellectual argument among oil and gas stalwarts: What should be India's priority - gas or gas grid?

India need to be pro-active to strengthen relations with Bangladesh
Apr 05, 2012

India need to be pro-active to strengthen relations with Bangladesh

The fourth India-Bangladesh Security Dialogue, organised by ORF in association with the BEI, Dhaka, stressed on the need for the Indian government to be more proactive in the promotion of its ties with Bangladesh.